The Best Easy Quotes

Annie: So far I went on four dates.Two were bar dates, like, a drink, and then two were coffee dates.
Lucy: And how did they go?
Annie: The two bar dates... Oh, then I slept with them.
[Lucy laughs]
Annie: The two coffee - I know.
Lucy: [laughing] Oh!
Annie: That's the difference between coffee and... and a vodka.

Allison: I make work that's not dissimilar to Jacob's... I use myself and my personal life and as a narrative and, um... to bring up important ideas. Um, he uses a pen and paper and I use a selfie stick and an iPhone.

Jacob: I find that if you can not change your clothes too often and if you don't clutter your life with, you know, children, a broad swathe of people of all ages, will still gravitate to your existential plight. If you keep it selfish and keep it aggravated, that's timeless.