Top 300 Quotes From Tony Almeida

Tony: [Over the phone] have you had a chance to take a look over Nicole's field report yet?
Dr. Sunny Macer: Yeah, I'm all done
Tony: What are your impressions?
Dr. Sunny Macer: Based on what I read so far: I'm optimistic
Tony: So you think we'll be able to contain the virus?
Dr. Sunny Macer: The very least, we should be able to limit the causalities
Tony: Even though the virus is airborne?
Dr. Sunny Macer: Well, there is some risk of it spreading but Nicole's team acted fast: they evacuated and sealed off the apartment building and quarantined the Singers
Tony: When do we get their test results?
Dr. Sunny Macer: Five minutes, ten tops
Tony: So looks like we lucked out
Dr. Sunny Macer: Yeah we deserve a little luck
Tony: Alright I've got to go. Make sure you keep me in the loop alright?
Dr. Sunny Macer: Alright you do the same

Nina: [while in the interrogation room] I didn't know I was going to see you today
Tony: You know what we want: we need to find Michael Amador before he unloads the virus
Nina: I've already told Jack everything I know
Tony: [Nods] I want you to tell me
Nina: [Referring to she was in a personal relationship with both of them] first Jack, now you. What does that remind me of?
Tony: You told Jack that Amador might contact a Marcus Alvers? So where do we look for Alvers?
Nina: [Noticing his wedding ring] it's a nice ring, who's the lucky girl? I hope you did a background check though because you don't want to make the same mistake twice
Tony: You're going back to prison. There's a good chance you'll be executed as a traitor, now if you cooperate you may be able to save your own life but you're stalling which means you know something and you think there's a play you can make. Only now's not the right time
Nina: Very insightful, I hope your wife appreciates that about you
Tony: Why don't you tell me about Alvers?
Nina: All I know is that he works only with Amador. I don't know him personally

Tony: When Jack gets here we will figure it out.

Tony: [Over the phone] where are you?
Jack: I can barely hear you: you're going to have to speak up. We've got a really bad connection
Tony: Listen, I want you to bring Wallace back here now
Jack: Wallace is dead but I got the evidence that proves the Cypress audio was forged. It's a CPD memory chip containing the original source recoding
Tony: How do you know it's real?
Jack: Because he died trying to give it to me. He had it surgically implanted. I hardly think he had gone through that kind of trouble if it wasn't authentic
Tony: Alright. Where are you?
Jack: We're at an urgent care center somewhere in North Hollywood. We're about forty minutes outside CTU. We're going to bring you the chip now
Tony: Call in your route from the road so I can send aerial escort
Jack: Ok fine. I need you to get in touch with the President, I've been trying to but his in the middle of a meeting with the Joint Chiefs, and they won't patch me through
Tony: I'm not calling the President until you confirm what your holding is real
Jack: You've got to at least tell him what's going on

Tony: [Talking privately] what is it?
Chloe: I've been working on the tainted quarantine areas you know?
Tony: And?
Chloe: I've been going over the list of people isolated, I found a familiar name
Tony: And?
Chloe: One of them is Sarah Kaufman
Tony: Who's Sarah Kaufman?
Chloe: Adam's sister
Tony: You sure it's Adam's sister?
Chloe: Yeah, she tested positive: in the medical sense, she's going to die
Tony: [after sighing] thanks
Chloe: You're not going to tell him are you?
Tony: Yeah, I have to
Chloe: Well, we still have a lot of work to do. How is he going to concentrate knowing his sister is going to die in a few hours? Did you ever think about that?
Tony: [Sternly] I'm getting real tired of your personality
Chloe: I'm just trying to help
Tony: [Before walking away] you want to help? Get back to work

Wayne: [Through video conference] the President is not going to make any decisions until he knows what we're dealing with so give me all the parameters Tony
Tony: Basically what we have here is a terrorist demand: someone close to Ramon Salazar, we're guessing his brother Hector is demanding his release. If we don't comply, his threatening to initiate an outbreak of a very deadly and fast acting virus
Wayne: How do we know if these people are really in possession of it?
Tony: I've got Dr. Sunny Macer on the line. She's Technical Director of National Health Services I'll let her address that
Dr. Sunny Macer: Mr. Palmer, about an hour ago a dead body was anonymously delivered to our office. It was infected with a type three pneumonic virus deliberately introduced into his system. This virus kills within twenty-fours of exposure and there's no known antidote or vaccine. What's particularly disturbing is how fast it spreads. Take a look
Dr. Sunny Macer: [Uploading images of people infected] as you can see, it's latent for several hours but once the symptoms are present it consumes the host rapidly
Michelle: Our office will be sending you preliminary projections of causalities in case something like this should be unleashed
Tony: [to Wayne] I've got to tell you, it's pretty bleak
Wayne: I don't understand this. I mean I thought we "knew" what biological threats were out there? Now do we find ourselves up against the wall so suddenly that something isn't even on our radar?
Dr. Sunny Macer: This is a strain we've never seen. The autopsy is confirming that someone has engineered this virus to kill ten times faster than ordinary genotypes
Wayne: Ok. I see
Dr. Sunny Macer: Sir, I can't underscore enough how potentially devastating it would be if this virus was released by terrorists
Tony: Given this information: what options will the President be looking at?
Wayne: It's the unwavering policy of the United States to stand firm against any terrorist demands. Now I know the President, he will not release Salazar, no matter what the threat is
Tony: Alright then we can't waste any time on standard protocol today. We've been given five hours to comply, if we're going to find these people and stop this threat, then CTU needs to have every possible resource at its disposal
Wayne: You'll have it
Tony: Alright, now if we have nothing else to discuss I'd like to get my team back to work
Wayne: Understood
Tony: Thank you

Tony: [Over the phone] hey Sunny, what's up?
Dr. Sunny Macer: This is the one I'm really sorry to be right about
Tony: What're you talking about?
Dr. Sunny Macer: Cordilla virus: it's a type two pneumonic virus. Remember last month at the conference I raised the possibility of a strain that could be out there?
Tony: Yeah
Dr. Sunny Macer: Well, it is. Someone just dropped off a body infected with the virus, these guys are serious. They blew a hole in the door to get our attention. This is obviously some kind of "message"
Tony: Message? What? Somebody's got the virus and is willing to release it?
Dr. Sunny Macer: Yeah exactly
Tony: Do we need to issue a quarantine advisory?
Dr. Sunny Macer: No, once the host is dead, it's not contagious
Tony: Alright do me a favor, call the other county facilities and see if there's any more cases
Dr. Sunny Macer: I will, what about the ID on the John Doe?
Tony: Send everything you got over here and we'll work it up
Dr. Sunny Macer: It's on its way

Jack: What the hell is going on? Adam just told me you think you've got someone on the inside working for Saunders?
Tony: It hasn't been confirmed yet but I have Chloe working on it
Jack: What's she doing?
Tony: She's taking a look at the status logs to see if she can find anything out of the ordinary
Jack: If this is true, we've got to call Division and get Spec Ops down here immediately
Tony: I thought about that but I don't want to raise any red flags, if someone in our group is working with Saunders, I don't want them to know we're onto them
Jack: Ok fine: you and I will work this up together but I want Division to pick up Jane Saunders so they can continue questioning her
Tony: Good idea
Jack: I'll call Brad Hammond and meet you in Tech 1, we'll go over everything with Chloe
Tony: No wait, I have a thirty minute status calls scheduled with Hammond anyway, why don't you let me tell him and you can go to Field Ops?
Jack: Ok fine

Tony: [Over the phone] how far out of the city are you?
George: Why?
Tony: Look, I just got off the line with Steve Lawer from District
George: About what?
Tony: Well, LAPD made a possible vehicle match with somebody on our watch list, he wants you to check it out
George: This is coming out of LAPD? Come on
Tony: Well, Lawer doesn't trust their judgment either. That's why he wants you there. Plus, he knows its on your way to Bakersfield. I know you're headed out there to follow up on a lead but Lawer wants this checked out
George: What's the address?

David: What's been bothering you Jack?
Jack: Nothing, I was wondering why you never told Tony how you got him out of CTU?
Tony: How did you do it?
David: Christopher Henderson
Jack: Christopher Henderson tried to kill him
David: Henderson had no intention on killing Tony: he "purposely" missed the artery when he injected it. It was just "enough" to slow his heart to the point where you'd "think" that he was dead, my "job" was to extract him, revive him, and use him against you
Jack: Yeah
David: By the time I stabilized him, you had already killed Henderson, the mission had failed, so my team went "dark"
Jack: Why didn't you just let Tony go?
David: Tony "chose" to stay with us: he was consumed with hatred and anger from what the government did to Michelle. Anyway, I talked to him, more importantly, I "listened" to him, and pretty soon he came to realize I was "right"
Jack: [to Tony] about what?
Tony: That the "rules" had changed and there was nothing left such as honor, that we would have to "take care" of each other like brothers

Ryan: Adam says we're back in touch with Jack
Tony: Yeah, we just heard from him
Ryan: How close are we to the virus?
Tony: We have the phone number of the seller. Michael Amador, we're running a passive triangulation right now
Ryan: Then what?
Tony: We pass on the location to Jack, let Jack call the shots
Ryan: Alright, I'll bring Division up to speed
Tony: There's one more thing: we just found out there's another "player" in the deal
Ryan: Who is it?
Tony: Nina Meyers
Ryan: I thought we has her restricted her to North Africa after the President exiled her as immunity?
Tony: We did, apparently she slipped out. Jack's trying to get her to help him
Ryan: Help him? She killed his wife, that's a hard sell
Tony: I don't know the details
Ryan: Does Kim know about it?
Tony: No. I like it to keep it that way for now
Ryan: [Before leaving] keep me updated

Jane: You ok?
Tony: It's just traffic
Jane: You've been acting weird since we left
Tony: There's a lot going on right now
Jane: You never really "explained" why you wanted to transfer me to this "Division" place
Tony: I told you...
Jane: [Interrupts him] I know what you told me: it doesn't make sense
Tony: I don't have the time to explain it to you right now

Henry: Who are you guys? Police? FBI?
Tony: Actually, I'm currently unemployed.

Ryan: I just heard you ordered two IT's on some kind of "retrieval project"? Their working military intel
Tony: Jack Bauer has a chip: it contains an audio file and we expect will prove the Cypress recording was indeed forged
Ryan: Where is this chip?
Tony: It's been damaged
Ryan: Damaged?
Tony: Jack sent us the data but it's pretty messed up. The audio needs to be reconstituted which is going to take a little time
Ryan: How long?
Tony: However long it takes
Michelle: [Walking up to them] it'll take about fifteen minutes sir

Tony: [over the phone at CTU] Maybe I can help you out?
Kim: Well, it's kind of messed up. I have the police after me
Tony: Why?
Kim: I didn't do anything wrong
Tony: Tell me where you are and I'll have someone pick you up, alright?
Kim: [over the payphone] I can't stay here
Tony: Can you find your way to CTU?
Kim: Yeah, I guess so, I can take the bus
Tony: Ok, look, do that, when you get here, I'll help you straighten everything out alright?
Kim: [before hanging up] Ok

Tony: Chloe, I'm getting real tired of your personality.

Tony: The warheads that are in transit because of the daily shift in "hide" operations pose the biggest problem
Michelle: We can verify military traffic in the coastal areas from here. Why don't we find out what DOD has in the Midwest?
Tony: Yeah, that's already underway, Audrey says she should have in a few minutes
Chloe: [Running up to them] am I interrupting something?
Michelle: No, what is it?
Chloe: Are you logged onto Division Three?
Michelle: Yeah
Chloe: [Begins typing on the computer at the station their standing at] look at this: fifteen minutes ago the credit card of Eric Murphy was used at Western Gas Station in Torrance
Tony: Who's Eric Murphy?
Chloe: His real name is Yosik Khatami, he's a terrorist affiliated with Marwan
Michelle: How do we know that?
Chloe: From our watch list, we put it on the net asking for anybody connected to the name "Habib Marwan." We didn't expect a hit so soon
Michelle: Why was he so careless?
Tony: Maybe he wasn't? Maybe he was some sort of decoy?
Chloe: It wouldn't be much of a "decoy" because we don't know where he is, or what their direction their traveling. This was a mistake
Michelle: Did the gas station have a surveillance camera?
Chloe: Yes, his driving a black Lexus LS 430
Michelle: Are we hooked into satellite?
Chloe: [Before walking away] yes, we're monitoring them now, is this guy is still on the road, we'll find him
Michelle: Who do we have in the area to run point?
Tony: Curtis just left Division: his headed over here right now
Michelle: Divert him to Western Gas Station, have Field Ops meet him there

Tony: [Briefing CTU staff] I just got off the phone with Chase who is with Cole right now: after Cole left the hotel, he went to his house in Burbank
Adam: He stopped at a gas station on Riverside Drive but it was self service but according to what he told the urgent care unit and what his wife confirmed, he didn't become symptomatic until after he came home
Chloe: Any nose bleeds? Any sweating?
Adam: [Showing the timeline on a monitor] yeah, here's where the ripple starts, at 7:20 he stopped at a pharmacy and asked the pharmacist Sam Tyler for some medication to stop the bleeding
Tony: There were three other people inside that pharmacy at the same time
Adam: Right, one of them, Anne Swartz she's been going to the pharmacy for years so they had her address on file. We sent NHS people to her house, she has a husband, and three children
Chloe: What about the other two customers?
Adam: ID's unknown
Tony: These people can be anywhere: spreading the disease to anybody they come in contact with
Adam: It gets worse: the urgent care facility in Studio City, there were six patients in the waiting area when Cole came in and left before the quarantine was put in place. We're tracking them down but between them and the staff at the facility, we could be looking at seventy-five people just in their immediate families
Tony: If any of these people are in a supermarket or a mall when they become symptomatic, this thing is going to be impossible to contain. We need to identify them and find them now. Also, I need you to coordinate with NHS and HAZMAT, we have to set up a quarantine in two neighborhoods in the Burbank and Studio City area: department heads report to Adam

Milo: What do you think they're going to do to Jack?
Tony: Not going to name a street after him, that's for sure.

Tony: I still haven't been able to reach Jack
George: Don't worry about it. NSA got a hold of him.
Tony: [Referring to the terrorist threat] is this why they wanted him? I mean his been out of play for over a year
George: I don't have all the details yet but I'm guessing it has something to do with one of his previous covers

Tony: Where the hell do you think you're going, Jack?
Jack: Tony, I don't have time to explain right now.
[Tony pulls out his gun and points it at Jack]
Tony: Let's find the time.

Jack: What the hell are you doing here?
Tony: I need to talk with you
Jack: About what?
Tony: I told you I was going to follow up on a "lead"
Jack: No, you said you were going to turn yourself in as soon as this is over
Tony: And I will, this isn't over "yet." There's going to be another attack: here in DC
Jack: Dubaku is in custody, his already provided us with a list of everyone in the government that was involved
Tony: It's not Dubaku: it's his boss Juma, he knows his about to lose control over his country, so his going to rally his people to strike back at the US
Jack: How do you know this?
Tony: I tracked down a "source"
Jack: [Sternly] what "source"?
Tony: His one of the men on Emerson's crew: he had a direct line of communication to the Juma regime in Sangala, it wasn't "easy" getting the information out of him but I'm convinced it's "accurate"
Jack: Then you should hand it over to the FBI
Tony: No, my "source" tells me that the window "opens" in nineteen hundred hours. By the time the FBI, waits through it's "procedures" and "red tape", it's going to be too late
Jack: What's the target?
Tony: He doesn't know the "exact" target but he knows it's going to be "high value" and "high impact." He gave me the names of somebody's been involved in the planning
Jack: Who?
Tony: Ryan Burnett
Jack: Senator Mayer's Chief of Staff?
Tony: That's right, he's been involved from the very beginning
Jack: What about Mayer?
Tony: No, his not involved
Jack: You're sure about that?
Tony: Yeah
Jack: You better not be lying to me
Tony: This is real
Jack: Burnett will be on Dubaku's list. As soon as he finds out Dubaku's in custody, he'll start running, you don't have a lot of time
Tony: I've already got a "tail" on him. Listen, if you're with me, meet him at the corner of 1st and Constitution. I need your help

Carrie: You said Jack took Kate Warner with him?
Tony: Yeah
Carrie: I don't think he was working alone
Tony: What'd you mean?
Carrie: Baker was keeping an eye on Kate: Michelle distracted him just a few minutes before I found you
Tony: Distracted him how?
Carrie: She called him away for some paperwork
Tony: What? So? Jack could've been using that as a window. It doesn't mean they were working together
Carrie: I think it does. Michelle was talking to Jack right before she went to Baker
Tony: Maybe he was setting her up?
Carrie: It didn't appear that way

Michelle: The situation with the Consulate is dragging us down: we shouldn't be diverting resources away from finding that warhead
Tony: Hopefully this will just be a formality and get rid of him quickly. If we don't get information from Lee, Audrey's husband will have died for nothing
Michelle: What is she still doing here?
Tony: I think she wants stay busy so she won't have to think about it
Michelle: It's funny when I met Audrey this afternoon, it seemed like she and Jack were totally together. A few hours later, everything's changed
Tony: [Holds her hand] I hate being without you
Michelle: I never wanted it to be this way

Larry: [Over the phone] go ahead
Tony: Who am I talking to?
Larry: It's Larry Moss, what's going on?
Tony: I'm on the Starkwood compound, I was being held by the name of Jonas Hodges. I was released by one of his executives, a man named Greg Seaton and he wants to cut a deal: he wants immunity
Larry: What's he offering in return?
Tony: He knows where the weapons are being held
Larry: Alright, I've got to run this by the President
Tony: Wait, do you know what happened to Jack?
Larry: His here: his in medical
Tony: Was he hit?
Larry: No, one of the canisters was breached, he's been infected. I've got to call the White House: stand by

Jack: [Referring to Tony's inability to find a job] Why didn't you ever call me?
Tony: For what?
Jack: I've been there, I could help.
Tony: I'm considered a "traitor" to this country.
Jack: [Remains silent]
Tony: My wife left me, so how were you going to help me?
Jack: [looks down] Yeah
Tony: Look, I owed you for getting me out of prison and today I repaid that debt, and to tell you the truth, all you do is remind me of a past I'm trying to forget. So do me a favor: do what you need to do here and let's leave it at that.

Tony: We got a little problem
Michelle: What's up?
Tony: Brad Hammond from Division is on his way over here: they want to shut us down and run everything from over there
Michelle: We're up and running now
Tony: Not a hundred percent. Division's still a little uncomfortable with the idea of running an operation like this. Out of a "compromised" location
Michelle: We just don't have time to give these idiots from Division the grand tour
Tony: I know
Michelle: We're closing in on this
Tony: They're on their way so we've got to deal with it

Tony: What is it?
Chloe: Something's weird happened with Michelle
Tony: What'd you mean?
Chloe: No one can find her: Redman's not answering his pages
Tony: That's because I overrode NHS's order. I didn't want them to know about it, I'm putting Michelle in quarantine in one of our substations so she can still do some work. I need every warm body I can get
Chloe: What am I going to tell Macer?
Tony: I'll call her, there's something else I want you to do
Chloe: What is it?
Tony: I'm sending you the record of a phone call between Saunders and myself a few minutes ago
Chloe: You just talk to him?
Tony: Yeah, I want you to strip away the carrier signal and see if you can use it to find him
Chloe: What about the voice track?
Tony: He scrambled it, it's useless
Chloe: Fine
Tony: Do it in Tech 1: away from everybody, I don't want Adam to know about it
Chloe: Why not?
Tony: Technically, it's his job but your better at it
Chloe: [Confused] why did you just say that?
Chloe: Because it's true

Michelle: I owe you an apology
Tony: You don't: look, if you thought I wasn't fit to do my job and you had a duty to report it but you should know I would never risk the effectiveness of this unit just to prove how tough I am
Michelle: I know that, I just felt...
Tony: [Interrupts her] I know what you felt, you made that perfectly clear

Chase: [Over the phone] it's me, I'm at Cole's house, we found evidence that his almost certainly symptomatic
Tony: How many people did he come in contact with over there?
Chase: Just his wife: NHS is moving her into isolation right now
Tony: Alright, I'll let the teams know
Chase: Transfer me to Kim, she was running assimilation for me
Tony: I gave that to Adam, Kim's out on an assignment right now
Chase: What kind of assignment?
Tony: We're pretty sure that Saunders has his daughter under surveillance so Kim's going to take her place when we grab her
Chase: Kim is not Field Ops, what the hell is she doing out there?
Tony: I don't hear about it alright? Kim was the only match we had available
Chase: There's got to be other agents you can use for this. What the hell were you thinking?
Tony: [Raises his voice] no, there aren't, back off
Chase: Where is she now?
Tony: She's on her way to Santa Barbara with Jack
Chase: Jack signed off on this?
Tony: First of all, it's my call. Secondly yes he did but more importantly Kim accepted the assignment. I'm going to transfer you over to Adam
Chase: Fine

Bill: [Over the phone] Jack's under arrest: they got him in a holding cell here
Tony: Listen to me...
Bill: [Interrupts him] no you listen, we still don't know where this attack is taking place
Tony: Burnett didn't break?
Bill: No, they stopped Jack before he could give any information and Burnett didn't go for the President's immunity deal. You were the one who brought Jack the intel right?
Tony: That's right
Bill: How "real" is it?
Tony: Very
Bill: Who was your contact?
Tony: It was a guy on Emerson's crew with a direct line to Juma
Bill: Any chance we can get another crack at this guy?
Tony: It's highly unlikely to say the least
Bill: What are you telling me? He's dead?
Tony: That's right
Bill: I wish to God you brought me in on this
Tony: Jack didn't want to put you in that position: for what it's worth, he was trying to protect you
Bill: [Raises his voice] did you have a fallback plan at least?
Tony: The immunity for Burnett was the fallback
Bill: That's it? Nothing else?
Tony: [Before Bill hangs up] no, nothing

George: [Referring to reviving Paula] what's the progress here?
Paramedic: We're trying to bring her around using a combination of stimulants and hydrating fluids but it might make her more unstable
George: We're running out of time. Wake her up
George: [as Tony walks by] where are you headed?
Tony: Following a lead that just came in. there's a connection to Syed Ali
George: Well, send somebody else. I need you here
Tony: To do what? Watch Paula die?
George: We've got to get the encryption code out of her or we're going to lose everything. We can't let that happen today
Tony: Yeah well you have this covered. I'm going to follow up on this lead
George: No, you're going to stay here and that's an order
Tony: Look, there's a Middle Eastern business man in LA who's had contact with Syed Ali recently. Now Ires and Peller are dead, who do you want me to send?
George: [Allowing him to leave] be reachable alright?
George: What're you looking at?
Michelle: Nothing
George: Putting bandwidth on the network?
Michelle: Yeah, I'm on it

Sam: What's going on? They don't have their suits on, what does that mean? Are we ok?
Jack: Yes, the powder was harmless
Helen: Oh, thank God
Sam: So you put us through all this for nothing: you scared the hell out of us
Jack: Mr. Singer, we still need to find your son, is there anything you can tell us that could help?
Sam: Why? You just said the powder was harmless
Jack: We believe your son was infected with the virus earlier this morning before he came home. We have three hours to find him before he becomes contagious
Sam: What're you saying? That our son could die?
Jack: Yes, that could happen
Helen: Oh, God
Jack: I know how this must be difficult for you and I'm sorry but we need to find your son and we need to find him now
Sam: Have you tried his cell phone?
Jack: Yes, the line's been disconnected
Helen: Oh wait, he took my phone this morning
Jack: What's the number?
Helen: 818-555-0103
Jack: [while taking out his cell phone to call CTU] ok, I'm going to need one of you to call him
Sam: This is my fault. Kyle wouldn't have done any of this if I couldn't take care of my own family
Helen: No
Sam: Yes you know it's true
Jack: [Over the phone] it's Jack
Tony: I just spoke to LAPD, they got a priority APB on Singer
Jack: Ok good. I think we got a number on him
Tony: Ok we'll thread the line through a tracing matrix
Jack: Ok the number is 818-555-0103. I want you to reroute the call back to my cell phone
Tony: [to Kim] I need you to trace that number and reroute the call back to Jack's cell phone

Tony: [after walking into the conference room] Agent Gibson, I take it your team is finished with the analyses of the Cyprus recording?
Agent: Yes sir
Tony: Could you walk us through it please?
Agent: We began with taking voice samples from Syed Ali and the three government officials on the recording. We deconstructed the sound waves and isolated unique qualities that are vocally equivalent to fingerprints. Our studies indicate the voices on the Cyprus audio are in fact Syed Ali and the three government Ministers in question
Tony: Now, this recording could've been created by putting different conversations together right?
Agent: Yes, but reconstruction always leaves "artifacts", mismatched acoustical signatures or altered cadences, we found no such "artifacts."
Tony: Is there any chance that this recording could've been doctored in a way that we couldn't detect?
Agent: Of course anything is theoretically possible but I can say with absolutely certainty that the finest experts using the very best equipment available did not find any evidence that this recording is anything but a genuine and accurate record of an actual conversation
Tony: A conversation with these four men that sat in the same room and conspired to detonate a nuclear bomb on US soil?
Agent: Yes sir
Michelle: [after entering the room and sitting down] I just finished talking with Ali. He "claims" his never spoken to any of the men in the recording. He says it's a complete fabrication and that he was in Berlin on April 5th, not Cyprus. He could be telling the truth
Tony: He still thinks we killed one of his sons. His trying to save the rest of his family by denying that his country is one of the three behind the nuke
Michelle: I agree he has a clear motive to lie but if there's any possibility that his telling the truth, I think we need to investigate
Carrie: But he's not. I mean it's obvious
Michelle: It's not obvious to me
Carrie: In a contest between the physical evidence and the word of an attempted mass murderer it's clear which side wins. And no offense but your experience as an interrogator is limited
Tony: [to Carrie] alright that's enough
Michelle: [Raises her voice to Carrie] I sat three feet away from the man and I believe that he is a broken man without the strength or resolve to lie

Kim: [Talking privately] I spoke to Chase
Tony: When?
Kim: About an hour ago: his not coming back to CTU
Tony: What're you talking about? I thought Chappelle gave him a direct order?
Kim: He ignored it. He still doesn't know what's really going on. None of us did until you spoke to the President. Chase still thinks my father was captured by the Salazar's
Tony: And he thinks his going in to rescue Jack?
Kim: Yes. He knows about Las Nieves, his on his way there now probably by plane
Tony: How the hell did he find out about Las Nieves?
Kim: He said he followed a lead
Tony: Damn it, if he goes in there, his going to blow Jack's cover and we're going to lose this virus
Kim: I know
Tony: Maybe I can get a hold of him
Kim: You won't be able to reach him
Tony: Why not?
Kim: His gone "dark"

Nina: Tony, I need you to do something for me.
Tony: For you or for Jack.

Tony: [During torture] How much more of this do you wanna endure, Nina?
Nina: I think this is about it.
[Nina jerks her head backward, causing the needle to plunge into her neck]

Tony: You hear from Jack?
Edgar: He and Paul Raines are looking through Marwan's files now
Tony: Any promising leads?
Edgar: Nothing yet
Tony: Before Erin left, she told me the one person I could rely on is you
Edgar: She said that?
Tony: Yeah she did, so if anything comes across your desk that you think is important, I want you to bring it to me directly alright?
Edgar: You got it
Tony: Alright, thanks

Tony: Reza, I'm going to need you to come with us
Reza: Come with you where?
Tony: Back to CTU
Reza: For what?
Tony: Further questioning
Reza: I'm not going with you anywhere
Tony: Look, I'm not arresting anybody: yet. But I will if you force me to. Now you're coming with us either way. How you do this is entirely up to you
Bob: [to Reza, while walking into the room] just do what the man wants
Reza: I haven't done anything, he can't arrest me
Bob: Please, do this for me ok?

Tony: She's gone Jack...

Tony: [Asking about Marcus Alvers] All we've been able to dig up on him are a few random medical records under one of his known aliases. He had an MRI on one of his knees, there's a prescription for antibiotics, treated for HIV...
Dalton: [From other room] Her pulse is spiking. Someone hasn't been using protection with Marcus Alvers.
Michelle: [From other room] She's probably had sex with him.
Tony: See, Nina, my colleagues in the next room tell me that something in those medical records concerns you. I'm guessing it's not the knee.

