The Best Reza Naiyeer Quotes

Tony: [Across from Reza] So as Chief Financial Officer you oversee all the money that comes in and out is that right?
Reza: [nervously] that's right and in case you haven't noticed I'm getting married today so if we could do this another day I'd appreciate it
Tony: can you sit down please? We're not done, sit down
Tony: [Reza slowly sits down] why don't you tell me about Syed Ali
Reza: I told you before I don't know a Syed Ali
Tony: Oh you don't
Reza: No
Tony: [Looking at a computer screen in front of him on the table] then how do you explain the fact that his name is in your personal computer files?
Reza: [Suspiciously] don't know
Tony: You don't know?
[turns the computer around so he can see it himself]
Tony: So why don't we start again, you've been doing business with a known terrorist and you're going to sit there with a straight face and tell me you don't know what's going on?
Reza: I grew up in London and I married an American girl, a protestant so if you're going to racially profile me, you should at least get it right
Tony: Our main targets are European Muslims with western educations, passports and the potential to blend in into western societies. So tell me how's my racial profiling going now?
Reza: I want a lawyer
Tony: No

Agent: [while entering Bob Warner's office] We're here to find transactions you claim Bob Warner had with Syed Ali. The sooner we do that, the sooner we're out of here. Have a seat
Reza: [after Richards handcuffed his hand to the chair] I can't work like this
Agent: I'll be keying the computer: how do I open the invoice files?
Reza: [after rubbing his head] What?
Agent: I need to access the invoice files
Reza: File, open warehouse
Agent: How are they ordered?
Reza: Chronically, I think
Agent: You think?
Reza: my fiancée just left me on my wedding day because I'm sending her father to jail and since his my employer I think that pretty much means my whole life's in the toilet so why don't you cut me some slack?
Agent: There's a nuke somewhere in the city and if you don't give me something useful in the next hour, I'm taking you back to CTU and chain you to the roof so you'll have a front row seat when the damn thing goes off

Reza: Scott's coming to the wedding?
Marie: Yeah, he called last night
Marie: I thought the only reason you invited him because you thought he wouldn't come
Marie: Well I dated him six years ago honey. His more like a brother to me
Kate: [Jokingly] is the groom jealous?
Reza: Jealous? It's not a question of jealousy, it's a question of what I'm comfortable with. All my brothers have married women that haven't been with another man before. That's what my family expected from us all
Kate: [Sarcastically] oh I see, instead they have to settle for Marie, which is what "damaged goods"?
Marie: [to Kate] alright let him bait you. His just trying to push our buttons
Marie: [to Reza] I got this guy wrapped around my little finger and he knows it

Reza: [Before kissing] hi sweetheart
Kate: [Jokingly] hey you two cut it out
Reza: What? I can't kiss my own wife?
Kate: She's not your wife for at least another ten hours
Kate: [to Marie] Andre's on the phone
Marie: Why? Is there a problem with the flowers?
Kate: I don't know
Marie: [Irritated while walking away] God
Kate: Whoa, sorry
Reza: Where are the tables?
Kate: Well, they're not even here yet and I don't think they'll have everything set up in time
Kate: I thought you were picking your cousin up from the airport?
Reza: I sent a car
Kate: A cab?
Reza: No, the company car

Reza: Hey guys
Bob: Hey
Reza: I think my cousin has a little crush on you Kate. He wouldn't stop talking about you on the way back to the hotel
Kate: He seems nice
Reza: He is
Kate: Well, I promised Marie I'd pick up lunch. I better get going
Reza: Let me take you
Kate: Its ok, I can handle it
Reza: Honestly when you say Marie you're going to need another pair of hands
Kate: Really, I can do it
Bob: [Sternly] Kate, go

Reza: You don't like me very much do you?
Kate: [laughs] that's crazy
Reza: I've been working for your father for what? Three years now. Dating Marie for two. You and I never really got to know each other
Kate: No, we haven't
Reza: So you don't know who I am
Kate: I know my sister loves you
Reza: Yes she does

Marie: [while hugging] are you alright?
Reza: I'm fine
Marie: What did they do to you?
Reza: They just asked me a few questions. Everything's fine
Marie: Are you sure?
Reza: Yes
Marie: Larry's on his way with a criminal lawyer: Alex Holdsman, his suppose to be one of the top guys in the city
Reza: I'm not going to need a lawyer. But your father might
Marie: I don't understand. What's going on?
Reza: Your father, I think he might have something to do with Syed Ali
Marie: My father?
Reza: [Nods] he tried to use me
Marie: Used you how?
Reza: To do business with Ali who they say is part of this terrorist group
Marie: My father part of a terrorist group?
Reza: They have proof. Sweetheart, they have these transactions connecting one of us to Ali and I know I didn't write it. I'm sorry to put you in this impossible situation. I love you and I want to be with you but right now something really bad might happen if I don't help them
Marie: After everything he's done for you, you turn on my father?
Reza: He turned on me. He turned on us. What else was I suppose to do?

