Top 50 Quotes From George Mason

[Jack is taken hostage by Victor Drazen]
Tony: How did Jack sound?
[on the phone]
George: Alive.

Tony: Where you going?
George: Bakersfield
Tony: What for?
George: Following up on a lead. We're shorthanded today so I've got to cover it myself
Tony: Peter's assigned to Bakersfield
George: I put him on something else
Tony: Why?
George: I don't have to tell you that
Tony: I guess I disagree. I mean if you're just trying to get outside the blast radius
George: The hell do you think you are? Do you have access to my information?
Tony: No, I don't
George: Then keep your mouth shut and do your job

[some of the symptoms of inhaling plutonium]
Paramedic: Well, there's hair loss...
George: I'm already used to that.

George: You got a second?
Tony: Sure: what is it?
George: I think it's time I step down, I'm not feeling so hot here
Tony: Is there anything I can do?
George: Actually yeah. Tomorrow when this is all over, say goodbye to everybody for me. Let them know it was an honor working with them, let them know I think a great job they all did
Tony: Sure
George: This morning when I told you I couldn't wait to get out of here, I don't feel that way anymore
George: [Handing the access card] here you go
Tony: What's this?
George: Access codes to CTU and Division
Tony: I can't take this. Only CTU Directors have that kind of access
George: You're the new CTU Director
Tony: You can't promote me, Chapelle is the only one who can do that
George: I just talked to Chappelle. You're the new guy
Tony: Listen, I'm sorry, I...
George: [Interrupts him] hey, good luck
Tony: Yeah

Tony: [Over the phone] when are you coming back here?
George: I'm not sure
Tony: Well, the sooner, the better
George: Look, the truth is I may not be coming back
Tony: Why not?
George: Because I'm not really in a position to help out right now
Tony: [Gradually raising his voice] what're you talking about? A nuclear is set to go off sometime today in Los Angeles. We just lost half the people who were in a position to keep it from happening so don't tell me your still trying to cover your own ass!
George: Look, just deal with it ok?
Tony: Yeah alright

George: [Over the phone] where are you?
Jack: I'm on site: Syed Ali's in the house. We're going to be ready to move in about a minute. We're going to need auxiliary teams ready to move anywhere in the city as soon as we find out the location of this bomb
George: Yeah, we're already working on it
Jack: Ok good I'll get back to you as soon as we get him

George: [Over the phone] Baker should be on site any minute: his got a hard perimeter around the mosque
Jack: Ok I'll get back to you as soon as we get there
George: There's something I've got to talk to you about. I just got off the line with Sheriff's Department in Newhall. They were transporting Kim and got into some kind of "accident."
Jack: What're you talking about? What kind of "accident"?
George: Well, don't worry. She didn't get hurt or anything
Jack: What the hell was she doing with local authorities? Your people was suppose to pick her up
George: By the time our guys got to the station, they already moved her. Some local deputy was trying to be a big shot, claiming jurisdiction for a murder charge
Jack: Where is she now?
George: She ran off after the accident. I don't know if she was trying to avoid the police or just trying not to get brought back to LA
Jack: Damn it, you told me you would take care of this. You gave me your word. Please find my daughter
George: Hey, if it's any consolation she is outside the blast radius
Jack: Just find her

George: [Addressing the CTU staff] alright heads up I need all department heads over here right now we have an active priority: I just got off a conference call with NSA and Division. It appears there's a nuclear bomb under terrorist control somewhere in Los Angeles and is set to go off some point in the course of the day. So from this moment we do not communicate with anybody outside our secure envelope. That means we don't call home, don't talk to friends, and we don't call relatives. Our job is to find this device and stop it. We do not want to create a panic. I know this isn't very pleasant but this is our job. This is what we do. So let's do it.