Tony: I was "dead" Jack, for almost ten minutes: or so I was told
Jack: [Sternly] by who?
Chloe: [while showing him on a computer monitor] by him
Tony: His name is David Emerson I don't know who he paid off at CTU but it was his people that injected my body with a hypodermic needle compound. It was able to revive me
Jack: Who is he? And what does he want?
Tony: He's an independent contractor: enlists ex-military and intelligence operatives, and "jobs" them out to clients. Apparently, I fit the "profile"
Jack: [Angrily] what "profile?"
Tony: Former employees with grievances against the federal government. Emerson has been "keeping" tabs" on me since I left CTU. After Michelle was killed, he figured I'd make a good recruit
Jack: And everyone else thinking you're dead? So much the better
Tony: 'Yeah
Jack: [Walks closer to Tony] since then you've been working undercover to expose his operation?
Tony: No Jack
Jack: What?
Tony: I was really working for him. I was angry, I hated the federal government for what it took from me. I ran Emerson's "crew" for more than three years and I did some pretty bad things
Jack: What made you turn against them?
Tony: The CIP device, Emerson had my "crew" stealing components to breach the firewall. I knew what that meant: innocent Americans would die and I didn't "sign up" for that
Jack: [Raises his voice] damn it Tony, why didn't you call the authorities?
Bill: He couldn't Jack
Jack: [Yells] why not?
Bill: He found out Emerson's client was Dubaku
Jack: [to Tony] that's who you believe that has agents inside the government
Bill: [Responds for Tony] the Juma regime controls Sangala's vast diamond wealth. Dubaku hasn't been "shy" about "throwing" it around
Jack: How widespread is the corruption?
Bill: Pervasive: that's why Tony came to me. We don't know how far or high up this "thing" went
Tony: Dubaku's the key to this "thing" Jack. If we're going to "uncover" the "conspiracy", we have to get to him before he leaves the US. That's why I have to get back "under" as soon as possible, there's a new job in the pipeline for me and my "crew." I don't have all the details but I do know it'll get me in the same room as Dubaku himself
Bill: The "challenge" is going to be "re-installing" Tony with Emerson: we have to assume Emerson knew Tony was in FBI custody and somehow managed to escape
Jack: Emerson's going to think Tony made a deal with the US Attorney
Bill: That's right
Jack: I can help you with this
Bill: [Nods] yes you can
Jack: Outside the three of you, who else is involved in this operation?
Chloe: It's just us: this is it
Jack: [to Bill] please tell me you have some "proof" of this "conspiracy" exists?
Bill: Yes we do but only at its lowest level. At this point, we've just begun to "scratch the surface"
Jack: [after thinking it over] ok I'll work with you but only because right now you are the only people that I trust. You give me one reason to question that and I swear I will turn you in you understand?

Tony: [after he lets her into his motel room] hey
Cara: [When she sees Galvez's dead body] I'll assume that necessary?
Tony: Don't start with me, I'm not in the mood. Mr. Galvez decided to hide the canister from me. So I needed to find out where it was
Cara: We've got a delivery to make: should we go?
Tony: No, I don't think we should
Cara: [Surprised by his response] their expecting us
Tony: Yeah well, the way I see it their going to take this canister that I sweated blood for and "sit on it" for six months
Cara: Not "sit on it". They're going to use it to make more pathogen: we had twenty seven canisters now we only have one
Tony: Yeah, I say one's enough. Look, the government's reeling, the FBI's stretched thin, scrambling and making mistakes, another attack today is all we need to push this thing right over the edge. This is no time to pull back, I say we take the canister and finish the job off today
Cara: [Rubs his cheek] I don't disagree with you but it's not our decision to make
Tony: Fine, then run it by your "group", or your "gang", or whatever the hell they are but they'll know one thing: you finish your enemy off when his dying, you don't let him get back up and reload. I guarantee you, this thing is going to be a hell of a lot harder to pull off six months from now. You can say what you want about Jonas Hodges, the fact is he gave us an "opportunity" today, let's take it
Cara: [after thinking it over] I'll contact the "group"
Tony: Good

Tony: Paula, I need you to open another socket for me and Mason wants to see you in the conference room
Paula: [Nervously] I don't know if I can do this
Tony: Of course you can do it
Paula: No, I mean I'm just a programmer and I don't I work very well under this pressure so maybe they just want to bring somebody else in?
Tony: Look, there is no one else. You're the best at what you do, that's why you were called in here. Just take it one task at a time, right now all I need you to do is open a couple sockets and then get to the conference room alright?
Paula: Ok

David: [Over the phone] yeah?
Tony: [while Chloe monitors the call] it's me
David: [Surprised to hear from him] where are you?
Tony: I'm at a parking garage getting a car. I got away from the FBI
David: Yeah I heard, I also heard it was Jack Bauer who got you out?
Tony: That's right
David: That doesn't make any sense. Bauer's working for "them", he helped capture you
Tony: That's only because he didn't have a choice: his "on board" now
David: What'd you mean "on board"?
Tony: You heard about the Senate hearings this morning? They're going to file criminal charges against him. I told Bauer that if he helped us out with the mission, we can get him out of the country. Look, if it weren't for Jack, I'd still be in custody, we can use him, I'm telling you
David: I don't know, Morgan's hiring new men now
Tony: [Irritated] Morgan's a thug: he can't run point on something this important. Let me do it like we "planned." Bauer can take Tanner's place, and we're good to go
David: [after thinking it over] alright, bring Bauer. We're at 22-11 Chesterfield
Tony: [Before hanging up] got it

Ryan: So, you're telling me that Bauer's been playing a game with us all this time?
Tony: It's no "game."
Ryan: But his back undercover with the Salazar's? And they trust him?
Tony: That's what we're counting on, yeah
Ryan: I'm your boss, you should've come to me first
Tony: Look, you'll understand everything once I explained it to the President, after that if you feel I acted inappropriately, you can do what you've got to do
Ryan: I will. Count on it
Chloe: [while handing him the phone] the President's coming in over the line
Tony: Mr. President, this Tony Almeida, Director of CTU Los Angeles
President: Mr. Almeida
Tony: Thank you for taking my call
President: [Over the speakerphone] you're also on with my Chief of Staff: Wayne Palmer. I was told this was an urgent matter?
Tony: Yes Sir, it is. It's also fairly complex so I'll keep it as clear and concise as I can
President: Go on
Tony: Sir, everything that's happened today from the infected body at Health Services to Ramon Salazar's prison break has been of an elaborate sting operation
President: Sting operation?
Tony: Yes Sir. Planned and executed by Jack Bauer, agent Gael Ortega and myself
President: Elaborate Mr. Almeida
Tony: Jack Bauer wanted to fill you in on the situation himself Sir
President: Jack Bauer is a fugitive from the law
Tony: If you'll indulge me Sir, there's a video file you need to see. It's on a designated CTU server. You can access the file pass code Delta three, Delta five nine
Jack: [On a prerecorded video] Mr. President, the fact that you're viewing this now means that I've successfully completed the first phase of secret operation. Contrary to what you've been lead to believe, the Salazar's are not in possession of the Cordilla virus. The idea that they are is a lie I promoted deliberately in an order to achieve a more important goal. Please, Sir, let me explain. About a month ago I learned from a contact that a group of scientists from the Ukraine were trying to sell a weaponized virus on the open market. They were looking for a buyer with cash and creditability. I only managed to get their interest when I suggested the Salazar's as potential buyers. As long as I could get the Salazar's to agree, CTU would seize the virus as the sale took place. Our goal was to remove the virus stockpile from the marketplace because Mr. President, it is without a doubt the most lethal threat we have ever faced but all of this hinged on me convincing the Salazar's that I had switched sides and the only way to gain their trust was to break Ramon Salazar out of prison. Mr. President, I'm sorry for deceiving you but I assure you it was a benign deception and I assume complete responsibility for my actions. Sir, if things went wrong, you would've been exposed personally, legally, and politically and this was the only way I could see to avoid that risk but now it's time for you to know the truth and I'm asking you to allow CTU Director Almeida to coordinate an interdiction with the military so we can take possession of this virus and keep it from our enemies, thank you Mr. President

Tony: [Over the phone] I got a guy on the line the police put through: his in the desert, he said he found a "case." This guy found the football
Jack: Ok, let me speak to him
Tony: His name is Jason Girard, we're running a background check as we speak. I'm patching you through right now
Jack: Ok Tony, stay on the other line
Jack: Mr. Girard?
Jason: Yeah, call me Jason, I'm with my wife Kelly who's this?
Jack: My name is Jack Bauer, I'm a federal agent with the Department of Defense. My colleague agent Almeida says you found what we refer to as "the football"?
Jason: Yeah it sure looks that way. I mean I don't know very much about this sort of thing, my wife are out here on a camping trip
Jack: Ok fine, why don't you just describe to me what you found?
Jason: Sure, it's a black leather briefcase, it's got a number paneling over by the handle, and it's in a protective case that's got the President Seal on it
Jack: That sounds like it. Right now I'm in a helicopter, I'm about twenty minutes away from you. I just want you to hang out there and wait for me
Jason: I think someone beat you to the punch, I see headlights
Jack: How far away?
Jason: It's hard to tell, a few miles?
Jack: Ok just hold on a second Jason
Jack: Tony, this kid Jason said his got headlights towards him, do we have any ground units in his vicinity?
Tony: No
Jack: Highway patrol? Park Rangers? Anything?
Tony: No, nobody
Jack: How can that be?
Tony: We're spread thin: all state agencies are still assisting with the evacuation
Jack: Son of a bitch
Jack: Jason, are the headlights headed straight for you?
Jason: Yeah their pretty much coming this way
Jack: Damn it. This situation just got a lot more complicated than we thought
Jason: What'd you mean?
Jack: The football has a transponder. It's a tracking device, it allows anyone to pinpoint its exact location as long as they've got the right frequency
Jason: You think someone got a hold of the frequency that's not supposed to have it?
Jack: Right now we have to make that assumption
Jason: Who do you think it is?
Jack: Terrorists who carried out today's attacks. Listen, if I'm right we don't have a lot of time, I need to remove the transponder and take the football get away from there as far as you can
Jason: Ok go ahead
Jack: The transponder's tiny and it's hidden in the surface of the case. It's designed not to be found
Jason: How am I supposed to find it?
Jack: Do you have a compass and a flashlight?
Jason: Yeah
Jack: I want you to move the compass over the surface of the case slowly, the transponder puts out an electromagnetic field: it's not very strong but it should move the needle. Just move the compass over the surface of the case slowly and watch the needle
Jason: [as his wife holds the flashlight while he moved the compass] I found it
Jack: Ok good. Take a knife or a sharp rock and start scratching the surface hard
Jason: [while scraping] damn it

Michelle: [Briefing CTU staff] Marwan wants to exchange Jack Bauer for Behrooz Araz, the obvious question is, why?
Tony: The way I see it there are two possibilities: one, there's a personal connection. Two, Behrooz has information that can damage Marwan
Michelle: I agree, Edgar, have your team sift through everything on Behrooz Araz. go back as far as you can, see if there's a family link between him and Marwan
Michelle: [to Tony] did the initial interrogation reveal Behrooz knew anything might make him valuable to Marwan?
Tony: No but the main focus was on the mother: we really didn't push him very hard
Michelle: [to Curtis] push harder, see what you can find but do it now, my guess is Marwan will want to make this exchange within the hour. Tony, monitor him from the observation room. Chloe, what'd we have on audio?
Chloe: I was able to get some voice memos from McLennan-Forrester through voice print match: it was Marwan's

Michelle: [Over the phone] the situation's even worse than we thought
Tony: What're you talking about?
Michelle: Gael started hemorrhaging from the nose and mouth: less than an hour after exposure
Tony: So the incubation period is no longer fourteen hours
Michelle: According to Alvers, the compounded he added to the virus acts as an accelerant
Tony: Is Gael the only one showing symptoms?
Michelle: As far as I know
Tony: Where is he?
Michelle: I isolated him in a room in the basement
Tony: Were you exposed to any of his blood?
Michelle: No, but we tested the air throughout the hotel. The virus is everywhere and I've been breathing it
Tony: [sighs] reinforcements are on the way. Everyone knows we need a hard perimeter as soon as possible
Michelle: I'll get back to you
Tony: Michelle...
Michelle: [Interrupts him] I can't do this now, we have to focus on making sure no one gets out of here
Tony: [Before hanging up] yeah, ok

Tony: [while in his office] so, what was that about?
Michelle: What?
Tony: You and Carrie: what were you arguing about?
Michelle: It's nothing. I asked her to open some CPD software and she's making me "jump through hoops"
Tony: I know you don't want to tell me, but whatever bad blood there's between the two of you, I got to know what it is
Michelle: It doesn't matter, especially with everything going on today
Tony: That's exactly why it does matter. It's interfering with your work, now what's the problem?
Michelle: When I worked with Carrie over at Division, we were friends. I introduced her to my brother, he was married with kids. He left them for her, then she got bored, and she dumped him. Danny lost everything, his family, his job, and it got so bad he tried to kill himself
Tony: Look, its unfortunate you two have to work together, but you do, and I've got to keep this office running today alright?
Michelle: I understand
Tony: Good

Jack: [Over the phone] I'm about half a block from Hewitt's loft: has the FBI sent over his file yet?
Tony: Yeah, we just got it
Jack: What'd do I need to know?
Tony: The State Department recruited him right out of CAL TECH. he revamped their entire surveillance program, and then he got caught manipulating intel on some files he didn't have clearance for. He tried to kill himself in custody and spent a year in psychiatric prison before being released last September
Jack: No connection to Kingsley?
Tony: No. Not that we can find
Jack: Ok as soon as I get Hewitt, I'll get back to you. Any word on what's happening with the President?
Tony: No, not yet
Jack: Ok thanks

Ryan: Here's the situation: we believe Michael Amador is in possession of the Cordilla virus, we believe he is either headed towards Los Angeles or is here already. We estimate he has enough of the pathogen to take out a major metropolitan area, our only lead is Nina Meyers who is being brought back to CTU right now. She thinks Amador is meeting with a man in Los Angeles named Marcus Alvers. Adam's done the work up on him
Adam: We have some background but there's nothing that places him definitively in Los Angeles today
Ryan: That's it? What about Interpol? What do they have on Alvers?
Adam: Our data tracking is a little behind, so we weren't able to access that report
Ryan: Why are we behind?
Tony: We haven't updated the European contact logs when I was down
Ryan: Michelle, you were the ranking agent
Michelle: I didn't think Europe was a priority
Tony: Obviously it was
Michelle: There was a lot going on at the time
Ryan: Alright. Let's get back to work, and let's try to ease up on the mistakes tonight because there are millions of lives depending on us

Carrie: [In his office] yes Tony?
Tony: Where are we regarding Jack?
Carrie: His exit wasn't picked up on satellite and he hasn't initiated contact with anyone
Tony: What about Kate Warner?
Carrie: Her house, her father's company are being watched in case they go there
Tony: Good
Carrie: Have you talked to Michelle?
Tony: Yeah: in fact I wanted to talk to you about that. Do you have a problem working in the same office as Michelle?
Carrie: Is that what you think? That I would be making up stories about her because I have a problem working with her? She and Jack were talking before he took Kate Warner. They weren't trading recipes, it was conspiratorial
Tony: Alright. I need you to put in a filter all of Michelle's communications. Emails, phone calls, and open channels. Let me know when Jack tries to contact her
Carrie: Done

Tony: Jack, wait a minute
Jack: I don't have time for this, I'm sorry
Tony: Jack listen to me, the reason you were called is because it's a background match. You're the only one who can run on this
Jack: I don't care
Tony: Look, it's not like before alright? We can get to Kim before you can. We can get her out of the city and we can keep her safe, I promise you. The best you can do is to help us find that bomb
Jack: I trusted everybody here at CTU to protect my wife and I lost her. I'm not going to lose my daughter I'm sorry
Tony: I know, I was there
Jack: Look, I know you did everything you could: I do. I just can't lose my daughter I'm sorry

Michelle: [while visiting him in the hospital] you scared the hell out of me
Tony: I know, I'm sorry
Michelle: How's he doing doctor?
Tony: We couldn't have hoped for a better result, he should be on his feet in a few days
Michelle: When can he come home?
Dr. Linzer: Probably tomorrow. I just want to keep an eye on him: make sure he stays stable
Tony: Could we have a couple minutes please?
Dr. Linzer: Of course
Tony: Did the President let Salazar out of prison?
Michelle: No. Jack broke him out, we think he did it so the President wouldn't have to make the "hard choice"
Tony: Did he get away?
Michelle: Yeah
Tony: I have to talk to Gael right away
Michelle: [Confused] what? Gael?
Tony: Did something happen to him?
Michelle: Gael has been working for the Salazar's
Tony: How do you know that?
Michelle: He was using Tech One to monitor Salazar's escape and when we found out, he tried to run
Tony: Where is he now?
Michelle: His still at CTU, Chappelle and Johnson are questioning him
Michelle: [Trying to get out of bed] no honey, where are you going?
Tony: You have to get me over there right now
Michelle: [Before calling for the doctor] no you're not going anywhere
Dr. Linzer: [after rushing into the room] what're you doing?
Tony: I have to get out of here alright? You can release me into CTU medical
Dr. Linzer: I can't do that
Tony: [Raises his voice to the doctor] look, if you're worried about liability, my wife will sign me out
Tony: [to Michelle] if I ever need you to trust me, it's now

Tony: Are your people ready?
Michelle: Yeah, their waiting
Tony: What about Chloe?
Michelle: Yeah, she's there too
Tony: Alright this is our one chance to get the virus so make sure their all aware of what's at stake
Michelle: Their aware
Tony: I'm just saying it's all going to come down in the next hour
Michelle: I know, you don't have to keep reminding me
Tony: [Aggressively] yes, I do
Tony: Look, too many things could go wrong here and we don't need another mistake
Tony: [Realizes he needs to calm down and takes a breath] so, have we had any communication from Jack in the last few minutes?
Michelle: No, his still with Nina and the Salazar's
Tony: [Before walking away] alright

Adam: LAPD is setting up a perimeter but they need wind vectors for the last fifteen minutes
Tony: Call meteorology, extension 2112
Michelle: Local news picked up the story about the dead body being dumped at Health Services
Tony: [Sarcastically] great
Michelle: They want a statement: what'd want me to tell them?
Tony: Nothing
Kim: Warden Mitchell is on the phone calling from the prison, he says it's urgent

George: [Over the phone] looks like the lead in Panorama City turned out to be real: some kind of lab where they may have assembled the nuke
Tony: Based on what?
George: They found radioactive material
Tony: What kind radioactive material?
George: Their still doing field analysis. I don't know
Tony: Was anyone exposed?
George: Look, their putting on the suit deacon now: precautionary measure. We have three dead bodies. we'll send you photos, fingerprints on them. See if they match anyone on our watch list. I'm going to have to get back to you
Tony: NSA averted us to send them our case database. Paula's already on it but I'm getting the feeling that they're keeping us out of the loop on something
George: It's standard procedure to consolidate data from all agencies
Tony: Yeah, well that's just it. We're the only agency they've asked
George: Look I've got to go. Call Chappelle and tell him what you told me and see what he can find out for you but I've got to go
Tony: You sure you're ok?
George: I'm fine. Bye

Tony: Michelle says the head of security for the Chinese Consulate just called
Jack: What?
Tony: He made it sound like he has evidence linking CTU to the abduction of Lee
Jack: What kind of evidence?
Tony: He didn't say but he wants to come down here and talk to us
Jack: They don't have any evidence: their bluffing. We don't have time to deal with them right now
Tony: I agree but we don't have much choice, I need you to help me figure out how to deal with this
Jack: I need you to check on Lee's condition first and I'll get back to you

Wayne: [Over the phone] give me an update on this
Tony: The exchange of the virus hasn't happened yet but we expect it to go down at any moment
Wayne: The Pentagon is furious they have to play catch up and I sure as hell don't blame them, now this operation began as a "secret" between three CTU agents and again I will lead their raid when this is over. The President will hold all three of you accountable
Tony: I understand sir but if you're calling just to reprimand me, you're doing both of us a disservice. I need to focus on this operation
Wayne: This operation, how large is it?
Tony: We have half a dozen Delta teams are waiting in the area for the signal to go in
Wayne: Will that be sufficient?
Tony: It has to be: anymore bodies down there, we run the risk of being spotted
Wayne: Tell me exactly what's going to happen?
Tony: We don't have time for this
Wayne: you asked for the President's support for this and he has. Now you went way out on the limb for this and he wants to know what the plan is?
Tony: Michael Amador, the seller will hand the virus over to Nina Meyers. Now he doesn't know Nina Meyers is under our control, once the exchange happens the Delta teams will move in, secure the virus, take Nina Meyers, Michael Amador, and Ramon Salazar into custody
Wayne: Sounds like an awful lot of things are going to have to go perfectly
Tony: That's true, we're pretty sure we have our basis covered
Wayne: [Before hanging up] "Pretty sure" isn't good enough. You make this happen
Tony: Yes sir

Tony: [Whispering to each other, while being guided by Chloe to sneak out of the FBI headquarters] we've got to make a move
Jack: I know
Jack: [Communicating through COMM] come on Chloe, talk to me
Chloe: I'm still locked out, I'm trying to work around it
Tony: [while hiding at the end of a hallway] Jack, we're sitting ducks if we stay here
Jack: I know
Chloe: [Referring to hacking back into the FBI surveillance system] ok, I'm back up Jack
Jack: Copy that
Chloe: Jack, hold up
Jack: What is it?
Chloe: Your heading into an ambush: it's a six man team. Their heading the stairwell
Jack: I understand, we'll evade
Jack: [to Tony] we're going back up the stairs

Jack: [Over the phone] I'm still at the house. Look, I just finished questioning the woman Syed Ali was torturing for information: her name is Kate Warner. I want you to run a background check
Tony: Did you just say Kate Warner?
Jack: Yeah, why?
Tony: I had her family picked up this morning. I was with Kate Warner a few hours ago
Jack: What're you talking about? What's the connection?
Tony: A guy named Reza Naiyeer is her sister's fiancé. His had dealings with Syed Ali. Of course his denying it. He said it was the father, Bob Warner. I had Richards take Naiyeer over to Warner's office to hack into his computer. I have Warner right now. Will Kate talk to you? because her family's not cooperating
Jack: Yeah I think so. I've got to give her a bit of time, she's been through hell, you should see this place
Tony: There's one more thing. Her father Bob Warner, freelances for the CIA
Jack: Ok, look we're going to have to start from the beginning on this thing. You're going to have to run everything and start connecting the dots. These people are involved somehow. You've got to find out how, get back to me as soon as you got anything
Tony: Alright you got it

Tony: [after Audrey walks up to them] how's Paul doing?
Audrey: His still in surgery, I won't know until he gets out
Tony: [to Tony] have you heard anything from Jack?
Michelle: [Answers for Tony] Jack is missing
Audrey: Missing?
Michelle: We think he was taken by Habib Marwan
Audrey: My God: what're we doing to get him back?
Michelle: Everything we can
Audrey: How did this happen? I thought we were tracking him? He was suppose to be protected
Michelle: No one is "fully" protected in the field
Audrey: Who is in charge of this operation?
Michelle: I was
Audrey: Get him back Michelle

Tony: [while looking at his profile on a computer screen] so they think this is our man? The seventh commando?
Michelle: Yeah: Captain Jonathan Wallace. Lead a sniper unit in the Gulf War and an assassination detail in Malaysia
Tony: You get this to Jack yet?
Michelle: I'm on it right now
Michelle: [Before he walks away] I stored it in the shared volume so everyone can see it
Carrie: [Walking up to her work station] hello Michelle
Michelle: What're you doing here?
Michelle: Division sent me here to replace Paula
Michelle: Right, do you need any help getting into the locked volumes on the network?
Carrie: No, actually I'm all up and running, you look great by the way
Michelle: Stop it
Carrie: Stop what?
Michelle: You're not my boss today alright? And technically you work for me
Carrie: Fine, give me an order
Michelle: There's a nuclear bomb in Los Angeles, we've been put in charge of finding it so why don't you start by analyzing these files
Carrie: Fine

Jack: [Over the phone] you back in play?
Tony: Yeah, Kim's here at CTU, she's safe
Jack: [Relived] thank God
Jack: Look, don't tell her what's going on. Just tell her I'll be back as soon as I can
Tony: I will
Ryan: Listen, Jack this is Ryan: we need to talk
Jack: Ryan, you son of a bitch. You stopped that chopper from picking me and Hewitt up, his dead and I'm holding you personally responsible
Ryan: Things have changed, you have full support. Give me your mission profile
Jack: I've set a meeting with Kingsley, we're going to meet him at Los Angeles coliseum gate eighteen. Mrs. Palmer is going to wear a wire and get him to confirm that the three Middle Eastern countries had nothing to do with the nuke
Ryan: I want you to stand down until you get some support. Our people will be there soon
Jack: No, we don't have time. Kingsley is expecting the meet to go down now
Ryan: You need back up
Jack: If you want to help me, get me voice prints of Peter Kingsley and Sherry Palmer now and use that for authentication
Ryan: Done
Jack: I also need a live audio feed of the White House
Ryan: You want an audience with the President?
Jack: Yes
Ryan: Alright you'll have it, make sure you keep the line clear
Jack: Copy, we're pulling into the coliseum now
Ryan: [to Tony] we need to get a SWAT team to his location

Jonas: [Over the phone] where the hell have you been? I've been trying to reach you
Greg: [Over the speakerphone as Tony stands nearby, lying] I was checking on Almeida
Jonas: Did Stokes get him to talk?
Greg: His still working on that sir
Jonas: I told him to put Almeida down if he didn't start talking
Greg: I think we should give him a few more minutes sir
Jonas: We're busting our asses getting these weapons ready before the government makes their move. I want all hands on deck
Greg: We'll be there soon sir
Jonas: [Before hanging up] see that you are
Tony: Call the FBI
Greg: I need to set up the secure landline: make sure nobody's listening
Tony: Alright, do it
Greg: I never thought Jonas would take it this far, I mean the man's a patriot. He founded Starkwood to protect this country
Tony: Yeah? Why is he attacking it?
Greg: It's "complicated." I don't understand it myself. I should've done more to stop this. I should've called FBI months ago

[Jack is taken hostage by Victor Drazen]
Tony: How did Jack sound?
[on the phone]
George: Alive.

Ryan: Well, what've you got?
Tony: The chip was more compromised than we thought
Ryan: Do you have the audio file?
Tony: Michelle was able to recover some information worth following up on
Michelle: Repeating code fragments: it may tell us who programmed the information
Ryan: Did you find the audio file? That's all I need to know
Tony: No, we didn't
Ryan: So, Bauer wasted our time

Tony: [Over the phone] I've got Michelle and Buchanan here, I'll put you on speaker
Jack: Ok
Tony: You ok?
Jack: Yeah, I'm fine, I need you to pick up a phone matrix within a twenty mile radius on the dam
Tony: What're you thinking?
Jack: I managed to short circuit some phone lines in the building I was being held. If you can find two service obstructions at the same coordinates, we can get to Marwan
Tony: I'm opening an interface with the phone company now
Jack: We don't have a lot of time: Marwan was in the building but his not going to stay there for long
Tony: We have tactical teams ready to go. Once we get a location, I'll reposition them for assault
Jack: Ok, I know the layout, I'll run point
Tony: Copy that

Tony: [Stopping her in a hallway] where are you going?
Michelle: I was just going over to IT: I'm still trying to access the CPD software
Tony: IT's the other way
Michelle: I just need a minute
Tony: Carrier's going to be fine
Michelle: [Referring to Danny grabbing her neck] is she going to press charges?
Tony: No, I don't think so
Michelle: It's all my fault. I should've seen it coming
Tony: Its family, it happens
Michelle: His my brother, maybe I should've told him about the bomb
Tony: It was a tough choice, by the way you were right
Michelle: [becoming upset] nothing I've done today is "right", all these people today and this recording if we're right about that. I can't do this anymore
Tony: [Slowly hugs her] come on, come here
Michelle: I'm so tired. I'm so scared
Tony: [Before kissing] it's ok
Carrie: [Interrupts them] Tony, Chappelle's looking for you
Tony: Yeah, ok

Michelle: [Walks over to Tony's work station] LAPD's locked down the area where Marwan was last seen, I need you to review the search grid
Tony: Alright.
Michelle: Ok thanks.
Tony: [Michelle attempts to walk away] when were you planning on telling me?
Michelle: About what?
Tony: About you and Buchanan
Michelle: Never, because it's none of your business.
Tony: [Michelle tries to walk away again] Before you worked with him at Division, you worked with him in Seattle when Homeland Security was restructuring right?
Michelle: Yeah.
Tony: We were still married then.
Michelle: Legally, yes.
Tony: Did you sleep with him, while we were married?
Michelle: No, I didn't.
Tony: But you are now?
Michelle: like I said, it's none of your business.