George: [after entering the interrogation room] so you're both claiming not to know Syed Ali is that it?
Reza: It's not a "claim", it's the truth
George: Sit down
Reza: I'd rather stand
George: [Raises his voice] sit down!
George: [Grabs him and forces him into a chair, yelling] where the hell do you think you are? Wake up. Six hours ago a cast of weapons grade plutonium was found in a warehouse in Panorama City. We believe a nuclear bomb was assembled there and it's set to go off sometime today
Reza: Nuclear bomb?
George: [while taking out a piece of paper] we also found this in the warehouse, what'd you think of that guys?
Bob: This is a Bill of Lading from our company
George: For a container sent to Syed Ali which means at least one of you is lying right now. Now I'll you two work that out between yourselves. Whoever talks first: gets immunity. It's a one-time offer and it expires in ten minutes

Reza: I didn't transfer the money...
Tony: [Interrupts him] you transferred the money into the account
Reza: [Raises his voice] I didn't transfer the money
Tony: Well, you better tell me who did or I'm taking you in
Reza: Why are you doing this?
Tony: Friends of mine were doing their best to protect the citizens of the country were murdered today: probably by the same people you're funding. Is that a good enough reason for you?
Reza: I told you before, I don't know anything else
Tony: [after noticing Reza's parents standing outside on the lawn, before putting handcuffs on him] your parents. Stand up and put your hands up, and place your hands behind your head. Its shame, it's going to break their heart. I have to walk you right past them, they'll see who their son really is
Reza: I confirmed the transfers but I didn't make them. I was just covering the records. I didn't want them to get into trouble
Tony: Who? Who are you covering for? Who transferred that money into Syed Ali's accounts?
Reza: Bob Warner. Marie's father

Bob: There's the groom
Reza: [Referring to the garbage bags his carrying] let get that for you
Bob: No, I'm fine
Reza: [while walking away] I told Marie I'd help her fix the fountain, so let's get to it
Kate: Dad, did you tell Reza he could use the company car to pick up his cousin?
Bob: Kate honey please not today
Kate: [Listing the luxuries they give Reza] I'm sorry but every now and then fine, but there's the condo in Palm Springs, the days off
Reza: Why is it you can't trust Reza? I can't believe it's because his from the Middle East...
Kate: [Interrupts him] dad please you brought me up better than that, I don't know if it's something else
Bob: What?
Kate: I don't know maybe it's just I'm having a hard time letting go my little sister

Tony: Reza, I'm going to need you to come with us
Reza: Come with you where?
Tony: Back to CTU
Reza: For what?
Tony: Further questioning
Reza: I'm not going with you anywhere
Tony: Look, I'm not arresting anybody: yet. But I will if you force me to. Now you're coming with us either way. How you do this is entirely up to you
Bob: [to Reza, while walking into the room] just do what the man wants
Reza: I haven't done anything, he can't arrest me
Bob: Please, do this for me ok?

Reza: [while in the interrogation room as Tony and George monitoring] this is crazy: how could they keep us here without letting us see a lawyer? What're we going to do?
Bob: Nothing. Because nothing we say will make any difference, they'll find a way to make it look like we're involved
Reza: Nuclear bomb? I haven't done anything wrong! This is crazy I have nothing to hide. What about you Bob?
Bob: What about me?
Reza: You got anything to hide?
Bob: Of course not
Reza: No?
Bob: No
Reza: You're the one who made the authorization to Ali
Bob: No, I didn't
Reza: Then who did?
Bob: Don't interrogate me. That's exactly what they want
Reza: Yeah well I'm not asking for them. If you didn't make the authorization then who did? They also said you work for the CIA
Bob: I met with the CIA to pass information through our distribution network a couple times. That's it
Reza: Why didn't you tell me?
Bob: Because it is none of your concern
Reza: Well I think it concerns me now! I think a nuclear bomb pretty much concerns everyone don't you? You know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking all your generosity, and acceptance is just a load of crap
Bob: Sit down and shut up before you say something you'll regret for the rest of your life
Reza: [to bob] you lied to me
Reza: [to the surveillance camera knowing Tony and George are watching] I can track the shipping order. Bob's code signature will show that he authorized the transaction order
Reza: [to George as he enters the integration room] the database is at the office. I'll take you there. I'm not taking the fall for you Bob