Jack: [after shooting Goren] I need a helicopter and a back up team ready to leave here in fifteen minutes
George: Are you out of your mind?
Jack: You want to find this bomb? This is what it's going to take
George: Killing a witness?
Jack: That's the problem with people like you, you want results but you never want to get your hands dirty: I'd start rolling up my sleeves

George: What are you going to do tomorrow? Have you thought about it?
Michelle: [caught off guard by his question] what?
George: Have you thought about it?
Michelle: No not really
George: Probably go back to work here?
Michelle: Of course, why wouldn't I?
George: I don't know, are you happy with this job?
Michelle: [remains silent]
George: Believe it or not, I used to want to be a teacher. A long time ago. You know why I didn't? DOD offered me more money. That's how I made my decision. So I made myself miserable. And I made everybody else around me miserable. For an extra five thousand dollars a year. That was my price. That's how I made my decision. So I made myself miserable, and I made everybody else around me miserable. For an extra five thousand dollars a year. That was my price.
Michelle: I'm sorry.
George: I'm not a big advice giver, but under the circumstances don't wait around for your life to happen to you. Find something that makes you happy, and do it, because everything else is all just background noise.

Jack: [Jack is on the phone with the President discussing who will fly the bomb] We have a few volunteers, Sir. President. All of them good men.
President: Whoever it is, tell him he has the undying gratitude of every citizen of this country and tell him we will take care of whatever family he leaves behind.
Jack: Yes Sir, I will.
[the president ends by asking to call him back when the plane is in the air]
George: Funny, huh. I don't see any volunteers, when's the last time you flew a plane?
Jack: I can get it in the air and put it down, George.
George: So can I. I'm current, I'm instrument rated, and I'm going to be dead by the end of the day anyway
Jack: The problem is you could be dead any minute
George: I can hang on for another half hour: that's all we need right?
Jack: If you blacked out and this plane went down before it got to desert a lot of people are going to die and I know you don't want that
George: Come on Jack
Jack: I know what you're trying to do. But I have to say no

Jack: [Over the phone] let me speak to Tony
George: What'd you need?
Jack: Have you guys picked up Kim yet?
George: No, I'm not going to lie to you. Grofty just got to the house a few minutes ago and she wasn't there
Jack: What're you guys talking about? Where is she?
George: Well, we don't know, we're looking for her, she wasn't at the house
Jack: Damn it, I told you the second if you knew anything
George: Yeah and I was just picking up the phone. Calm down and relax
Jack: Don't tell me to relax
George: Look, Grothy is going to stick around until Kim gets back. In the meantime hang in there
Jack: Just find Kim ok?
George: That's what we're doing. We're going to find her, we're going to get her out of LA ok? Trust me
Jack: Ok thank you

Tony: [Over the phone] look, I don't know how to tell you this but we're on the other line with the Sherriff station, they're holding your daughter Kim
Jack: Holding her for what?
Tony: She's being held on some kind of criminal charges
Jack: What're you talking about?
Tony: I have her on a second line should I patch it through?
Jack: Yes, get Mason on this now
George: I'm already on with the precinct, we're working on it
Jack: Obviously there's some kind of mistake I need you to straighten it out and get Kim out of Los Angeles
George: I'll take care of it
Kim: Daddy?
Jack: Kim, what happened?
Kim: I was leaving the city like you said and I was with Meagan and my boyfriend Miguel and the CHP pulled us over for speeding. They found a body in the trunk: it was Carla's body
Jack: Carla, the woman you work for?
Kim: Yeah

President: [to Mike, referring to Nina Meyers calling over the speakerphone] you should talk to her first. I don't want to give her access to me until she gives me something in return
Mike: Ms. Meyers, this is Mike Novick, the President's Chief of Staff
Nina: [while pointing a rifle at Jack] I asked to speak to the President
Mike: His not available
Nina: Do you want to stop this nuclear bomb or not?
Mike: Of course we do
Nina: Then put the President on
Mike: I'm authorized to negotiate on his behalf
Nina: What I want is non-negotiable
Mike: What do you want?
Nina: I'll tell you where the bomb is in exchange for immunity
Mike: The President's already granted you total pardon
Nina: Except this is for a crime I have not committed yet
Mike: What crime?
Nina: The murder of Jack Bauer: add that to my pardon and I'll tell you where the bomb is
Mike: And if we don't comply?
Jack: [With his hands on his head] you don't have a choice
Mike: Is that you Mr. Bauer?
Jack: Yes, please tell the President I believe he doesn't have any other choice but to accept her deal
President: Is CTU on the secure line?
George: Yes Sir, this is George Mason. I'm on a designated channel also with Michelle Dessler and Tony Almeida
President: Do you have any alternative to what she's asking? Any weaknesses are we able to exploit?
George: None. She's a survivor, she knows Bauer. She knows if she doesn't kill him now, he'll hunt her down and find her later
President: So in your assessment, Nina Meyers is our best chance to stopping this bomb?
George: Sir, she may be our only chance
President: Ms. Meyers, this is President Palmer
Nina: I'm listening
President: Is Jack Bauer There?
Jack: Yes Mr. President I'm here too
President: Ms. Meyers, if the information you provide culminates in the successful interception of the nuclear device, you'll get everything you asked for. You will be pardoned in advance for the murder of Jack Bauer
Nina: I can live with that
Jack: Start talking Nina
Nina: The bomb will be detonated by a man named Syed Ali
George: We know about Ali. We need to know where he is
Nina: His in a house in Chatsworth on Starling Court. Eighteen Starling Court
George: [to Tony sitting nearby] contact local law enforcement, have them set up a perimeter
Tony: Alright
George: [to Michelle] coordinate among the relevant agencies
President: Ms. Meyers, you are not to take any action until we put our hands on this bomb
Nina: Agreed