Tony: [Over the phone] what's happening?
Jack: Is the President still holding off the attack?
Tony: No, things got much worse: it hasn't been made public yet but Palmer's been pulled
Jack: What'd you mean "pulled"?
Tony: His Cabinet invoked the twenty-fifth Amendment because he wanted to wait for confirmation on the Cypress recording. Prescott is now the President
Jack: I'm ready to bring you the evidence to prove the recording was forged. Are you telling me Prescott won't even listen to it?
Tony: No I'm telling you he won't wait for it. Get me that evidence as quickly as possible and I'll call Prescott with it
Jack: Fine, you can start by sending a chopper to the address you gave me. I got Hewitt
Tony: Is he definitely the one who made the recording?
Jack: Yes. Absolutely
Tony: Will he testify?
Jack: We're working on it
Tony: If I go to Chappelle to request for a chopper for you, his just going to deny it because his got orders from District
Jack: Just deal with it. We've got bombers in the air, Hewitt is our only chance to stop this thing please
Tony: Ok I'll do my best

Tony: [Over the phone with Michelle listening in] what're you doing at Kate Warner's house? You were suppose to bring that chip here over an hour ago
Jack: We ran into some interference, Yusuf Auda is dead
Tony: What happened?
Jack: I don't have time to explain but his the only reason we still have the chip. Look I'm trying to read it now. I've put in a flash card adapter but something's not working
Michelle: Just give me a minute. You may have to override the function manually, I'll talk you through it
Jack: OK good
Jack: [to Tony] while Michelle is getting set up I need you to do a couple things for me. I want you to do a background check on a name: Peter Kingsley, it's probably an alias but we might get lucky. I want you to cross reference it with every major player in the oil industry
Tony: Peter Kingsley? Why?
Jack: I'll explain it to you later. I need you to get in touch with the President, tell him we've got the evidence he needs
Tony: I already told him. I just found out his called off the military strikes
Jack: Good, then we've got some time
Tony: Not necessarily, Chapplle just told me he expects the order to be reversed
Jack: Why?
Tony: He didn't get specific but something's going on in Washington, something we're not suppose to know about
Jack: [to Michelle] are you ready for me?
Michelle: Yeah

Tony: [Talking privately] can you come with me for a second?
Adam: I'm sitting on these satellite feeds for Jack right now, can it wait?
Tony: No, it can't, Chloe will watch it
Adam: Fine, what is it? I really have to stay on this
Tony: It's personal, just come with me
Adam: Whatever it is, just tell me. Did I do something wrong?
Tony: No, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you: your sister Sarah is in one of the quarantine zones
Adam: What?
Tony: You have a sister named Sarah right?
Adam: Yeah, how could they be sure it's her? There has to be a hundred Sarah Kaufman's in Los Angeles
Tony: Chloe confirmed it
Adam: Have they kept her away from the people that are infected?
Tony: She's infected
Adam: What're you saying? Are you saying Sarah's going to die?
Tony: It looks that way, yeah. I'm sorry
Adam: Oh my God
Tony: I'm going to give you a chance to talk to your sister but then I'm going to need you to stay on until the crisis passes, you think you can do that? Because we need you here

Rae: According the Chloe's statement, you were working in parallel to bring down Saunders even while you were complying with his demands?
Tony: Yeah, that's right. I gave Chloe a recording of a conversation between Saunders and myself...
Brad: [Interrupts him] Chloe also said you intentionally scrambled the voice to slow down her progress
Rae: Tony, did you put Michelle's life ahead of public safety and national security?
Tony: Yes, I did

Michelle: You heard what Chappelle said: his not going to let us have a chopper if he knows it's for Jack
Tony: Yeah but Jack's got Hewitt and Hewitt definitely made that recording. Chappelle can't ignore that
Michelle: [Before Tony walks over to Chappelle] he can do whatever he wants
Ryan: What?
Tony: Jack Bauer just contacted us
Ryan: Really? Where is he?
Tony: North Hollywood
Ryan: What's he doing?
Tony: His got the guy who forged the Cypress recording and wants to bring him in
Ryan: Fine let him
Tony: His too far away, we need to send a chopper
Ryan: We've been through this. I'm done with Bauer, his chasing a trail that leads nowhere. We're onto other things
Tony: What could be more important than the US launching a war based on false information?
Ryan: The thing is, you've been reassigned
Tony: Reassigned? Where?
Ryan: I'll let you know in a few days. For now you can go home
Tony: You can't reassign me now
Ryan: This recording is real, we are going to war. We need to prepare for the domestic response. You have just made yourself a liability I can't afford. You've got fifteen minutes to clean out your desk and get out

Tony: [Briefing Jack] his name is Joseph Fayed, associate professor at Greene University, chemical engineering, came to the US in 1985 to get his graduate degree
Curtis: We're sending in a tactical team to pick him up now
Jack: That's a mistake
Curtis: Why?
Jack: With everything we've seen today, Marwan vetted his inner circle very carefully: that man will die before he says anything
Tony: You're probably right but what can we do besides arrest Fayed?
Jack: Send someone in undercover, take a chance, they might lead you to Marwan
Tony: Come on, we don't have the time to put one of our own people undercover
Jack: I'm not talking about one of our own people: Dina Araz
Curtis: [to Jack] she's already made her deal. We granted her son immunity, we have nothing left to offer her
Jack: Maybe, maybe not. Let me talk to her while you mobilize a tactical team, if I can't get her to cooperate by the time their ready, send them in but it's simple: we either find Marwan or we will not be able to stop what his planning next

Michelle: [after the meeting] what're we going to do?
Michelle: I don't know, I'm going to have to talk to someone in Prescott's staff: if and when Jack comes in here with the evidence, we have to have someone in place to take it to
Michelle: Be careful Tony, if Chappelle finds out your doing an "in-run..."
Tony: I know

Bill: [Talking privately] I've noticed a little hostility on your part, if it's about me and Michelle.
Tony: It's not my business, as far as the hostility goes, I can promise you it's over with.
Bill: Whatever you say, one more thing: I think the world of Michelle, I love working with her. Outside work we never got off ground. She never said why but it didn't take a genius to figure it out. She cared about you and she still does.

Tony: Why don't we try an amplification module?
Gael: I've already cycled through it three times: it's not a weak signal, there's no signal
Tony: What do we think happened here?
Michelle: There's a strong possibility that Jack's cover might've been blown
Tony: There's no indication that his transponder's been found or that his cover's been blown. Maybe his in a place where there's no signal or his transponder's been broken?
Gael: Partial damage may have knocked it to a different frequency
Tony: Let's run a scan
Michelle: I'm doing that now. I'm only a third way through the spectrum but so far no luck

Michelle: [while in a holding room] what'd you think they'll charge us with?
Tony: They can push for treason if they wanted to
Michelle: [Surprised] you think they will?
Tony: Depends how big of a example they want to make of us. Look, no one can prove that you knew about what I was going to do to Chappelle. I'm just going to tell them you were helping Jack under my orders, alright?
Michelle: No
Tony: What'd you mean no?
Michelle: I did what I thought was right. I still believe that and I won't let you lie for me

Tony: Where you going?
George: Bakersfield
Tony: What for?
George: Following up on a lead. We're shorthanded today so I've got to cover it myself
Tony: Peter's assigned to Bakersfield
George: I put him on something else
Tony: Why?
George: I don't have to tell you that
Tony: I guess I disagree. I mean if you're just trying to get outside the blast radius
George: The hell do you think you are? Do you have access to my information?
Tony: No, I don't
George: Then keep your mouth shut and do your job

Peter: [Meeting in the coliseum while The President and the Joint Chiefs and CTU monitor through a live feed] where's Hewitt?
Sherry: His safe. You lied to me: you wanted this bomb to go off all along. You used Roger Stanton and you used me
Peter: Yes I did
Sherry: Well now I'm tied to you, and the nuclear detonation. I want safe haven
Peter: That's your problem
Sherry: Well I just made it yours because you won't see Hewitt until I'm safe
Peter: [Amused] don't horse trade me
Sherry: Don't insult my intelligence
Michelle: Confirmed. We got a match on Kingsley's voice
Jack: Ryan, you got it?
Peter: You're not going anywhere until I have Hewitt
Sherry: [handing him a cell phone] that doesn't work for me. I'll call you on this line to give you Hewitt's location, after I'm safely away. You don't need to know where I'm going
Tony: Jack, we're not getting what we need here
Jack: She'll get it for you
Sherry: Now there's the matter of the phone conversations
Peter: [Before a bodyguard hands her the hard drive] they're right here. Every phone conversation between you and me
Sherry: No, I want all of them. Including Cypress
Peter: Why would you want Cypress? You had nothing to do with it
Sherry: Insurance
Peter: Insurance? Once the country goes to war, the government is never going let that be exposed. Hewitt was the only one who can hurt us
Sherry: Because he forged the Cypress recording?
Peter: That's right

George: What's the word at the airport?
Tony: Their searching all the planes and structures: there's too places this thing could be
Randy: [after enhancing the number on the burned paper fragment found in Syed Ali's clothing] I got it. It's either N34G5 or NG436
George: Michelle?
Michelle: I'm on it. N34G5 is registered in California and it's at Norton Airfield in hanger MD-7

Tony: Maybe you should reconsider?
Jack: Reconsider what?
Tony: Taking Bill into your confidence: his been part of this operation since the get-go
Jack: I don't know what it's going to take to get Burnett to talk, if I have to use extreme measures
Tony: I don't get it, you think you'll have to go there?
Jack: I'm "driving on a cliff here", I don't need to put Bill in the passenger seat
Tony: Alright fine, I'll go with you
Jack: You're a wanted felon: you wouldn't even get past the first checkpoint. Besides with all the government agencies still compromised, it might be up to you to stop the attack

Tony: [Pointing to a map on a monitor] Amador will bring the virus to this location in thirty minutes: we have Delta teams two minutes away to intercept the package as soon as Jack confirms and contains the virus
Michelle: Is Jack's transmitter working yet?
Tony: No, we're using Chase. His moving into a forward covert position to give us confirmation, he'll be able to transmit sound to us and to the Delta teams
Michelle: Who's running his COMM?
Chloe: I am, there wasn't any protocol in place so I wrote a software grid, and I'm amplifying the low frequency audio signal and relaying it out
Michelle: Ok good
Tony: After that, Chase will let us know when the transaction's complete and Jack has the virus at which point our units will move in taking full precaution to keep that virus safe

President: [after watching Jack's prerecorded video] keeping me in the dark on a matter of national security is inexcusable
Tony: [Over the phone] we were trying to protect you Sir
President: I know what you were trying to do and it was a mistake: and you and your colleagues will take responsibility for it when this is over
Tony: Yes Sir, I understand
President: Where's Bauer now?
Tony: In Northern Mexico. His setting a meeting between the Salazar's and the Ukrainians who are selling the virus
President: When is this meeting expected to take place?
Tony: In the next few hours Sir. Mr. President, I'm requesting your permission to activate the interdiction plan
President: Under the circumstances I don't have a choice but to say yes Mr. Almeida. But even if this plan works flawlessly, you haven't heard the last of it
President: [to Wayne after he hangs up with Tony] I don't like decisions being taken out of my hands
Wayne: Well, some decisions you want to keep as far away from as you can
President: Not this decision, it's too important. Jack Bauer had no right to keep me out of the loop
Wayne: I disagree. Bauer protected you as he should have now when this is over, you're probably going have to punish him but while you're punishing him know this: he did do the right thing

Michelle: [while Tony packs up his desk, referring to Ryan Chapplle] he just reassigned you? He didn't give you an explanation?
Tony: Chappelle doesn't want me on the job: his got his own people, and I'm not one of them
Michelle: What're you going to do?

Jack: [Just seeing him hanging up the phone and upset] Michelle?
Tony: Yeah
Jack: [Referring to her infected with the virus] did she get her test results back yet?
Tony: No, they won't have them for another hour: what's going on?
Jack: Do you know if Saunders and Chappelle had any history? If their paths ever crossed?
Tony: Not that I'm aware of, what kind of connection are you looking for?
Jack: The kind that would want Saunders have Chappelle killed because that's exactly what he just ordered the President to do. By 7am, he wants Ryan Chappelle dead
Tony: Why?
Jack: That's what I'm trying to figure out
Tony: And the President put this on you?
Jack: I don't know what I'm going to do if we don't find Saunders by seven
Tony: Have you told Ryan about this?
Jack: No, not yet
Tony: I should really change his security clearance before you do
Jack: You really think his a flight risk?
Tony: We can't take a chance right now
Jack: We have to find Saunders, I'll get Chappelle to send all his data to Chloe. You prep her and whoever else you can spare to sort through it
Tony: They're going to want to know what's going on
Jack: They don't need to know
Tony: I'll take care of it
Jack: Thank you

President: [Over the phone] Mr. Almeida, I just heard you lost Stephen Saunders: is that true?
Tony: Yes Sir, unfortunately it is
President: I thought CTU was certain of his location? What happened?
Tony: We're looking into it now Sir
President: Does Saunders know we're holding his daughter?
Tony: Yes Sir he does and she's obviously very important to him
President: Is Jane Saunders there with you right now?
Tony: No, she's on her way here Sir
President: Mr. Almeida, I don't have to remind you how much security we're going to need around her today. She is the only thing standing between us and Stephen Saunders controlling the government
Tony: Yes Mr. President, we're aware of that
President: [Before hanging up] Good, keep me posted
Tony: Yes Sir, thank you Sir

Tony: [Talking privately] what's going on?
David: Bringing Bauer in is not worth the risk
Tony: What're you talking about? I would still be in FBI custody if it wasn't for him
David: Alright, you already made your case
Tony: [Insistently] we can use him
David: I "considered" it but I'm going a different "way"
Tony: I owe him. Do you understand that?
David: Yeah I appreciate your loyalty, I always have: this is business. I can't have an unknown "factor" like Jack Bauer coming in and messing things up
Tony: [while Emerson loads and cocks a gun] what're you going to do? Kill him?
David: No, you are

Ryan: You cleared those shared files with Division yet?
Tony: No, I got it right here, I had to take care of something
Ryan: Yeah I know what you were doing: you were calling about Michelle
Tony: She's my wife
Ryan: I understand that but we're shorthanded as it is, we can't afford...
Tony: [Interrupts him, raises his voice] I know how to do my job alright?
Ryan: Yes but you're not doing it. You have to move on
Tony: Move on? What're you acting like she's already dead?
Ryan: Yes, I am and so should you. We're at war, I need your full attention. If you can't give it to me, go home or maintain a visual at the hotel but if you stay here, I need you to focus and the best way to do that is to assume the worst and make it about getting revenge. Now what's it going to be? Are you staying or not?
Tony: What'd you need?
Ryan: I've been hunting for any bank accounts Amador may have used over the last few months on the computer we confiscated at the Go club, if I can find something, maybe we can follow the money trail back to Stephen Saunders
Tony: Is it offshore or domestic?
Ryan: Both. If I find anything suspicious, I'll stream it to you to coordinate with Division

Tony: Edgar, I want you to relocate personnel
Edgar: Based on what?
Tony: Keep the people who've come in the last six hours working on Marwan, I want our most alert people focused on him
Sarah: Are we going to ignore what just happened here?
Edgar: What'd you mean?
Tony: She's talking about Erin Driscoll
Sarah: If she can't focus, she shouldn't be running this place
Edgar: Her daughter died a few minutes ago: give her a little more time
Sarah: More time? Since when do we have the luxury of time?
Edgar: She's not stupid, she knows what's at stake here
Tony: Your right Sarah, we have don't have the luxury of time. We have work to do and our mandate doesn't include deciding Erin Driscoll's fate
Sarah: I think we have to tell Secretary Heller
Tony: No, we don't, not yet. Now let's get back on it

Tony: [Through video conference] we've put multiple trackers on Behrooz Araz but those are no longer transmitting which means Marwan's men found them and destroyed them
President: Are you close to finding Marwan?
Tony: We may be Sir, Jack Bauer managed to tag the location where he was being held: we're preparing to mount a raid on that location as we speak
President: I want Marwan found: now. I've asked Secret Service to secure us a landing site so I can be on the ground to address the nation for the eleven o'clock news
Tony: Sir, we believe you're safer in the air right now
President: I have been flying for twenty hours. The American people need to hear from me now: not tomorrow
Michelle: Then may I suggest you do it from Air Force One? It may not be optimal but at least you'll get your message across
President: I appreciate your concerns but I'm going to give my speech when I get to Los Angeles. I'll inform the press corp., give them enough time to notify their outlets
Michelle: Yes Mr. President
President: Just make sure I'm briefed on Bauer's progress before I go on the air
Michelle: Of course

Michelle: Why is Paula still here?
Tony: Mason's call
Michelle: She has almost no chance of surviving unless we get her to a hospital now
Tony: Yeah I know
Michelle: I thought Mason wasn't coming back?
Tony: Well, his back. His trying to revive Paula long enough so she can access the information she was sending to NSA
Michelle: So, his just going to let her die?
Tony: I'm not so sure that Mason made the wrong call. Look, Paula is the only person who can retrieve that information
Michelle: [after putting her hand on his back to comfort him] I'm sorry
Tony: It's just that I'm the one who brought her to CTU. I hired her: this job is all she ever wanted to do. She never had a chance to do it
Michelle: She did
Tony: We better get back to work

George: What's going on here?
Tony: I should ask you the same question: I thought you weren't coming back here?
George: I changed my mind
Tony: Oh, you did? Why?
George: I don't have to answer to you so drop the attitude
George: [to the Paramedic, referring to Paula's injuries] how bad is she?
Tony: [Answering for the Paramedic] bad, she's bleeding internally
George: [to the Paramedic] anything you can do for her at the hospital you can do here?
Hazmat: No, she needs surgery, We can't do that in the field
George: They're going to put her under anesthesia?
Hazmat: That's right
Tony: What're you doing George?
George: How long is she going to be under?
Hazmat: Couple of hours
George: Then she stays here
Hazmat: We can't keep her here
George: Look, everything we have on this nuke has been destroyed. The only Intel we have left is the database Paula sent to the NSA and they didn't get the code
Tony: Well then we'll assign other IT people to retrieve it
George: She's the only one who can decrypt those files and you know it
Tony: [Raising his voice] we'll send a programmer to get it
George: We don't have time. I need her here and I need her lucid. Just for a few minutes. I don't care what you have to do. Can you get her conscious?
Hazmat: I can administer epinephrine maybe get her BP up temporarily
Tony: You're out of your mind George. You're crazy
George: Tell yourself that if it makes you feel better
Tony: This girl deserves a chance to live

President: [Over the speakerphone as Mike Novick stands nearby] what'd you have for me?
Bill: I'm here with Michelle Dessler Director of CTU Los Angeles and Tony Almeida, heading up tactical
President: Good, let's get started: have all of our armaments referenced in the red chapter been secured?
Michelle: Not completely but we're working with DOD on that
President: What else do we know?
Michelle: The man who choreographed today's events Habib Marwan is still at large. Most likely he is in possession of the red chapter
President: What're we doing to find him?
Tony: We just picked up a thread Sir, we have a location of where one of Marwan's associates was detected twenty minutes ago
President: That sounds promising, what else?
Michelle: We're sifting through all of our intel now: we're hoping to put together a pursuit "scenario" soon
President: So you're pretty confident you'll catch this terrorist Habib Marwan before he strikes again?
Michelle: It's not an exact "science" Sir, all we can do is maximize the probability for success: there are no guarantees
President: [Raises his voice] of course I understand that, we need to get control of the situation. I can't run the government down here indefinitely but I'm not going back up there until its safe

Tony: Did Mason tell you that they're sending someone from Division for an evaluation?
Michelle: Yeah
Michelle: Why are they doing this now? We're clearly operational: we're getting results. Why can't they just leave us alone?
Tony: They will, it's just Chappelle's way of doing stuff over there
Michelle: What about George?
Tony: Well, when they get a look at the shape his in, their probably going to yank him. I'm keeping an eye on him alright? Just get everyone in order

Tony: The report says Dina's been dead for less than thirty minutes: we can only assume that's when Marwan grabbed Jack
Michelle: [sighs] what's the search range on Jack and Marwan?
Tony: Fifteen hundred square miles but it's increasing by the minute
Michelle: What about chatter?
Tony: I've filtered through everything that came from Langley, NSA, and Interpol. None of it is correlating right now
Michelle: Volume?
Tony: It's actually slowing down which may mean we've incurred all the damage we will today
Michelle: Or it could be the "calm before the storm?"
Tony: Yeah, the one thing we know for sure if Jack's alive, he'll find a way to contact us
Michelle: We'll just have to wait until we pick up thread on Marwan
Tony: Yeah
Michelle: So, I heard Jack called you earlier today?
Tony: Yeah
Michelle: And that you saved his life?
Tony: We both know I owed him one right?
Tony: [Intentionally changing the subject] Audrey's been waiting for her husband to get out of surgery, I think we should tell her about Jack
Michelle: Why?
Tony: Their involved
Michelle: She's married
Tony: Separated
Michelle: I prefer not to tell her anything
Tony: Why?
Michelle: Because we may have to make a very tough call on how Jack's capture plays out
Tony: She's a professional, she knows it may be a possibility, I think it'd be wrong to keep it from her
Michelle: I don't want her interfering
Tony: I think she has a right to know, but hey, you're the boss: it's your call

Yusuf: I'm suppose to update my office right now: I've got nothing to report because I've been excluded from this operation since I arrived
Tony: Look, I'll tell what I can, when I can
Yusuf: My country permitted your operatives to raid Ali's apartment under the condition that I would be involved in this operation
Tony: I understand your frustration and you can call your office and tell them anything you'd like. Now we've got work to do and you're simply not authorized to be a part of it

Tony: How do you want to do this?
Jack: How long do we have to keep him on the line so we can run a trace?
Tony: About a minute
Jack: Ok: we'll need to cover our bases, we'll use Jane to try to keep him on the line: if we have to jump in, we will
Tony: Alright, I'll initiate the trace, you tell Jane what we need her to do
Jack: I'll get back to you

Carrie: [Over the phone, referring to Michelle] she's looking at infrareds: she's been collecting data for almost ten minutes
Tony: Alright, I'll tell you what, pull off the coordinates of what she's looking at. If she's doing it for Jack, that's how we're going to find him
Carrie: I tried that
Tony: What's the problem?
Carrie: She's covered her tracks. She's pulled over a hundred quadrants, I have no idea what she's really interested in
Tony: I'll tell you what, I'll deal with this

President: [Over the phone] what is it Mr. Almeida?
Tony: Mr. President, we have a recording of Syed Ali collaborating with high ranking officials from three Middle Eastern countries in preparation in today's terrorist attack
President: How long ago did this come to our attention?
Tony: Just in the last few minutes
President: Who else knows?
Tony: Our Division headquarters Sir
President: You have ties to the other agencies including the Pentagon which means everybody knows
Tony: I tagged it a section four security but I did think it was important to keep going on the authentication process as quickly as possible
President: And how long would that be?
Tony: We should have initial confirmation within the hour Sir
President: Let me ask you another question Mr. Almeida? Why would Syed Ali record a conversation like this in the first place?
Tony: Mr. President, half the time these people don't trust each other anymore they trust us. My guess is that Ali wanted "ammunition" to protect himself. In case any of these three countries turned against him
President: Alright. Thank you Mr. Almeida. I'll let you get back to work. Good job. Please pass on my appreciation to the rest of your staff
Tony: Thank you Mr. President

Michelle: What'd your doctor say?
Tony: I don't know: they think I tore a ligament or something. Look, Carrie said she saw you talking to Jack before he took Kate Warner out of CTU
Michelle: Yeah, is that a problem?
Tony: Well, depends what you were talking about. What were you talking about?
Michelle: Are you interrogating me?
Tony: Did you help Jack take Kate Warner out of here?
Michelle: Of course not. Is that what Carrie told you? That I'm in collusion with Jack?
Tony: Yeah
Michelle: Well, I don't know what to tell you. She doesn't know what she's talking about
Tony: Look, it doesn't matter whether you think Jack is right or wrong. The fact is this is my command and what happens here is my responsibility
Michelle: I know that
Tony: So I need you to be honest with me now. Did you intentionally draw Agent Baker away from Kate Warner?
Michelle: No. I did not
Tony: So why would Carrie tell me you did?
Michelle: Because she'd like to see me out of here
Tony: Why's that?
Michelle: Because I don't like her. She knows it
Tony: Do you want to tell me about it?
Michelle: No, not really
Tony: If you have a problem that's interfering with your work...
Michelle: [Interrupts him] it's not interfering with my work. It's not
Tony: Ok. Thanks

Tony: [Briefing the CTU staff] everyone should be working up the name Kyle Singer alright? I want point sheets from the department heads in the next five minutes: everything there is to know on Kyle Singer, I want it. Where he lives, where he works, and most importantly where is he likely to be right now. Also, keep an open channel to Field Ops so Chloe could forward anything that comes in to Jack, alright? Let's go

Tony: [Over the speakerphone] what've you got?
Bill: The second satellite pass is complete: we were unable to detect the missile with thermal imaging, there's just too much radiant heat from ground sources
David: This is President Palmer, is there a chance another satellite pass will find the missile?
Bill: The more data we have Mr. President, the better but a more intensive pass will take two to three hours
David: And we expect the missile to find its target before then?
Bill: Yes Sir, we do
David: Alright make sure FBI is on a real time link with all local emergency channels
Bill: Yes Sir, I'll get that done right now
David: I also want you to compile disaster scenarios for the urban centers within range of the missile
Bill: Sir, that's twenty of the largest cities in this country
David: I'm aware of that. I want death rates, fallout patterns, and emergency response predictions for all of them
Bill: Yes Sir, I'll take care of that right now

Ryan: [after entering the holding room Michelle and Tony are in] sit down: both of you
Tony: Look, you don't need Michelle here, she was acting under my orders
Michelle: [to Tony] I can defend myself
Ryan: I said sit down. I need you to get me in contact with Jack Bauer
Tony: Oh, I see, Jack got some support from above and now you're being squeezed right?
Ryan: Can you do it or not?
Tony: What's going on?
Ryan: Bauer's evidence may have some relevance
Michelle: Which means we were right?
Ryan: No. You damn near put me in a coma! That's assault
Tony: I'll tell you what, you drop the charges against us and we'll help you. You of all people know that's your best move right?
Ryan: Fine
Tony: In writing
Ryan: Alright, in writing
Ryan: Just get me in touch with Bauer

Tony: [Over the phone] look, I don't know how to tell you this but we're on the other line with the Sherriff station, they're holding your daughter Kim
Jack: Holding her for what?
Tony: She's being held on some kind of criminal charges
Jack: What're you talking about?
Tony: I have her on a second line should I patch it through?
Jack: Yes, get Mason on this now
George: I'm already on with the precinct, we're working on it
Jack: Obviously there's some kind of mistake I need you to straighten it out and get Kim out of Los Angeles
George: I'll take care of it
Kim: Daddy?
Jack: Kim, what happened?
Kim: I was leaving the city like you said and I was with Meagan and my boyfriend Miguel and the CHP pulled us over for speeding. They found a body in the trunk: it was Carla's body
Jack: Carla, the woman you work for?
Kim: Yeah

Jack: Tell me about Emerson?
Tony: His British: former SAS, urban warfare, snipping, closed quarter combat, saw action in Beirut, Mogadishu
Jack: So he's good?
Tony: Extremely. His not some "whack job" or "ideolog." His about two things: money and "personal loyalty"
Jack: It sounds like you admire him?
Tony: He treated me like a brother when I thought I had nobody else
Jack: Is this going to be a problem?
Tony: No, I know his on the wrong side of "this", I'll do what has to be done

Kim: [Over the phone] I haven't been able to reach my dad: is he available?
Tony: We're in the middle of something really important can I have him get back to you?
Kim: Please, it'll just take a minute
Tony: OK, just hold on
Jack: Are you getting it?
Michelle: Yeah I got it but you were right. The data is pretty scrambled
Tony: Jack, I just assigned two IT people to help Michelle with this. We should be able to get through in fifteen to twenty minutes tops
Jack: OK good
Tony: Also, I got Kim on the line for you
Jack: Thank you
Tony: Kim, I got your dad on the line go ahead
Kim: Dad?
Jack: Sweetheart
Kim: Tony told me your alive, I've been trying to reach you
Jack: Are you still at the Sheriff's station?
Kim: They're taking me to the Matheson house to pack up my things. I'm glad you're ok
Jack: Me too
Kim: When I thought you were gone, I just miss you dad. I miss you so much
Jack: I miss you too honey
Kim: I just want to come home
Jack: I'll be home soon, I promise
Kim: Ok, hey dad?
Jack: Yeah?
Kim: I love you
Jack: I love you too, I'll see you soon ok?

