50 Best Audrey Raines Quotes

Jack: Has security found Henderson yet?
Audrey: No, he got out of the building before the lockdown: an external camera got a shot of him as he was leaving and the car he was using was found a block away. I think we've gotten what we need from him
Jack: What're you talking about?
Audrey: Chloe was able to decrypt a file from his computer, she got a name of someone connected to Bierko
Jack: [while reading her file] who's Collette Stenger?
Audrey: She's an international intelligence broker: state's secrets, intellectual property
Jack: What's her connection to Bierko?
Audrey: Interpol claims she and Bierko met at least twice in the last eight months
Jack: And if we think she helped brokered the deal, is she still in Los Angeles?
Audrey: She gave the name of a hotel to Customs but nothing to say she's actually there. Curtis is prepping a tactical team to try to bring her in

Audrey: [Over the phone, after Jack patching Jack into this conversation] I'm on the phone with a man who claims to be "James Nathanson." he was Walt Cummings' contact: he says he has information about the terrorists but he'll only talk to you
Jack: Why me?
James: You can hang up now Ms. Raines: my phone has a node monitor, I'll know if anyone else comes on this line
Audrey: Jack?
Jack: [to Audrey] It's alright, hang up the phone
Jack: [to James] What'd you want with me?
James: Protection. The terrorists your after are trying to kill me
Jack: The terrorists figured out you're the one who rigged the canisters, the Sentox will blow up in their faces, what'd you need me for? Just turn yourself into the authorities, they'll protect you
James: Walt Cummings isn't the only one in this operation who works inside the government, I need your help
Jack: You conspired to have me take the fall for the assassination: what makes you think I'm not going to kill you myself?
James: Because you want to stop the Sentox nerve gas from being released on US soil, so do I
Jack: Where are you?
James: There a phone booth on the south side of Mort Park, just east of Densmore, be there in ten minutes or I'll be gone

Audrey: I just heard about the recording: has it really been destroyed?
Jack: President Logan managed to get to it
Audrey: My God
Jack: We have a more "immediate" problem
Audrey: Bierko, I heard he escaped. That's why I came back out here, I was thinking I could help. Why is Henderson coming out of holding?
Jack: We're using him to help us find Bierko. Karen made a deal, she gave him immunity
Audrey: What? How could you let this happen? You know what that man has done
Jack: We didn't have a choice: Bierko is our number one priority, we know his planning another attack, without Henderson's help, we won't find him

Audrey: [Over the speakerphone as Bill stands nearby] DOD just concluded a briefing with Russian intelligence, we were given a name: Vladimir Bierko. He made billions in the post soviet economy, in weapons and oil, he bankrolled several underground radical publications promoting the separatist cause but it's believed his more than just a sympathizer
President: The Russians thinks his financing these attacks?
Audrey: They think his directing these attacks himself
President: Based on what?
Audrey: A number of communications that were intercepted by the Russian Security Force supported by the fact that Bierko vanished from Russia three months ago
Bill: We posted Bierko's profile to the interagency servers: Homeland Security has issued an emergency brief to all local law enforcement
President: Do you think there's any hope of finding him before the attack on Tyler Memorial Hospital?
Bill: The most promising lead is a man named Christopher Henderson. Unfortunately, he escaped: Jack Bauer believes there may be files on his computer that could lead us to Bierko. His trying to acquire those files now Sir
President: Let's hope he succeeds, the country's already suffered three devastating attacks today. We need to stop this madman

Edgar: [Meeting privately] what're you doing here Chloe?
Chloe: Same thing you're doing
Audrey: Edgar, thank you for coming
Edgar: Look, whatever this is about, I don't have a lot time: we don't have a single active lead on this nerve gas
Audrey: That's not exactly true. Jack is following a lead out in the field
Edgar: How do you know?
Audrey: I just spoke with him
Edgar: Everyone's looking for him. Lynn issued an arrest warrant
Chloe: That's why we wanted to talk to you Edgar: Lynn is losing it. First he went after Jack, and then he took Bill Buchanan out of play
Audrey: [to Edgar] Lynn is incapable of leading us through this crisis
Edgar: So you're both working behind his back?
Audrey: We're afraid if we bring him into this, we might derail the only good lead we have. We have to help Jack locate the nerve gas before it's too late
Edgar: What'd you want from me?
Audrey: Cover for Chloe until Jack reports back
Audrey: [after seeing Edgar hesitating] please
Edgar: Ok
Audrey: Thank you

Audrey: What's happening?
Jack: The person gave the recording to, just boarded a plane at Van Nuys Airfield
Audrey: Why aren't you going now?
Jack: I'll go as soon as Curtis gets here: his not far
Audrey: I'll be fine until then
Jack: I'm not leaving you here alone
Audrey: If you don't get that recording, my father will have died for nothing
Audrey: [after Jack is silent] Jack... for me
Jack: Henderson is secure: when he regains consciousness. I don't want you to go anywhere near him, you don't talk to him, you understand me?
Audrey: I understand
Jack: [after placing his gun next to her] we have to assume his people are still looking for him. They're going to be monitoring all non-VPN cell traffic which means you can't make or receive any calls unless they come from me
Jack: [Handing her the phone] this is Wexler's cell, I got the number
Audrey: Alright
Jack: I don't feel right about this
Audrey: I'm going to be alright

