The Best Bob Warner Quotes

Tony: Hello sir, I'm Tony Almeida from Los Angeles CTU, this is agent Richards
Bob: [while looking at his identification] CTU? What is CTU?
Tony: Counter Terrorist Unit: I'm looking for a Reza Naiyeer?
Kate: What's this all about?
Tony: It's a government matter ma'am
Kate: Government matter?
Tony: I just need to ask a few questions to Mr. Naiyeer
Bob: Mr. Almeida right? My daughter hired a private investigator to do a background check on Reza. It's all been cleared up
Kate: Actually, dad it hasn't been all cleared up
Bob: Can this wait? You see today is my other daughter Marie's wedding. She's getting married to Reza
Tony: I'm sorry for the bad timing but no. This can't wait. I'm authorized to interrogate Mr. Naiyeer. Are you going to take me to him? Or do I have to find him myself?
Bob: [while looking sternly at Tony] Kate, go find Reza

Bob: How'd you like the house?
Kate: You knew about it?
Bob: Of course, why do you think I insisted you go with him?
Kate: Dad, it's not that I don't think Reza doesn't love Marie, I just think his doing things that are illegal
Bob: Honey, you don't know that
Kate: Well, I know Ralph Burton found a transaction in the company records that link him to a known terrorist
Bob: Ralph Burton is a PI. I mean he can probably connect me to the Manson family if he looked hard enough
Kate: Yeah

Bob: There's the groom
Reza: [Referring to the garbage bags his carrying] let get that for you
Bob: No, I'm fine
Reza: [while walking away] I told Marie I'd help her fix the fountain, so let's get to it
Kate: Dad, did you tell Reza he could use the company car to pick up his cousin?
Bob: Kate honey please not today
Kate: [Listing the luxuries they give Reza] I'm sorry but every now and then fine, but there's the condo in Palm Springs, the days off
Reza: Why is it you can't trust Reza? I can't believe it's because his from the Middle East...
Kate: [Interrupts him] dad please you brought me up better than that, I don't know if it's something else
Bob: What?
Kate: I don't know maybe it's just I'm having a hard time letting go my little sister

Reza: Hey guys
Bob: Hey
Reza: I think my cousin has a little crush on you Kate. He wouldn't stop talking about you on the way back to the hotel
Kate: He seems nice
Reza: He is
Kate: Well, I promised Marie I'd pick up lunch. I better get going
Reza: Let me take you
Kate: Its ok, I can handle it
Reza: Honestly when you say Marie you're going to need another pair of hands
Kate: Really, I can do it
Bob: [Sternly] Kate, go

Bob: [to Tony when he walks into the interrogation room] why have I been kept here waiting like this?
Tony: Sit down please
Bob: I have some information
Tony: [Raises his voice] sit down. What information do you have?
Bob: I'm not supposed to talk to anybody about this but under the circumstances, I am a consultant for the CIA. There's a contact for my liaison: call Langley and they'll verify
Tony: [Looking at the contact card Warner put on the table] why didn't you tell me about this back at house?
Bob: Oh come on, you know the drill. I'm not suppose to talk to anyone about this without clearance
Tony: What's your I-3 protocol?
Bob: I was approached about five years ago because of my international investment work. They asked me how would I like to help my country I said "OK"
Tony: What'd you do?
Bob: My corporation is used as a "conduit" to pass information back and forth
Tony: To who?
Bob: I don't know, that is the truth. Listen to me, I am not an enemy of this country. I am a patriot, I love my country I don't know any Syed Ali nor do I know why there is a record of me doing business with him
Tony: Well, if that's true you have nothing to worry about do you? There is a connection between your company and Syed Ali and I'm going to find out what it is. So in the meantime sit tight I'm going to check this out

Kate: [Referring to why government agents are in their house] this whole "thing" started with me: please try and understand. I saw something in the company books that didn't check out so I hired a private investigator to check up on Raza
Marie: You what?
Kate: The private investigator came across of a man Reza's had dealings with, a man involved in terrorist activities
Marie: What?
Kate: I did it for you, to protect you
Marie: Protect me? All this time you've been checking up on Reza? Behind our backs?
Kate: These people found out something about Reza. About his past. If his keeping something from you, wouldn't you rather know about it now?
Marie: What business is it of yours? This is my life. How dare you interfere like this? This is my wedding day. Hiring a private investigator? That's insane
Bob: [Walking over and putting his hand on her shoulder to comfort her] Marie, just calm down ok? These men are going to be out of here in a few minutes. Alright? It's just a big misunderstanding ok? Let's try to remember we're a family
Marie: [to her father] not anymore
Marie: [to Kate] I don't want you at the wedding
Marie: No dad, it is unacceptable that she did this without telling me
Kate: I'm sorry, it was wrong of me not to tell you first
Marie: Apology accepted. Now get out of here