George: [Over the phone] what is it?
Jack: I got to Wald: I found out who commissioned to take out CTU
George: Who?
Jack: It was Nina Meyers
George: Nina?
Jack: She was his connection to CTU
George: It doesn't make any sense: she's been in prison
Jack: Wald approached her before we took her down. She sold him everything. Schematics, data information, personal data. All of this has to be connected to the nuke
George: So they bombed CTU to cripple our response capability?
Jack: Yes. I've already called Chappelle
George: You what?
Jack: I couldn't find you
George: What did he say?
Jack: He agreed we need to talk to her. His having her transferred to CTU now for questioning
George: Why don't you debrief her at Division? It's a total disaster here
Jack: Well, what are you going to do about Nina?
George: I'll take care of it
Jack: Don't just hand her over to the FBI
George: [Before hanging up on him] forget it, you did a great job ok? Go find yourself someplace safe

Bob: [In an interrogation room] it's hard not to think there must be some mistake with the evidence you have
George: [Referring to Marie] it's black and white: your daughter killed Reza and two of our agents. We need your help to understand what her connection to Syed Ali is
Bob: Had I known she was involved I would've done something
George: And now that you do know, does it help explain any strange behavior? Anything at all can help us
Bob: [after clearing his throat] well Marie went to college in London while I was working there. That's when her mother died and it hit her hard. It hit all of us hard
George: And?
Bob: She ran away for a while
George: How long?
Bob: Three, maybe four weeks. We got the police involved but she sent us a letter saying she was fine, that she was traveling and she just needed some space. And when she came back, well I was so grateful to see her that I stopped asking questions
George: No sense that anything had "changed" a fundamental difference?
Bob: She'd become less politically "inclined"? She's always "flirted" with causes. Respectable causes like save the wilderness or abolish the death penalty. She stopped talking about all that
George: Well, that's what happens when you're radicalized. Handlers train you to stop talking about anything and keep it to yourself. Your better to blend into the background

Tony: I still haven't been able to reach Jack
George: Don't worry about it. NSA got a hold of him.
Tony: [Referring to the terrorist threat] is this why they wanted him? I mean his been out of play for over a year
George: I don't have all the details yet but I'm guessing it has something to do with one of his previous covers

George: [Over the phone] how's the search going over there?
Jack: Still no new leads on where the bomb is
George: What about the plane you found the decoy in?
Jack: It's clean: I need you to use reverse time satellite try and trace the plane back to its original location. That's where they would've loaded the decoy bomb, see if you can find out who the players are from there
Jack: [after he doesn't respond] are you alright? Can you hear me?
George: Yeah I'm on it, the reverse time satellite
Jack: I'm really sorry on everything that's happened to you today. I am, but if you can't think clearly, you need to step aside and let someone else take command. We need someone in command now
George: There isn't anybody else
Jack: What about Tony?
George: I got it together. I can handle it alright?
Jack: Yeah ok
George: We do have another problem
Jack: What?
George: The six dead commandos you found, turns out there's a seventh, he may have escaped
Jack: Well, that would make sense I examined all their gunshots wounds, three of the commandos definitely knew who the shooter was. Their wounds were front entry at close range. The other three shows signs of a struggle which would indicate to me that they had time to react
George: So, the seventh didn't escape?
Jack: Right, he was the shooter. I've got to go. Give me the ID on the seven commandos as soon as you can
George: I'm working in it