Jack: [Over the phone] have you got Henderson on satellite yet?
Audrey: No, Chloe wasn't able to reposition in time
Jack: Damn it. Are you still on a secure line?
Audrey: Yes, why? What's going on?
Jack: Evelyn Martin didn't implicate Gardener: she implicated President Logan
Audrey: Oh my God, Logan? Are you sure?
Jack: She said he was responsible for everything that's happened today. Starting with providing the terrorists with the nerve gas, that's what David Palmer found out, that's why they killed him
Audrey: Are you saying President Logan ordered President Palmer's assassination?
Jack: Henderson gave the order but Evelyn says she has evidence that shows President Logan was complicit
Audrey: What kind of evidence?
Jack: She recorded a conversation earlier this morning between Henderson and Logan: she put it in a safety deposit box in a bank. We're on our way to get it now
Audrey: This city is under Martial Law
Jack: I know, I need you to upload every military checkpoint to my PDA so we can navigate our way around them
Audrey: Alright, I'll take care of that
Jack: As soon as I have the recording, we're going to have involve your father: we need someone in the government, someone creditable to present the evidence
Audrey: Alright, his on his way back from a summit in Japan, I'll call him on the plane
Jack: Ok make sure you leave CTU before you do anything
Audrey: You don't think they can be trusted?
Jack: Right now, we can't trust anyone. Logan will have every law enforcement agency, the military at his disposal, he will use them to try to stop us. Don't fill your father in on the particulars, just try and set up the meeting. I'll get back to you as soon as I have the recording
Audrey: Alright, I'll pull up the checkpoints

Paul: [while in CTU medical] oh, no don't you think about feeling sorry for me: whatever they say, I'm going to walk again
Audrey: I know you will
Paul: So, where's Jack?
Audrey: His still out in the field. He called a little while ago and wanted to know how you were doing, he knows the bullet was meant for him
Paul: I was just trying to push him out of the way. I didn't expect to get shot myself
Audrey: What you did was very, very brave

Audrey: [Walking over to his station] Michelle said you were doing a search on possible ties to Marwan, may I help?
Tony: Do you have a sign on for the Sakai server?
Audrey: In Washington?
Tony: Yeah, we're saving time if I could use it on this search
Audrey: [after typing on his computer] there you go
Tony: Thanks
Audrey: Anything else?
Tony: This should kick off a few names: you can help me write them down when it's done searching
Audrey: Ok great
Tony: So, did you tell Michelle what happened today?
Audrey: I said Jack called you
Tony: Anything else?
Audrey: Well, I didn't say you were living with anyone if that's what you mean
Tony: She probably already knows that and I'm sure she can probably care less. So how are you and Jack "ferrying" with him out in the field today?
Audrey: It's different: a lot different than Washington
Tony: Yeah it is a lot different. To tell you the truth, I couldn't believe it when I heard had taken a desk job in DC
Audrey: He said he was happier this way
Tony: Uh huh. Well, you got to see him in both worlds today, you think he'll go back to wearing a suit?
Audrey: After the hell Jack's been through today, you think he'd want to come back to this?
Tony: Some people are more comfortable in hell
Audrey: Are you talking about Jack? Or yourself?

Jack: [while interrogating her, shows her a picture] have you ever had contact with Collette Stenger?
Audrey: No
Jack: She says you provided her with information from the DOD
Audrey: I know, Bill told me, that's ridiculous and you know it: you're wasting time we don't have
Jack: I had to "ask" CTU so I can interrogate you. I have a job to do, if I don't it, Burke will and I promise you, you do not want see him walk through that door
Audrey: How and what kind of information did she say I gave her?
Jack: She said you provided her with a structural schematic of Bierko's next target
Audrey: What kind of structure?
Jack: She didn't know: she just delivered the package
Audrey: She claims that I gave her information yet she can't tell you what that information is and that's enough to make me a suspect?
Jack: Damn it, you know what this nerve gas does, they are planning another attack, we will not ignore any leads
Audrey: I have nothing to do with these terrorists
Jack: How did Collette Stenger get your name?
Audrey: I don't know. My father's the Secretary of Defense, I'm an easy target: maybe she's trying to use him or embarrass him
Jack: Is he involved?
Audrey: You know him better than that. You worked with him, he would never do anything outside the law and neither would I
Jack: [Shows her pictures of them] the two men we know that are part of the conspiracy are Walt Cummings and Christopher Henderson. Have you had any contact with these men?
Audrey: Christopher Henderson, I've never heard of him before today and Walt Cummings I met a couple times yes
Jack: Where?
Audrey: DOD briefings
Jack: That's it?
Audrey: Yes
Jack: Are you sure?
Audrey: Yes, I'm sure
Jack: [Tosses a folder in front of her] open it
Jack: [after she opens the folder] The River hotel, Pikesville, last April
Audrey: Yeah, I'm sorry, we happened to be there at the same time. We have had a drink or two together
Jack: [Raises his voice] you weren't having drinks with him. You shared a room with him, you slept with him
Audrey: Yes, I was still recovering from losing you. He had just separated from his wife and I slept with him once and I broke it off
Jack: Why'd you break it off?
Audrey: Please, it's complicated
Jack: [Yells] why did you break it off?
Audrey: Because he wasn't you
Jack: Why did you lie to me when I asked you the first time?
Audrey: Because I was afraid you'd think less of me: that you wouldn't be able to forgive me
Jack: Because you slept with someone after you thought I was dead?
Audrey: Because I slept with someone who turned out to be a traitor
Jack: Is that the only time you spent with Cummings?
Audrey: Yes
Jack: Did he ever talk to you about a terrorist attack? Or nerve gas?

