30 Best Kate Warner Quotes

Kate: [Over the phone] did you check the passport information I gave you?
Ralph: I did
Kate: And?
Ralph: And I'm afraid it confirms Reza Naiyeer has had contact with Syed Ali
Kate: What does that mean? Are you saying Reza's a terrorist?
Ralph: The authorities need to determine that
Kate: Authorities? What authorities?
Ralph: I had to alert Homeland Security
Kate: What are they going to do? Are they going to arrest him?
Ralph: I'm not sure yet but until you hear from me please keep this to yourself
Kate: I have to tell my sister
Ralph: No, you can't tell her or anyone else for now
Kate: I can't believe this is happening
Ralph: I know it's hard but just try to act normal
Kate: My sister is marrying someone who works with terrorists and you expect me to act normal?
Ralph: You can endanger yourself and your family if you let anyone know that anything is wrong do you understand me?
Kate: Yeah I understand

Reza: Scott's coming to the wedding?
Marie: Yeah, he called last night
Marie: I thought the only reason you invited him because you thought he wouldn't come
Marie: Well I dated him six years ago honey. His more like a brother to me
Kate: [Jokingly] is the groom jealous?
Reza: Jealous? It's not a question of jealousy, it's a question of what I'm comfortable with. All my brothers have married women that haven't been with another man before. That's what my family expected from us all
Kate: [Sarcastically] oh I see, instead they have to settle for Marie, which is what "damaged goods"?
Marie: [to Kate] alright let him bait you. His just trying to push our buttons
Marie: [to Reza] I got this guy wrapped around my little finger and he knows it

Kate: [Over the phone] what's up? Get my check?
Ralph: Yes I did. That's the not reason I'm calling. When you asked me to do a background check on Reza Naiyeer, you were concerned about his financial integrity?
Kate: Right, and the report you showed me said I had nothing to worry about, has something changed?
Ralph: Not exactly, he hasn't done anything wrong at your father's company and his financial dealings in the past have been legitimate
Kate: Oh, great, what's the problem?
Ralph: I was proofing another individual at my company: Reza's name came up
Kate: Yeah so?
Ralph: It's a man named Syed Ali, his an international financer with ties to several terrorist organizations
Kate: What're you saying? Reza knows this guy Ali?
Ralph: Well, according to this file, they've had dealings
Kate: Oh my God
Ralph: Now look before we jump to any conclusions its possible Reza's business with Ali was legitimate and Reza didn't even know Ali's terrorist connection but if you want to know for sure I'm going to need your help
Kate: What'd you need me to do?

Yusuf: [while driving to CTU to bring them the memory chip] still no signal?
Kate: No, I have a signal I just can't through: I keep getting a recording
Yusuf: From CTU's end, I'm sure their very busy gearing up for the war against my country
Kate: There won't be a war. They'll get the chip, they're going to know the truth
Yusuf: Assuming they want the truth
Kate: They don't want war
Yusuf: [Referring to the location where they will meet Jack] you sure about that? You might feel differently if it was your family being threatened. Highland and Mort Park right?
Kate: Yeah

Tony: Hello sir, I'm Tony Almeida from Los Angeles CTU, this is agent Richards
Bob: [while looking at his identification] CTU? What is CTU?
Tony: Counter Terrorist Unit: I'm looking for a Reza Naiyeer?
Kate: What's this all about?
Tony: It's a government matter ma'am
Kate: Government matter?
Tony: I just need to ask a few questions to Mr. Naiyeer
Bob: Mr. Almeida right? My daughter hired a private investigator to do a background check on Reza. It's all been cleared up
Kate: Actually, dad it hasn't been all cleared up
Bob: Can this wait? You see today is my other daughter Marie's wedding. She's getting married to Reza
Tony: I'm sorry for the bad timing but no. This can't wait. I'm authorized to interrogate Mr. Naiyeer. Are you going to take me to him? Or do I have to find him myself?
Bob: [while looking sternly at Tony] Kate, go find Reza

Ralph: [Over the phone] did you get something for me?
Kate: No, I couldn't get his wallet
Ralph: There are only a few things we can use to check out his connection to guy Ali: actually a passport would be ideal
Kate: I don't think he carries that around with him
Ralph: It's got to be around somewhere. Check his briefcase. Look in his car
Kate: I can't just steal his passport
Ralph: You won't have to. If you find it, just write down the dates and the countries that have been stamped for entry in the past six months. Let me know ok?