Michelle: Hey, where's George?
Tony: His not here: he broke
Michelle: Look, he wanted an ETA on the search and rescue could you tell him they're about twelve minutes away from the crash site?
Tony: OK
Michelle: What's going on with George?
Tony: As far as what?
Michelle: His sick isn't he? His got some kind of radiation poisoning doesn't he?
Tony: Where'd you get that?
Michelle: Hazmat was all over the warehouse he raided this morning so it's got to be "hot" right? I was just working with him and his nose started bleeding. That's after someone told he was throwing up in the bathroom and it doesn't take a doctor to figure it out. Besides I can read your face pretty well by now
Tony: Look, he doesn't want anybody else to know ok?
Michelle: How bad?
Tony: Pretty bad
Michelle: Can he run things on his condition?
Tony: Yeah I think so
Michelle: No, that's not good enough. I mean I feel bad for him but if his compromised physically or mentally we can't...
Tony: [Interrupts her] he can do his job. He wants to do his job like I've never seen before. His determined to stop this bomb
Michelle: Yeah so am I which is why I think he should step down
Tony: Look, I'll keep an eye on him. The second he loses his step I'll make sure he packs up
Michelle: No you have enough to do without having to babysit him
Tony: I'm not "babysitting", you've got to trust me on this

[Navi has Behrooz hostage in an enclosed area but is very confident]
Tony: Let's try to open up a negotiation.
Dina: My husband won't negotiate.
Tony: Why is that?
Dina: He doesn't need to. He has to assume I have agreed to help you in return for my son's safety.
Tony: Well, he can't stay down there with him forever.
Dina: He won't. In two hours, all the reactors will have gone critical. After that, it won't matter what I tell you, and he can kill my son. I am only helping you to save his life. I believe in our cause, and if you can't save my son, I am happy to see the reactors melt down.
Jack: [on phone with Discroll] Did you get that?

Tony: Any word on Paul?
Audrey: They still don't know yet
Tony: I thought you wanted to know: we decided to go ahead with the exchange, we're getting Behrooz right now
Audrey: It's not going to be that "simple" is it?
Tony: These things are never "simple" but if Marwan really wants the kid, his got no reason to hurt Jack
Audrey: And if he doesn't? And it's just a trap?
Tony: We'll be prepared. Our fields will have the area fully covered
Audrey: Will you be there?
Tony: No, I'll be running point from here but Curtis will be on the ground
Audrey: Is the operational objective to get Jack?
Audrey: [after pausing] no, it isn't. We have to consider Jack expendable: this whole thing is about creating an exposure point for Marwan
Audrey: I know, thank you for being straight with me
Tony: Look, Jack's about the only friend I have left. So I'm going to do everything I can to keep him safe alright?

Tony: [while catching up to him in the hallway] Richards told me you had Warner and Naiyeer transferred to room seven
George: That's right
Tony: Well, I had them separated for a reason
George: Yeah I told you to, and it's not working. So let's put them together and let them play off each other alright?
Tony: I don't get you: one minute your running away to save your own ass, next minute your back here and act as if you give a damn about anything but yourself
George: Back off
Tony: No, I'm not going to back off. Not today. Now what's going on?
George: Remember the warehouse in Panorama City? Weapons grade plutonium, airborne fire fight?
Tony: You were exposed?
George: Yeah, so I'll be lucky if I make it through tomorrow
Tony: I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. Does anyone else know about this?
George: [Shaking his head] just Jack and you. I want to keep it that way
Tony: Do you need anything? Something I can do?
George: Just do your job and let me do mine

Tony: You mind telling me what's going on around here tonight?
Jack: What's going on? You mean besides a 747 falling out of the sky and a threat on a presidential candidate's life?
Tony: Yeah, besides that.

Edgar: [During a meeting] using the alias "Harris Barnes", Marwan worked at McLennan-Forrester for the last two years as a Senior Engineer: his most recent project was the design and development of the Override
Erin: Before that?
Tony: Here's the timeline we've "pieced" together, he went to graduate school in England, then worked several years for a company outside of London. Now it's not clear if he was radicalized there or before that but the one thing we do know is that from the day he arrived in the US, everything he did was about today
Erin: What were his other duties at McLennan-Forrester?
Sarah: We don't know yet: we're taking a first pass at his records now. I'm looking into the possibility he may have used McLennan-Forrester as a base to recruit his sleeper cells
Tony: And that brings up another issue, at present time, we have over eighty percent of field personnel looking for Marwan. I'm just wondering if we should divert part of that man power to root out some of these other cells?
Tony: [after she doesn't respond] Erin?
Erin: I'm sorry Tony, what was the question?
Tony: Do you think we should reduce the field load on Marwan?
Tony: [after she doesn't respond again] how about we take some of our people off Marwan but keep a floor of sixty percent still looking for him? Would that work?
Erin: Yes, that would work
Tony: Ok

Tony: How's Chappelle doing?
Michelle: His still unconscious but his starting to stir
Tony: Yeah the drug I gave him is short active: I may have to give him another shot soon
Michelle: How long can you keep pumping him full of that stuff?
Tony: We only have to keep "him on ice" long enough for Jack to deliver Hewitt. How we coming on the chopper?
Michelle: It'll land on Hewitt's place in about ten minutes. We should get Hewitt back here in about half an hour
Tony: Good
Michelle: What about Carrie? Is she asking about Chappelle?
Tony: No. not yet. I have her working on image processing that should keep her busy for a while

Reza: I didn't transfer the money...
Tony: [Interrupts him] you transferred the money into the account
Reza: [Raises his voice] I didn't transfer the money
Tony: Well, you better tell me who did or I'm taking you in
Reza: Why are you doing this?
Tony: Friends of mine were doing their best to protect the citizens of the country were murdered today: probably by the same people you're funding. Is that a good enough reason for you?
Reza: I told you before, I don't know anything else
Tony: [after noticing Reza's parents standing outside on the lawn, before putting handcuffs on him] your parents. Stand up and put your hands up, and place your hands behind your head. Its shame, it's going to break their heart. I have to walk you right past them, they'll see who their son really is
Reza: I confirmed the transfers but I didn't make them. I was just covering the records. I didn't want them to get into trouble
Tony: Who? Who are you covering for? Who transferred that money into Syed Ali's accounts?
Reza: Bob Warner. Marie's father

George: [Attempting to introduce them to each other] Jack Bauer, this is Michelle...
Jack: [Interrupts him] what am I doing here George?
George: There's a rogue nuclear weapon here in Los Angeles. Intel says it's going off today
Jack: How good is your Intel?
George: Very. NSA did the ground work. We have high probability leads on regional cells that might be involved
Jack: How close are you to ID-ing a prime suspect?
George: Not close at all, that's what your here for
Tony: [after jack leaves the room] George, let me talk to him

Jack: [Over the phone] Starkwood was involved in everything that happened today: they were the ones who helped Juma and his men bring down those planes and attack the White House. In exchange, they were allowed to develop and manufacture WMD's in Sangala: a bio weapon. Apparently, it's already in the US
Tony: Who else knows about this?
Jack: No one, Senator and I were "piecing" the information together right before he was killed
Tony: You said the weapons are already "here." Are they in possession of it?
Jack: I don't think so: the text message I got off their agent's cell phone said "Port of Alexandria, Lot C, 10:15pm"
Tony: Why not just call the FBI? And lock the whole place down?
Jack: [Irritated] because we're fugitives, no one's going to believe us. We need to know "exactly" where that weapon is before we call anyone else in. I need to know if your "with me" on this?
Tony: Yeah, I'm "with you"
Jack: Ok, meet me at the north end of the port: there an access road right before the entrance
Tony: [Before hanging up] alright, I'll be there

David: Tanner, he's the only who knew we were grabbing Matobo: he must've talked
Litvak: [to Emerson, referring to the FBI] sir, we need to go before they get here
Tony: Not without Matobo
Litvak: Those walls are two feet thick, even if we blow a hole with a shape charge, it'll kill everyone inside
Jack: I think I found a way
Litvak: Yeah? Like what?
Jack: We can gas them out
Litvak: [Irritated] we don't have any
Jack: We'll find something
Jack: [to Emerson] the ventilation system works straight into the safe room, if I can feed the gas through that, it'll flush them out
Litvak: [to Jack] the FBI is coming
Jack: They won't be here for at least fifteen minutes
Litvak: What're you talking about? How do you know?
Jack: If they knew anything before we got here, they would've evacuated Matobo
Litvak: [to Emerson] that's just a guess
Jack: [to Emerson] tact teams are staged out of the DC branch office: that's twenty one miles from here. With traffic, that gives us at least fifteen minutes
Tony: [to everyone] we're not leaving without Matobo, that's what Dubaku is paying us for
Litvak: [to Emerson] you aren't seriously considering...
David: [shouts to Litvak] shut up
David: [to Jack] what kind of gas are you talking about?
Jack: Ammonium dysterate, we can make it from basic household products
Litvak: Do it

Tony: Hey, look: I just wanted you to know that I told the President about Jack
Michelle: You did?
Tony: Yeah, if Jack has what he says he has, the President should know about it
Michelle: How did he react?
Tony: He wants us to keep him apprised of the situation
Michelle: You did the right thing
Tony: We'll find out when Jack gets here with that chip
Michelle: How long did he say?
Tony: About twenty minutes. Look, when he does get here, I want you to make sure that thing's real
Michelle: I'll pull up the CPD software right now
Michelle: Alright, thanks

Tony: [Over the phone] how long before you can move in?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: About half an hour
Tony: We found out the virus was altered, combined with another compound
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Until the compound is analyzed we have no idea what we're dealing with
Tony: So, what's the mortality rate among those exposed to the virus?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: In its ALT form, approximately ninety percent
Tony: If somebody was exposed to it for a short time, would leaving the hotel make a difference? I mean I knowing not making sense here...
Dr. Nicole Duncan: [Interrupts him] once your exposed, your exposed, the length of exposure has no bearing on survivability
Tony: You said ten percent would survive, now if the virus "was" altered, is there a chance the percentage would go up?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: [Referring to Michelle] it's possible: we'll do everything we can for her
Tony: [Before hanging up] yeah, thanks

Michelle: Tony, we have a match on John Doe
Tony: What'd you got?
Michelle: The body is a David Goss: his a street dealer in East LA and is also an informant. Looks like he flipped sides so many times the DEA stopped working with him over a year ago
Jack: Do we have a last known address?
Michelle: We're working on it
Jack: Ok we're going to need to know who infected Goss, you're going to have to work up a list of everyone who's been involved in his life over the last week
Tony: Alright, we'll pull over everything we can get our hands on
Jack: Ok but work it from the other side as well. Go through Salazar's network, see if you can find the supplier who sold to Goss

Michelle: I need you to put this in the overnight database: Chappelle's going to need them for his morning briefing
Carrie: Why are you giving this to me? This is your situation report
Michelle: I'm on something else
Carrie: What else?
Michelle: I don't have to explain myself to you, just please do it
Carrie: You do need to explain yourself because I think you're going behind Chappelle's back trying to help Jack Bauer
Michelle: Do you really want to do this? Come after me? Because I've been letting you get away with a lot ever since you got here. You want the gloves to come off? Fine
Tony: [Walking up to them] what's going on here?
Carrie: She's asking me to take on some of her workload, I just want to know why
Tony: [to Michelle] why don't you want to tell her?
Michelle: It's none of her business
Tony: Just tell her so we can get back to work
Michelle: Alright, District's asked me to step in as the liaison to facilitate the power shift. I'll be on the phone for the next two hours
Carrie: [Before walking away] sounds like a promotion, congratulations
Michelle: You think she believed me?
Tony: No

Tony: [Interrogating her] why don't you tell me about Habib Marwan?
Dina: I already told you
Tony: No, you told me you never met him
Dina: [after he requested the monitoring system be turned off] I haven't, I am not a stupid woman: what are you trying to prove with this?
Tony: I'm not trying to prove anything, I just don't want what I have to say to be recorded
Dina: I don't believe you
Tony: Unless you tell me the whole truth right now, the deal you made to save your son is over and he goes to prison for murder and treason
Dina: You can't do that: the President signed the agreement
Tony: If that gets in the way of protecting this country, you think he'll stand behind it? His going to tear it up and your son goes to prison for the rest of his life and I'll tell you I know a "little something" about prison and based on the conditions of his confinement, I'll tell you right now I'll give Behrooz three months before he commits suicide. By the way, I'll make it my personal mission to make you never hear "word one" about what happens to him ever
Dina: [Before he leaves the room] wait. Habib Marwan is the man our cell reported to in the United States
Tony: You said "your cell", how many other cells reported to him?
Dina: I don't know
Tony: But there are others?
Dina: Yes
Tony: How many?
Dina: I told you I don't know: the cells are not in contact with one another, Marwan thought it was safer that way
Tony: What about the Override? Is it in his possession right now?
Dina: Definitely
Tony: Definitely? Why definitely?
Dina: Your programmers are trying to interfere with the meltdown sequence Marwan is the only one capable of stopping them
Tony: And his trying to do this by controlling it directly?
Dina: Exactly
Tony: Where?
Tony: [Yells] where?
Dina: Somewhere in downtown
Tony: The Rockland building?
Dina: Yes

Tony: [During a conference call] Mr. President?
President: Mr. Almeida, I understand we may have a way to locate this man Stephen Saunders?
Tony: Yes Sir, we do, however my technical staff just informed me to do so properly, it may take fifteen minutes, possibly longer
President: So there's no way to get to him in the next few minutes?
Jack: No Sir, there's not
President: Ok gentlemen: time is upon us, having considered all the possible scenarios I see no choice but to "draw our line in the sand." I will not given in to Saunders' latest demand
Jack: Mr. President, I hope you understand that leaves us only one option and that's to use Stephen Saunders' daughter as a hostage, and hope that'll stop him
President: I understand, alright gentlemen get to it
Wayne: [after ending the conference call] are you sure we're doing the right thing?
President: The only thing I'm sure of is we cannot let this country be taken over by this mad man

Tony: [Over the phone with Jack] we got a tail number on that plane: N as in "November" three, four, G as in "Gulf", five. Now the FAA got it spotted in hanger M as in "Mamma", D as in "Delta", seven

Tony: [Over the phone] hey, have you heard anything about your brother yet?
Michelle: Yeah: they sedated him. They said they'd call me when he wakes up
Tony: How are you holding up?
Michelle: Ok, you?
Tony: I'm ok
Michelle: [Referring to them kissing] listen, about what happened before, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have...
Tony: [Interrupts her] no, don't be sorry. I'm not
Michelle: Really?
Tony: Really
Michelle: What about Carrie?
Tony: Don't worry about Carrie
Michelle: No, I know her, she's not going to let this go
Tony: Look, it's none of her business. It's going to be ok
Michelle: Alright

Tony: [Addressing CTU staff] can I have everyone's attention please? By now every one of you know I've taken Erin Driscoll's command on a purely provisional basis: all protocols remain the same, I want updates from all department heads every fifteen minutes. Other than that, I'm still here to support you, now let's get back to work

Tony: [Over the phone] where are you?
Chase: The van broke down: as far as I can tell, about fifteen miles east of Salazar's base camp. You should be able to lock onto the cell
Tony: Look, we got Delta teams in the area, we'll send the chopper as soon as we triangulate, what about Jack?
Chase: He went with Ramón to find the virus
Tony: How long ago?
Chase: About half an hour. Tell the chopper I'm bringing two people out with me, and the body of the woman that helped me escape
Tony: Who was she?
Chase: Claudia, Hector Salazar's girlfriend. I got her father and her brother
Adam: [after Adam tracked his location] I got him. There's a Delta team less than ten minutes away
Tony: Can you hang tight for ten?
Chase: I don't know just get them here
Tony: Just sit tight, they're on their way
Chase: Tell Kim I'll call her when I'm on "safe ground"
Tony: Yeah you got it

Tony: [Talking privately] I'm sorry, I was waiting for the right time to tell you
Kim: I cannot believe Nina Meyers is involved in this
Tony: Your father needed her help to secure the virus
Kim: She killed my mother: my father couldn't even "pretend" to work with her

Tony: I should've told you I was living with someone else.
Michelle: I don't want to talk about this right now.
Tony: well I do, listen to me. When you left everything fell apart and Jen just happened to be there for me.
Michelle: You don't have to make excuses for the relationship you're in.
Tony: I'm not making excuses; I'm just telling you how it is.
Michelle: Do you love her?
Tony: [Shakes his head] No

Tony: [Over the phone] you alright?
Kim: I just spoke to my dad, his acting all strange. He pretty much hung up on me
Tony: Well, his on a job
Kim: Since when? I just saw him a couple hours ago
Tony: Maybe I can help you out?
Kim: Well, it's kind of messed up. I have the police after me

Michelle: I'll go anywhere with you... as long as I don't have to cook.
Tony: [laughing] Sweetheart, if you promise not to cook I will take you with me anywhere.

Tony: This is Almeida at C.T.U. Look, you better get down here fast. Jack Bauer needs to be relieved of his command.

Curtis: Have you scanned all the satellite imagery around the Rockland building?
Edgar: Yeah, everything's been taken of the Override
Curtis: Alright, I want you try different frequency channels on that satellite
Tony: Manually?
Tony: Yeah that's only way we can be sure it'll be sealed off
Edgar: You're going to have to talk to Tony about that. I'm supposed to be backing up Jack and Paul at McLennan-Forrester
Tony: Put somebody else on that: this more important
Tony: [Walking over to them] what's more important?
Curtis: We've got seventy five percent of our people at McLennan-Forrester, I need Edgar to help me find a thread on Marwan
Tony: No, we won't have much of a chance of finding Marwan by satellite. Our best chance of picking up a thread is through those files at McLennan-Forrester
Tony: [to Edgar] stay on that
Curtis: We can't afford one security grade analyst? Over imagery?
Tony: Yeah, one but not Edgar. Put somebody else on it
Curtis: Are we trying to accomplish the same thing here? Or is this about you establishing your position?
Tony: I don't have to establish my position, I've already got it. What'd you say we stop "arm wrestling" here? I respect your opinion but we're going to disagree from time to time and when we do, we're going to do it my way
Curtis: Fine but I suggest you put more manpower into a data search for Marwan
Tony: Grab a couple people from Image Processing, work the satellites with them. Don't worry, I'm going to be out of here when this crisis is over but in the meantime, I want the same thing you do, I want to find Habib Marwan, alright?

Tony: [At a payphone with Jack listening in] where are we meeting?
Stephen: First, let me speak with my daughter
Tony: No, you can talk to her when we make the exchange
Stephen: Alright, bring her to an industrial park three miles north of where you are: on Morton Road, a car will waiting at loading dock twenty-two
Tony: No, choose a new place that doesn't work
Stephen: Make it work. You've got ten minutes to get to the industrial park or your wife will die
Tony: If we meet there, we all die
Stephen: Really?
Tony: CTU has redundant satellites in that area. They're dedicating all their resources into finding me right now. If you want your daughter back safely, you pick a new spot
Stephen: I am not negotiating terms Mr. Almeida, I've planned too long and too hard for today and I will do whatever it takes to make sure nothing interferes. Even if that means sacrificing my daughter, do you understand my commitment Mr. Almeida..?
Tony: [Jack presses down on the receiver hanging up the phone] what the hell are you doing? He wasn't going for it
Jack: His testing you, his heard what you have to say, he'll phone back, now hang up the phone
Tony: How do you know?
Jack: Because right now he thinks I'm going to kill his daughter: the only reason why he exposed himself is to make sure that she's still safe
Tony: Maybe that's what you do, but you're not Saunders. No matter how well you think you know this guy, you're not him. This isn't a game, we're talking about my wife
Jack: Michelle has a better chance of surviving if we control the ground where the exchange is going to take place
Tony: Protecting her is not your priority is it? If she were to get killed, that would be an "acceptable loss", wouldn't it? My God, didn't you learn anything from what happened to Teri?
Jack: [after pushing him] shut up!
Tony: [while he walks away] just because you sacrificed your wife for this job, doesn't mean I'm going to sacrifice mine
Tony: [Walking back to pick up the payphone after Stephen calls back] I'm here
Stephen: Make no mistake, this is your first and last accommodation
Tony: Just tell me where you want to make the exchange
Stephen: [Looking at his mobile computer] downtown under the 6th St. Bridge
Tony: Under the 6th St. Bridge
Stephen: Be there in thirty minutes but if I see you brought anyone else into this, I will kill your wife
Jack: [after Tony hangs up the phone] you did great

Mike: [Over the phone] I need to reach Jack Bauer
Tony: We're trying to locate him ourselves: sorry
Mike: What'd you mean? What's the problem?
Tony: Jack was here earlier debriefing today's events when he grabbed a material witness and took her off the premises illegally. He also assaulted CTU personnel
Mike: Why on earth would he do something like that?
Tony: Jack's working on a hunch that the Cypress recording was fabricated sir
Mike: This is what I wanted to talk to him about. The President is not giving his complete support to the military action until he hears from Bauer
Tony: I understand sir
Mike: What about the witness his taken? How does it factor in?
Tony: Her name's Kate Warner. Her sister Marie was connected to the Second Wave terrorists. We're trying to connect the dots but it's the other reason we need to find Jack sir
Tony: The second you make contact with Bauer, you put him through to me. We're at District
Mike: Yes sir

Cara: I'll contact the "group" as soon as we know if Bauer's viable
Tony: Yeah, look, I need to talk to you first
Cara: What is it?
Tony: I want a larger role in the "organization" and I think this is a good time to make my case
Cara: We've gone over this before ok? It's not how it works: you don't "ask" to get in, you're "invited"
Tony: Alright, so get me an "invitation", after what I've done today, I think I've earned it
Cara: [after thinking it over] you have been "resourceful", it's true but still...
Tony: [Interrupts her] look, I know you talk to the "top guy", all I'm asking is you get us in the same room together. I'll "sell" myself
Cara: I don't think that would be the "right approach"
Tony: Why not?
Cara: Because his careful "to a fall" and his very protective of his anonymity
Tony: I can appreciate that but the bottom line is: without me this operation never happens. Now you have "influence" over him, he trusts you, you can convince him, and I've seen you do it before
Cara: This is different
Tony: That's right: it is different, this time it's for me

Michelle: [Over the phone] it's me
Tony: What's going on?
Michelle: I'm ok, I'm not infected
Tony: Are you sure?
Michelle: Yeah, they did a swab, a blood test, and I'm going to be fine
Tony: Oh my God, sweetheart: that's fantastic. I want you to get away from there right now, away from anyone who's infected
Michelle: No, sweetheart, they said that those of us that didn't come down with the infection, we have an immunity to the virus
Tony: Where are they taking you?
Michelle: Downtown to NHS: they want to keep under watch for eighteen hours but they said it's just a formality
Tony: I'll get there as soon as I can alright?
Michelle: No, stay where you are, they need you at CTU. I can work from downtown
Tony: Honey, you don't have to work, we can handle it from here
Michelle: I want to help
Tony: I can't believe I almost lost you
Tony: I almost lost you too but we're still here
Tony: Yeah
Michelle: I have to go, I'll call you from NHS
Tony: Hey, I love you
Michelle: [Before hanging up] I love you so much

Tony: [while in an interrogation room with Jack, after placing a folder in front of her] why don't you to look over the timeline? We'll talk through the details
Dina: [Before closing the folder] I'm not doing anything until I see my son
Tony: We don't have time for that right now
Dina: Seeing my son is non negotiable
Jack: [after gesturing to Tony to leave the room] you need to learn every aspect of the cover story: your life depends on it
Dina: Don't worry about me
Jack: You can see your son but only for a minute, let's go

Tony: [while leaving CTU] alright we're clear
Michelle: [after he uncovers himself from the blanket he was hiding under] are you sure you're ok Jack?
Jack: Yeah I'm fine: you both need to get back to CTU before anyone gets suspicious . Tony, you can drop me off anywhere up there
Tony: Alright, we secured you a new identity, it should help you get across the border
Jack: Ok, did you get me a "clean" phone?
Michelle: Yeah, it's a scrambled filter, you can talk up to one minute: undetected
Jack: [Before stepping out of their SUV] I can't thank you two enough for everything

Tony: It wasn't just my wife, you murdered, she was carrying my son. YOU KILLED MY SON! MY SON! And now, I'm gonna kill you!

Michelle: I know the rules: I know that I work for you and if you fire me, I wouldn't blame you
Tony: This isn't about me firing you, this agency is suppose to be supporting the President of the United States and the rest of this country. Now if I can't account for our agent's actions, all we've got is chaos
Michelle: Jack was in an impossible situation, all I was trying to do was to help him get the proof that the Cypress recording is a forgery
Tony: Yeah? Where's the proof? We don't any proof, we don't have Jack. He doesn't want to be found. What'd you want from me?
Michelle: I just wanted to say I'm sorry
Tony: Yeah, well, you've said it. If you don't mind I've got work to do

Michelle: [Nervously] I don't know what happened with Mason but I just wanted to let you know if you wanted to go out sometime...
Tony: I've been feeling the same way, I've been just keeping my distance because...
Michelle: Is it because of what happened between you and Nina?
Tony: [Nods] Yeah.
Michelle: [joklingly] so you think I wanted to get closer to you for information?
Tony: [Smiling] so what are we saying here? We save L.A.from a bomb, then you and I can get together for dinner.

