The Best Nashville Quotes

Rayna: [hung over] I think it was the second shot of whisky that made the third one and the forth one seem like a good idea.

Daphne: What if the judge says you go live with Deacon and I go...
Maddie: No, Daphne, listen to me, I would never let that happen.
Daphne: What if you can't stop it?

Rayna: [to the girls as she leaves for California] I need my hugs. I can't live without my hugs.

Deacon: [reporter, traveling with the band, takes a book from Deacon's hand, sits down, turns on her recorder] Oh no, your gonna get much better stories outta him than me. I mean, they're not true, but they're good.

Daphne: [about the impossibility of the custody situation] If I pick my dad, Maddie and Deacon will hate me, and if I pick Deacon, my dad will hate me.

Rayna: [to Juliette] Honey, that perfume you're wearin' is 80 proof.

Will: Can you believe this storm?
Juliette: I know, it's like even the sky is crying.

Juliette: I don't have friends. I have people who want to be seen with me.