Audrey: I just came from the clinic where their treating Prado for multiple injuries
Jack: What'd you expect me to do? Marwan has a nuclear warhead and his going to use it unless we find him first
Audrey: I understand the situation
Jack: Then you know what I did was absolutely necessary: at least now we know where he is
Audrey: Logan gave you a direct order not to use "extreme" interrogation measures without his authorization. Jack, you are acting against the President
Jack: I know, look I've got to go
Audrey: You can't keep working outside the law and not expect consequences
Jack: Trust me: no one understands the consequences better than me

Audrey: [Over the phone] what I'm about to tell you has to stay between us
Audrey: [after Chloe doesn't respond] it involves Jack
Chloe: What is going on? It just came on my screen that Jack's gone missing?
Audrey: His following a lead on the Sentox gas: he needed to go alone, I just transferred a phone call from my station to him. I need you to delete the record
Chloe: If Lynn finds out we're working behind his back...
Audrey: [Interrupts her] I know believe me, this is the only way, there isn't a lot of time
Chloe: When did you make the call?
Chloe: [after seeing the records] I found the transfer, I can't just dump the one call, their all cross-indexed
Audrey: Can't you unlink it?
Chloe: No, it takes like two hours. The only way to get rid of the entry is to delete the entire log: all the calls made and received today
Audrey: Do it

Audrey: Jack, you are not going to do this. You are not going to torture my brother!

Jack: [Talking privately to Michelle] I want you to uplink all current leads to a station so you and I can start working on a priority list: we might not know exactly where Marwan is but he has to be within a fifty miles radius of...
Audrey: [Walking up to them] I'm sorry to interrupt you but I just got off the phone with the Secretary of Defense and right now there's higher priority than finding Marwan
Jack: What is it?
Audrey: Recovering the Nuclear football
Michelle: Didn't it go down with Air Force One?
Audrey: Not exactly: the missile inflicted enough damage that the plane left a trail of debris as it went down. A lot of things were sucked out, including the football and there's a transponder embedded in the casing so we know exact location
Jack: Good, the retrieval team should have no problem recovering it
Audrey: The Secretary wants you to head up that team Jack
Jack: Why?
Audrey: It's his top priority: that case contains the codes and locations of our entire nuclear arsenal. Nothing is more critical than getting it back and as quickly as possible
Jack: Fine
Michelle: [to Jack, before walking away] I'll mobilize your team and mobilize the units
Jack: Thanks
Jack: What's the location of the football?
Audrey: Forty miles east of here in the desert

James: So this Marianne Taylor "claims", she has to access the file personally?
Curtis: Yes
James: And you believe her?
Curtis: I'm not sure: the polygraph indicates she's telling the truth but in my opinion, she maybe a sociopath
James: Are you a psychologist?
Curtis: No but I've had dealings with her before
James: Dealings that might affect your judgment?
Curtis: No
James: Well, we have to check it out: the question is how
Erin: I can spare an operative from the cyber unit and security team
James: [to Audrey] what'd you think?
Audrey: I think Curtis should go
Erin: I need Curtis here
Audrey: The information on the computer file may be important, someone with experience needs to examine it first hand
James: [to Erin] send Curtis with a security team and you'll have to figure out how to do without him until he gets back
Erin: Yes sir

Audrey: How could you let Jack torture Prado?
Bill: [Before taking her aside to talk privately] it had to be done
Audrey: The President made it very clear: he didn't want Prado's rights violated
Bill: That's right he did make it clear and he was wrong
Audrey: We can't just break protocol because we think it was right at the time and expect to get away with it
Bill: Normally, I'd agree with you but in this case "I'd rather ask for forgiveness than ask for permission"
Audrey: What kind of answer is that?
Bill: The answer is it worked: we got Marwan's location. With all due respect, this is not Washington DC, policy and politics don't always work on the front line which is where we are today
Audrey: Yes but Charles Logan is a politician and he is not going to give you "forgiveness." I "hope" this does not come back to haunt you or Jack
Bill: If what we did gets us to Marwan, we'll live with it