George: What's going on here?
Tony: I should ask you the same question: I thought you weren't coming back here?
George: I changed my mind
Tony: Oh, you did? Why?
George: I don't have to answer to you so drop the attitude
George: [to the Paramedic, referring to Paula's injuries] how bad is she?
Tony: [Answering for the Paramedic] bad, she's bleeding internally
George: [to the Paramedic] anything you can do for her at the hospital you can do here?
Hazmat: No, she needs surgery, We can't do that in the field
George: They're going to put her under anesthesia?
Hazmat: That's right
Tony: What're you doing George?
George: How long is she going to be under?
Hazmat: Couple of hours
George: Then she stays here
Hazmat: We can't keep her here
George: Look, everything we have on this nuke has been destroyed. The only Intel we have left is the database Paula sent to the NSA and they didn't get the code
Tony: Well then we'll assign other IT people to retrieve it
George: She's the only one who can decrypt those files and you know it
Tony: [Raising his voice] we'll send a programmer to get it
George: We don't have time. I need her here and I need her lucid. Just for a few minutes. I don't care what you have to do. Can you get her conscious?
Hazmat: I can administer epinephrine maybe get her BP up temporarily
Tony: You're out of your mind George. You're crazy
George: Tell yourself that if it makes you feel better
Tony: This girl deserves a chance to live

George: [after entering the interrogation room] so you're both claiming not to know Syed Ali is that it?
Reza: It's not a "claim", it's the truth
George: Sit down
Reza: I'd rather stand
George: [Raises his voice] sit down!
George: [Grabs him and forces him into a chair, yelling] where the hell do you think you are? Wake up. Six hours ago a cast of weapons grade plutonium was found in a warehouse in Panorama City. We believe a nuclear bomb was assembled there and it's set to go off sometime today
Reza: Nuclear bomb?
George: [while taking out a piece of paper] we also found this in the warehouse, what'd you think of that guys?
Bob: This is a Bill of Lading from our company
George: For a container sent to Syed Ali which means at least one of you is lying right now. Now I'll you two work that out between yourselves. Whoever talks first: gets immunity. It's a one-time offer and it expires in ten minutes

Jack: [In a Cessna plane with the bomb] What the hell are you doing here?
George: [Sarcastically] I felt like taking a ride
Jack: how the hell did you get on this plane?
George: It wasn't hard, some people still think I'm the head of CTU.
Jack: son of a bitch
George: [takes out a parachute] I brought something for you.
Jack: I already told you, I'm taking this plane in.
George: That might've made sense back on the ground but let's face it, the hard part is over, you took off and cleared the city, what's left is flying straight, stay level and take dive am I right? Unless of course you want to die.
George: What are you talking about?
George: You've had a death wish ever since Terri died. The way things have been going for you in the past year and a half, to you this isn't such a bad idea, you want to go out in a blaze of glory, one of the greatest heroes of all time. This could be an easy way out. You still have a life, you want be a real hero, here's what you do. You get back down there and you put the pieces together. You find a way to forgive yourself for what happened to your wife. You make things right with your daughter, and you go on serving your country. That'd take some real guts. You got twelve minutes: what's it going to be? You want to live or not?
Jack: You really think you can do this?
George: Yes
Jack: [Sternly] you are absolutely sure you can do this?
George: I'm suppose to do this
Jack: You need to maintain this heading and this air speed. The second the LED reads a minute and a half, you initiate a dive at a thirty degree angle
George: Isn't a minute and a half a little early?
Jack: That's the point. You have to absolutely certain the bomb is in the depression when it goes off
Jack: Thank you George

Tony: [while catching up to him in the hallway] Richards told me you had Warner and Naiyeer transferred to room seven
George: That's right
Tony: Well, I had them separated for a reason
George: Yeah I told you to, and it's not working. So let's put them together and let them play off each other alright?
Tony: I don't get you: one minute your running away to save your own ass, next minute your back here and act as if you give a damn about anything but yourself
George: Back off
Tony: No, I'm not going to back off. Not today. Now what's going on?
George: Remember the warehouse in Panorama City? Weapons grade plutonium, airborne fire fight?
Tony: You were exposed?
George: Yeah, so I'll be lucky if I make it through tomorrow
Tony: I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. Does anyone else know about this?
George: [Shaking his head] just Jack and you. I want to keep it that way
Tony: Do you need anything? Something I can do?
George: Just do your job and let me do mine

George: We're going to do the swap on our terms.
Andre: That's an interesting dream.