Jack: Kate, are you alright?
Kate: Everything that's happened today: everything that's happening. I keep thinking it's all my fault
Jack: We would have never found the bomb in time if it wasn't for you
Kate: But my sister was the one behind the bomb, she helped those fanatics
Jack: Yes but you're not your not your sister
Kate: I should've seen something was wrong before it got this bad. Because of what she did, it could start a war. I could've stopped it
Jack: No, Kate you couldn't of. There are things in this world that are just out of our control. Sometimes we like to blame ourselves for them so we can try making sense out of them

Tom: We've recovered the last number Ali dialed on his cell: it's a 310 area code. 555-2130. We're doing a work up on it now
Jack: Ok good
Kate: [Standing nearby] wait, what was that number?
Tom: [after looking at Jack for approval to repeat the number] 555-2130
Kate: No, that's not possible. That's my sister's cell phone number. What's going on? What're you not telling me?
Jack: [to Baker, asking him to leave so he can talk privately to Kate] why don't give us a minute?
Jack: Your sister's fiancée Reza and two of our agents were found shot to death in your father's building about an hour and a half ago
Kate: What?
Jack: Your sister Marie was with them
Kate: Marie, is she ok?
Jack: We don't know where she is right now
Kate: When were you going to tell me this?
Jack: As soon as we received confirmation that she was the one who pulled the trigger
Kate: What? That is ridiculous, how could you even think that?
Jack: Because we have videotape on her. She's the only person seen leaving your father's building in about an hour and a half
Kate: [as he walks away] she was probably trying to escape. She could've been hurt. You know that he called her number but you don't know if she picked up the phone. It could've been stolen
Jack: [When he walks back] you really believe that? You really believe she had nothing to do with this?
Kate: Yes, I really believe it
Jack: There's one way you can prove it to me. Phone her cell phone but if she picks up, you have to talk to her. Keep her on the phone as long as possible so we can find her. That's the deal, can you do that?
Kate: Ok

Marie: [Over phone] Hello?
Kate: [as Jack listens, while other agents trace the call] hi, it's me: I haven't been able to reach dad. His not back yet. What's going on?
Marie: Just taking a drive, clear my head
Kate: I understand. I'm so sorry, about everything
Marie: Yes
Kate: Want to meet back at the house? Grab a bite? Can you?
Marie: They found Reza haven't they? They know what's happened?
Kate: [Beginning to cry] I don't know. I don't know what happened. Please tell me what happened?
Marie: You wouldn't understand
Kate: You killed Reza, and those agents
Marie: People have to die for things to change

Reza: You don't like me very much do you?
Kate: [laughs] that's crazy
Reza: I've been working for your father for what? Three years now. Dating Marie for two. You and I never really got to know each other
Kate: No, we haven't
Reza: So you don't know who I am
Kate: I know my sister loves you
Reza: Yes she does

Marcus: [to Kate] You better hurry up
Kate: [after She opens her family's safe for them] There
Marcus: [disappointed, while holding the currency] What the hell is this?
Kate: There should be at least twenty thousand euros there
Marcus: euros?
Kate: It's European money
Marcus: [annoyed, throws the euros on the floor] I look European to you? Where's the cash?
Kate: That is cash: it's as good as dollars
Marcus: [points his gun at her neck, referring to him and his friends] We want cash money, you understand me?
Cole: [getting his attention while holding an envelope he removed from the safe containing American currency] Marcus
Rouse: [after Marcus quickly grabs the envelope and counts the money, while holding a gold bracelet he removed from the safe] You think this is real?
Cole: [irritated by his question] Why would they keep the fake ones locked up?
Marcus: [referring to the amount of American currency from the envelope] Fifteen hundred
Rouse: That's it?
Marcus: that's it
Rouse: [to Marcus] now what do we do?
Kate: [nervously, to them, referring to the computer chip with an audio file saved on it] look, just take it all: just give me the chip
Marcus: [to his friends, referring to Kate] she knows what we look like: knows our names too
Kate: [realizing their going to kill her] we had a deal
Rouse: his right: we can't just leave you here
Kate: [to all of them] look, take everything, I won't tell anyone, I won't tell the police I promise, just give me the chip
Cole: [walks up to him, referring to not killing her] Marcus, don't do this. Let's just take the stuff and go
Marcus: the second we're out of here, she's calling the cops, I can't get locked up again