Chase: I just heard they found Singer: is this for real?
Tony: We'll see. I was just meeting Jack over there right now
Chase: Look, I'm done with this kid Parker ok? His said all that his going to say. I want back on the case
Tony: [while leaving] yeah well, we're handling it now alright?
Chase: Because Jack doesn't want me there right? Did he tell you why his cutting me out?
Tony: I don't care. His your boss, it's his call
Chase: [while holding Tony's arm] this isn't right. Did he tell you it's because of Kim? He found out we're seeing each other and this is how his going to make me pay for it
Tony: [Before leaving] take it up with Jack

Tony: [while shaking hands] hey, I'm glad you're ok
Jack: [Just having returning to CTU] thanks: I'm going to get out of your way, I want to get a hold of Kim
Tony: [Handing him the business card of the Sergeant] I spoke to a Sergeant Griggs at the San Jose Sheriff's Department and we sent a man over to your sister in law to meet Kim. He was going to call when she got there but that's his number in case you want to follow up
Jack: Ok thanks. George told me he put you in charge
Tony: Yeah, how about that? "Trial by fire", right?
Jack: You're going to do great
Tony: Look, we'll catch up later alright?
Jack: Yeah

Tony: How you doing?
Kim: I can't believe Saunders escaped, how could this happen? I thought he was surrounded?
Tony: It happened: Rae Plachecki is coming here to talk to you. You're going to have to answer some questions on the shooting at the library
Kim: Ok, I heard the news about Michelle
Tony: What news?
Kim: That she wasn't infected
Tony: Oh, yeah
Kim: Thank God she's ok. That's great
Tony: Yeah thanks

Agent: [Over the phone] I'm at the landing area now: there's no sign of an incoming aircraft
Tony: What size team do you have?
Agent: What team? It's just me
Tony: You've got to be kidding me
Agent: Look, this a corrupt area. Salazar has a lot of influence and we don't know how far it reaches, you're going to want me to do this on my own
Tony: You're going to have your hands full because Chase is one of our more capable agents
Agent: Alright, how do you want me to approach?
Tony: Don't surprise him. Make sure he knows your working with CTU

Tony: [Over the phone] when are you coming back here?
George: I'm not sure
Tony: Well, the sooner, the better
George: Look, the truth is I may not be coming back
Tony: Why not?
George: Because I'm not really in a position to help out right now
Tony: [Gradually raising his voice] what're you talking about? A nuclear is set to go off sometime today in Los Angeles. We just lost half the people who were in a position to keep it from happening so don't tell me your still trying to cover your own ass!
George: Look, just deal with it ok?
Tony: Yeah alright

Michelle: You should be in the hospital
Tony: I'm fine: what'd you got?
Michelle: Briefing package on Las Nieves, alternate landing sites that Chase might use instead of the airstrip
Tony: Thanks, is there something wrong?
Michelle: Just worried about you that's all
Tony: What is it?
Michelle: It's not the time
Tony: [Noticing something else is bothering her] what is it?
Michelle: This whole thing you've been planning with Jack
Tony: I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, Jack planned it and he wanted absolute secrecy and I agreed
Michelle: You don't have to explain
Tony: No, I want to explain. Listen to me, I trust you with my life but this job is what it is
Michelle: Jack said he came up with the plan a month ago, is that how long you've known?
Tony: Something like that, yeah
Michelle: I had no idea you were hiding something from me but that's my problem

Tony: [Over the phone] I'll put you on speaker, Ryan's with me
Jack: We've got Amador
Tony: What about the virus?
Jack: We were late. He already passed it on
Ryan: Passed it on to whom?
Jack: We haven't been able to find out how yet. Amador's terrified, he doesn't scare easily. He did tell me one thing though: whoever is behind this apparently knows me very well
Tony: That's not much to go on even with its true
Jack: Yeah, I understand that but we also can't ignore it. I want you to cross check everybody I've worked with over the last five years over both sides of the law, see what names you come up with. Check it against everything we know about the virus
Tony: Alright

Tony: Were you able to get anything else off the recording of Faheen?
Michelle: It's ninety-nine percent noise
Tony: You ok?
Michelle: Yeah, just "running on empty"
Tony: Why don't you get something to eat?
Michelle: I'm fine
Tony: [Noticing the blood stain on her neck] you're bleeding here
Michelle: It's somebody else's blood
Tony: [Seeing her become teary eyed] look, why don't take a few minutes to clean up and get changed? You'll feel better. Hey, we're going to survive this day, go get changed

Michelle: What's going on?
Tony: I'm back in custody: Hammond's taking me back to Federal
Michelle: No, they can't do this, not after everything you've accomplished today
Tony: I put your well being above the country's. Nothing anybody can say will ever change that fact
Michelle: They can't put you in prison
Michelle: Yes, they can and they will for a long time, believe me
Michelle: Don't talk like this, I can't...
Tony: [Interrupts her] don't do this
Michelle: I won't give up on you
Tony: [after kissing her] you made it out alive and nobody else got hurt because of what I did. That's more than I hoped for. I can live with that, even in prison

Jack: It won't make you feel any better Tony, believe me.
Tony: Yeah, you're probably right Jack. I'll let you know.

Tony: [Interrogating her as Erin monitors] I want you to tell who's still out there, I want the name of the name of anyone who can help us find the Override that will stop the plants from melting down
Dina: My husband kept all of this from me. I only helped
Tony: That's a bunch of crap: now we know you were just as involved as your husband. Listen, we're quite aware the reason your helping us is your son but believe me it's not too late to change our minds on how we treat him
Dina: There are a few people's names I heard Navi mention, they "might" know what you want but I don't know how to find them
Tony: [while taking out a pen and sliding a notepad in front of her] alright, why don't start writing their names down?
Erin: [Through an intercom to Tony, referring to Dina] ask her about a man named Habib Marwan
Tony: Who is Habib Marwan?
Dina: I heard Navi speak of him a few times. his an engineer, beyond that I don't know

Tony: I just checked all the NSA logs: there are no satellites going through the area we think Jack's in
Michelle: I'll check the flight paths just in case
Tony: Just in case what? I just checked it
Michelle: There have been other mistakes today
Tony: Mistakes? That you think I made?
Michelle: Sweetheart, you should still be in the hospital. if you're not a hundred percent, you should step down
Tony: I'm fine
Michelle: And after what you've through today, I don't see how...
Tony: [Interrupts her out of anger] I said I'm fine, end of discussion please

Jack: This won't make you feel any better Tony, believe me.
Tony: Yeah, you're probably right Jack. I'll let you know.

Tony: [Over the phone while Jack and the FBI trace and monitor the call] why are you calling me?
Prion: I was... checking Al-Zarian's computer double checking everything we planted
Tony: And?
Prion: The bank they using just emailed: rejecting one of the transfers we made under Al-Zarian's name
Tony: You know how to resubmit it?
Prion: I'm... not sure
Tony: Alright, call our man in Zurich and he'll walk you through it
Prion: Alright, I just wanted to get your authorization before I did anything
Tony: Any other problems?
Prion: No
Tony: Good

Mike: I waited until the meeting broke to tell you that the Governor called from Sacramento
President: What's going on now?
Mike: More people are hitting the streets: the government wants you to dispatch the National Guard like you did in Murrieta
Lynne: Mr. President, Tony Almeida from CTU is holding for you on the emergency SAT COM network
President: Why on SAT COM?
Lynne: Since news of the bomb got out network circuits have been completely overloaded. Ninety percent of all systems went down a few minutes ago
Mike: I can talk to Almeida if you want
President: [to Mike] put him on speaker
President: Mr. Almeida, this is President Palmer. You're also on with Mike Novick and Lynne Kresge
Tony: Mr. President, Jack Bauer just called with some new information and the truth is I'm a little conflicted about contacting you with this but he "claims", he has evidence that the Cypress recording is counterfeit
President: What kind of evidence?
Lynne: Source recording on three Middle Eastern men on the audio which were then re-edited
President: Have these been authenticated?
Tony: Not yet. We're getting it soon
President: How soon?
Tony: Within the hour Sir
Mike: Mr. Almeida, your confidence in Jack Bauer is curious. An hour ago you told me he assaulted CTU personnel and took illegal custody of a witness
Lynne: Sir, Jack had no choice under the circumstances
Mike: I don't follow
Tony: The man who had the evidence would not have turned it over if Jack involved CTU
President: Mr. Almeida, what makes you so sure that this is any more real than the Cypress recording?
Tony: That's just it Sir. I'm not
President: Thank you for your candor, Mr. Almeida. I'll take this information under advisement
Tony: [Before hanging up] thank you Mr. President

Jane: [while in an interrogation room] why am I being treated like I've done something wrong?
Tony: I apologize for that: we're just trying to keep you safe
Jane: This is the one place I'm not safe. I've been thinking about it, you need me to get to my father so threatening to kill me or harm me is the only tool you have to use against him, tell me I'm wrong
Tony: [Sits down] you're right, we need your father to believe we'll do anything to get him but we're not going to hurt you. I give you my word
Jane: Your word?
Tony: Yeah, my word. I run this office and I will personally protect you
Jane: What about Kim's father? They told her his on his way back here
Tony: What about him?
Jane: He scares me, I got the feeling his going to hurt me
Tony: Nobody's going to hurt you alright?
Jane: [Before Tony's cell phone rings] I wish I could believe you
Tony: [Answers the phone] Almeida
Stephen: Is Jane around?
Tony: [Walks to the other side of the interrogation room] yeah
Stephen: Where is she?
Tony: She's here
Stephen: Put her on
Tony: No, you have my wife, I want to talk to her first
Stephen: You don't give me orders
Tony: [Whispers] you're wrong, I have your daughter which means I'm in charge. Now if you so much touch my wife, I will slit Jane's throat
Stephen: Hold on
Michelle: [after Saunders gives her the phone] Tony, it's me
Tony: Michelle
Michelle: They won't let me say much. I'm fine, I'm being treated well, don't let them do this...
Tony: [after Saunders grabs the phone away from her] Michelle?
Stephen: Let me speak to my daughter Mr. Almeida
Tony: [to Jane as he connects his cell phone into a portable speakerphone] it's your father, he wants to speak to you
Jane: Dad?
Stephen: Yes Jane, it's me
Jane: Their saying horrible things about you
Stephen: That's what they do: don't believe any of it
Jane: The virus in the hotel that's killing all those people, you didn't do that. Please tell me you didn't do that
Stephen: Listen to me, the US government distorts the truth and destroys lives. Don't listen to any of it, it's all lies
Jane: Then you didn't do it?
Stephen: I never do something without a good cause: know that
Tony: [Disconnects his cell phone from the speakerphone, referring to exchanging Michelle for Jane] that's all, let's do this
Stephen: How long will it take for you to get her out of the building?
Tony: I have to fabricate some clearances, it's going to take me about thirty to forty minutes
Stephen: Contact me as soon as you clear CTU

Michelle: Are we up yet?
Dalton: Yeah, video's piped in: voice analysis, vitals, and transcription: we're all set
Dalton: [Referring to interrogating Nina] so, Tony's doing this?
Michelle: Yeah
Dalton: Is that going to be weird for you?
Michelle: What'd you mean?
Dalton: Didn't he and Nina go out?
Tony: We set?
Michelle: Yeah
Tony: Alright, I want you to do a "high res" on her eyes. She's tired, we might be able to pick up a tell
Michelle: Ok
Tony: So, are we alright?
Michelle: Yeah, we're fine

Michelle: [Over the phone] it's me, we have a problem: we just determined a man who was exposed to the virus got out of the hotel
Tony: Son of a bitch: how'd that happen?
Michelle: He must have slipped out right before we reinforced the perimeter. It's likely he had no idea he was exposed
Tony: Have you notified Health Services?
Michelle: Yeah, their aware of the situation. The problem is we don't know who he is, he wasn't a registered guest
Tony: What was he doing inside the hotel?
Michelle: Having a one night stand, the woman he was with came forward
Tony: Any sign of him on any on the surveillance cameras?
Michelle: Nothing at the front desk and no one has seen him come or go
Tony: What're we doing to find him?
Michelle: Our best shot to ID is off prints. We've already pulled dozens off from the obvious surfaces: light switches and bathroom fixtures
Tony: Send the prints over to us and we'll work them up. See what else you can find on this woman
Michelle: [Before hanging up] got it

James: Tony, I want to thank you for filling in and I'd like you to stick around and assist Miss Dessler.
Tony: I'm sorry, who?
James: Michelle Dessler, do you know her?
Tony: I used to be married to her.

Tony: [Over the phone] I guess you're about ten minutes from the airport?
Jack: Yeah that seems about right: look, have you got a complete tail number on the aircraft yet?
Tony: No, not yet. We're still working on it. Look you'll link up with the assault team on the south side of emergency building. Their sweeping the grounds now, they're starting to lock it down
Jack: Ok that sounds good. Did you contact Kim yet?
Tony: No I haven't. I've made calls I've called the Sheriff's station and sent out search teams. I just don't understand why she hasn't contacted us yet
Jack: She knows she can't go back to Los Angeles. Right now the LAPD is looking for her as a murder suspect. She's not going to reach out to us. Right now we've got to find her, do you understand?
Tony: Believe me, I'm putting every resource we can spare on it
Jack: Do everything you have to
Tony: Ok
Jack: Thanks

Chloe: Here's a list of the agents that can double as Jane Saunders
Tony: None of these are in Los Angeles
Chloe: I know, the closest is CTU San Francisco
Tony: Did you put together a second tier list?
Chloe: Yeah
Tony: [Surprised after looking at the list] you sure this is right?
Chloe: Yeah, I doubled checked when I saw the results

Michelle: [Over the phone] Gael's dead. He was suffering so badly no one should have to go through what he did. There are children upstairs who are going to die in agony in front of their parents' eyes
Tony: Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do for them right now
Michelle: Actually there is. Field Ops has a supply of capsules
Tony: Those capsules are for field agents that are captured
Michelle: I know what they're for: they're for committing suicide to prevent torture and that's exactly what they'd be used for here. We can make them available to anyone who's symptomatic, it would be their choice
Tony: You know I'm not authorized to do that
Michelle: I'm not "interested" in what's authorized
Tony: You're talking about mass suicide facilitated by an agency of the government
Michelle: I'm talking about common decency, if you could've seen Gael. I'm calling because if it was me, if I'm infected, you'd know what I want. We don't have much time, Gael was the first to die because he was the first exposed but others won't be far behind
Tony: I'll see what I can do
Michelle: [Before hanging up] thank you

Tony: [Over the phone] are you on your way to the hotel?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Yeah, we're loading up now, we'll be there as fast as we can. What's the status of your people?
Tony: Their setting up a covert perimeter
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Ok, we're bringing a mobile lab to test the people inside the hotel but that could accomplished if the situation is stable
Tony: Yeah Michelle's got that covered
Dr. Nicole Duncan: She's inside the hotel? Unprotected?
Tony: Yeah, look I'll get back to you
Tony: [Before hanging up with Duncan, to Chappelle after he walks into his office] here's the protocol: total containment inside the hotel, no one is allowed to leave or communicate with the outside. Health Services will establish an adjacent perimeter, LAPD will move in as soon as the area is deemed safe
Ryan: Alright, have they been given a degree of "forced parameters" in case someone tries to leave the hotel?
Tony: No, that's your call
Ryan: One person gets out it can start a ripple effect and disease transmission throughout the city. The orders are shoot to kill if anyone attempts to leave: no exceptions

Tony: So, what'd you find out from dispatch?
Michelle: Jack called me from his cell: it came from somewhere between Encino and Studio City
Tony: [Pointing to her computer screen] ok so he was at an urgent care unit right around here about two hours ago
Michelle: Yeah
Tony: If he was coming to CTU, he'd probably take the 101 or the 105 right?
Michelle: Do you want me to pull up the satellite?
Tony: No, it'd just raise a red flag with Chappelle and that's the last thing I need right now
Michelle: What about police channels? If he couldn't contact us, he'd try someone local?
Tony: Can you monitor those without being detected?
Michelle: Yeah
Tony: Alright focus on the downtown precincts
Michelle: OK

[Tony has a temporary assignment with CTU]
Tony: You know, Edgar, you weren't paying attention. Look, we can't afford for you to be losing focus at a time like this, all right?
Edgar: I'm sick of people talking to me like I don't know what I'm doing! Especially people who don't really work here!

Rescue: [Before walking away] everything in your car I had cleared out and put it in the ambulance so whenever you're ready to go to the hospital
George: [Asking how he'll die from radiation poisoning] so, how's it going to happen?
Rescue: Excuse me?
George: You said I might be dead by tomorrow so I'm curious to know what to expect for the rest of the day
Rescue: There's a latent period where you will be mostly asymptomatic even in the most extreme cases, radiation poisoning can last a while
George: What's a while?
Rescue: Up to twelve hours, maybe longer. How do you feel now?
George: I'm going to puke
Rescue: I can give you something to control the nausea. At least until the symptoms are more acute
George: Yeah, like what?
Rescue: Your hair will start to fall out
George: [Jokingly] I'm used to that
Rescue: You'll start to manifest gastrointestinal hemorrhaging: skin legions, bleeding from the mouth, and nose
George: How am I going to die?
Rescue: Your mental functioning will begin to deteriorate and you'll lapse into a coma
Paramedic: [Interrupting them] Mr. Mason
Rescue: Not now
Paramedic: [Handing George a phone] it's the guy from your office Tony Almeida
Rescue: I said not now
George: [Over the phone] hey Tony what is it?
Tony: They hit us George. They bombed CTU
George: [Surprised] what kind of damage?
Tony: Damage reports are still coming in but so far we got nineteen of our people dead, twenty wounded, and seven missing
Tony: Look, we're bleeding back here. All of our Intel on the nuke was destroyed. I mean it's on the NSA server but Paula wrote the decryption code and she's in really bad shape
George: Well, do whatever you have to retrieve it
Tony: Yeah well I am. That's what I'm trying to do. That's why I called you. Chain of command remember?
George: Call NSA systems people and get them on it

Jack: [Over the phone] I've got Nina Meyers: alive, any sign of Amador?
Tony: No, not since he ambushed the Delta team. Once the satellite comes around, we'll do a sweep
Jack: Nina says Amador is headed to Los Angeles
Tony: You believe her?
Jack: I think she knows something, she wants to cut a deal. We've got to bring her back to CTU
Tony: I'll get a Delta plane ready
Jack: [Before hanging up] copy that
Jack: [while pointing a gun at Nina] get up, slowly

Michelle: [Hangs up the phone] Was that about me?
Tony: Yeah, he doesn't have a job for you right now, there's no new funding until after the election.
Michelle: I see.
Tony: Also, he needs an answer by the end of the day.
Michelle: We both know you can't pass this up, it's a major career move. Call him and tell him its a yes.
Tony: And you'll come with as "the house wife"? Without a job?
Michelle: I'll go anywhere with you.
Tony: [Looks at her]
Michelle: [Jokingly] as long as I don't have to cook
Tony: [Jokingly] , If you promise me you won't cook, I promise I'll take you anywhere.

Tony: [Briefing the CTU staff] Jack's transponder pinpoints his location somewhere east of Las Nieves just south of the border: satellite photo show its some sort of ranch or farm. Our units will hold a perimeter of ten miles, all communication will be on a designated frequency and nobody makes a move unless it goes through me alright? Chloe, I want you and Chase to provide tactical assistance, where is Chase?
Michelle: [Responding for Chloe] we're not sure. Chappelle ordered him back over an hour ago
Tony: Alright, let me know when he gets back here. Now let me make this perfectly clear: for the next few hours, all of our resources are dedicated to helping Jack Bauer intercepting this virus

Tony: [after rushing to the interrogation room] calm down
Bob: [while security restrains him] I don't want to calm down: I want someone to start listening to me
Tony: I need you to calm down
Bob: Whatever Reza told you, his lying
Tony: You are not helping your case here, you understand me? Do you want to have a conversation? Or do you want me to lock you up for the rest of the night?
Bob: [after calming down by breathing deeply] where are my daughters?
Tony: Marie left here five minutes after Reza was taken to your office
Bob: What about Kate? Did something happen to Kate?
Tony: She's with one of our agents
Bob: One of our agents? Why?
Tony: Your going have to "trust" us, she's going to be fine: alright?
Bob: Trust"?

Tony: [Interrogating Nina while Michelle and Dalton monitoring] so, when did you meet Amador?
Tony: [after she remains silent] did you know him when you were working at CTU?
Tony: Tell me something: what kind of deal you think you're going to cut? You betrayed everyone you know, including me. You murdered Jack's wife, you helped terrorists smuggle a nuclear bomb into this country. You're helping to unleash a deadly virus into the general population. Help me understand this, what'd you want? What is it you get from being a mass murderer?
Nina: [Noticing the bandage covering the bullet wound he sustained early today] your neck is bleeding

Jack: [Over the phone] Hewitt's been hurt: I need emergency medical assistance on the roof of his loft now
Tony: There's no EMT on the chopper but they have a med kit on board, can you handle it?
Jack: I don't know. I've got to get back to this
Jack: Wait a second
Jack: What?
Tony: You may not be able to contact me after this
Jack: Why?
Tony: Chappelle became a problem so I had to take him out of play and their onto me now so it's only a matter of time before they take me out
Jack: Who do I contact if I need help?
Tony: I'm sending Michelle out to the field to set up an off site station. She's going to do whatever she can by remote access, she'll be on a closed cell, channel B NOV 12-12
Jack: Channel B NOV 12-12. Ok I got it

Tony: [Greeting him] hey Jack
Jack: Hey Tony, how you doing?
Tony: Fine, how you been?
Jack: Alright, where's George?
Tony: His waiting for you in the conference room
Jack: Been briefed?

Carrie: You asked me to keep an eye on Michelle?
Tony: Yeah
Carrie: She was just accessing a Mod Sat screen at work station three
Tony: That's not unusual: we put her on Mod Sat all night
Carrie: Just before that she received a call that wouldn't log onto our log
Tony: It was open?
Carrie: Yeah
Tony: Maybe it was Division?
Carrie: Might have been
Tony: Alright, find out what she was looking at and let me know

Bill: You called for me?
Tony: [while being treated in CTU medical] yeah
Bill: What's going on?
Tony: That's what I wanted to ask you
Bill: What'd you mean?
Bill: What'd you think I mean? My wife was killed this morning: right in front of my eyes and nobody here has told me who did it and why
Bill: The investigation is "ongoing"
Tony: Come on, I used to work here. I know that's what you say to people when you don't want to tell them the truth
Bill: The truth is you're not an agent anymore, what you're asking me is classified. It doesn't matter what I tell you, there's nothing you can do
Tony: [Angrily] I know there's nothing I can do. look at me for God's sake, I just want to know who did it, I think for the sake of all the years I've given this place and all the sacrifices I've made, I deserve to know, don't you?
Bill: All I can tell you is Michelle's murder was part of a "bigger plan", to supply terrorists with Sentox nerve gas
Tony: Who's behind it? Who's responsible?
Bill: The highest we've been able to get in the chain of command is someone you might know from when you worked here: Christopher Henderson
Tony: What? Why?
Bill: We're working on it
Tony: [Shaking his head] don't let him get away with this, don't you let him cut a deal
Bill: [Before leaving] I won't

Bill: If the President is unable to fulfill his duties Vice-President Logan will have to assume Office: at least on a temporary basis. Cabinet will need to be briefed on the circumstance surrounding the crash
Tony: Yeah I'll take care of it
Bill: Not all Cabinet members are "equal", State and Defense need more detail than say Agriculture and Treasury
Bill: [Raises his voice] yeah, I can handle it
Bill: I just want to make sure the transition is smooth
Tony: I understand but I do know what to do

Cara: [Referring to Jack] so what're you doing? We don't need the hostage, especially not him: shoot him already and let's get out of here
Tony: You're not seeing the "bigger picture", your people are going to be able to launch the attacks just like they originally planned
Cara: How? We lost the canister: we don't have the pathogen anymore
Tony: We have Jack, the pathogen is in his blood, and it's in his organs. We'll be able to harvest everything we need from his body. Why did you think I had you put those operatives with Kim Bauer? Your people are still going to need proof that Jack's viable. Have one of your biochemists meet us at the complex

Dr. Marc Besson: [Over the speakerphone in the clinic] what's going on?
Jack: [Over the speakerphone in the situation room] one of the terrorists infiltrated CTU and deployed a canister of Sentox nerve gas through the ventilation system: that's why we needed to seal off as many rooms as possible. I need to know if agent Burke got to medical with Henderson
Dr. Marc Besson: Yes, he did
Tony: Henderson's here right now?
Jack: Tony, is that you?
Tony: Jack, how much longer are we going to be locked down?
Jack: Right now we're on standby, we're trying to figure out how to clean out the air supply

Bill: [while visiting him in CTU medical] how you feeling?
Tony: They told me they took Michelle to Cedars?
Bill: Yes, they couldn't treat her here
Tony: Why? How badly was she hurt?
Tony: [after Bill gives him a worried look] is she going to be ok?
Bill: As far as I know, yes
Tony: What the hell is going on here? They tried to kill President Palmer, they tried to kill Michelle and me
Bill: David Palmer was the primary target: they killed him because he was going to expose someone inside Logan's Administration to set up Jack to take the fall
Tony: Did they get Jack?
Bill: No, he's alive. His working with us here on a provisional basis
Tony: I need to talk to Jack
Bill: You need to get some rest
Tony: I don't need to rest, I need to talk to Jack now
Bill: Alright, I'll tell him
Tony: Thanks, could you do me a favor? Could you get a message to Michelle? Tell her I'm ok
Bill: I will: we need you to get better

Jack: [Over the phone, while in pursuit of Amador with Chase] ok I've got you on speaker: we're on Hoover headed south running parallel to Amador's position on Vermont
Tony: Yeah, we've got you, where'd you put the transponder?
Jack: In the bandage on his hand
Tony: You know, this could all backfire
Jack: We didn't have a choice. We had to let him believe he escaped
Tony: I'm just saying while you're tied up following him, he maybe just heading out of town
Jack: No, whoever Amador is working for has got connections all around the world, his going to need his help to get out of here
Tony: Want some back up?
Jack: No, there are not many cars on the road. If we get any closer, he'll "make" us. Did Michelle compile the list of the contacts I've had over the last five years?
Tony: [Picking up the phone to talk privately] no, I had to put Chloe on it. Michelle's inside the Chandler Plaza Hotel
Jack: [while looking at Chase] I'm sorry. We think the virus's been altered
Tony: Altered how?
Jack: Combined with another chemical. It's on its way to NHS to get tested now
Tony: [Referring to Michelle surviving the virus] so, you're saying she might have a chance?
Jack: Maybe, I hope so, we'll get back to you as soon as we've got anything ok?

George: Come on Jack: get your parachute on and get the hell out of here
Jack: I'm staying with you as long as possible
George: I got it together. I'm fine
Jack: This is not negotiable. I'm bailing out four minutes before impact, that should give me far enough from the blast zone to make it
Jack: [Over the radio] this is Jack Bauer, patch me through to CTU
Tony: Almeida
Jack: Tony, its Jack. I need you to get a helicopter in the air immediately. We got a change of plans up here. I'm bailing out, George is taking the plane down
Tony: What the hell is George doing there?
Tony: [to Michelle] I want you to send a chopper to trail Jack's plane, Mason's on board. Don't ask me how but his going to take the plane the rest of the way, Jack's going to bail out

Tony: [Across from Reza] So as Chief Financial Officer you oversee all the money that comes in and out is that right?
Reza: [nervously] that's right and in case you haven't noticed I'm getting married today so if we could do this another day I'd appreciate it
Tony: can you sit down please? We're not done, sit down
Tony: [Reza slowly sits down] why don't you tell me about Syed Ali
Reza: I told you before I don't know a Syed Ali
Tony: Oh you don't
Reza: No
Tony: [Looking at a computer screen in front of him on the table] then how do you explain the fact that his name is in your personal computer files?
Reza: [Suspiciously] don't know
Tony: You don't know?
[turns the computer around so he can see it himself]
Tony: So why don't we start again, you've been doing business with a known terrorist and you're going to sit there with a straight face and tell me you don't know what's going on?
Reza: I grew up in London and I married an American girl, a protestant so if you're going to racially profile me, you should at least get it right
Tony: Our main targets are European Muslims with western educations, passports and the potential to blend in into western societies. So tell me how's my racial profiling going now?
Reza: I want a lawyer
Tony: No

George: What're you doing?
Tony: Getting more people out there to look for Jack's daughter
George: After I specifically told you to divert all resources to the bomb?
Tony: The satellite feed is happening alright? I'm not using our resources I was telling the sheriff where to look for her
George: Tony, you're a resource: I don't need you to split your attention
Tony: I promised Jack I would do everything in my power to look for Kim. Just like you did
George: [while raising his voice before walking away] Kim is outside the blast radius. The rest of Los Angeles isn't. Stay focused on the bomb that goes for everybody

Tony: I just saw a message that the President called off the military offensive over an hour ago
Ryan: Who told you this?
Tony: Someone at DOJ: someone I trust
Ryan: I wouldn't worry about it
Tony: Is it true?
Ryan: Yes
Tony: And you knew about it?
Ryan: I did
Tony: And you didn't tell me. Why are you so determined to keep my people processing when the operation has been scrapped?
Ryan: Because there's a strong possibility the White House will reinstate the order
Tony: It doesn't make sense. Why would the President reverse his orders twice?