George: You must be the new system operator?
Carrie: [Introducing herself] Carrie Turner, you must be George Mason
George: [Before covering his mouth to cough] excuse me
Carrie: You look worse than I expected
George: Something I can help you with?
Carrie: No, I'm pretty much set: I've been following everything from Division. I'll be taking over Paula's responsibilities so if there's anything you need me to do, I'll make it happen
George: Good. The situation report's changed in the last hour so you have to refresh all the computer models
Carrie: Not a problem, just make sure everyone keeps their hands off my station. Who do I report to directly?
George: You report to me
Carrie: No offense but rumor has it that you're not going to be around much longer. So who do I report to?
George: [Jokingly] when I get someone here I like, I'm not going to be around to enjoy it. Report to Tony Almeida and Michelle Dessler
Carrie: Did you say Michelle Dessler?
George: Yes I did, why?
Carrie: We worked together at District, I was her boss then
George: [Confused] and your telling me this why?
Carrie: It'll be fine. It's not important

George: [Talking to Chapelle about Jack] Look, I'm not in love with the guy either, but he delivers.

George: I thought I told you to handle this yourself
Tony: Yeah well, the truth is if I didn't have to talk to you again, I'd be happy but the IT people need to access the data stream Paula was working on and it's on your system so we need your password
George: Password?
Tony: Yeah
George: Hendrix.
Tony: Is that with an "x"?
George: How else would you spell it?
Tony: Yeah, right, thanks
George: How's Paula doing?
Tony: Not so good. We're still trying to dig her out but she's non-responsive. Look, I've got to go
George: Ok

Michelle: Sir, off duty agents are finally arriving and Division just called: chopper just lifted off, Nina Meyers is on board
George: Good, let's set up the mobile video unit for the interrogation then alright?
Michelle: Ok
George: Jack, what the hell are you doing here? I sent you to Division
Jack: I wanted to do the debrief here
George: I'm not going to mince words with you, Nina killed your wife, I don't want you anywhere near her
Jack: My goal is the same as yours. It makes more sense that I do the debrief here because there's no information about Wald at Division please?
George: Alright, we'll set you up with Noel at tech support
Jack: What about Ivers?
George: Dead
Jack: Clark?
George: Dead. We lost a lot of good people
Jack: I'm going to get started on the debrief
George: Hey, do us both a favor? Finish and go
Jack: Yeah

Paramedic: Take off your clothes.
[after Mason has been exposed to radiation]
George: Aren't you going to buy me dinner first?

George: [Over the phone] looks like the lead in Panorama City turned out to be real: some kind of lab where they may have assembled the nuke
Tony: Based on what?
George: They found radioactive material
Tony: What kind radioactive material?
George: Their still doing field analysis. I don't know
Tony: Was anyone exposed?
George: Look, their putting on the suit deacon now: precautionary measure. We have three dead bodies. we'll send you photos, fingerprints on them. See if they match anyone on our watch list. I'm going to have to get back to you
Tony: NSA averted us to send them our case database. Paula's already on it but I'm getting the feeling that they're keeping us out of the loop on something
George: It's standard procedure to consolidate data from all agencies
Tony: Yeah, well that's just it. We're the only agency they've asked
George: Look I've got to go. Call Chappelle and tell him what you told me and see what he can find out for you but I've got to go
Tony: You sure you're ok?
George: I'm fine. Bye