Jack: With CTU's help, we're going to get out of here. I promise
Kate: What does Wallace want with me?
Jack: He needs you to help him get out of the country
Kate: Needs me? How?
Jack: Your father's CIA connections: his company has a special travel dispensation
Kate: They wouldn't let him on board unless I was with him
Jack: I know. I will not let you get on that plane

Syed: [Referring to Paul Koplin] do you want to suffer as he did?
Kate: No, of course not
Syed: Now tell me what you've learned from your father's computer files? Who you told?
Kate: I already told you: I don't know anything

Paul: [Introducing himself] Paul Koplin, nice to meet you
Kate: Hi, thanks for coming
Paul: No problem
Kate: Come on in
Paul: I spoke to Ralph, he told which files we need to look into
Kate: Are they the ones that link Reza to this terrorist?
Paul: Yes: Syed Ali. The company computer is connected to this house. I'm going to hack some passwords. I'm assuming your authorizing me to do that?
Kate: Yeah, of course. I still don't understand though why they had to drag my family in for questioning on my sister's wedding day
Paul: I'm surprised too, it's a whole new world out there now

Kim: Where's my dad?
Carrie: Still in the field: why don't you wait here for a moment? I'll go tell Ryan Chappelle your here
Tony: [Walking up to them] I'll handle this Carrie
Carrie: I thought you were in custody?
Tony: I was released
Tony: [to Kim] I heard what happened, are you alright?
Kim: Yeah, I guess so. Look, I just want to see my dad and make sure his ok
Tony: His not here right now. He won't be back for a couple of hours
Kim: Does he know I'm here?
Tony: No, not yet but we'll tell him as soon as he phones in
Kate: [to Tony] listen, Jack said to call him as soon as we got here
Tony: I understand his just not reachable. I'll have Carrie get you situated and I'll be with you in a minute

Bob: How'd you like the house?
Kate: You knew about it?
Bob: Of course, why do you think I insisted you go with him?
Kate: Dad, it's not that I don't think Reza doesn't love Marie, I just think his doing things that are illegal
Bob: Honey, you don't know that
Kate: Well, I know Ralph Burton found a transaction in the company records that link him to a known terrorist
Bob: Ralph Burton is a PI. I mean he can probably connect me to the Manson family if he looked hard enough
Kate: Yeah

Kate: Why won't they help you? Back at CTU?
Jack: Tony Almeida's just put in charge there: his under a lot of pressure. He doesn't think the tape is a forgery so his following proper protocol. His doing what he thinks is right
Kate: [Referring to Jonathan Wallace] where are we supposed to meet this man?
Jack: A small warehouse in Studio City
Kate: What is it?
Jack: We're being followed
Kate: Who do you think it is?
Jack: I don't know

Bob: [Over the phone, relieved to hear from her] where are you?
Kate: I'm fine: I'm at an airport
Bob: The airport? Are you leaving the city?
Kate: No, not yet. I'm helping one of the agents on an investigation, did they tell you about Reza?
Bob: Yeah, I can't believe what their saying about Marie. That she's with these terrorists and killed Reza
Kate: [after Jack asked her to help translate what the terrorist is saying] I'm going to have to call you back
Bob: Are you ok?
Kate: Yeah, I'm fine. I love you
Bob: I love you too sweetheart

Marie: I need your badge
Kate: Where have you been? Everyone's been looking for you
Marie: [Pointing a gun at her] you're going to give me your badge. Shut up, stupid idiot. Why did you have to start snooping around?
Kate: What's going on?
Marie: You've always treated me like I was a helpless injured animal: like I couldn't get by without you looking over me
Kate: What happened to you?
Marie: I opened my eyes. That's what happened to me. I was pathetic, just like you, until I met Syed. Until I saw the lies and the hypocrisy of my life. This country, of people like dad who helped the government. He works for the CIA
Kate: I know he does. So what?
Marie: So what? Do you have any idea what kind of suffering they cause around the world?
Kate: Oh, please, what're you six years old? You think dad is the enemy now? I can't believe how ungrateful you are
Marie: I should be grateful?
Kate: Yeah. Absolutely, dad and I turned our lives upside down for you after mom died. Is this what we did it for? So you can be brainwashed by some lunatic? Wake up, you're about to be the biggest murderer in the history of this country
Marie: [after hitting her] give me your badge
Kate: No
Marie: [while putting a silencer on her gun] fine
Kate: Listen to me, there's a nuclear bomb in the city. No matter what you believe, you don't want all those innocent people to die
Marie: Give me your badge
Kate: No. I don't believe you'd shoot me
Marie: I will because this is more important than your life, or my life