Paul: We need to talk
Audrey: We'll have to do it when I get back
Paul: Back? From where?
Audrey: We're following up on something
Paul: I don't know about all of us this but I do know about you and him and I am not ok with it
Audrey: You and I aren't together anymore
Paul: I thought we were trying to work things out?
Audrey: I tried but you kept putting it off, so I gave up: we haven't been together in nine months, we're not trying to work on anything anymore
Jack: [Walking up to them] Mr. Raines, I'm sorry to interrupt
Paul: She is my wife
Audrey: Paul, please
Paul: [Sternly to Jack after Audrey walks away] She's my wife, don't you forget that

Paul: [Over the phone] do you have a minute?
Audrey: Sure, what's going on?
Paul: I just talked to your dad and he said something to me that I've been thinking about a lot: he said "You're a big girl" and I think I've been treating you like a child
Audrey: I don't think that
Paul: Well whether if it comes off that way, I need to respect your choices. Respect who you are and I've been so stupid about this. I've lost sight of the things I love about you
Audrey: I hear what you're saying but I don't really know how to respond to that
Paul: You don't have to, I just want you to know that I've been wrong about a lot of things and just before you make any big decisions your entitled to make, let some time go by. Is that fair? Is that fair to ask?
Audrey: Yeah, that's fair
Paul: Ok I'll see you later
Audrey: [Before hanging up] yeah, see you later

Audrey: [Talking privately] Homeland has been overly aggressive in their survey: what is going on?
Bill: Nothing, it's just a formality, they'll be gone as soon as they finish their evaluation. Where are we on the military mobilization?
Audrey: Martial Law is in effect in nine out of the fifteen LA districts, there are checkpoints throughout the city right now
Bill: The President's done the right thing

Audrey: [after Jack's daughter has expressed to him that she dosen't wish to see him anymore] Are you ok?
Jack: [pause] No.

Diane: I'm not used to calling him "Jack." He said his name was "Frank Flynn", I thought he worked for the oil company: you probably know more about him than I do
Audrey: Not that he was dead for the last year and a half
Diane: So, what'd you want to know?
Audrey: You said Jack was living with you for the last six months, is that correct?
Diane: Renting a room
Audrey: So you don't have a "personal" relationship with him?
Diane: I'm not sure if that's any of your business
Audrey: I'm sorry, I need to know how close you and Jack were: whether he confided in you or not
Diane: Jack's a private person. I always knew he was keeping something from me, I just never "pushed" it. I accepted him for who he was. Whoever he was before, it doesn't change the way I feel about him. He was good to me, he was good to my son. He meant a lot to us: he still does
Audrey: I see, did anyone ever come by and ask about Jack?
Diane: What'd you mean?
Audrey: "Someone" knew Jack was still alive, it's critical to our investigation to find out who that was
Diane: No, no one ever asked about him. No one ever came to see him

Paul: Or I can move to Washington? I can turn west coast operations over to Ben Simon
Paul: [after she's silent] Audrey?
Audrey: Yes I heard you: turn west coast operations over to Ben Simon
Paul: What'd you think?
Audrey: I don't know, I guess you have to decide whether or not you think his capable of running...
Paul: [Interrupts her] I'm not asking what you think of Ben Simon, what do you think of me moving back east?
Audrey: [Nervously, before taking a sip of her champagne] I don't know
Paul: I feel like I'm doing all the work here. You said you wanted to talk, you're not talking
Audrey: These things take time
Paul: Well, maybe talking isn't one we should be doing
Paul: [after staring at him] why are you looking at me like that? You're my wife for God's sake
Audrey: I can't believe you think I came over here to sleep with you
Paul: Ok, you didn't come here to sleep with me, you didn't come here to talk to me, why did you come?
Audrey: I just thought we could spend a little time together. I thought that'd be nice
Paul: On a day like this? All hell's breaking loose and you it'd be "nice" for us to spend some time together? I guess I wasn't really thinking when you called was I? What're you doing here? What's really going on? Are you spying on me?
Audrey: Are you doing something worth spying on?
Paul: [Yelling, standing up, and slams his hand on the table] what is that suppose to mean?
Audrey: I think I should go
Paul: [Stands in front of her blocking her path] I think you should stay

Jack: [talking privately] What's the location of the nuclear football?
Audrey: Forty miles east of her in the middle of the desert
Jack: [she walks away] hey
Jack: [he catches up to her] hey what's wrong?
Audrey: Paul may have to go back into surgery, apparently the bullet did more damage than they thought.
Jack: I'm sorry.
Audrey: I Keep thinking if I handled things differently, if I had trusted him more, maybe none of this would've happened.
Jack: you are not responsible for this, I and I alone, made the decision on how to handle Paul, I want you to remain effective, if you want to be able to do your job, you have to let it go.
Audrey: that's your gift, you're able to block things out. I can't do that.