George: [Over the phone with the FBI] Goren's going to be here any minute: you have my word he'll be back in your custody within the hour
Jack: [after hanging up the phone] my pal's at the FBI aren't too happy Jack. Goren's the state's only witness against Wald so I suggest you get what you want and fast so I can get them off my back
Jack: [Ignoring George, to Michelle, pointing to the computer screen] hold on, what's that?
Michelle: It's saying the reason you didn't do any time in California is because you were extradited to Florida on two counts of armed robbery
Jack: No, don't make it "armed robbery", that's not how they knew me. Make it "conspiracy to transport illegal explosives"
Michelle: Got it
George: Jack, are you going to let me in on your plan here?
Jack: [Continuing to ignore George, to Micelle] I also need you to get in touch with Rudy Colhed. He's a parole officer out of Hollenbeck. I want you to brief him and put him in my cover
George: Jack, look at you. You look like a bum off the street. You're not talking to me I just confiscated a witness outside my authority based on your call. Now are you going to tell me what you're doing?
Jack: [Sternly] no
George: Are you losing it Jack? Because I need to know. I just don't have the time and resources to clean up your mess today
Jack: I'm not losing it
Jack: [to security while they escort Goren in] just put him in the chair
Jack: Michelle, please excuse us
Michelle: Well don't you want me to...?
Jack: [Interrupts her] no
Jack: [while placing a file folder on the table] you are Marshall Goren
Marshall: Yeah
Jack: [Listing his criminal offenses] eight counts: kidnapping a minor. Two counts child pornography. First degree murder
Marshall: [Amused] yeah, they look I already made my deal. I don't need to hear this noise, all I got to do is testify against Wald and I walk

George: [Sarcastically] great Almeida, now what?
Tony: Back off George I did the best I could
George: I guess your best isn't very good
Michelle: Look, maybe there's another way to find Wald
George: Gee, why didn't I think of that? Your right. I bet NSA just had us bring in a burnt out agent for the challenge of it. If there were any number of guys who could've done the job...
Tony: Settle down George alright? Let's just sit down, re-group, and figure out what we're going to do
George: What we're going to do? We're going to call NSA now
Jack: [Suddenly appears at the door of the conference room] here's the deal: I want Nowell or Grothy to take my daughter to a safe distance outside the city
George: Done
Jack: I also want to be kept up to date on their status at all times by Tony. I'm sorry George I just don't trust you
George: Well, you're going to have to start, what we're up against today none of us can walk away from. Tony and I will both take care of Kim
Tony: [while nodding] I'll do it now

George: Can you get someone to set up an interrogation room? We got someone coming in
Michelle: Who?
George: Nina Meyers
Michelle: The CTU agent who killed Jack's wife?
George: I need as close to maximum security as I can get: three armed agents standing by

Syed: [Giving him the location of the bomb] it is at Norton Airfield
Jack: Why? What's the plan?
Syed: We were going to fly over downtown: it is true
Jack: [Calling CTU immediately] It's Jack, give me Mason
Jack: [to George] It's Jack
George: What'd you have?
Jack: The bomb is at Norton Airfield. Their putting it on a plane to fly over the city
Michelle: Norton's a medium size airfield with cargo planes, private aviation. Every tail number ends with an N, that's probably what this paper is referring to. It's still on partial but it narrows down the search
George: [to Jack] we're on our way
George: [to CTU personnel] we're moving in. There's Bravo, Echo, and Lima. Norton Airfield is where we have reason to believe where the bomb is located. Call FAA and have them ground all the flights in and out of Norton. In the event they do get the plane in the air, we want two F-16's ready to intercept. Get some bomb units and SWAT teams over there as well. Let's move, remember everybody the "non-necessary contact" rule remains in place

George: [Attempting to introduce them to each other] Jack Bauer, this is Michelle...
Jack: [Interrupts him] what am I doing here George?
George: There's a rogue nuclear weapon here in Los Angeles. Intel says it's going off today
Jack: How good is your Intel?
George: Very. NSA did the ground work. We have high probability leads on regional cells that might be involved
Jack: How close are you to ID-ing a prime suspect?
George: Not close at all, that's what your here for
Tony: [after jack leaves the room] George, let me talk to him

George: What're you doing in my office?
Jack: How long did they give you? I know you were exposed to high levels of radioactive materials in Panorama City this morning
George: How'd you figure that out?
Jack: Your Antitoxin medication: it's for radiation sickness. I checked the logs, I made a few calls. You inhaled plutonium
George: So?
Jack: So, I'm not the only person that shouldn't be here today. How long do you have?
George: I'll be dead by this time tomorrow. Why? What's it to you?
Jack: I want to know what your plans are for Nina?
George: As soon as we get the signature from Palmer, she's going to tell us everything she knows
Jack: Who's going to be the handler?
George: O'Neil
Jack: Forget about O'Neil. I want to do it
George: I'm fine, I'm not crazy. You and Nina together is a recipe for disaster
Jack: Maybe but if you don't do this I'll phone District and tell them about your condition. They'll have you replaced in minutes. We want the same thing. We want to finish this thing and find the bomb, let me do it
George: Go ahead

