The Best Alex Hewitt Quotes

Sherry: I really don't think I can do this
Jack: You'll be fine: just tell him everything I told you to say
Jack: [while she dials the number] make the call
Peter: [Answering the phone] yes?
Sherry: It's Sherry Palmer, Peter
Peter: Are we on a secure line?
Sherry: Of course we are. I want the tapes that you made of our conversation. I want the original DATS
Peter: And why would I agree to give you those?
Sherry: Because I'll give you Alex Hewitt in return
Peter: You found Hewitt?
Sherry: That's right
Peter: Where is he?
Sherry: Don't insult my intelligence. Agree to the exchange, and then you can do whatever you want with him
Peter: I want to talk to him
Sherry: You'll have to hold on, my body guard has him restrained in the next room
Sherry: [while Jack plays an audio recording of Hewitt] alright Alex, you can talk
Alex: "Mr. Kingsley, it's not what you think, they came in here with guns and threatened to kill me. I didn't tell them anything about you, I swear"
Peter: Who's been there? Who have you told about this?
Sherry: [after she cut off the line] Alright do we have a deal or not?
Peter: Not until I know what's going on there. Give me Alex back
Sherry: I'm not going to keep this call going so you can trace it. is it yes or no?
Peter: Look, this is an ultimatum. Put Alex back on or this conversation is ended
Sherry: You force my hand and I'll make sure Alex Hewitt tells his story to as many people as possible
Peter: This is your final chance
Sherry: Then it's goodbye Peter
Peter: [after thinking it over] fine, let's do this
Sherry: Neutral ground
Peter: Alright. LA coliseum. Thirty minutes, just you and Alex

Sherry: I know. I understand your concern but the fact remains, we both made a mistake but we're lucky because they need us. Any deal I make will include you and vice versa remember? We're in this together
Alex: Are you sure about this?
Sherry: Honey, I would never lie to you but you have to remember this one thing: I am the only one looking after your interests. No one else, I know how these work just do as I say and it'll all turn out well
Alex: [Referring to Jack standing nearby] what about him?
Sherry: Don't worry about him, I'll handle agent Bauer. It won't be a problem, his very low on the "food chain"
Alex: So if I do this, you can keep me out of jail?
Sherry: Absolutely, you'll be granted full immunity just like I promised

Jack: What're you doing?
Alex: [while typing on his computer] they took the disk that had my filter: I'll need to rebuild that file straight to process. Ok it'll have to be decompressed, it will take about twenty minutes
Jack: How's it going to work?
Alex: I'm going to make a recording for them right on the spot. Shift it around, reframe segments, they'll have the same specs as Cypress, it'll blow their minds
Jack: [Pats him on the shoulder] good
Alex: [Referring to Sherry Palmer] then I'm free to go right? That's what she said
Jack: Yes, you'll be fine
Alex: How come you're being so nice to me all of a sudden?
Jack: What'd you mean?
Alex: Ten minutes ago it was all my fault, you called me a traitor, and now it's "fine Alex"
Alex: [after noticing Jack and Sherry glance at each other] you guys are going to screw me aren't you?
Jack: We're not going to screw you
Alex: Yes you are. The minute after you made a deal you're going to "hang me out"
Jack: Calm down, we can't "hang you out", without you there's no proof
Alex: Fine, then I want it in writing. Why won't you let me have an attorney?
Jack: Because we don't have time, right now there's bombers in the air. You're going to have to trust me on this
Alex: Why? Why should I trust you?
Sherry: Maybe his right, why don't you have federal counsel to meet us wherever we're going?
Jack: Excuse me?
Sherry: It's just one phone call
Alex: [Nervously] that's right, we want federal counsel
Jack: No, I'm not trading with you. You're going to do your demonstration then I help you, that's the deal. That's it
Alex: [to Sherry, referring to Jack] I want to talk to him in private
Sherry: I told you I handled everything
Alex: Then what're you afraid of? He said I was the only one who can make this happen. I want to talk to him alone
Sherry: Ok, alright, whatever you want. I'll be over here
Jack: What's going on?
Alex: Is she trying to screw me or not?
Jack: No, she's trying to help you
Alex: Why? I mean she doesn't even know me
Jack: Maybe she thinks you were "tricked" into something you didn't fully understand. She wants to use her influence with the President to try and help you
Alex: Because she thinks I'm innocent?
Jack: Yeah, maybe
Alex: I think she likes me
Jack: [Smiles] I think she does

Jack: You took voice samples from three leaders of three Middle Eastern countries and intercut them Syed Ali's voice to create the Cypress audio
Alex: I didn't say that
Jack: Peter Kingsley paid you for it
Alex: No
Jack: You are a traitor to your own country: do you know what they're going to do to you?
Alex: I'm not. I didn't know, I swear. I already told this to Mrs. Palmer, get her in here she'll tell you
Jack: Forget about her she's not going to help you. If you tell me everything I need to know about the Cypress audio, I will do everything I can
Alex: I won't say anything until I see my lawyer
Jack: I am your lawyer, son. Those people you were working for, they thought you were going to die in the bomb blast, they're going to keep coming after you. So if you want to stay alive, you better start telling me everything I need to know
Alex: No, I'll only talk to Mrs. Palmer
Jack: Why her? How is she connected to this? How do you know her?
Alex: I just met her today, she called and said she could help me. Look, I know who she is, she's the President's ex-wife, and she's got connections high up
Jack: She can't help you now. I'm the only one who can help you
Alex: I want to talk to her
Jack: Ok, let me see what I can do