Audrey: [Over the phone] Kim just arrived here at CTU
Jack: What'd you say to her?
Audrey: Nothing yet
Jack: Good, I want her to hear it from me
Audrey: It might be easier for her if she knows you're alive before she sees you: when I first saw you, it...
Jack: [Interrupts her] yeah I know, I understand. When you talk to her, just explain the reason I couldn't tell her I was still alive is because I was trying to protect her
Audrey: Of course I will
Jack: [Before hanging up] thank you

Bill: [after greeting each other] it must be hard for you to be back here
Audrey: Thank you, I'm fine. I'm sorry about Michelle, Walt Cummings briefed me on the way over here, and he said you wanted to postpone the signing of the treaty
Bill: President Logan is making a mistake
Audrey: I don't disagree
Bill: Have you let him know that?
Audrey: His the President, it's his call
Bill: That's what I'm afraid of
Audrey: He wants me to make sure your top priority is still security for the summit
Bill: Station five is set up for you: when you're situated, we'll go over the revised security protocol
Audrey: Great, thank you

Audrey: [Meeting privately with Chloe and Edgar] I need to call Secret Service on this threat but they won't act on it unless Lynn verifies it
Edgar: His never going to back you up on this
Audrey: Yes, he is I need you to hack into Lynn's account for me. I'll forward the message to Secret Service and make it look like it came from him
Edgar: [to Audrey] that's illegal
Chloe: Fine, Edgar I need you to put a "blanket" on my subnet to make it look like I'm doing something else
Edgar: [to Chloe and Audrey] we could all end up in jail
Audrey: Think about it for a second: the Russian President, his wife, about thirty five Secret Service agents, all dead in a few minutes
Edgar: Alright for the record, this is not a good idea
Audrey: I'll compose the message, as soon as you forge the verification file, call me

James: [while being held in captivity] when the "trial" begins: you may have an opportunity to escape, you have to take it even if it's dangerous
Audrey: Maybe we'll have a chance to escape before then?
Audrey: [Shakes his head] their never going to take their eyes off of me, it has to be when their attention is on the trial
Audrey: I don't want to get out of here without...
James: [Interrupts her] forget about me, you have to take every chance. Promise me
Audrey: I can't
James: [Hugs her] yes you can. I want you to live your life, a full life, I want you to have a family. That's all I care about, you're my baby
Audrey: I can't do this
James: Yes, you can. You can do it, come on now

Richard: I'm going to speak at that rally this afternoon, and it's not because I hate you: it's because it's something I believe in
James: Did it ever occur to you that these people are using you? Don't you realize their letting you speak for one reason and one reason only because you are my son?
Richard: Well, I wish I weren't
Audrey: [Interrupting them] what is it?
Audrey: [Handing him her cell phone] I'm sorry, it's Jack: it's urgent
James: [to Richard before leaving to talk privately] excuse me
Richard: What could be more important and intimidating?
Richard: [to Audrey] I didn't know you were hiding in the car
Audrey: Why are you doing this to dad? Can't you just back off?
Richard: I'm not doing anything to him
Audrey: No, if you go to that protest at Lockheed, it's going to hurt him
Richard: Whatever it takes to stop what his doing

Edgar: Did you talk to them?
Audrey: Yes, I'm sorry, they can't get your mother
Edgar: Why not? Their five miles off the highway, it wouldn't take much time
Audrey: They know where she is
Edgar: Then what's the problem?
Audrey: Thousands of people are stuck in the interstate and traffic, it's taken the combined effort of the police and the National Guard to get them moving
Edgar: So who cares about one old woman?
Audrey: They've got to throw their resources into saving the maximum number of lives
Edgar: [Before walking away] if my mother were rich or a politician, they'd find a way to save her

Audrey: Have you heard anything on Jack?
Curtis: Yeah, we just got some information couple minutes ago
Audrey: Why didn't you let me know?
Curtis: I'm sorry but things are going pretty fast here. Jack's alive, he is being held by Marwan
Audrey: How did you confirm that?
Curtis: Marwan contacted us
Audrey: He contacted you? Why would he do that?
Curtis: He wants to make a trade, Jack for Behrooz
Audrey: When is that going to happen?
Curtis: We don't know if it is going to happen
Audrey: What'd you mean?
Curtis: If "he" wants to make this trade, that means Behrooz has tactical value. If that's the case we may have to hold onto him, there's a lot of stuff we have to go over before anything happens. I'll keep you posted but right now I have to get in that room with Behrooz alright?

Audrey: [Over the phone] you ok?
Jack: Yeah, I'm fine: how's Paul doing?
Audrey: They finished operating, they said his going to make it. I'm waiting to talk to the doctors
Jack: Good, I'm glad. I know we have to talk about how I handled everything with Paul
Audrey: Yeah we do, it's just really hard right now
Jack: Yeah I understand
Audrey: Are you still out in the field?
Jack: Yeah, we're getting ready to move in on Marwan. Yeah I'll call you as soon as it's done
Audrey: [Before hanging up] yeah, right

Jack: [Over the phone] hey, it's me
Audrey: Hey, are you on your way back here?
Jack: Yeah, how much of the weaponry have been accounted for so far?
Audrey: Seventy two percent: we're having problems getting confirmations from the Midwest
Jack: Why?
Audrey: There several convoys shipping weapons to be dismantled in accordance with the Arms Reduction Treaty. A lot of them were rerouted after the train bombing this morning
Jack: Just use local channels, all weapon transports have to check in with regional substations, just call them directly
Audrey: Alright, I'll do that
Jack: How you holding up?
Audrey: I'm ok
Jack: What have the doctors told you about Paul?
Audrey: Their having a hard time keeping him stable
Jack: Just hang in there, he'll fight through it
Audrey: Yeah
Jack: Tell Michelle I'll be there in twenty minutes