Tony: I got those perimeter teams you asked for ready to go
Michelle: Thanks, I just want you to know just because you overruled you a few minutes ago doesn't mean I don't value your input
Tony: Don't patronize me
Michelle: I'm not: you ran CTU for two years. Anything you have to say, I will consider seriously
Tony: Don't worry, I'm going to tell you what I think whether you want to hear it or not, alright?
Michelle: Good

Jack: [after freeing Tony from FBI custody] I talked to Bill
Tony: How much did he tell you?
Jack: Enough: we're going to get you out of here. Chloe's hacked into their security, she's going to "walk" us out of this building, all you need to do is follow my lead
Tony: Alright
Jack: [Communicating through COMM] Chloe, it's Jack, do you copy?
Chloe: Copy, Jack
Jack: I got Tony at the door of interrogation room 1 leading out to the hallway
Chloe: Ok I see you, I'm going to direct you to the southwest exit: right now you're in the least populated area in the building but you're going to run into a lot more "resistance" when you get out of there
Jack: Copy that
Jack: [to Tony, before he nods] you ready?
Chloe: Clear to move. Hold on there's two people coming out of the elevator
Jack: Copy that
Jack: [to Tony] come on

Michelle: What's going on? First the phone lines go down then NSA puts in a rush order for us to transfer all our data on the nuke?
Tony: He says it's "precautionary."
Michelle: And they would've issued the same order with every other agency
Tony: Look into that would you?
Michelle: Yeah

Michelle: [Over the phone while driving with Gael to the Chandler Plaza Hotel] we're a couple minutes away from the hotel, where's NHS?
Tony: Their getting ready: they should be there in a little while
Michelle: "A little while"? What does that mean? Two minutes? Ten minutes?
Tony: Probably closer to twenty
Michelle: We don't that kind of time
Tony: I understand but you wait until they get there alright? I don't want anyone to go inside that hotel without bio suits
Michelle: We can't wait too long, if we wait and go in to stop the virus...
Tony: [Interrupts her] you wait ok? That's an order
Michelle: [Before hanging up] fine, anything else?
Tony: No
Gael: What's wrong?
Michelle: Just stuff between Tony and me
Gael: I'm sorry
Michelle: He hasn't been right he got back from the hospital
Gael: The last couple months Tony and I been working very closely together manning this operation. It's been eating at him not to be able to talk to you about it
Michelle: I just want this day to be over

Jack: [while wearing a hazmat suit] Mr. and Mrs. Singer?
Sam: What the hell is going on here? This is not just about drugs
Jack: I think you've been exposed to a virus
Sam: A virus?
Jack: It's called Cordilla Virus, we think your son carried it in from Mexico without knowing it
Sam: What'd you mean "carried it in"? How?
Jack: He thought he was carrying drugs
Sam: So we've been exposed?
Jack: 'I'm afraid so
Sam: What does that mean? Are we sick?
Jack: We're going to have to keep you quarantined until we get the results back from your test
Jack: [Answering his phone inside the helmet in the hazmat suit] yeah this is Bauer
Tony: It's Tony
Jack: I think Kyle Singer's been exposed
Tony: Yeah, we've already got an all points out on him
Jack: Have you set up a perimeter?
Tony: We're doing everything we can to contain this thing: all agencies, all departments are in the loop on a "need to know" basis
Jack: Ok good work
Tony: Listen, I know this isn't the best time to tell you this but I just got some bad news you want to know about
Jack: What's wrong?
Tony: Luis Annicon was murdered
Jack: Murdered? How?
Tony: Salazar's guard. We got him in custody, he claims Salazar has his son kidnapped and threatened to kill him if he didn't do it. I'm sorry, I know you two worked closely on this case

Chloe: [Over the phone] I just got off the phone with Jack: they just arrived
Tony: Alright, is there a problem?
Chloe: Jack's not going to use the transmitters
Tony: Why not?
Chloe: He said it would take too long to wire them up
Tony: Whatever. Look, your running point from his side, any information he digs up, I want it right away you got it?
Chloe: [Sarcastically] uh, ok you don't have to yell
Tony: No one's yelling. Look, we got a body infected with a deadly virus. Somehow we have to tie it to Salazar in the next three hours. Right now Jack's location is our only lead, so I need you to keep me up to the minute, understood?
Chloe: I already said ok
Tony: Good, then get on it

Tony: [after sitting on her desk] hey
Michelle: FBI: they want a representative at the mosque. They got their "wires crossed."
Tony: [Referring to both of them revealing they have feelings for each other] listen, what we were talking about before
Michelle: Yeah I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that
Tony: No, actually. I'm glad you did
Michelle: You are?
Tony: Yeah. There's been "something" hanging between us since you started here
Michelle: Yeah there has
Tony: I made a decision a while ago to keep personal and professional stuff separate. But now...
Michelle: [after picking the phone that interrupted their conversation] Michelle Dessler. Ok I'll tell him
Michelle: There's a problem in room seven
Tony: Bob Warner?
Michelle: Yeah, his getting violent

Michelle: Is there a problem with Edgar?
Tony: His mother was "caught" in a contamination zone at the San Gabriel reactor: she took her own life. Up to now his been handling it pretty well but it might be catching up with him
Michelle: Do you think his in a good enough shape to run the COMM part of this operation?
Tony: Based on what just happened? No
Michelle: Where's Chloe? I didn't see her on the active roster
Tony: Driscoll forced her to resign
Michelle: Why?
Tony: Apparently Chloe went against Driscoll's orders: sided with Jack, turns out Jack was right

Tony: [Answering the phone] Almeida
President: Mr. Almeida, David Palmer
Tony: Mr. President, what can I do for you Sir?
President: I need to speak to Jack Bauer: do you know how to reach him?
Tony: Can you hold on Sir?
President: For a moment
Tony: Jack, I have the President Palmer on the line for you
Jack: Ok good. How we doing on the chopper?
Tony: I'm working on it
Jack: Work faster
Tony: Mr. President, I have Jack on the line, go ahead
Jack: Yes Mr. President?
President: I don't know if you've heard, but I've been unseated
Jack: Yes Sir, I'm sorry
President: Where are you on your investigation on the Cypress audio?
Jack: Mr. President, I can tell you for certain the audio has been forged. I have in custody the man who engineered it, we're going to bring him in soon. We'll patch him through the White House and the Department of Defense so he can testify. Meanwhile, CTU is trying to process everything we can on him. Mr. President, there is something else though
President: What?
Jack: Your ex-wife. Sherry, she's here with me
President: How'd that happen?
President: [after Jack remains silent] Jack?
President: [Sensing Sherry can overhear their conversation] you can't talk?
Jack: No Sir
President: Don't trust her, do you understand?
Jack: Yes Mr. President
President: Let me talk to her
Jack: [Handing her the phone] he wants to talk to you
Sherry: David?
President: What're you trying to do?
Sherry: I'm just trying to help you
President: How can you help me? If you wanted to help me, you shouldn't have lied to me
Sherry: That's the problem. It's not always about the truth
President: And what's that suppose to mean?
Sherry: The truth is the Cypress recording was forged. The truth is you were right and they were wrong. The truth is your trying to prevent an unnecessary war and Jack Bauer and I are the only ones who can help you
President: Stay out of his way
Sherry: Alright
President: Let me talk to Jack
Jack: Yes Mr. President?
President: I need this man to come forward now
Jack: I understand Sir

Tony: [Addressing CTU personnel] in case you haven't heard: George Mason was exposed to a lethal dose of plutonium this morning. I'm afraid he doesn't have much time. He just left the office and won't be coming back which means I'll be in charge until further notice. Now on a normal day, we'd be mourning George, just like Ivers, Clark, Paula, and the rest of our co-workers that were killed here today. Unfortunately we're going to have to hold our thoughts for them until we can get through this crisis. So let's get back to work

Ryan: [Answering the phone] Chappelle
Tony: Ryan, its Tony Almeida: I was told you were trying to reach me?
Ryan: [Sarcastically] thanks for getting back to me so soon. Congratulations on the promotion
Tony: I wish it could be under better circumstances
Ryan: Yeah, Mason was a good man
Tony: Yeah he was. Look, we're pretty busy around here...
Ryan: [Interrupts him] yeah I wanted to give you a heads up
Tony: About what?
Ryan: I'm on my way over with a couple keys from Division
Tony: Why?
Ryan: I thought you could use some help with all that's going on
Tony: We're doing pretty well here, thanks
Ryan: I'm sure you are. I'll see you in thirty minutes

Jack: [after listening to terrorist demands using a disguised voice] do we know where the phone call originated from?
Adam: We don't know yet: it came out of a scrambled satellite and we're trying to narrow it down
Tony: Jack, you know Salazar better than anybody else here, who do you think we're dealing with?
Jack: Without a doubt, his brother. Hector was next in command, he went underground the second Ramón was taken into custody. Now look, I know for a fact that the Salazar's own multiple properties in South America and Mexico registered under dummy corporations, unfortunately the Mexican government can't locate them so we're going to have throw out a pretty large net to try to trace the origin of that call
Tony: Alright, we'll work on it
Jack: How are we doing with the ID of the dead body?
Tony: Michelle's running the DNA
Jack: Ok, what about prints and dental?
Adam: No teeth and no fingertips
Jack: Ok we need this ID. It's the only "hook" into their operation
Tony: What about questioning Salazar?
Jack: [Shakes his head] it's a complete waste a time. This is man without vulnerability, he doesn't respond to physical interrogation and he doesn't care about another living soul, including his own children

Tony: Chappelle wants to see your report before you send it to the Pentagon
Michelle: I'm ordering more data points. I'll need another fifteen minutes
Tony: [Noticing she seems agitated] fine. You alright?
Michelle: Yeah, I'm just a little tired like everyone else
Tony: No, I mean about before. I know it got tense between you and Carrie
Michelle: I can handle Carrie
Tony: The truth is you don't have the training or the experience to read a guy like Ali. Now that's my fault, I shouldn't have put you in that position
Michelle: It doesn't mean we shouldn't press him harder
Tony: They'll take care of that at Guantánamo
Michelle: It may be too late
Tony: We're sending him now. I'm handing him over now to make sure it goes as planned
Michelle: [Before walking away] ok

Cara: [after driving up to Al-Zarian's residence, while reading off her laptop] his name is Jibraan Al-Zarian: twenty seven years old. His a day laborer at the Cabrera Granite Construction
Tony: Immigration status?
Cara: Illegal, visa expired as of January
Tony: Any ties to any extremist groups?
Cara: No, none: there's definitely anger there. Both parents were killed in a US airstrike by the Pakistani border when he was eleven at the time
Tony: It fits the psych profile
Cara: A bit of a loner: a mystery to his co workers
Tony: What about the family?
Cara: One younger brother who's his raised pretty much on his own: it's perfect huh?

Stephen: [Over the phone] I hope you covered your tracks by deleting incriminating satellite frames
Tony: I did what you wanted me to: where's my wife?
Stephen: Not so fast. I like to do things in phases, you should know that by now. That was phase one, now we have to talk about my daughter
Tony: What about her?
Stephen: I want her back of course
Tony: I want my wife back
Stephen: Then there should be no problem, where's Jane now?
Tony: She's on her way here, she should be here in about five minutes
Stephen: Good, once she gets there, make sure the guard follows your orders without question. Any harm comes to my daughter, your wife dies. If Jane is not released when I order it, your wife dies. That's all you need to know, are we clear?

Tony: [Introducing himself] Mr. Auda, Tony Almeida: Director of CTU
Yusuf: Thank you
Tony: You must've had some trip, you were what? Ten thousand miles away this morning?
Yusuf: I'm ready to get back to work. I understand there are still some analyses to be done on the things seized on Syed Ali's apartment?
Tony: Yeah, we'll have to do some preliminary work first, why don't you sit down? I'll have someone get you some coffee and I'll be with you in a moment ok?

George: How's it looking?
Michelle: Good, we got the channels open: we're just waiting for the feeds
George: Do we know what dialect of Arabic Faheen speaks?
Michelle: Yeah Nina gave us the information
Tony: [Over the phone] Naiyeer is starting to talk, he says Bob Warner is the one who has dealings with Syed Ali. Of course Warner claims he doesn't know anything about it
George: Bring them both in, separate them, and turn up the heat
Tony: You giving me the OK to arrest these people?
George: If they don't willingly, that's exactly what I'm giving you
Tony: On what charge?
George: I don't care if it's jaywalking just bring them in
Tony: [Before hanging up] ok you got it

Tony: [Over the phone] who is this?
Stephen: Its Stephen Saunders: before you make tactical errors, I'd like to give you an update on the situation
Tony: I'm listening
Stephen: I need you to move to a private area that has direct COMM with your teams on site
Tony: Why would I do that?
Stephen: Open a web circuit to IP 257 .21. 116. 5 and you'll find out. That's IP 257 .21. 116. 5, just trust me. By the way, I'd like to offer you congratulations on your wife eluding infection from the virus
Tony: How do you know about my wife?
Stephen: Get on that site. I know exactly what they're doing to her but I did instruct them to keep her barely functional so we can return her to you
Tony: [after seeing Michelle being tortured on the website] I'll kill you, you son of a bitch. I'll rip your damn throat out you hear me?
Stephen: We don't have time so I'm sorry if I'll brush past that remark because in fifteen seconds Michelle will be dead if you don't do what I say
Stephen: [while looking at his mobile computer] there are five agents watching the northeast exit of this building: four of the ground, sniper on the rooftop next door. I'm assuming their operating as an "assumed" unit, I want you to give them a code nine, send them to the front entrance now
Tony: Jack Bauer is running the operation, I don't have the authority to do that
Stephen: No authority? Really?

Jack: [communicating with CTU through COMM, referring to gathering evidence to apprehend Kingsley while he meets with Sherry, as Prescott and Chappelle monitors] Ok Tony, you've got your proof, let me go ahead: give me the greenlight
Ryan: [to CTU staff] Get it confirmed from the White House
Tony: Just a second
Jack: She can't stay out there much longer
Tony: [to Maggie] This is Almeida, are you satisfied?
Maggie: [to Prescott, sitting next to him] CTU wants to know if that's enough to prove the Cypress recording was false?
Vice: [to General Stone, sitting across from him] Have you confirmed this is indeed live and these voices have been authenticated?
General: Yes sir

Tony: [after ending a conference call with the President] wait a second, does anybody else feel "uneasy" about what we just heard here?
Bill: In what way?
Tony: Logan is suppose to be the man who speaks to the country and exudes confidence: not fear
Bill: Air Force One was just attacked, President Keeler is in critical condition. Logan was just sworn in, give him time
Tony: We don't have time
Chloe: [after entering the conference room] we've got Yosik a traffic cam picked him up heading to the coast: we have him on satellite
Michelle: [to Chloe] link this up to Curtis, I want him running point on this takedown
Bill: [to Chloe and Michelle] tell Curtis to remain "discreet", I want to know what Khatami is doing and who he is meeting before we take him down

Curtis: [Briefing CTU staff on a monitor] the warhead was stolen here: in eastern Iowa, we don't know yet how it's being transported
Bill: Are we monitoring air traffic?
Curtis: Yes, so far nothing's been picked up
Tony: If they have to stay on the ground, how far could they have gone?
Curtis: Based on our latest information, a three hundred mile radius which includes three metropolitan cities
Tony: Have those cities been alerted?
Bill: The President wants to keep that information restricted for the time being
Curtis: We have raised local alert levels, we haven't mentioned specifics
Bill: Marwan and his people have control of a nuclear warhead. We have to figure out when and where he'll set it off. I want you to look at everything: from satellite to local police, we have a small window. It's still in the middle of the night, if Marwan leaves a trail, it's going to be a hell of a lot easier to follow it now than in two hours when people start going to work. Let's get to it

Tony: [to Seaton after Seaton kills Stokes] hey, what the hell is going on?
Greg: I need your help
Tony: Why my help?
Greg: We need to stop this: it's gone too far
Tony: [while Seaton un-cuffs Tony] I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why you're doing this
Greg: I'm not spending the rest of my life in prison because of Jonas Hodges lost his mind
Tony: You know where the weapons are?
Greg: Yes
Tony: Then you better tell me right now
Greg: I want immunity
Tony: I can't promise you anything. We can call the FBI and negotiate a deal: immunity in exchange for your help in recovering the weapons, that's the best I can do
Greg: [after thinking it over after giving Tony his gun] I can set up a secure landline in my office
Tony: Ok, let's go

Tony: [Over the phone] hey, it's me. The perimeter's set
Michelle: Good, things are under control right now but a panic is still possible as more people start showing symptoms
Tony: Yeah, we have to be ready for that since the incubation period of the virus is so much shorter than what we thought it was: how you doing?
Michelle: I'm fine, so far. I just...
Tony: What?
Michelle: Things got crazy and I had to shoot a man. He was trying to get out of the hotel, his dead
Tony: You did what you had to do. It was the only thing you could've done, you need to stay focused alright?
Michelle: I know, I am
Tony: There's something we need you to do. We need you to find out if Alvers ever saw the man that hired him, we need a description as detailed as possible
Michelle: I'm on it. I'll call you right back

Tony: [while in his office] why don't you sit down?
Kim: OK
Tony: We need to question Jane Saunders without her father knowing about it: the problem is we're pretty sure he has somebody watching her
Kim: Fine, what'd you need me to do?
Tony: You're the same age, similar body types, your facial features are different but not so different we couldn't disguise it from a distance
Kim: You want me to pose as Jane Saunders?
Tony: We have better matches but their too far away from this office so the bottom line is you're our best chance. We don't have much time, we're still in the early stages of planning this mission but if all goes according to plan, it shouldn't be too dangerous. I'm not going to order you to do this
Kim: I know what's been going on today and I know if you had a better option, you'd take it so I'm fine and I'll do it
Tony: You sure?
Kim: Positive

Tony: [Over the phone] what's the status?
Michelle: Alvers planted vial containing the Cordilla virus in the ventilation system: it's on a timing device, it went off as Gael was trying to disarm it
Tony: He was in direct contact?
Michelle: Yeah. His shutting the system now but we have to assume it's permeated the entire building
Tony: Within fourteen hours anybody exposed to the virus will become symptomatic. They'll affect whoever they come in contact with
Michelle: Yeah I know. No one can be allowed to leave the building, we have to impose a total quarantine
Tony: Scramble a code six perimeter
Michelle: We have to be careful about this. Once these people realize what's going on, they'll create a widespread panic
Tony: Our people will hold a hundred yard radius and stay out of sight and LAPD and Health Services will move in adjacent to the hotel
Michelle: Good. The vial Alvers planted, he said there are eleven more
Tony: Alvers told you this?
Michelle: I just left him
Tony: You just left him? He could've been exposed to the virus, how'd get outside the hotel?
Michelle: He didn't leave the hotel. His still in the basement
Tony: Are you inside?
Michelle: Yeah
Tony: What the hell are you doing in there?
Michelle: I wasn't trying to be a hero. It's the only decision I could make
Tony: How far are you from the ventilation room?
Michelle: I'm not sure
Tony: Health Services are bringing protective gear, I want you to put it on as soon as they get there now if we can get you outside the hotel, we can isolate you...
Michelle: [Interrupts him] I can't leave
Tony: Are you listening to me? I'm ordering you to get out
Michelle: Well, that's an order I can't obey. As it is there's only seven other agents including Gael, it's full of people that need to be contained and controlled, communications, testing procedures, it all has to be coordinated and I am the ranking officer

Tony: [Over the phone] hey it's me
Michelle: Was Yusuf Auda helpful?
Tony: No, his got some trust issues: I'm right behind you. I think there's another way to prove the Cypress recording is fake. I'm going to need your help. You're going to have to trust me
Michelle: Ok whatever you need
Tony: Ok I'll back to you in a minute

Jack: Chloe needs as much processing as you can get so I need you to open up another socket in the network for her
Tony: [Nods, referring to Ryan] how's he doing?
Jack: His scared
Tony: Chase has a strike team assembled: their ready to go as soon as you get a location on Saunders. Also, I've already ordered you a helicopter from Air/Tactical. The train yard is all the way across town, we can't afford getting slowed down by rush hour traffic
Jack: Ok good
Tony: [while walking away] I'll get the socket up for her
Chloe: [after calling him over to her station] the bank uses decryption, we're going to have to use a password crack
Jack: How long is it going to take?
Chloe: It could take as long as ninety minutes
Jack: We don't have that much time
Chloe: I'm doing the best I can, maybe it would help if you told us why we're overriding other protocols
Jack: The only thing you need to know is I need these files decrypted now
Chloe: I'm doing my very best. Your tone of voice isn't exactly a morale booster
Jack: Please just do it

Carrie: Chappelle's going to find out
Tony: What're you talking about?
Carrie: He told you not to waste anymore time looking for Jack: but that's all you and Michelle are doing right now
Tony: Why aren't you working on the field intel?
Carrie: Don't shun me out. I'm just trying to help you keep your job
Tony: Really? By doing what?
Carrie: Not saying anything
Tony: Ok then don't say anything
Carrie: I want something in return
Tony: And what would that be?
Carrie: Michelle worked for me at District, things were much better that way. She's not qualified to be my boss, that's why things have been so messed up here tonight
Tony: So, you want Michelle's job? Is that what this is about?
Carrie: Yes and I assume you want to keep yours?
Tony: Yeah
Tony: [Calling him from across the room] Mr. Chappelle, can you come here a second?
Ryan: What'd you need Almeida?
Tony: Carrier's got something she needs to tell you
Ryan: [Walking over] what is it Carrie?
Ryan: [after she remains silent] well?
Tony: Carrie was trying to extort a promotion out of me by promising to keep her mouth shut
Ryan: Mouth shut about what?
Carrie: He and Michelle are still trying to find Jack Bauer. I was just trying to give Tony the courtesy of a warning. I was going to tell you Mr. Chappelle...
Ryan: [Interrupts her] that's enough Carrie. Get back to work
Carrie: Yes sir
Ryan: I thought I made myself clear. We're past Bauer
Tony: No sir. I'm not. You are. I'm still Director of CTU and I'm allocating reasonable resources to ensure we have all the facts. If you're not comfortable with me making my own decisions, I suggest you relieve me of my duties right now
Ryan: That won't be necessary
Tony: Thank you sir
Ryan: Don't thank me. I just don't have anyone to take your place right now. I don't like insubordination

President: [to Mike, referring to Nina Meyers calling over the speakerphone] you should talk to her first. I don't want to give her access to me until she gives me something in return
Mike: Ms. Meyers, this is Mike Novick, the President's Chief of Staff
Nina: [while pointing a rifle at Jack] I asked to speak to the President
Mike: His not available
Nina: Do you want to stop this nuclear bomb or not?
Mike: Of course we do
Nina: Then put the President on
Mike: I'm authorized to negotiate on his behalf
Nina: What I want is non-negotiable
Mike: What do you want?
Nina: I'll tell you where the bomb is in exchange for immunity
Mike: The President's already granted you total pardon
Nina: Except this is for a crime I have not committed yet
Mike: What crime?
Nina: The murder of Jack Bauer: add that to my pardon and I'll tell you where the bomb is
Mike: And if we don't comply?
Jack: [With his hands on his head] you don't have a choice
Mike: Is that you Mr. Bauer?
Jack: Yes, please tell the President I believe he doesn't have any other choice but to accept her deal
President: Is CTU on the secure line?
George: Yes Sir, this is George Mason. I'm on a designated channel also with Michelle Dessler and Tony Almeida
President: Do you have any alternative to what she's asking? Any weaknesses are we able to exploit?
George: None. She's a survivor, she knows Bauer. She knows if she doesn't kill him now, he'll hunt her down and find her later
President: So in your assessment, Nina Meyers is our best chance to stopping this bomb?
George: Sir, she may be our only chance
President: Ms. Meyers, this is President Palmer
Nina: I'm listening
President: Is Jack Bauer There?
Jack: Yes Mr. President I'm here too
President: Ms. Meyers, if the information you provide culminates in the successful interception of the nuclear device, you'll get everything you asked for. You will be pardoned in advance for the murder of Jack Bauer
Nina: I can live with that
Jack: Start talking Nina
Nina: The bomb will be detonated by a man named Syed Ali
George: We know about Ali. We need to know where he is
Nina: His in a house in Chatsworth on Starling Court. Eighteen Starling Court
George: [to Tony sitting nearby] contact local law enforcement, have them set up a perimeter
Tony: Alright
George: [to Michelle] coordinate among the relevant agencies
President: Ms. Meyers, you are not to take any action until we put our hands on this bomb
Nina: Agreed

Tony: [after entering his office] you wanted to see me?
Ryan: Yeah
Tony: [Crosses his arms] what's going on?
Ryan: I asked you here because your competency has been brought into question
Tony: By who?
Michelle: By me. An employee came to me with some concerns
Tony: An employee?
Ryan: Kim Bauer
Michelle: And I felt I needed to address them
Tony: With Ryan, you didn't come to me first
Michelle: I tried to talk to you, you didn't...
Ryan: [Interrupts her] that's enough
Tony: The point is that their wrong. I am fit for duty: completely
Ryan: [Before turning off the monitor to test Tony's competency] alright, when you entered the room, the monitor was on. Tell me what it showed
Tony: [Scoffs] on the left side was a C scan of the country indicating an ongoing investigation in Florida, New York, and Montana. On the right side was an all clear report from the Austin branch
Ryan: That's correct, it still doesn't ease my mind considering the "slips" you've made
Tony: What "slips"?
Ryan: Michelle?
Michelle: You thought you gave Kim the signature on the frequency scans: you didn't
Tony: Not verbally no. I put it on her in-screen fifteen minutes before I talked to her. Anything else?
Michelle: She said you didn't load the format codes onto the grid on time
Tony: No, I didn't load the codes onto "her" grid. I put them in the shared volume, on time. Check it
Michelle: [after using Ryan's computer to confirm] it's there
Ryan: Alright, I'm sorry. We're done here
Tony: [Before leaving] good
Ryan: You wasted time we don't have

Jack: [to Kyle's parents] I'm going to need one of you to make the call now. I need you to keep him on the line as long as possible so we can trace it
Sam: What am I suppose to tell him?
Jack: The truth
Sam: [Over the phone, while Jack listens and CTU traces the call] it's your father
Kyle: Dad?
Sam: We need to talk
Kyle: Look, I don't know what you want to talk about. I know how pissed off you are ok?
Sam: Whatever you did: I know you were just trying to help out your mom and me
Kyle: Yeah look, unless you want to give back the stuff you took, I've got to deal with this situation ok?
Sam: Please, don't hang up. Please? Listen to me, what I'm telling you is important, please, you have to come home
Kyle: Why do you sound different?
Sam: I need you to trust me on something I'm about to tell you
Kyle: Dad?
Sam: You may have gotten a virus, something you picked up in Mexico
Kyle: What? How did you know I was in Mexico?
Sam: It doesn't matter and you may be sick and if you are, you need to be checked out by a doctor
Kyle: Look, I don't know what you're talking about but I feel fine
Sam: I know it sounds crazy but it's real, now there are some people they're trying to help
Kyle: [Surprised] cops?
Jack: Tony, you got a lock on this trace? We're going to lose this kid
Tony: [to Kim] how much longer?
Kim: I've got a cell tower but it's got a three mile radius
Kyle: I can't believe this. One minute you tell me you love me, the next minute you sell me out to some cops
Sam: They're not the police. They're just trying to stop this virus before it becomes an outbreak
Kyle: I already told you, I feel fine alright?
Sam: They're saying you're not going to feel sick for a few hours but by then it'll be too late
Jack: Tony, have you got a lock yet?
Tony: [to Kim] how much longer?
Kim: Ten seconds
Kyle: What'd you want me to do? Turn myself in?
Sam: Because you may be sick and if you are, then other people are going to be infected
Tony: We got it Jack. His at Los Feliz Mall between Vermont and Sunset
Jack: Ok, get his photograph to mall security tell them not to approach him
Tony: Look, your twenty minutes by car, I can land a team there in ten minutes
Jack: I don't want you taking Chase
Tony: Why not?
Jack: [Before hanging up] just don't

Tony: [Talking privately] what's going on?
Jack: [Drawing his gun on him] I told you earlier today, if you're lying to me, I'd kill you myself
Tony: What the hell are you talking about?
Jack: Cardiff, Vincent Cardiff: you said he was killed during his interrogation
Tony: Yeah, so?
Jack: He's alive and well. In custody and his showing no signs of physical abuse: explain that
Tony: Alright look. I'm sorry, Cardiff knew by "spilling" that intel, his going to himself killed. So I cut a deal with him I told him I'd let the FBI know he was dead so he could walk away and disappear. I thought it was just a "meaningless lie"
Jack: You and I have been doing this long enough to know there's no such thing as a "meaningless lie." How are involved in this?
Tony: You're not making any sense: that intel was "good", without it, you'd never be in the White House to save the President
Jack: [Yells] what is your involvement?
Tony: You're not thinking "straight"
Jack: How are you shot? Does Galvez even have a "second man"? Or is it just you?
Tony: Just stop and listen to what you're saying: that's insane, it's paranoia, why don't you put the gun down?
Jack: Don't you move
Tony: The toxins are starting to affect your judgment. You can see that right?