Yusuf: [while examining it through a magnifying glass] we can't go anywhere with this memory chip
Jack: Why not?
Yusuf: Look at this: imbedded inside the silicon
Jack: What is it?
Yusuf: Some of kind transponder. It acts like a tracking device
Jack: Are you sure?
Yusuf: Yeah, our group uses circuits like this to track "sensitive material"
Kate: I don't understand
Jack: Whoever Wallace stole the chip from can track it. That's how they tracked him to the warehouse
Yusuf: And they'll find us if I don't disconnect it from the chip first
Jack: Can you do it without destroying the audio file?
Yusuf: I think so
Jack: Good

Jack: [while in a CTU SUV] you ok?
Kate: Yeah
Jack: Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you back there. Let me try to explain everything to you: right now the United States is preparing to retaliate against the Middle East for what happened tonight. The next few hours we will be involved in a full scale attack that will affect every country on the planet
Kate: What does it have to do with me?
Jack: Ten minutes ago a man called me. He told me he had proof that the evidence the President was using based his decisions was forged. He couldn't give any other information unless I brought you to him
Kate: Who is this man?
Jack: I don't know. That's the problem
Kate: What does he want with me?
Jack: That's what we've got to find out. If I can provide the President concrete proof the Cyprus recording was faked, we can stop a war. I'll do everything I can do to protect you but you have to make a decision now. You have to decide whether you want to accept the risk
Kate: Do you really think we can do this?
Jack: I'm not going to lie to you but this is very, very dangerous. I'm sorry, I don't know what else to do. I'm running out of time

Kate: [after Jack hangs up the phone with George] what was that about?
Jack: My daughter
Kate: Is she involved somehow?
Jack: No
Kate: She's in some kind of trouble though?
Kate: I don't know yet: I hope not

Kate: [Referring to why government agents are in their house] this whole "thing" started with me: please try and understand. I saw something in the company books that didn't check out so I hired a private investigator to check up on Raza
Marie: You what?
Kate: The private investigator came across of a man Reza's had dealings with, a man involved in terrorist activities
Marie: What?
Kate: I did it for you, to protect you
Marie: Protect me? All this time you've been checking up on Reza? Behind our backs?
Kate: These people found out something about Reza. About his past. If his keeping something from you, wouldn't you rather know about it now?
Marie: What business is it of yours? This is my life. How dare you interfere like this? This is my wedding day. Hiring a private investigator? That's insane
Bob: [Walking over and putting his hand on her shoulder to comfort her] Marie, just calm down ok? These men are going to be out of here in a few minutes. Alright? It's just a big misunderstanding ok? Let's try to remember we're a family
Marie: [to her father] not anymore
Marie: [to Kate] I don't want you at the wedding
Marie: No dad, it is unacceptable that she did this without telling me
Kate: I'm sorry, it was wrong of me not to tell you first
Marie: Apology accepted. Now get out of here

Bob: Where's Marie?
Kate: She's still in her room: working on the dress
Bob: [to Agent Richards, referring to Tony Almeida] how much longer is he going to be in there with Reza?
Agent: Sorry, sir, I'm not sure
Kate: She's going to find out the second she walks out of that room. Are we going to be able to go through with this?
Bob: What'd you mean?
Kate: The wedding. Dad, it's in less than six hours
Bob: No one is canceling anything ok? Just make sure Marie stays away from these people ok?

Reza: [Before kissing] hi sweetheart
Kate: [Jokingly] hey you two cut it out
Reza: What? I can't kiss my own wife?
Kate: She's not your wife for at least another ten hours
Kate: [to Marie] Andre's on the phone
Marie: Why? Is there a problem with the flowers?
Kate: I don't know
Marie: [Irritated while walking away] God
Kate: Whoa, sorry
Reza: Where are the tables?
Kate: Well, they're not even here yet and I don't think they'll have everything set up in time
Kate: I thought you were picking your cousin up from the airport?
Reza: I sent a car
Kate: A cab?
Reza: No, the company car