Lynn: [During a meeting] sorry I'm late
Bill: I was just explaining that Cummings provided us with a schematic of one of the canisters: triggering mechanisms on the canisters can only be activated via satellite relay. Cummings says the terrorists have been given invalid detonation codes
Audrey: Then these canisters are useless to them
Bill: Unless they find a way to control the triggering mechanism
Lynn: Are we running evacuation scenarios?
Bill: Evacuation isn't feasible, not without a timeframe or a target. Erwich's threat was intentionally vague
Lynn: What are we doing to track these canisters?
Chloe: I pulled a voice print from Erwich's call to Cummings and I'm doing a scan of all SAT COMM chatter
Bill: If Erwich is in contact with anyone on that bandwidth, we should be able to intercept and trace the call
Chloe: We better get lucky: we just got a new assessment from civil defense. Their estimating that the nerve gas from each canister will create kill zone between one and three square miles. The terrorists are in possession of twenty canisters, we're talking potential causalities in the hundreds of thousands perhaps over a million

[realizing that CTU has been compromised, Jack makes a special phone call]
Audrey: Who are calling?
Jack: The only person I can trust right now.

James: Have you spoken with your brother?
Audrey: No, I even think he knows I'm coming with you today
James: It's probably best he doesn't
Audrey: Alright, I'll stay in the car: even if Richard goes to this protest in Lockheed, it's not the end of the world. It's not a "page one" story
James: That's not the point, it's an embarrassment to me and to the President
Audrey: What're you going to say to him?
James: I have no idea
Audrey: The thing that gets to me is that he doesn't know the first thing about the politics behind this: his just doing it to rebel against you
James: When did I become the enemy? What did I do?
Audrey: Nothing, Richard's acting like a spoiled child, his going to have to grow up someday

Barry: [while at CTU] you ok?
Kim: Both my parents died here, I swore I'd never come back to this place
Barry: We can leave right now if you want
Kim: [Before Audrey enters the room] no she's coming
Audrey: Kim, hi
Kim: [Introducing him] this is Barry Landes
Audrey: [Shakes his hand] Audrey Raines
Kim: So what is it? What did you have to tell me that's so important?
Audrey: I think it's better if we talked in private
Kim: Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of Barry
Audrey: Kim, I really think...
Barry: [Interrupts Audrey] it's ok
Audrey: It's about your father
Kim: What about my father?
Audrey: His alive
Audrey: [after Kim is silent] Kim, he wanted to tell you but he couldn't in order to protect you: someone inside the government wanted your father dead, so he staged his own death and went underground. He knew you wouldn't be safe if he told you he was still alive, I didn't know either until this morning. I thought maybe if I told you now if you saw him, it might be a little bit easier. His on his way in now to CTU

Audrey: [after she overheard them arguing] is there a problem with Agent Almeida?
Michelle: Not at all
Audrey: It's just that Secretary Heller is very "sensitive" to personal conflicts on the job. I know your history, I know you guys were married and he sacrificed his career to save your life but if this is going to be a problem...
Michelle: [Interrupts her] his being here won't affect my work, I won't let it: if Secretary Heller wants to speak to me about it, I'll be more than glad to

Audrey: What's wrong?
Chloe: Nothing... I mean there's bad news about Jack if that's what you're asking: since Jack and your father aren't here, you're the official DOD representative so these are some standard nondisclosure forms, just read them whenever you get a chance I've flagged wherever you need to sign
Audrey: I'll do that now
Chloe: I'm really sorry about your husband
Audrey: Thank you
Chloe: I can't imagine you'd be feeling right now if I were you
Audrey: I'm feeling like someone's afraid of losing her husband
Chloe: No, I mean you and your husband are separated and you fall in love with Jack "I guess", and when their together, your husband ends up taking a bullet that saves Jack's life, what'd you do with that?
Audrey: I can't think about that right now ok? I just need Paul to pull through this
Chloe: What about Jack? You just assume the terrorists aren't going to kill him?
Audrey: [Irritated, handing her the forms are signing them] I don't want to talk about it, here
Chloe: If I was inappropriately blunt wasn't I? I do that a lot: sorry, I'm going to go, I have a field meeting anyway

Audrey: Look. We were fighting for our lives a few minutes ago, and if it hadn't been for Tony, we would've been dead. Now I've been through a lot today, and I'm sure, when this is all over, your boss will understand.
Jen: And if he doesn't?
Audrey: [jokingly] I can have him killed.