Tony: Hey
Michelle: There's something wrong with the phones
Tony: Yeah: the network's been overloaded ever since news of the bomb broke. Who you talking to?
Michelle: No one. What's going on?
Tony: Jack just called, he said his got the evidence from Wallace
Michelle: Does the President know?
Tony: No, we haven't confirmed it's authentic yet
Michelle: The President is acting on the assumption the Cypress recording is real
Tony: And this evidence may prove it's not
Michelle: You've got to call the President
Tony: I'll think about it

Jack: [In a car with tony driving after leaving a safe house where several armed men tried to kill him and Audrey] Thanks for picking us up, saving our lives.
Tony: no problem.
Jack: I'm sure you want to know what's been going on...
Tony: No not really.
Jack: something wrong?
Tony: what could be wrong? I'm no longer in a federal prison, thanks to you and President Palmer. Michelle left me, never mind, why don't you tell me what this is all about?
Jack: you heard about Audrey and her father this morning?
Tony: Yeah.
Jack: we went to Fall Sted Security so Audrey can make an ID check on the man she saw during kidnapping.
Tony: I don't get it, why?
Jack: Secretary of State's kidnapping was just a cover. The terrorist's main objective was to gain control of nuclear power plants from around the country. The man Audrey saw is our only lead.

Tony: Dalton, what'd you got?
Dalton: So far the only reactions from her are subliminal: she's not going to say anything, we need to be plugged into her vitals. We can take it down to seven, give her a passive response test
Tony: Seven's not secure enough, she stays here. Where's Richards?
Michelle: His waiting
Tony: Alright, let's bring him in

Yusuf: Mr. Almeida, may I know what you found in the hard drive?
Tony: I'm afraid you don't have the necessary clearance for that information Mr. Auda
Yusuf: Mr. Almeida, I and my country have shown good faith in helping you to find Syed Ali's safe house. I'm just asking you to do the same by giving me idea of what's going on?
Yusuf: [Before Tony walks away] you Americans...
Tony: [Interrupts him] me Americans what?
Yusuf: Nothing

Michelle: Carrie
Carrie: Yeah?
Tony: LAPD just called, there's automatic weapon fire at Studio City. Police arriving are finding bodies and military spec weapons, communications' got the address, check it against the coordinates of the images Michelle pulled off the satellite alright?
Carrie: Right away
Tony: [Irritated] Is it the location Michelle? Is it? The police just got there and they got four bodies, so let's talk
Michelle: Yeah, that's it
Tony: Alright, we've got to call him immediately, he might need our help
Michelle: Jack made it very clear: the only way to get the proof on this tape is if CTU stays out of this
Tony: [Raises his voice] we don't even know if his still alive
Michelle: [Dialing the number on a landline] his on an open channel. You won't be able to trace it but you can talk to him

Tony: I just got off the phone with Division. While they were debriefing Syed Ali, there are three more Second Wave terrorists in the LA area: I want two transport teams assigned to each one, pick them up now alright?
Michelle: OK
George: [to the CTU personnel] hey guys listen up, I just received confirmation from NSA in Oregon. The location of the bomb is indeed Norton Airfield, Jack Bauer is on route. I want every available field agent there now

Tony: [Briefing CTU staff over a monitor] this is Michael Amador, his representing Ukrainians in the sale of the virus. Now we have a Delta team tracking on the ground in a safe distance
Adam: Why don't get Amador now if they know where he is?
Tony: Because he may not being carrying the virus: if his not, we could blow up our chance at the interception
Tony: Once Jack confirms it is the virus, the Delta team will go in and secure it
Adam: Delta team asked for a photo of the woman Jack is working with so I...
Tony: Adam, wait
Kim: [Surprised] Nina Meyers is the broker?
Adam: Didn't you read the Ops brief?
Kim: No
Tony: Kim, can you come with me?
Tony: [to Michelle while leaving the conference room with Kim] can you finish the briefing please?
Michelle: Yeah

Audrey: [Walking over to his station] Michelle said you were doing a search on possible ties to Marwan, may I help?
Tony: Do you have a sign on for the Sakai server?
Audrey: In Washington?
Tony: Yeah, we're saving time if I could use it on this search
Audrey: [after typing on his computer] there you go
Tony: Thanks
Audrey: Anything else?
Tony: This should kick off a few names: you can help me write them down when it's done searching
Audrey: Ok great
Tony: So, did you tell Michelle what happened today?
Audrey: I said Jack called you
Tony: Anything else?
Audrey: Well, I didn't say you were living with anyone if that's what you mean
Tony: She probably already knows that and I'm sure she can probably care less. So how are you and Jack "ferrying" with him out in the field today?
Audrey: It's different: a lot different than Washington
Tony: Yeah it is a lot different. To tell you the truth, I couldn't believe it when I heard had taken a desk job in DC
Audrey: He said he was happier this way
Tony: Uh huh. Well, you got to see him in both worlds today, you think he'll go back to wearing a suit?
Audrey: After the hell Jack's been through today, you think he'd want to come back to this?
Tony: Some people are more comfortable in hell
Audrey: Are you talking about Jack? Or yourself?

Jack: [to Tony while in an interrogation room,] I watched you die in my arms. You want to explain to me how you managed to stay alive?
Jack: [after Tony doesn't respond] I didn't think so. Why don't I tell you what I know? I know your working for the Jima regime. The White House just got their demands: you have to know that I will never let that happen so why don't you save yourself some time?
Jack: [after sitting down next to Tony] and some pain and tell me where the CIP device is?
Tony: I can't tell you that
Jack: Damn it, you are not just facing charges for domestic terrorism. You are going to face international charges, for aiding and abetting genocide: they will give you the death penalty. Come on just work with me on this. I can help you cut a deal, maybe even get you immunity
Tony: You're wasting your breath. If I were you, I'd tell the President to withdraw those troops because Dubaku is serious, his ready to take thousands of American lives unless his demands are met
Jack: Why the hell are you doing this?
Tony: Juma wanted the CIP module and he was willing to pay for it
Jack: I don't believe you
Tony: Oh, come on. Don't act so surprised: money's the only reason I have left for doing anything. The government took care of that
Jack: The government didn't kill Michelle, Charles Logan did
Tony: Charles Logan is a product of his environment. The government "poisons" everything in its path. You know better than me, look at they did to you
Jack: Damn it, we're not talking about "me"
Tony: We're not? You're asking me why I'm doing this. I could ask you the same question: here you are working for the same people who want to put you in prison. The same people who killed everything you love and left you with nothing. Your daughter wants nothing to do with you, Terri's dead
Jack: Shut up
Tony: Audrey Raines...
Jack: [Interrupts him, yells] I said shut up
Tony: [Yells] no. You need to hear this, you need to start living in the "real world" because every second you help the government, your spitting on Terri's grave!
Jack: [after lifting Tony out his chair, holds him by his neck against the wall, yells] tell me where the device is, so help me God, I will kill you, and you will stay dead this time

Adam: I've had it Tony: I swear to God
Tony: What's the problem?
Adam: Chloe O'Brian does not touch my data. If Field Ops wants something she asks Jack or you and then you talk to me
Tony: Did she damage anything?
Adam: That's not the point. The reason why my department has zero downtime is because of the procedures I put in place
Tony: Did she damage anything?
Adam: No she didn't
Tony: Then let it go. Look Jack's got his department and I got mine and we're all under the same roof understood?
Adam: [Nods]
Tony: Good. Now lighten up or going to drive yourself and the rest of us crazy

Michelle: The new shift is here, they've been brought up to speed. I was thinking I would get my brother and go home.
Tony: There's a handful of people that made a big diference here today, and you're one of them, you made some tough choices and went against me and I wanted to let you know, you were right.
Michelle: Thanks.
Tony: [as she turns around to leave] So, go home and get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow.
Michelle: [Smilies and nods]

Tony: Hello sir, I'm Tony Almeida from Los Angeles CTU, this is agent Richards
Bob: [while looking at his identification] CTU? What is CTU?
Tony: Counter Terrorist Unit: I'm looking for a Reza Naiyeer?
Kate: What's this all about?
Tony: It's a government matter ma'am
Kate: Government matter?
Tony: I just need to ask a few questions to Mr. Naiyeer
Bob: Mr. Almeida right? My daughter hired a private investigator to do a background check on Reza. It's all been cleared up
Kate: Actually, dad it hasn't been all cleared up
Bob: Can this wait? You see today is my other daughter Marie's wedding. She's getting married to Reza
Tony: I'm sorry for the bad timing but no. This can't wait. I'm authorized to interrogate Mr. Naiyeer. Are you going to take me to him? Or do I have to find him myself?
Bob: [while looking sternly at Tony] Kate, go find Reza

Jack: Damn it.
Tony: Forget about him, Jack. He was dead the minute he stepped out that door. You and I both know that.

George: I thought I told you to handle this yourself
Tony: Yeah well, the truth is if I didn't have to talk to you again, I'd be happy but the IT people need to access the data stream Paula was working on and it's on your system so we need your password
George: Password?
Tony: Yeah
George: Hendrix.
Tony: Is that with an "x"?
George: How else would you spell it?
Tony: Yeah, right, thanks
George: How's Paula doing?
Tony: Not so good. We're still trying to dig her out but she's non-responsive. Look, I've got to go
George: Ok

Michelle: I just got off the phone with Jack Bauer
Tony: Where is he?
Michelle: His on his way to see Wald, he wanted Mason to know
Tony: Yeah well, Mason's checked out. Look, get the information directly to NSA alright?
Michelle: Oh and he asked about his daughter Kim
Tony: Oh no
Michelle: What?
Tony: She was on her way here. Look can you check the security logs and see if she was in the building?

Bob: [to Tony when he walks into the interrogation room] why have I been kept here waiting like this?
Tony: Sit down please
Bob: I have some information
Tony: [Raises his voice] sit down. What information do you have?
Bob: I'm not supposed to talk to anybody about this but under the circumstances, I am a consultant for the CIA. There's a contact for my liaison: call Langley and they'll verify
Tony: [Looking at the contact card Warner put on the table] why didn't you tell me about this back at house?
Bob: Oh come on, you know the drill. I'm not suppose to talk to anyone about this without clearance
Tony: What's your I-3 protocol?
Bob: I was approached about five years ago because of my international investment work. They asked me how would I like to help my country I said "OK"
Tony: What'd you do?
Bob: My corporation is used as a "conduit" to pass information back and forth
Tony: To who?
Bob: I don't know, that is the truth. Listen to me, I am not an enemy of this country. I am a patriot, I love my country I don't know any Syed Ali nor do I know why there is a record of me doing business with him
Tony: Well, if that's true you have nothing to worry about do you? There is a connection between your company and Syed Ali and I'm going to find out what it is. So in the meantime sit tight I'm going to check this out

Jack: Tony. I need detailed background on everyone on Senator Palmer's staff now.
Tony: Why?
Jack: Because I think this is about him and I want us to be prepared.
Tony: If it leaks out that we're screening Senator Palmer, people might think it's because he's black.
Jack: Well, it is because he's black. It makes him the most likely target.

Tony: Saunders has Michelle
Jack: I know
Tony: He wants to make a trade: Michelle for his daughter
Jack: I know, I can't let that happen
Tony: I almost lost her once today, I'm not losing her again
Jack: Listen to me, I know exactly how you feel. I've been there
Tony: And you handled it exactly like me, you kept everyone else out of it
Jack: This is different: millions of lives are at stake
Tony: Oh, rules apply to other people but not to you right?
Jack: Just calm down ok? Come on
Tony: You help me make this trade, I'll turn myself in, go to prison, and whatever's going to happen
Jack: I can't do it. We need to lure her father in
Tony: Even if it means Michelle is going to die?
Jack: Michelle doesn't have to die. We can "string" Saunders along, I need you to start working with me. Chase has already got a strike team...
Tony: [Interrupts him] no! Saunders sees I brought CTU into this, he kills Michelle
Jack: His not going to know we're there. Where are you meeting him? You don't have a choice right now. You've got to work with me, where is the meeting? Come on, where are you meeting him?
Tony: He wants me to be at a public pay phone on the corner of Taylor and Vine in five minutes. He'll give me further instructions from there
Jack: Thank you, you're doing the right thing

George: [Sarcastically] great Almeida, now what?
Tony: Back off George I did the best I could
George: I guess your best isn't very good
Michelle: Look, maybe there's another way to find Wald
George: Gee, why didn't I think of that? Your right. I bet NSA just had us bring in a burnt out agent for the challenge of it. If there were any number of guys who could've done the job...
Tony: Settle down George alright? Let's just sit down, re-group, and figure out what we're going to do
George: What we're going to do? We're going to call NSA now
Jack: [Suddenly appears at the door of the conference room] here's the deal: I want Nowell or Grothy to take my daughter to a safe distance outside the city
George: Done
Jack: I also want to be kept up to date on their status at all times by Tony. I'm sorry George I just don't trust you
George: Well, you're going to have to start, what we're up against today none of us can walk away from. Tony and I will both take care of Kim
Tony: [while nodding] I'll do it now

Tony: [During a briefing meeting] alright everyone listen up, this is Bill Buchanan from Division: he'll be overseeing the operation. All department heads run everything through him
Bill: In less than half an hour Habib Marwan wants to make an exchange at the Union Conduit Damn. Behrooz Araz for Jack Bauer now before we decide to move "forward", I need to know a few things: why does Marwan want the boy? What's his value?
Tony: We were unable to find any evidence that Behrooz had any critical information
Bill: Did you push him?
Tony: Yeah, I don't think the kid knows anything
Bill: Who's doing background?
Chloe: Me, there's nothing specifically that ties these two people together. The parents? Yes, Behrooz? No
Bill: Could Behrooz have "something" implanted in his body? "Something" neither he nor his parents knew about?
Tony: No, we had him scanned when he was brought in
Bill: Did you do an MRI?
Tony: Yeah
Bill: I don't like giving up something unless I know its value: let's talk about what happens if we don't agree to the exchange?
Chloe: We don't get Jack Bauer back for one thing
Bill: That can't be the deciding factor here
Michelle: Well, most importantly if we don't go through with this exchange, we may lose an opportunity to trap Marwan
Bill: Marwan has to know what we're thinking, the chances of him being at the exchange are small
Michelle: I agree but we could put a tracer on Behrooz, he might lead us to Marwan
Bill: We tried to trace Jack and Dina Araz an hour ago, they grabbed Jack and killed Dina
Edgar: We'll take a different approach: use tracers, two of them. One for Marwan to find, the other one subcutaneous
Bill: There's no guarantee he'll find that one too
Michelle: No, sir, there are no guarantees period. The fact is we have no viable leads on Marwan, we have to run with every chance we get
Bill: Have tactical finish up the profiles in five minutes, let's get field teams on their way to the dam now

Tony: [Over the phone] where are you?
Kim: At a Sheriff's station in Santa Clarita
Tony: What happened?
Kim: It doesn't matter: they're not going to charge me for murder or kidnapping but I still might need some help
Tony: Sure, what'd you need?
Kim: They were taking us back to Los Angeles and my boyfriend and I tried to escape and we got into a car accident. The police officer was injured
Tony: Alright, I'll call the DA's office and see what I can do
Kim: Thank you
Tony: I'm sure you'd rather be talking to your dad about this but I know they probably told you that his not available right now
Kim: What're you talking about?
Tony: His in the field
Kim: In the field? You mean his alive?
Tony: [Realizing he forgot to tell her that her father isn't dead] Oh my God, you still think he died in the plane
Kim: [Surprised] he didn't?
Tony: No, George Mason took over. He was able to get out in time
Kim: When can I talk to him?
Tony: Not for a while

Tony: [Over the phone] did you get the test results?
Michelle: I won't know for another hour
Tony: What's taking so long?
Michelle: They couldn't interpret it themselves here: they sent everything back to the lab
Tony: How you feeling?
Michelle: I think I'm ok
Tony: No nose bleeds? Nothing on your skin?
Michelle: No, NHS has everything under control here. I want to keep busy, I want to help
Tony: Adam's working on citywide containment, I'll have him send some of his workload onto your system. Open up a socket, you can help with NHS deployment. I'll call you later ok?
Michelle: [Before hanging up] yeah ok

Tony: [Referring to the duct covering his mouth] when I take this off, you or your brother yell for help: you and your brother die, do you understand?
Jibraan: [after slightly nodding] who are you people? Why are putting propaganda on my computer? These weapons, you're trying to make me look like a terrorist, why are you doing this?
Tony: Listen to me Jibraan, there's only one thing you need to know: if you don't do "exactly" as I say, you're going to watch your younger brother die right in front of your eyes and then, I'm going to kill you. However, if you cooperate, there's a good chance the two of you will live through this
Jibraan: What do you want me to do?
Tony: First off, you're going to read this statement in front of a camera and if you're going to read it like you mean it
Jibraan: No, this insane, I'm not going to
Tony: That sounds to me like you have a "choice"
Jibraan: [Panicking] please this is not right: you cannot do this to us

Jane: I know your lying to me, I know you're not taking me to Division
Tony: You'll be fine, alright?
Jane: At least tell me where we're going?
Jane: [Raises her voice after he remains silent] where are you taking me?
Tony: Back to your father
Jane: My father? Why?
Tony: His holding my wife hostage: he'll kill her if I don't take you back to him
Jane: So basically you're kidnapping me
Tony: I'm sorry
Jane: After everything he's done, how can you be sure he'll do what he says? How do you know he won't kill your wife anyway?
Tony: I don't have a choice, I wish I did but I don't

Tony: [to Audrey about Jack] Some people are more comfortable in hell.

Jack: [Over the phone] Michelle?
Tony: No Jack: it's Tony
Jack: Tony, trust me. Stay out of this
Tony: What's going on?
Jack: The President asked me to provide him with proof that the Cypress recording is fake. I'm trying to do that, the man who can provide the proof will only deal with me. He will not cooperate if CTU is involved, that's why I had to leave the way I did
Tony: How do we know his not using you?
Jack: Because ten commandos just tried to kill him to try to stop him from making the deal with me
Tony: What's he want?
Jack: He wants to disappear
Tony: Then bring him here. We'll deal with him here
Jack: I just told you, he will not cooperate with us under those circumstances
Tony: I understand what you're saying but this country is about to go to war over this. This is way too big for one person to handle, even you
Jack: [Before hanging up] sorry, can't do it

Bill: Tell me the latest on Lee?
Tony: He just got out of surgery: Dr. Besson thinks he'll be able to respond to questions soon
Bill: [Before entering Michelle's office] alright, when that happens, I want everyone from COMM on standby. Whatever Lee gives us I want it worked up without any time lags
Michelle: [after hanging up the phone] that was Secretary of State Taylor: he just authorized the head of security at the Chinese Consulate to come here and question us about the raid
Tony: What? In the middle of all this?
Bill: Alright, this breaks down very simply, they want to prove we attacked the Consulate tonight, we have to make sure they can't do that
Tony: That ambush is going to land on someone
Bill: Mike Novick's working on that from Washington. We just have to make sure all of our bases are covered over here. Finding that nuclear warhead is our number one priority. I'm going to go over the strategy with Jack, when Cheng gets here, send him to the situation room, make sure all of our visible screens are masked

Jack: [as Tony watches Jack inject himself] it's seizure medicine, I should've used it earlier
Tony: What're you doing out here? Why don't you go back to FBI and let them treat you there
Jack: There is no treatment: there is no cure
Tony: I'm sorry... I didn't know. Why are you in the field?
Jack: [Before walking away] Agent Walker just lost her partner, I thought I could help. I owe her that much

Tony: [Talking privately] ok, what is it?
Tony: There's something you need to know...
Tony: [Interrupts her] if this is about Chloe's baby, I don't have time to deal with this right now
Kim: It's not her baby: Chloe does not have a baby and frankly I think she's delusional
Tony: What're you talking about?
Kim: Look, Chloe does not have a child. I confronted her and she said this was her boyfriend's baby and the mother of this child was letting her get abused and I spoke to Child Protective Services and they there was no abuse claim filed
Tony: Your sure?
Kim: Positive
Tony: Have to talked to Chloe since you found this out?
Kim: No, when I confronted her, she was on the verge of losing it, this is what I'm worried about. I think she's unstable
Tony: I need you to take a step back here
Kim: My father and Chase's life are in her hands
Tony: That's exactly why we can't do anything about this right now
Kim: What'd you mean?
Tony: Chloe is our only life line on what's going on down there. She's the only one in this office capable of filtering audio streams Chase is sending us
Kim: If Chloe is unstable...
Tony: [Interrupts her] we don't have an alternative right now. We have got to keep her in place
Kim: What about the baby? Whoever are her parents must be going out of their minds right now
Tony: You're going to take care of that baby until this operation is over. I do not want Chloe distracted, I'm not happy about this either, just hope that Chloe holds it together. We'll deal with the baby once we get possession of the virus

Dr. Nicole Duncan: How long have you been using?
Jack: What?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: I did a rotation in rehab: you tend to pick up when someone's using
Jack: I don't know what you're talking about
Dr. Nicole Duncan: You know exactly what I'm talking about
Dr. Nicole Duncan: How long?
Jack: For a while now. It was the only way I could maintain my cover with the Salazar's
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Are you high now?
Jack: [Sternly] no
Dr. Nicole Duncan: [Picking up the vile of cocaine and showing it to him] it's empty
Jack: [Snatching it from her] I told you I'm fine
Dr. Nicole Duncan: I'm not so sure
Jack: If you're not so sure then turn me in
Dr. Nicole Duncan: I don't want to turn you in. I'm worried about you
Jack: You don't have to be, I've "kicked it"
Dr. Nicole Duncan: I have a responsibility to stop this virus and I am taking a "calculated" risk, that you are more of an asset than a liability so please don't screw this up
Jack: I won't
Jack: [Answering his phone] yeah?
Tony: Security found Singer, I'm about to pick him up
Jack: Ok where are you?
Tony: Second floor rotunda. Top of the north escalator, where are you?
Tony: We're coming in the loading dock, north entrance, have you got a visual?
Tony: Yeah I got it
Jack: Where've you placed your men?
Jack: Their posted at all of the entrances
Jack: Ok good, we should be there in about a minute
Tony: [Before hanging up] alright

Tony: [During a meeting] his name's Kyle Singer, we think his transporting the virus but it's likely he doesn't know what his carrying
Adam: How could he not know?
Tony: Health Services believes the virus was made to look like heroin or cocaine. We know that Kyle Singer was hired to deliver a package from Mexico to a dealer in Los Angeles
Michelle: He thinks his smuggling drugs
Tony: That's the working theory. Now here's the thing: once Singer delivers that bag of powder, it gets cut up and distributed throughout the city. At that point, it becomes impossible to contain
Adam: Is LAPD grabbing Singer?
Tony: No
Adam: Why not? Can't they get there faster?
Tony: LAPD is not trained to handle a hot zone. Jack Bauer is going to go in with a team from Health Services, we're going to run the operation from here, updating the President in real time. Now we have to approach Singer with "care", he has no idea how deadly the powder is

James: [Addressing CTU staff] for those of you that don't know: this is Michelle Dessler, she'll be taking over as acting Director of CTU effective immediately. Tony, I appreciate you "carrying the ball" until Michelle got here, why don't you bring her and everyone else up to speed?
Tony: Yes sir, less than an hour ago, we discovered the man responsible for planning today's attacks Habib Marwan has been a long term employee McLennan-Forrester, the third largest defense contractor in the country. Now we know Marwan has been using the alias "Harris Barnes", what we don't know yet is how he managed to evade their security checks, Marwan knows we're looking for him so his probably gone "dark". His association with McLennan-Forrester is our primary focus, Jack Bauer and Paul Raines went to the company to inspect his computer files but as they were doing so an electromagnetic pulse bomb was detonated wiping out the company's database
Sarah: It also fried every electrical device within an eight mile radius. Street lights, computers, cars, cell phones, everything
Michelle: Were Jack and Paul able to find anything before detonation?
Tony: Yeah but we weren't able to contact them since the blast. We have to assume whoever detonated the EMP "thinks" Jack and Paul found something and wants them eliminated
Michelle: Have rescue teams been sent into the area?
Tony: Not yet. Once we confirmed the effects subsided, we'll send two full teams in with fully functional electronics, the only problem is until we find Jack and Paul, we're not going to be able to do much
Michelle: [to the CTU staff] we want to do everything we can to find Jack Bauer and Paul Raines but the priority to retrieve any information they found at McLennan-Forrester, that's all

Tony: [after entering her office] Jack and Paul are ok
Michelle: What about the information?
Tony: We don't know if Jack has it but even if he does, we don't know if it's going to bring us any closer to finding Marwan
Michelle: We know McLennan-Forrester is involved, that should yield some leads
Tony: That's going to have to be worked up here because McLennan-Forrester's computers were all knocked out by the EMP
Michelle: You want to head that up?
Tony: No, you know what? You should let Curtis handle that
Michelle: Alright, I will. I shouldn't have said that earlier about your drinking, that was out of line. I'm sorry
Tony: You don't owe me an apology: my life right now... let's just that I've been better, quite frankly seeing you here today has only made things worse. Look, I'm going to leave, get out of your hair, and let you do your job alright?
Michelle: No, we can't afford to lose you, not today
Tony: You sure?
Michelle: Yes I'm sure

Tony: [Addressing the CTU staff] everyone gather around please, it'll just take a minute: George Mason asked in advance to thank you all for your dedication. Thanks to his sacrifice and your hard work, millions of lives were saved and that's a result we can say we're proud of. Now to say this was a long day would be a major understatement, I know you're all tired, this isn't over yet. We still got a lot of work to do, now the Cyprus recording is our primary focus and that's critical to any military response that Washington is considering, so let's get back at it

Tony: [Updating CTU staff] can I have everybody's attention please? I'm sorry to have to tell you that Ryan Chappelle was killed in the line of duty about half an hour ago. I can't give you anymore details: but I'll be assuming Ryan's responsibilities until we hear from Brad Hammond at Division. Now they'll be an opportunity to pay proper respects to Ryan but now's not the time

Jack: What're you doing?
Tony: I'm trying to pick up a thread on Saunders: somebody in my own group may be working against us. I have quarantine zones springing up all over the place I'm treading water here
Jack: Why'd you lie to me?
Tony: Lying? What're you talking about?
Jack: I just got off the phone with Hammond, you didn't have a status call scheduled
Tony: I screwed up earlier, the SAT transmission on my system was forged by my own people. I should've noticed it wasn't authentic before I ordered Baker off his post: I didn't, by the time I realized my mistake it was too late. Saunders was gone
Jack: What about the missing frames?
Tony: It must've been deleted by the same person who forged the SAT transmission. I know this is big, I promise you I'll offer my resignation to you when this day is over but right now we got too much going on for me just to step down
Jack: Making a mistake is one thing, covering it up is another. I can't let you stay in place. I am taking command over CTU now
Tony: I made a mistake
Jack: No, you made two
Tony: Fine, I'll make sure Adam sends everything over to your group

Tony: [Talking privately] I was out of line couple hours ago about you and Bill: it's your life and I've got no right to judge you
Michelle: I appreciate that
Tony: Whatever tension there is between us I want to apologize for my part in it. I'd like it if we could let it go so we can do our jobs: let the past in the past, move on
Michelle: Sounds good

Kim: Where's my dad?
Carrie: Still in the field: why don't you wait here for a moment? I'll go tell Ryan Chappelle your here
Tony: [Walking up to them] I'll handle this Carrie
Carrie: I thought you were in custody?
Tony: I was released
Tony: [to Kim] I heard what happened, are you alright?
Kim: Yeah, I guess so. Look, I just want to see my dad and make sure his ok
Tony: His not here right now. He won't be back for a couple of hours
Kim: Does he know I'm here?
Tony: No, not yet but we'll tell him as soon as he phones in
Kate: [to Tony] listen, Jack said to call him as soon as we got here
Tony: I understand his just not reachable. I'll have Carrie get you situated and I'll be with you in a minute

Michelle: [Before he hands her the access card] I need the access codes for CTU and Division
Tony: What'd you need me to do?
Michelle: Division's sending over a supplemental list of terrorists supposedly had contact with Habib Marwan, I want you to check any names that have been flagged by other agencies including overseas
Tony: Given what's happening right now, it doesn't seem like the best use of my time
Michelle: It has to be done and I'd like you to do it
Tony: Jack and Paul may have information vital to ending this crisis: I should be helping us find them
Michelle: Last time I saw you, you couldn't stay sober long enough to keep a job
Tony: That was six months ago
Michelle: This is what I need you to do, if don't like it, you can resign
Tony: [after thinking it over] I'm going to need a security clearance
Michelle: I'll make sure you get a Level Three
Tony: Level Three? I used to have a Six
Michelle: Right now? All you need is Three

Bob: [as Tony enters the interrogation room] please tell me what's going on with my daughter Kate
Tony: I already told you she's fine
Bob: Then what is she doing with one of your agents?
Tony: Reza Naiyeer is dead: we just found out. He and two of our agents were shot and killed at your office
Bob: What about Marie? Is she ok? Please tell me Marie is ok
Tony: [after sitting down] look, I'm sorry to have to tell you this. We believe Marie committed the murders
Bob: It's a trick. I know you're trying to trick me

