The Best Utopia Quotes

Ian: You're controlling the future of human civilization?
Dr. Kevin Christie: Is that what they're calling it? It's a very nice euphemism for a species that has replicated like a contagion across the planet, killing all other species in its wake. Except things that are cure, like puppies or koalas.
Wilson: Pandas.
Dr. Kevin Christie: Never in history has there been a creature begging for extinction more than the fuckin' panda. Except us.

Ian: [standing over body] You wanna say a few words?
Jessica: Sunrise. Shovel fast... .

Jessica: Is Homeland here?
Agent: I'm not Homeland. I'm home.

Jessica: Wait for me here. Ignore the screams...

Dale: They say having a child is like having your heart go walking outside your body.

Dr. Kevin Christie: [about overpopulation] At 1.7 billion, we can be as decadent, self-indulgent, and shitty as we want. At ten billion, we have to live strategically. We have to live modestly. We have to live selflessly. As as you know, we're not that good at it.

Jessica: [about his eye] Women bleed through napkins all the time. Do what we do when we aren't prepared.
Wilson: What's that?
Jessica: Suck it up and bleed.

[last lines]
Agent: I daughter's here.

Dr. Kevin Christie: I respect resolve. That's what it takes to live a worthwhile life. That's why we thought Americans might actually like our plan. It requires NO resolve. We're actually helping them not do something.