James: [Over the speakerphone] bring us up to speed
Jack: [Over the phone] we have a hostage situation involving one of the men that was involved in the terrorist attack this morning
Erin: We're pulling up his ID now: his name is Navi Araz, granted American citizenship five years ago
James: Who's the hostage?
Jack: His seventeen year old son, Behrooz, he broke ranks now his father sees him as a liability. Araz knows we have his wife in custody, it's worth it if he kills the boy, and she'll betray him by cooperating with us
Audrey: What does she say?
Erin: She's agreed to help us find the Override, stop the nuclear meltdowns if we rescue her son
James: So the father will stall, keep the kid alive until the reactors blow?
Jack: That's right, sir
James: We already lost one in California, can we trust this woman to help us?
Jack: I think right now she'll do everything she can to protect her son
James: Ok, whatever you need, you've got: just get that kid
Jack: Yes sir
Jack: Erin, I'm going to need a thermal satellite scan of the building, we're looking for two heat sources in close proximity in remote areas of the basement
Erin: [Before hanging up] we'll call you back as soon as we have something

Audrey: [Talking privately] I'm sorry, what is it?
Edgar: It's my mother
Audrey: Your mother?
Edgar: She lives near San Gabriel Island: she's in a wheelchair, she doesn't drive and she missed the call to evacuate, now I don't know what to do
Audrey: Maybe someone from the National Guard can get her?
Edgar: I already spoke to the area commander, he said he couldn't spare anyone
Audrey: I'm sorry, I'm not sure what I can do
Edgar: [Hands her a piece of paper] here's his number. I thought maybe you called him yourself, I hate asking for special treatment: that's not something I normally do but she's my mother
Audrey: I can't make any promises
Edgar: Just promise me you'll try ok?
Audrey: Alright

Jack: [Over the phone] I know you don't want to talk to me but there's a few things I need to say
Audrey: Alright
Jack: I know everything that's happened today: you've seen me do things before you thought were unimaginable
Audrey: I would've been happy to skip today
Jack: Yeah me too. But the truth of it is I never believed you could really love me if you've known about everything I've done
Audrey: I can't...
Jack: Please let me finish. Things were the things I was running away from, that's why I moved to DC, that's why I stopped doing field work, that's why I don't work at CTU
Audrey: All I know is your back in it and it's too much for me
Jack: I know, the last thing I ever wanted to do is to push you away from me. I love you but this how the job that has to be done. I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am and that it had to involve the people you care about. You don't have to say anything now, please just promise me as soon as this is over, we can talk about everything that's happened

Jack: [while in the conference room] I don't understand the problem: David Palmer was murdered because he was about to expose Walt Cummings' connection to the terrorists. When Cummings failed to frame me for Palmer's murder, he tried to kill me
Bill: All that may be true but we don't have proof
Audrey: We can prove that Cummings used Spencer to get Jack's assassin into CTU
Bill: All we have is Spencer's word, that's not enough to build a case
Jack: You don't have time to build a case. You want the nerve gas? Cummings is your connection
Lynn: Cummings is the President's chief advisor, how exactly do you suggest we get to him?
Jack: I can secretly meet with Mike Novick: enlist his help
Bill: How do we know Novick isn't in this with Cummings?
Jack: Because I know him. He'll listen to me and the President will listen to him. With Novick's help, we can isolate Cummings
Lynn: As much as I appreciate you want to be involved, you don't work here anymore
Jack: That's exactly the reason why I should do this. If it backfires, there won't be any fallout on you
Audrey: I think it's worth a try
Bill: I agree
Jack: [to Lynn] it's your call
Lynn: Alright, just so we're clear, this is about finding the nerve gas, not getting revenge for David Palmer
Jack: Understood
Lynn: Work out your protocols with Ms. Raines, we'll keep looking through Cummings' background for anything that supports our case

Audrey: [Over the phone] hey, did you find anything at the address?
Jack: Yeah the building was used to plan this morning's attacks
Audrey: That's a great find
Jack: There's something else
Audrey: What?
Audrey: The company that owns the building is called Galaxy Financial Services: you ever heard of them?
Audrey: No, should I have?
Jack: Your husband is the Chief Financial Officer
Audrey: What?
Jack: I need to find Paul, I need to speak to him now
Audrey: Paul had nothing to do with the kidnapping
Jack: Maybe, maybe not but his name is all over the paperwork for the building and because of his relationship with to you and your father, his going to have to explain that
Audrey: I don't know where he is: he left CTU without saying anything
Jack: Can you reach him?
Audrey: Yeah, I have his cell phone number
Jack: Ok I want you to call him, I want you to keep it personal. I don't want you to tell him what I know, I just want you to tell me where he is. Audrey, five power plants could still meltdown, if Paul has any information that can stop that from happening, we have to follow through with it, and you know that
Audrey: Alright
Jack: [Before hanging up] please get back to me as soon as you can

Audrey: [after Jack leaves the room] why is your name on that lease?
Paul: [looks at her in disgust] unbelievable: an hour ago I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself that you didn't want me back and now you think I'm a terrorist? You think I had something to do with you and your father's kidnapping?
Audrey: I don't know what to believe anymore