Bob: [Over the phone, relieved to hear from her] where are you?
Kate: I'm fine: I'm at an airport
Bob: The airport? Are you leaving the city?
Kate: No, not yet. I'm helping one of the agents on an investigation, did they tell you about Reza?
Bob: Yeah, I can't believe what their saying about Marie. That she's with these terrorists and killed Reza
Kate: [after Jack asked her to help translate what the terrorist is saying] I'm going to have to call you back
Bob: Are you ok?
Kate: Yeah, I'm fine. I love you
Bob: I love you too sweetheart

George: [after entering the interrogation room] so you're both claiming not to know Syed Ali is that it?
Reza: It's not a "claim", it's the truth
George: Sit down
Reza: I'd rather stand
George: [Raises his voice] sit down!
George: [Grabs him and forces him into a chair, yelling] where the hell do you think you are? Wake up. Six hours ago a cast of weapons grade plutonium was found in a warehouse in Panorama City. We believe a nuclear bomb was assembled there and it's set to go off sometime today
Reza: Nuclear bomb?
George: [while taking out a piece of paper] we also found this in the warehouse, what'd you think of that guys?
Bob: This is a Bill of Lading from our company
George: For a container sent to Syed Ali which means at least one of you is lying right now. Now I'll you two work that out between yourselves. Whoever talks first: gets immunity. It's a one-time offer and it expires in ten minutes

Tony: [after rushing to the interrogation room] calm down
Bob: [while security restrains him] I don't want to calm down: I want someone to start listening to me
Tony: I need you to calm down
Bob: Whatever Reza told you, his lying
Tony: You are not helping your case here, you understand me? Do you want to have a conversation? Or do you want me to lock you up for the rest of the night?
Bob: [after calming down by breathing deeply] where are my daughters?
Tony: Marie left here five minutes after Reza was taken to your office
Bob: What about Kate? Did something happen to Kate?
Tony: She's with one of our agents
Bob: One of our agents? Why?
Tony: Your going have to "trust" us, she's going to be fine: alright?
Bob: Trust"?

Reza: [while in the interrogation room as Tony and George monitoring] this is crazy: how could they keep us here without letting us see a lawyer? What're we going to do?
Bob: Nothing. Because nothing we say will make any difference, they'll find a way to make it look like we're involved
Reza: Nuclear bomb? I haven't done anything wrong! This is crazy I have nothing to hide. What about you Bob?
Bob: What about me?
Reza: You got anything to hide?
Bob: Of course not
Reza: No?
Bob: No
Reza: You're the one who made the authorization to Ali
Bob: No, I didn't
Reza: Then who did?
Bob: Don't interrogate me. That's exactly what they want
Reza: Yeah well I'm not asking for them. If you didn't make the authorization then who did? They also said you work for the CIA
Bob: I met with the CIA to pass information through our distribution network a couple times. That's it
Reza: Why didn't you tell me?
Bob: Because it is none of your concern
Reza: Well I think it concerns me now! I think a nuclear bomb pretty much concerns everyone don't you? You know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking all your generosity, and acceptance is just a load of crap
Bob: Sit down and shut up before you say something you'll regret for the rest of your life
Reza: [to bob] you lied to me
Reza: [to the surveillance camera knowing Tony and George are watching] I can track the shipping order. Bob's code signature will show that he authorized the transaction order
Reza: [to George as he enters the integration room] the database is at the office. I'll take you there. I'm not taking the fall for you Bob

Tony: Reza, I'm going to need you to come with us
Reza: Come with you where?
Tony: Back to CTU
Reza: For what?
Tony: Further questioning
Reza: I'm not going with you anywhere
Tony: Look, I'm not arresting anybody: yet. But I will if you force me to. Now you're coming with us either way. How you do this is entirely up to you
Bob: [to Reza, while walking into the room] just do what the man wants
Reza: I haven't done anything, he can't arrest me
Bob: Please, do this for me ok?

