The Best Akira Ishida Quotes

[repeated line used whenever someone says his name wrong]
Kotaro: It's not Zura, it's Katsura!

[Unit-01 grips Kaworu in its left hand]
Shinji: Kaworu-kun, why?
Kaworu: Because it's my destiny to continue to live, even if it may result in the destruction of humanity. But I can also die here. Life and death are of equal value to me. Dying of your own will. That is the one and only absolute freedom there is.
Shinji: What? Kaworu-kun, I don't understand what you're saying! Kaworu-kun...
Kaworu: And, you are not a being who should die. Your people need the future. Thank you. I'm glad I met you.
[for a long, long moment, Shinji and the EVA hold still, as Kaworu looks up at them. Then, the fist closes with a loud crush]

Kotaro: [gets called Donald Zuramp] It's not Zuramp, it's Katsura!

Kaworu: Humans constantly feel pain in their hearts. Because the heart is so sensitive to pain, humans also feel that to live is to suffer. You're so delicate, like glass, especially your heart.
Shinji: Me?
Kaworu: Yes, and you have my regard for it.
Shinji: Regard?
Kaworu: In other words, I love you.

[Kaworu: Presto, 'Ode of Joy.']
Kaworu: Singing is great. Singing enriches the soul. It's the crowning achievement of the civilization that the Lilim created. Don't you feel the same? Ikari Shinji-kun?