Audrey: [Over the phone] where are you?
Jack: I'm on my to see Wayne Palmer
Audrey: Wayne Palmer?
Jack: Wayne just told me Evelyn Martin, senior aid to the First Lady has evidence would prove who was really behind David Palmer's assassination but she won't give the evidence to Wayne because her daughter's been kidnapped in an effort to try and keep her quiet. I think Henderson's behind this: they want to make a trade. The evidence for the girl
Audrey: My God
Jack: Yeah, I'm going to need you to re-task a satellite to those coordinates, I'll have them for you in a few minutes
Audrey: That could be difficult right now
Jack: Why?
Audrey: CTU is being "rolled up". Karen Hayes is replacing everyone with people from Homeland
Jack: What're you talking about? That doesn't make sense
Audrey: I l know
Jack: Even if she has a reason to it: we're in the middle of tracking down Christopher Henderson, we'll never be able to bring her team up to speed
Audrey: I know, she's taking orders from Vice President Gardener himself
Jack: My God
Audrey: Maybe you should talk to Karen directly?
Jack: No
Audrey: She's the one in control here
Jack: When I was interrogating Henderson, it was obvious he was protecting someone: someone very powerful. He was willing to let his wife die rather to give him up and now all of a sudden Vice President Gardener is shutting down CTU when we're actually in a position to bring Henderson in?
Audrey: Do you think Gardener is really involved in this?
Jack: We can't afford to take the chance that his not
Audrey: Alright, what do you want me to do?
Jack: I want you to get Chloe to re-task the satellite, I'll get the coordinates over to you
Audrey: Chloe's been let go along with the rest of her department
Jack: I need the satellite: just figure out a way to get Chloe back on
Audrey: [Before hanging up] alright, I'll call you back

Audrey: [Jack bursts into the operating room of Paul Raines with an injured Lee Jong. Audrey looks on] Jack, what's going on? Jack.
Dr. Marc Besson: You can't come in here.
Jack: He's dying!
Dr. Marc Besson: So is he. Get out of here, I just started this operation.
Jack: This man is our only connection to a stolen nuclear warhead. You gotta save him now!
Dr. Marc Besson: I'll get to him as soon as I can.
Jack: He's not gonna make it.
Dr. Marc Besson: I already have a patient.
Jack: [Jack motions Curtis to set up the gurney] Curtis.
Jack: [Jack pulls his gun on Besson] You have a new one.
Dr. Marc Besson: Are you crazy?
Jack: Maybe you didn't understand me. This is the only man that can help us find the missing warhead and stop it from being detonated. If you don't save him, millions of people will die, do you understand that? Millions of people. Start working on him now!
Audrey: Jack, what are you doing?
Dr. Marc Besson: If I walk away from Mr. Raines now, he will die.
Jack: You don't know that for sure.
Audrey: Jack!
Jack: [Ignoring her] Do it. Now!

Audrey: [Talking privately] what is it?
Jack: It's about your brother
Audrey: Is he alright?
Jack: I assume he is, yeah
Audrey: What'd you mean?
Jack: We just found out Habib Marwan got a call from Richard's cell phone a week ago
Audrey: I'm sorry but that's absurd
Jack: We don't know what it means yet but Buchanan's sending a team over there now to pick him up
Audrey: My brother was already brought in once today and he was cleared
Jack: Yeah I know but this call definitely connects him to Marwan and the missile
Audrey: I don't know how he got mixed up into this, but my brother is not a terrorist
Jack: Richard's phone number was found on the receiving history on Marwan's sim card
Audrey: Does my father know about this?
Jack: Buchanan's calling him right now

Audrey: [Over the phone] aren't you supposed to be in your meeting with Driscoll?
Jack: Yeah she had to step away: listen, CTU's just picked up a prime suspect in the train bombing. Their bringing him in for questioning now, is your father still with your brother?
Audrey: Yeah, my father's still in with Richard
Jack: That's alright I'll brief him later. I just wanted to let you know
Audrey: Alright, that's good news
Jack: Yeah, I think so
Audrey: I'll talk to you later?
Jack: Wait
Audrey: What is it?
Jack: About earlier, I don't want you to think that made me uncomfortable. It's just when Teri died, I never thought...
Audrey: [Interrupts him] it's alright, I understand
Jack: No, you don't. I just want you to know that I'm falling in love with you too
Audrey: Wow, you caught me off guard

Audrey: Did you get the security footage from hotel security?
Jack: No, the function you attended was monitored by a private company: Fellstead Security, I just got off the phone with them. They've got the video tapes on file but unfortunately their working off a closed system. We've got to go there, pick up the tapes and bring them back here for you to ID. Where are you on the guest list?
Audrey: I'm having it sent here
Jack: Damn it, we're running out of time
Audrey: What'd you mean? Is it that urgent?
Jack: Yes, as it turns out your kidnapping was a cover for a much larger attack: the terrorists used the broadcast of the trial to overload the internet and diverted all of our attention away from what they were really trying to do
Audrey: Which is what?
Jack: They're in possession of a stolen device called an "Override", with that they've gained control of the hundred and four nuclear power plants across this country. The Override device maintains heat levels within the reactors. Effectively, they can meltdown every one of those plants. The man you saw when you being held captive, right now he is our only lead
Audrey: Then let me come to Fellstead Security with you and make the ID there, it'll be quicker
Jack: I can't, after what you've been through today I'm not going to put you at risk
Audrey: You just said that our nation's nuclear power plants will meltdown. If we don't find that Override, we can't afford to waste anymore time
Jack: Come with me