Marie: I am starved but I don't want to eat anything
Kate: Why not?
Marie: Because the dress fits perfectly right now
Kate: There's been a little bit of a problem
Marie: Of course there's problem: it's a wedding, what now?
Kate: It's about Reza
Marie: Is he backing out?
Marie: [after she sees Agent Richards standing in front of a door to the dining room and her father sitting nearby] what's going on? Where's Reza?
Kate: His in the dining room
Marie: Who are you?
Agent: [Standing in her way blocking the door] ma'am I'm Agent Richards CTU Los Angeles
Kate: Reza's in the room, talking to another agent
Marie: What for? What does he want with Reza?
Marie: [Trying to reach for the door handle] I want to see Reza
Agent: I'm sorry ma'am. I can't let you in at this time
Marie: [Raising her voice] this is our house: I want you out of here now. Kate, do you know what's going on here?
Bob: I want you to come with me
Marie: Why?
Bob: Please?

Bob: Where's Marie?
Kate: She's still in her room: working on the dress
Bob: [to Agent Richards, referring to Tony Almeida] how much longer is he going to be in there with Reza?
Agent: Sorry, sir, I'm not sure
Kate: She's going to find out the second she walks out of that room. Are we going to be able to go through with this?
Bob: What'd you mean?
Kate: The wedding. Dad, it's in less than six hours
Bob: No one is canceling anything ok? Just make sure Marie stays away from these people ok?

Bob: [In an interrogation room] it's hard not to think there must be some mistake with the evidence you have
George: [Referring to Marie] it's black and white: your daughter killed Reza and two of our agents. We need your help to understand what her connection to Syed Ali is
Bob: Had I known she was involved I would've done something
George: And now that you do know, does it help explain any strange behavior? Anything at all can help us
Bob: [after clearing his throat] well Marie went to college in London while I was working there. That's when her mother died and it hit her hard. It hit all of us hard
George: And?
Bob: She ran away for a while
George: How long?
Bob: Three, maybe four weeks. We got the police involved but she sent us a letter saying she was fine, that she was traveling and she just needed some space. And when she came back, well I was so grateful to see her that I stopped asking questions
George: No sense that anything had "changed" a fundamental difference?
Bob: She'd become less politically "inclined"? She's always "flirted" with causes. Respectable causes like save the wilderness or abolish the death penalty. She stopped talking about all that
George: Well, that's what happens when you're radicalized. Handlers train you to stop talking about anything and keep it to yourself. Your better to blend into the background

Kate: I'm sorry to interrupt you but it's important
Bob: Sure. Sorry honey, just a sec. this wedding is going to break me. So, what's the big emergency?
Kate: Last month I was going over the PNL's for the third quarter, I found some inconsistencies
Bob: If this is about business, we'll deal with it on Monday ok?
Kate: Dad, it's about Reza
Bob: What about Reza?
Kate: I thought he might be responsible for the missing money so I hired an investigator to do an audit
Bob: You hired someone to spy on Reza?
Kate: I thought he was stealing from you
Bob: And is he?
Kate: No, something else came up, something a lot worse: Reza may be involved with a terrorist
Bob: What?
Kate: Apparently, he has been in contact with someone who finances terrorist operations. A man called Syed Ali
Kate: What kind of proof does he have?
Kate: I'm not sure
Bob: You're not sure?
Kate: He only called me about this hour ago. He told me not to tell anyone but I had to tell you
Bob: Whatever this investigator found, there's an explanation for it. Honey, you hired a man to dig up dirt, his going to dig up dirt, that's how these guys stay in business
Kate: What if you're wrong?
Bob: I'm not
Kate: How do you know?
Bob: Because I had Reza checked out myself and a lot more thoroughly than the guy you hired: believe me. Kate, Reza is not a terrorist. I'm a business man, a damn good one. My daughters are my most precious assets. I wouldn't let either one of you get married without doing due diligence. Now I want you to drop this nonsense and start treating Reza like a member of this family ok?

Bob: [as Tony enters the interrogation room] please tell me what's going on with my daughter Kate
Tony: I already told you she's fine
Bob: Then what is she doing with one of your agents?
Tony: Reza Naiyeer is dead: we just found out. He and two of our agents were shot and killed at your office
Bob: What about Marie? Is she ok? Please tell me Marie is ok
Tony: [after sitting down] look, I'm sorry to have to tell you this. We believe Marie committed the murders
Bob: It's a trick. I know you're trying to trick me