The Best Adam Brody Quotes

[Shazam removes the Eye of Sin off Sivana, trapping the Seven Deadly Sins within it]
Shazam: Here's a thing about power. What good is power if you got nobody to share it with?
Super: Nice.
Super: Ta-da!
Super: That's disgusting.
Super: Fatality.
Super: I got the voice!
[Shazam laughs when he suddenly starts staring at the Eye of Sin]
Shazam: What's that? I can have anything I've ever wanted?
[the siblings notice Shazam placing the Eye of Sin close to his face]
Super: Billy.
Super: No, no, no!
Super: Stop it! Stop it!
Super: Don't look at that! Billy, don't do it!
[Billy laughs and points at everyone]
Shazam: Ah! You should hear yourselves!
Super: Not funny.
Shazam: What? You think I'm gonna put a demon ball in my head? That's disgusting.
Super: That's funny. That's pretty funny. You got me going.
Super: Uh... Guys.
Shazam: What?
[Shazam notices the carnival crowd applauding them]
Shazam: Oh, hey.
Super: Oh, wow.
Shazam: All right, we did it! Hey, you guys are all safe. There's no more danger anymore.

John: I realise you witnessed the Mrs. and I working through a few domestic issues. That's regrettable but don't take that to be a sign of weakness, that would be a mistake on your part.
[Jane is drumming her fingers impatiently]
John: Honey!
Jane: Wrap it up.
John: Maybe it's not such a good idea to undermine me in front of the hostage - sends a mixed message.
Jane: Sorry.
John: Girls. Where was I?
Benjamin: Mistake on your part.
John: Shut up.

Daniel: Don't take it personally, they're just trying to figure out if you're a gold digging whore. You know, like my wife.

Tony: [to Daniel] Do you think *this* is a FUCKING GAME?
Daniel: Yes, hide and seek. Remember?

John: [angry that Benjamin, tied to a chair, had blown their cover] You burn the picture after you get the assignment! It's the first thing you learn!
Benjamin: [sarcastically] Oh, I must have missed that day. Just like you missed the one about not marrying the enemy.

Benjamin: [while being interrogated and tortured by John Smith] Can I have a soda or a juice or...
Benjamin: [Jane hits him with the telephone] A! A! Option A! Ow, that hurt.
John: Ok, that was a nice shot.

Daniel: Maybe we deserve to burn
Emilie: My... KIDS DON'T!