George: Come on Jack: get your parachute on and get the hell out of here
Jack: I'm staying with you as long as possible
George: I got it together. I'm fine
Jack: This is not negotiable. I'm bailing out four minutes before impact, that should give me far enough from the blast zone to make it
Jack: [Over the radio] this is Jack Bauer, patch me through to CTU
Tony: Almeida
Jack: Tony, its Jack. I need you to get a helicopter in the air immediately. We got a change of plans up here. I'm bailing out, George is taking the plane down
Tony: What the hell is George doing there?
Tony: [to Michelle] I want you to send a chopper to trail Jack's plane, Mason's on board. Don't ask me how but his going to take the plane the rest of the way, Jack's going to bail out

Michelle: This scan just came in from the mosque: it's a burnt paper fragment found in Ali's clothing. The only thing visible to the naked eye is in the lower left quadrant. Looks like a piece of a number, a six or maybe an eight
George: Are all of our forensic people in the field?
Michelle: We just got Murdoch from San Diego. His suppose to be an expert on computer imaging. If anyone can see this, he can
George: [after greeting each other] any way to accelerate the process?
Randy: [Shakes his head] my CPU is a lot faster than anything you guys got. A parallel process will take way too long. If there's anything there I'm going to get it

Rescue: [Before walking away] everything in your car I had cleared out and put it in the ambulance so whenever you're ready to go to the hospital
George: [Asking how he'll die from radiation poisoning] so, how's it going to happen?
Rescue: Excuse me?
George: You said I might be dead by tomorrow so I'm curious to know what to expect for the rest of the day
Rescue: There's a latent period where you will be mostly asymptomatic even in the most extreme cases, radiation poisoning can last a while
George: What's a while?
Rescue: Up to twelve hours, maybe longer. How do you feel now?
George: I'm going to puke
Rescue: I can give you something to control the nausea. At least until the symptoms are more acute
George: Yeah, like what?
Rescue: Your hair will start to fall out
George: [Jokingly] I'm used to that
Rescue: You'll start to manifest gastrointestinal hemorrhaging: skin legions, bleeding from the mouth, and nose
George: How am I going to die?
Rescue: Your mental functioning will begin to deteriorate and you'll lapse into a coma
Paramedic: [Interrupting them] Mr. Mason
Rescue: Not now
Paramedic: [Handing George a phone] it's the guy from your office Tony Almeida
Rescue: I said not now
George: [Over the phone] hey Tony what is it?
Tony: They hit us George. They bombed CTU
George: [Surprised] what kind of damage?
Tony: Damage reports are still coming in but so far we got nineteen of our people dead, twenty wounded, and seven missing
Tony: Look, we're bleeding back here. All of our Intel on the nuke was destroyed. I mean it's on the NSA server but Paula wrote the decryption code and she's in really bad shape
George: Well, do whatever you have to retrieve it
Tony: Yeah well I am. That's what I'm trying to do. That's why I called you. Chain of command remember?
George: Call NSA systems people and get them on it

George: Have you noticed, wherever you go there's a body count?

George: You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.
Jack: Why don't you explain it to me. You've got five seconds.
[prepares to press *enter* button on laptop]

Tony: [Over the phone] how far out of the city are you?
George: Why?
Tony: Look, I just got off the line with Steve Lawer from District
George: About what?
Tony: Well, LAPD made a possible vehicle match with somebody on our watch list, he wants you to check it out
George: This is coming out of LAPD? Come on
Tony: Well, Lawer doesn't trust their judgment either. That's why he wants you there. Plus, he knows its on your way to Bakersfield. I know you're headed out there to follow up on a lead but Lawer wants this checked out
George: What's the address?

[pointing his gun in the direction of a noise behind him]
Jack: Don't move.
George: Hey, hey. Service is bad enough on this flight; you don't have to shoot me.