George: You got a second?
Tony: Sure: what is it?
George: I think it's time I step down, I'm not feeling so hot here
Tony: Is there anything I can do?
George: Actually yeah. Tomorrow when this is all over, say goodbye to everybody for me. Let them know it was an honor working with them, let them know I think a great job they all did
Tony: Sure
George: This morning when I told you I couldn't wait to get out of here, I don't feel that way anymore
George: [Handing the access card] here you go
Tony: What's this?
George: Access codes to CTU and Division
Tony: I can't take this. Only CTU Directors have that kind of access
George: You're the new CTU Director
Tony: You can't promote me, Chapelle is the only one who can do that
George: I just talked to Chappelle. You're the new guy
Tony: Listen, I'm sorry, I...
George: [Interrupts him] hey, good luck
Tony: Yeah

Marcus: I'm bleeding
Michelle: You don't look too bad so far
Marcus: We had a deal. I told you what I know and you'd kill me when I start showing symptoms
Michelle: You haven't told us everything you know
Marcus: What're you talking about?
Michelle: The man you work for: what's his name?
Marcus: He never told me his name. I'm dying, I have nothing to gain by lying about it
Michelle: When was the last time you saw him?
Marcus: Three hours ago in a Go parlor in Chinatown
Michelle: [Holding the phone for him with Tony on the line] I want a description
Marcus: Mid-thirties, Caucasian, about six one, black hair, brown eyes, and no facial hair. He speaks with a British accent
Michelle: Got that?
Tony: [to Michelle] yeah we got it
Tony: [to Chloe sitting next to him] how long is this going to take?
Chloe: Once the parameters are in, not long. I just need to cross reference it with personnel Jack's worked with in the past

Ryan: I don't think this is going to work out for you Almeida
Tony: Maybe not but right now I've got to help Jack get this virus and I don't need you looking over my shoulder alright?
Ryan: You work for me: you don't give orders, you take them
Tony: Yeah except the President put in charge of this particular operation. Now if you object, give him a call, I maybe wrong but I didn't get the impression that his in the mood for any bureaucratic squabbling today
Tony: [after Ryan remain silent] just let me do my job alright?
Ryan: [Before leaving] I'll be watching

Chloe: Tony, you need to hear this
Tony: What?
Chloe: I have to report some bad news: Field Ops lost two satellite feeds because Adam forgot to segregate the channels
Adam: What're you talking about?
Chloe: It's true, I had to reinitiate everything
Adam: You touched my system?
Chloe: Tony, let's face it, Adam shouldn't be here because his under duress because his sister's going to die
Adam: [Protesting] I did not forget to separate those channels Tony
Chloe: Yes, you did
Tony: Alright, look we don't have time for this. We have teams on the ground that are depending on us, now did you back up the satellite data?
Chloe: Yes, I re-programmed almost everything, we lost about thirty seconds
Adam: [while checking on his computer] we didn't lose anything, I can prove it to you right now
Adam: [after realizing his mistake] I thought I... Chloe's right, I forgot to separate them
Tony: [to Adam] you made a mistake, what I need to know is if you can get through the rest of the day without making another one
Tony: [after Adam remain silent] Adam?
Adam: I'm fine Tony
Tony: [Before walking away] ok

Carrie: You wanted to see me?
Michelle: Jack's bringing the chip in
Carrie: Yeah that's what Tony said
Michelle: Well, he wants me to run point on the analysis and I'm having trouble running the CPD software
Carrie: No problem: just send it to my screen, I'll do it
Michelle: No, I just need you to unlock the indexing function
Carrie: And I said I would do it
Michelle: [Raising her voice] I don't need you to do it, I just need you to unlock the indexing function
Carrie: What is your problem?
Michelle: You know what? You've been gunning for my job since you got here
Tony: [Over the phone] can I see you up here?
Michelle: Yeah sure
Michelle: [to Carrie] just do what I ask
Carrie: Fine

Jack: [Over the phone] has CTU brought you up to speed on Stephen Saunders?
Tony: Yeah, we got the file up now, there's no indication his still alive
Jack: Trust me, he is. You're going to want to do a complete forensic protocol search
Tony: It's being done as we speak
Jack: You think London would have any additional data?
Tony: On something like this? No, it's local
Jack: Ok, one more thing: his going to want to deal with people he knows. People he trusts, see if you can do a quick search on his past contacts

Jack: [after Syed Ali was shot by a sniper] I just got off the line with LAPD: the perimeter's set up
Tony: How the hell did anyone know we were moving him?
Jack: Half the intelligence community knew we had him in custody. The leak could've come from anywhere
Tony: You figure the shooter's connected to one of the countries implicated in the Cyprus recording right?
Jack: Maybe
Tony: What'd you mean? They had the most to lose by Ali talking, who else could've it been?
Jack: I don't know but after this I'm starting to think Ali might have been telling the truth
Tony: You talked to Michelle?
Jack: No, I talked to Ali
Tony: Let me get this straight, you're taking Syed Ali's word over every expert we have?
Jack: Ali was killed for a reason. You have to find out whether that recording was fabricated
Tony: My best people have already verified that recording
Jack: Fine. Keep the door open, assign a few men to it
Tony: I don't have anyone to spare. The Pentagon has us processing intel from nine different countries. Frankly I think this is a dead end
Jack: The President is going to make very, very serious decisions based on the information he got from that recording. If there's the slightest chance that recording is not genuine, you have a responsibility...
Tony: [Interrupts him] oh God, don't lecture me on responsibility. I mean we both know how you work. You consider going "against the grain" as some kind of virtue
Jack: Why are you talking to me like this?
Tony: Because I've got a job to do and I don't appreciate being told on how to do it
Jack: I'm just trying to help
Tony: I don't need your help. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate everything you've done for us, really I do but I think it's time you go get your daughter, let us handle the rest of this alright?
Jack: [Before walking away] yeah, fine

Tony: I should be there with you.
Michelle: [softly] You are...

Kim: [after walking into his office] any word on Nina Meyers?
Tony: No, not yet. Look, I know it's hard but you're going to have to put your feelings aside until this is all over
Kim: How could I put my feelings aside? How could my father put my feelings aside? I spent the last three years of my life knowing that the woman who killed my mother was pardoned by the President and that's she out there living her life and it's wrong
Tony: I know
Tony: She's violating her pardon: isn't she? She's buying and selling the virus. We cannot let her get away this time
Tony: Let's not get ahead ourselves here
Kim: Please, she has to pay for what she's done. Promise me when this is all over you'll help make that happen

Adam: [Briefing CTU staff on a monitor] these are the quarantine zones that were set up an hour ago: since then two new symptomatic patients were discovered heading out of Silver Lake and one in Hancock Park. Those two new cases generated five new quarantine zone areas: that's three percent of the city. If containment isn't total, it'll grow exponentially
Tony: We're all tired, I know that and some of you have been working twenty-four straight. I don't have to tell you how serious the situation is but we can't drift. If there ever was a worst case scenario, this is it, we're in it. Everyone has to stay on point, we switch from "prevention" to "containment." The virus is out

Tony: [Jack has faked his own death rather than being taken prisoner in China. Tony, Chloe and Michelle are trying to revive him after the Chinese bought the cover] Come on Jack!
[Shocking Jack]
Tony: Come on Jack, stay with me. Jack!
Michelle: [Crying] Jack Please!
Chloe: Come on Jack!
[Tony takes a syringe and injects right into Jack's heart and Jack awakens]
Jack: [to Tony] Thanks Tony.
[Looks at all of them]
Jack: You do know that from now on we can't have any communication. You and President Palmer are the only four who know I'm alive and it has to be that way.
[Chloe and Michelle are crying. Tony and Jack shake hands and give a hug. Jack gets up and leaves]

David: [Talking privately] so tell how the FBI managed to find Schector?
Tony: They used an old colleague of mine: an agent by the name of Jack Bauer
David: Yeah I know who Bauer is
Tony: His not going to be a problem, I took care of Schector before he could tell the FBI anything, I'll take care of Jack Bauer too
David: Then I want you to work on this new job
Tony: Speaking of which, you haven't told me what it is
David: Tanner has the specs: he'll brief you when he gets here
Tony: Why don't you just tell me now?
David: Because you don't need to know "yet." Tony, we've been doing this for three years. The less information any one of us has, the safer we all are. Come on, after this next job, we're done, "cash our chips", do whatever we want
Tony: [Nods] alright, I'll call you when Tanner gets here

Tony: [while in an interrogation room] where's Michelle?
Brad: She's here
Tony: Can I talk to her please?
Brad: First things first: Plachecki is coming over from the Attorney General's office to take your official statement. You're entitled to have a lawyer present
Tony: I don't need a lawyer, I did what I did
Brad: What you "did" is punishable by the death penalty
Tony: Death penalty?
Brad: What'd you expect? You committed treason
Tony: That was not my intent
Brad: You facilitated the escape of a man who's responsible for the death of Ryan Chappelle and almost a thousand civilians who was contemplating killing millions of others then you tried to "neutralize" the only leverage we had by giving back his daughter
Tony: [Slightly nods] so what's the bottom line?
Brad: I will testify to the fact that your service record is long and for the most part distinguished with luck, the best you can hope for is twenty years

Tony: [Talking privately] Ryan and I feel you shouldn't be here until the situation with your father is resolved
Kim: I'm qualified to handle the work
Tony: Your qualifications aren't the issue: your emotions are
Kim: I can control my emotions. My father's doing this so the virus won't get out, if he knows Kyle Singer is in custody, he'll give Salazar back
Tony: I know but we can't reach your father
Kim: Not yet but Chloe and Adam are getting there and I can help them. I'm a resource, don't do this
Tony: Ok go back and help Adam

Tony: [During a briefing] most of you already know: for those of you that don't, Jack Bauer shot and killed Nina Meyers while she was trying to escape custody
Chloe: The order from Division specified we use "non lethal force"
Tony: It's over Chloe, she's dead
Chloe: So, how are we going to find the virus? Alvers has it and Nina was our only connection to Alvers
Tony: Not necessarily. The reason we were on Alvers in the first place was because he was Michael Amador's contact in Los Angeles, the search order for Amador is still active
Adam: Technically yeah but we've exhausted all of our leads
Tony: Then run them again and widen the parameters, financial transactions, travel itineraries, and aliases. Whatever it takes to find him
Adam: Are we still operating under the assumption Amador's in Los Angeles with the virus?
Tony: That's right and the Russians have just sent us some intel that supports that assumption
Michelle: [Showing the schematics on a monitor] it's a detonating device, part of the Soviet bio warfare arsenal until the late nineteen eighties. It's used to disperse pathogens throughout the atmosphere, three weeks ago a dozen of these were stolen from an armory in the Ukraine
Tony: They also believe Alvers and Amador are arming these devices with vials of the virus which means we all have to work fast so let's get going

Tony: [Over the phone] how can I help you sir?
Brad: Where's Ryan?
Tony: I'm not sure
Brad: His office said he arrived at CTU three hours ago: none of your people can find him
Tony: He must've stepped out
Brad: Your office doesn't have him logging out. Did he say where he was going?
Tony: Not to me sir but I'll tell you as soon as I can find him
Brad: No Mr. Almeida, you'll let me know what's going over there. I know Ryan Chappelle was going over there to assess the situation and I cannot think of a reason that he'd be out of contact during a national crisis
Tony: Mr. Hammond, I'm sorry. I've told you all that I know sir. I'll make sure Ryan calls you as soon as he returns
Brad: You do that
Tony: Thank you sir

Tony: Where are we?
Gael: So far, unable to pick up Jack on any of our imagery
Tony: How long we've been out of contact?
Gael: His tracking beacon went dead twenty-seven minutes ago
Tony: Last known location?
Gael: [Showing the location on a monitor] here, can't be much further out than thirty miles in any one direction
Tony: Unless he was choppered out?
Gael: No way: air tactical is watching the skies
Ryan: [after walking into the room] where's Bauer?
Tony: We don't know yet
Ryan: That's great, so this entire operation which hinges on Jack being on site when they deliver the virus is going down the tubes because we don't know where he is. How does that happen?
Tony: Look, you want to chew us out? Do it later, we're trying to get this back on track
Ryan: I will. You better find Bauer and make this work, otherwise the two of you and Jack assuming his still alive are going to take the fall for everything that happened today. From the prison riot, to Salazar's escape and every dead body in between
Gael: [after Chappelle leaves] so what happens if Jack goes to this meeting without back up?
Tony: The Salazar's get the virus, what happens from there? I don't know

Tony: Analysis just called: they determined if Hector Salazar is orchestrating this bio threat, it's probably operating out of northern Mexico: so we're going to need a list of his properties down there
Michelle: Chloe's working on that. She's going through the brief files Jack turned in after the bust
Tony: Alright. I'll talk to her, also fire up all our contacts down there in case Hector was stupid enough to show his face in the last couple days alright?

Tony: Look, I don't know if you're aware of this but your father came back here after we released him
Kate: Why?
Tony: He wanted to talk to your sister before she was taken away
Kate: They brought Marie back here?
Tony: Yeah

Tony: Tactical is at Richard's house: their going through his things right now
Michelle: What about Jack?
Tony: Jack and Curtis are on their way back
Michelle: Someone has to tell Audrey Jack's going to be the one interrogating her brother
Tony: Audrey's not going to want Jack near her brother
Michelle: It can't be helped: Richard knows something that missile
Tony: It's funny this morning Jack and Audrey were planning their future, now his responsible for her husband's death and he may have to torture her brother
Michelle: And yet every move his made has been the right one
Tony: Not if he wanted to be with her. Everything that's happened here today, it's been hard going through it with you again
Michelle: It's been hard for me too
Tony: And I look at what this job does to the people in our positions and I realize I want us to be together again but it's got to be away from all of this
Michelle: You want us to leave our jobs?
Michelle: [after he nods] we've spent the last twelve years of our lives doing this: where would we go? What would we do?
Tony: I don't care. People start over every day, if it's important to them
Michelle: You're asking me to leave the only thing I've ever done
Tony: Yes, I am

Tony: [Waiting for her outside the women's bathroom] you always take your phone with you to the bathroom? Where's Jack?
Michelle: I don't know
Tony: We've been monitoring all communications going in and out of this building all day: if you're breaking protocol...
Michelle: [Interrupts him] I'm not
Tony: Alright, I'll ask it again, where's Jack?
Michelle: [Sternly] I don't know. But you have to call President Palmer, you have to tell him not to act on the recording until Jack finishes the investigation
Tony: So you have talked to Jack?
Michelle: [while walking away] I didn't say that
Tony: [after grabbing her arm] listen carefully, you don't work for Jack, you work for me
Michelle: Would you get past your ego for one...?
Tony: [Interrupts her] ego? I got a job to do here, you don't like the way I'm doing it, that's your problem but if you know anything about Jack, you better tell me about it right now
Michelle: I have no information. I'm not helping Jack
Tony: I hope you're not lying to me

Ryan: [after seeing Michelle rush out of Tony's office] what's that all about?
Tony: Jack Bauer just tried to contact us: we lost connection
Ryan: I told you I don't want Bauer distracting you or your resources. Whatever his doing out there is irrelevant
Tony: I'm not so sure it is. Jack says his got proof the Cypress audio was fabricated. He says his going to bring it here within the hour
Ryan: If his got proof, let him produce it but I want you to keep "Your eye on the ball"

Jack: If Salazar wanted to kill Shaye, he could've anytime in the last three months, why'd he pick today?
Luis: He was cutting his deal
Jack: Maybe but I don't think so
Luis: What happens next?
Jack: [Calls CTU] is anything going on over there?
Tony: We just had a major protocol come in: possible bio-threat to the city
Jack: Tell me about it
Tony: A dead body infected with the Cordilla virus was left at Health Services. We figure it's the first shoe to drop and we're waiting for someone to take responsibility
Tony: [after Jack is silent] Jack?
Jack: Yeah
Tony: You think this is connected to Salazar?
Jack: I don't know, maybe. I'll get back to you

Michelle: Do you know why Chappelle called this meeting?
Michelle: I don't know but his told everybody to save their work and get in here
Ryan: The information you're about to receive is confidential: it'll stay inside until it's made public which should be in the next few hours. The Cabinet has invoked the twenty-fifth Amendment and removed David Palmer from Office. Jim Prescott is now the President
Tony: Why?
Ryan: That isn't relevant to our charge
Tony: Yes it is Ryan
Ryan: What's your problem Almeida?
Michelle: I think we all know President Palmer was removed because he didn't want to go along with the bombings and that makes what Jack Bauer is doing relevant
Ryan: Bauer's "cried wolf" twice already. His come up with nothing. I've a standing order from District that disallows any further resources from being expended on him
Tony: Why is everybody so afraid to look at all the sides of this thing? What if Jack Bauer is right? What if the Cypress recording was forged and we're about to bomb three innocent countries? And you're going to tell me that's not relevant?
Ryan: Tony, let me first say that your office has done a remarkable job today. There is no way that the people on The Hill are not going to reward every one of you for the role you played in averting disaster
Tony: What does that have to do with anything?
Ryan: Let me finish, the success of this office today is due in a large part to the technical team. The same team that concluded the Cypress audio is untreated, un-forged, and original. There comes a time where you have to let go. Not every hunch works out. Bauer is chasing a "ghost", I can't put it any simpler than that. That's all

Ryan: [Just hung up the phone] That was District Director Vaugn, he was so happy on what we did here today, he didn't know where to start.
Tony: That's great.
Ryan: So, What up my friend?
Tony: Well, it's like this:, either fire me, or get out of my chair.
Ryan: [Getting up] The chair's all yours.

Bill: [Briefing CTU staff] Vice-President Logan has been sworn into Office: he is now President of the United States. His Office called, they want an update from us in fifteen minutes
Michelle: We're working on several protocols related to the plane crash, what is he going to want to focus on?
Bill: His going want to know how a steal fighter was stolen from one of our air bases, more to the point, how it was able to take down Air Force One with one of our own missiles
Michelle: Has he been briefed on Marwan?
Bill: He knows Marwan is the mastermind behind today's attacks: yes but his going to want specifics on the football, where are we on that?
Tony: Jack's in a debrief field outside Indio. His trying to reconstruct the red chapter of the playbook that was stolen by Marwan
Bill: How's he doing that?
Tony: His working with Fred Lawton from the Department of Defense: he wrote the code, so he'll know what's missing
Bill: Good
Michelle: Who's going to run point on this update?
Bill: You and Tony
Michelle: Alright everyone, we don't a lot of time so we're going to have to fast track this. Double source all Intel through Homeland Security and CIA, skip the usual request procedures, and tie to their data directly

Larry: [Questioning Tony in an interrogation room] where's the CIP device? Who did you give it to?
Larry: [Before showing him a photograph] the people you're taking money from, I thought you'd like to see some of their "handiwork." Do you know how many people they've killed, since they went back into Sangala? Huh? Two hundred thousand and counting: most of them women and children
Larry: [as Tony continues not to respond, holds the photo closer to him] do you really want this on your conscience?
Tony: My "conscience" is "clear." There's nothing you can say or do to change that. So why don't you do the "smart thing" and tell President Taylor to stand down the strike force? Because unless she does, planes will be "falling from the sky" and then you'll have a whole new batch of photos to look at: only this time, they'll be of dead Americans

Tony: [to Michelle and Kim] I just spoke to my contact at Mexican Intelligence: he says he can get a man to Las Nieves in twenty minutes, an agent named Rafael Gutierrez
Kim: Won't local police be quicker?
Michelle: No. If we bring them in we might as well send a telegram to the Salazar's that Chase is on his way
Kim: What about our delta teams?
Tony: No, it's going to take them over an hour, it'll be way too late
Michelle: We're analyzing an aerial map of Las Nieves, there's only one landing strip
Kim: They won't use it. The landing strip is too exposed especially if it's the only one
Tony: Alright, run a topical graphical overlay find the most likely landing area besides the airfield

Michelle: [Over the phone] nearly a third of the people in this hotel are symptomatic: it's getting worse every minute. They should have the choice to end their own lives
Tony: The capsules should be there soon
Michelle: I realize both of us have been talking around this but if my test comes back positive...
Tony: [Interrupts her] don't go there
Michelle: Sweetheart, we both know my chances of survival are low
Tony: You still have a chance and while there's a chance, I don't want to talk about this
Michelle: Ok, no matter what I just want you to know the last three years have been the best years of my life
Tony: I should be there with you
Michelle: You are
Tony: No, it's not the same
Michelle: The best thing you can do for me right now to make sure those capsules get here
Tony: I'll do my best
Michelle: [Before hanging up] I know you will

Tony: [while inserting an ear piece in his ear] this device will tell me where you are at all times: it will also allow us to talk to each other
Jibraan: Talk about what? You still haven't told me what to do
Tony: Right now I just want you to get on the subway, take the red line all the way to Washington Center
Jibraan: And when I get there?
Tony: I don't want you to know that
Jibraan: I'm not stupid, I know you are going to blame me for "something"
Tony: Jibraan...
Jibraan: What's your plan huh? You're going to hurt people?
Tony: The only person you need to worry about right now is your brother: you follow my instructions and Hamid lives. You do something "stupid" and he dies badly, understood?
Tony: [after Jibraan nods] good, red line, westbound to Washington Center, got it?

Tony: Michelle's still over at the hotel. I just told her you'd send over some of your system updates for her to work on
Adam: Ok, I'll send them right over
Tony: Where are we on this guy who escaped from the hotel?
Adam: His name's Bill Cole, his an insurance sales rep. We contacted his wife by phone but she wasn't very cooperative: we did manage to get from her that Cole did come home unusually late and left early
Tony: For work?
Adam: Probably but his office doesn't open for another half hour. We're looking for him now, NHS just arrived, they'll quarantine the house, and the wife
Tony: Who are we sending over there?
Adam: Chase, he'll be there soon

Jack: I can't believe you're doing this: betraying everything you once worked for I know you think this country failed you and I don't care what kind of ideology you believe in now. This is no way to fight for it. What you're doing is wrong and you know it. Damn it look at me, please, as someone who was once your friend, let me die in peace: don't let them use me to kill innocent people
Tony: I have no intention of letting them use you as a pathogen, I never did
Jack: I overheard you, this was your idea. You "sold" it to them
Tony: It was just a "play"
Jack: A "play?"
Tony: To get the man who's coming here right now: it took me three years to find him, it took me another year to get him to meet me face to face. I had to "prove" myself to him by taking down Jonas Hodges, I had to convince him I was a "true believer" in his cause
Jack: What the hell are you talking about?
Tony: His name is Alan Wilson: he was the man behind Charles Logan, he's the one who ordered the hit on David Palmer, and he had Michelle killed to cover his tracks. This is the man who murdered my wife
Jack: Everything that you have done today was for personal revenge?
Tony: It's about justice
Jack: Justice? You killed innocent people
Tony: Ten times as many would've died if it hadn't been for me: the deeper I dug to find the person responsible for Michelle's death, the more I kept running into men like Jonas Hodges: they're the one with the crazy ideology not me, I'm the one who had a plan to bring them down. I enlisted Bill and Chloe to help track all the elements of this "group" and when I finally got what I wanted, I would turn them in and shut them down but you screwed all that up didn't you?
Tony: [after Jack doesn't respond] I'm the one who saved lives today, not you. I'm the one who helped you recover the CIP device, the one who warned you about the White House attacks, I'm the one who stopped Jonas Hodges from launching those missiles!
Jack: You tell yourself whatever you want, you launched a biological attack on Washington Center and if we hadn't there in time, thousands of innocent people would've been killed
Tony: I did what I had to do to get Alan Wilson here and now his going to die
Jack: You kill him, and no one will ever know the full extent of this conspiracy
Tony: I'm not going to kill him: you are. I'm sorry it had to be you but the truth is they wouldn't let me within fifty feet of the guy. You're the one his coming for

Jack: [Over the phone] you got the audio file?
Tony: No
Jack: What'd you mean no? Are you telling me there's no audio file on that chip?
Michelle: If there were, they were destroyed when the chip was damaged
Tony: Jack, Chappelle is phoning the President and he wants you in on the call
Jack: I bet he does
Tony: Also, some of the information Michelle was able to recover may be worth looking into
Jack: What kind of information?
Michelle: Identical code fragments at the tail end of several data streams
Jack: What're you talking about? What kind of fragments? What are the fragments for?
Michelle: Nothing: that's the point. It's junk code. Programmers and hackers sometime embed it into their programs as a "marker", a signature
Tony: Michelle was able to trace the sequence back to a hacker named Alex Hewitt. His got a file with the FBI
Jack: Are you telling me this is the technician that created the Cypress file?
Michelle: Yes
Tony: Chappelle's not going to let us follow up on any leads so your going have to talk to this guy on your own
Jack: Fine what's his last known address?
Tony: 2-10 Laurel Canyon Boulevard North Hollywood
Jack: Ok I got it, I'll get back to you

Tony: [Over the phone] what happened?
Jack: Chappelle's dead: Saunders' people picked up his body, four men, all wearing hoods, black van, and no plates
Tony: I'll see if I can SAT track it
Jack: I already put Adam on it, do we have any idea why Saunders wanted Chappelle dead yet?
Tony: No, I was just about to call you. We found a thread that Chappelle was working up on his own. Looks like Saunders has a daughter
Jack: A daughter?
Tony: Yeah the money trail Chappelle was following leads to a Jane Saunders
Jack: What'd we know about her?
Tony: We're still digging up information: we know she's nineteen years old, she goes to school in Santa Barbara
Jack: Is she still there?
Tony: Yeah I was just about to call the Santa Barbara office to have her picked up
Jack: No, wait, don't, that's not the right play
Tony: Why not?
Jack: Think about it, we don't know anything about this girl, we don't even know if she knows who her father really is and obviously Saunders is going to do everything he can to protect his daughter so someone's watching her. If you want to grab her for questioning, you're going to have to do it without him knowing which means we have to conduct a plain sight swap: switch her out with one of our own agents
Tony: I don't know if we have the time, we're going to have to find an agent that looks like the girl in the next half hour
Jack: Right now Saunders is calling all the shots, if we don't do something soon, we're going to be completely paralyzed
Tony: [Before hanging up] alright I'll get started

Eric: [Over the phone] I understand your the ranking agent on site, is that correct?
Tony: Yes sir, it is
Eric: Then I need you to execute an order
Tony: Of course
Eric: I want you to copy and transfer your database onto our server: anything related to the nuclear threat. Did you hear me?
Tony: Yes sir I did, may I ask why?
Eric: It's "precautionary." Given the extraordinary threat we're facing today. I would like it done sooner than later
Tony: How soon?
Eric: By eleven
Tony: Sir, the soonest I can get it done is noon and that's shifting personnel
Eric: You have until eleven
Tony: Sir, that may not be enough time
Eric: Then you probably should get started
Tony: Thank you sir

Tony: You may not remember me, my name's Tony Almeida and this morning you killed my wife Michelle Dessler. She was my life, and you took her away, and now im gonna take yours

Michelle: [Over the phone inside a van] it's me: I'm in place
Tony: Where are you?
Michelle: I'm in the north lot. Listen, Carrie's onto us. She was asking about Chappelle
Tony: What'd you tell her?
Michelle: That I didn't know what she was talking about. But we need her out of the way. Keep her occupied
Tony: Ok, I'll handle it. Set up and get a hold of Jack, I've got to go. Hammond's here
Tony: [Shaking hands] Mr. Hammond
Brad: [Greeting him] Tony
Tony: What are you doing here sir?
Brad: I told you on the phone. I think there's a problem here, where is Ryan Chappelle?
Tony: I haven't seen him yet sir
Brad: I see

Tony: [Over the phone] it's Tony, chopper's on the way: it should be there in about twenty minutes
Jack: So Chappelle is on board with this?
Tony: Not exactly
Jack: What'd you mean?
Tony: Look, it's better if you don't know
Jack: Ok fine. You're going to have to get the Attorney General involved in this
Tony: What for?
Jack: Mrs. Palmer is going to try to cut a deal
Tony: A deal?
Jack: Hewitt's testimony will incriminate her
Tony: Alright, I'll make sure everything's in place
Jack: This thing has to go like clockwork. There's no margin for error here
Tony: [Before hanging up] yeah I know