Jack: [after introducing himself] I'm a federal agent: I know you've been through a terrible ordeal in there but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you a few questions would that be alright?
Jack: [after she nods] how did you get here?
Kate: I was trying to help my sister so I hired a private investigator. Those men thought we knew something but we didn't...
Jack: [Interrupts her] slow down. The dead man in the other room, that was the private investigator?
Kate: [Referring to the terrorists torturing him] yes. Paul Koplin, what they did to him
Jack: They? There was more than one man here? How many men were there?
Kate: Two. The other one left before you came
Jack: Did you get his name?
Kate: Yes. Syed Ali
Jack: Are you sure?
Jack: [after she nods] can you describe him for me?
Kate: Tall, thin
Jack: Do you remember what kind of clothes he was wearing?
Jack: Black shirt with silver buttons down the front, and black pants
Jack: Do you remember what kind of car he got into when he left?
Jack: [Shaking her head] do you know where he was going? Excuse me for one moment
Jack: [Over the radio] Baker, this is agent Bauer. Syed Ali is still alive. We're looking for a Middle Eastern man wearing all black. I didn't get a make on the car. Send out an APB. We need to find him now
Jack: [to Kate] you said you came here to help your sister, who is she?
Kate: Marie Warner, she was suppose to get married today

Jack: That's the Demerol wearing off: tell me where the bomb is and I'll get you more. Please just tell me where the bomb is and I can make the pain go away
Marie: [to Jack, referring to Marie's bullet wound] give her something for the pain
Jack: No, just tell me where the bomb is. Please
Marie: [to Kate] make him stop
Kate: [to Marie] no you make him stop
Jack: The pain is only going to get worse. It's alright. Just tell me where the bomb is
Marie: In a suitcase
Jack: Where's the suitcase?
Marie: In a van
Jack: What van? Where is the van headed?
Marie: Downtown
Jack: Where downtown?
Marie: At the ARCO Towers
Jack: What kind of van was it? What make?
Marie: Green, I don't know what make
Jack: When is the bomb set to go off?
Marie: Three hours
Jack: How do you know?
Marie: I saw the timer
Jack: Describe it
Marie: What?
Jack: The timer. Describe it
Marie: I don't know
Jack: You're lying to me. A bomb that size wouldn't have a visual timer
Marie: I'm not lying. It's at the ARCO Towers. Send them all down there now
Jack: Why now? You told me I had three hours right? Do I have three hours?
Marie: [Raises her voice] I'm not lying
Jack: Why do you want me and my team to leave here so fast? The bomb's still here isn't?
Marie: [Shakes her head] no
Jack: Yes it is
Jack: [Over the radio] teams A and B, I want you to initiate a grid search on every out building on the airport. Starting on the north end heading south, the bomb is on site. I repeat the bomb is on site

Jack: [while showing her the floor plan for the mosque and telling her what to do] this is where the men pray: in the front closest to the entrance. Now you're going to walk by them as you pass through this corridor down to the women's prayer area in the back. Kate you got one shot at this, once you pass them their backs are going to be facing you. Make sure you get a clean look at the whole room. Now if you spot Ali I want you to go past the women's prayer area here up to this corridor here to this fire exit, and exit the door and we'll be waiting for you in the alley, you clear?
Kate: Yeah
Jack: [to baker] your men in place?
Tom: Yeah
Jack: Ok, let's go
Jack: [after taking her away to talk privately] you sure about this?
Kate: Yeah

Reza: Hey guys
Bob: Hey
Reza: I think my cousin has a little crush on you Kate. He wouldn't stop talking about you on the way back to the hotel
Kate: He seems nice
Reza: He is
Kate: Well, I promised Marie I'd pick up lunch. I better get going
Reza: Let me take you
Kate: Its ok, I can handle it
Reza: Honestly when you say Marie you're going to need another pair of hands
Kate: Really, I can do it
Bob: [Sternly] Kate, go

Jack: When we get to the mosque, we'll meet up with the tactical team: all we need you to do is to identify Syed Ali, and then we'll transfer you back to CTU
Jack: [after she nods] you ok? Look, I know how difficult this must be for you
Kate: Do you? You know it could really help me out a lot if you could tell me what's going on?
Jack: I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to tell you anymore than I already have
Kate: You people took the liberty of arresting my father. Syed Ali took the liberty of kidnapping me, and killing Paul Koplin right in front of me. I think I've earned the right to know what's going on
Jack: [after sighing] we believe Syed Ali is at the center of a terrorist attack in Los Angeles today
Kate: What kind of terrorist attack?
Kate: A nuclear bomb. You're the only person we know that's seen him. We need you to identify him for us. The reason why I'm taking you with me now is because we're running out of time