George: What're you doing?
Tony: Getting more people out there to look for Jack's daughter
George: After I specifically told you to divert all resources to the bomb?
Tony: The satellite feed is happening alright? I'm not using our resources I was telling the sheriff where to look for her
George: Tony, you're a resource: I don't need you to split your attention
Tony: I promised Jack I would do everything in my power to look for Kim. Just like you did
George: [while raising his voice before walking away] Kim is outside the blast radius. The rest of Los Angeles isn't. Stay focused on the bomb that goes for everybody

George: [Over the phone] there's a new "wrinkle", how far are you from the airport?
Jack: We're looking at a couple minutes. What're you talking about? What kind of "wrinkle"?
George: There's a hostile US paramilitary unit standing between you and the bomb: Coral Snake team headed by Colonel Ron Samuels
Jack: Yes, the same unit that took out our plane. What the hell is going on? Why is a US military team aiding terrorists?
George: As far as we know, they're not. The best we can make out, they want to be the ones to secure the bomb, for whatever reason anyone who stands in their way they're going to treat as an adversary
Jack: Why don't you tell Colonel Samuels' team to stand down?
George: We were told they went "dark" three hours ago. Their a rogue unit. Their acting on their own authority
Jack: How do I find them?
George: I wish I could narrow it down for you, somewhere in the airport. I'm trying to get men up there from Camp Pendleton
Jack: This is bad
George: Yeah it is. Our best bet is still you getting past them to the bomb

Michelle: These images were taken around the time the pilot reported the explosion
George: God, they were shot down?
Michelle: Yeah, some kind of ground to air missile
George: Compile a list of anyone who might had access to their flight plan
Michelle: OK
George: I think it's safe to assume that whoever it was doesn't want us to find the nuke and if Nina didn't die in the crash their probably going to want to finish the job
Michelle: I have Search and Rescue scrambled now
George: Make sure their well armed and get me their ETA as soon as you have it

George: [after Jack choked Nina in the interrogation room] alright, you're done: get out of here
Jack: Why?
George: Why? Because you've lost it. That's why
Jack: Right now she's think she won the lottery, she's in control you want her to tell the truth? You take that away from her
George: [Sarcastically] by killing her? Yeah that'll work
Jack: No, I'm giving her someone to answer to, someone to be afraid of. She has to believe that I'd be willing to put my revenge over finding this bomb
George: You're telling me your not?
Jack: [while they watch Nina from a monitor] it had to look like that. Look at me, there's no emotion here, now look at her
George: Let's say for the time being you've made your point. What would your next move be?
Jack: You let me go back in there. Show her that I have the power to do anything I want to her
George: If I let you go back in there...
Jack: [Interrupts him] all I need is five minutes. Just don't let anyone in that room and raise the thermostat ten degrees. Will you let me have five minutes?
George: Yeah

George: [Referring to reviving Paula] what's the progress here?
Paramedic: We're trying to bring her around using a combination of stimulants and hydrating fluids but it might make her more unstable
George: We're running out of time. Wake her up
George: [as Tony walks by] where are you headed?
Tony: Following a lead that just came in. there's a connection to Syed Ali
George: Well, send somebody else. I need you here
Tony: To do what? Watch Paula die?
George: We've got to get the encryption code out of her or we're going to lose everything. We can't let that happen today
Tony: Yeah well you have this covered. I'm going to follow up on this lead
George: No, you're going to stay here and that's an order
Tony: Look, there's a Middle Eastern business man in LA who's had contact with Syed Ali recently. Now Ires and Peller are dead, who do you want me to send?
George: [Allowing him to leave] be reachable alright?
George: What're you looking at?
Michelle: Nothing
George: Putting bandwidth on the network?
Michelle: Yeah, I'm on it

Jack: [while arriving at the airport] what're you doing here?
George: This is the thing that killed me: I kind of like to be here when they lay it to rest, you got it diffused yet?
Jack: No, not yet. They've been looking at it for about ten minutes
George: Is there a timer?
Jack: It's internal. We haven't been able to read it yet
George: Theoretically, it could detonate at any minute
Jack: We've got it under control. Come on there has to be somewhere else you'd rather be
George: I promised myself that I would see this through to the end. That's what I'm going to do. That's what I'm going to do alright?

Jack: [On cell phone] George, it's me.
George: Jack! Well, as usual, I don't know whether to congratulate you or to demand for your resignation.

[in a deleted scene]
George: [muttering as he opens his bottle of pills] Shit.