The Best Yusuf Auda Quotes

Yusuf: Mr. Almeida, may I know what you found in the hard drive?
Tony: I'm afraid you don't have the necessary clearance for that information Mr. Auda
Yusuf: Mr. Almeida, I and my country have shown good faith in helping you to find Syed Ali's safe house. I'm just asking you to do the same by giving me idea of what's going on?
Yusuf: [Before Tony walks away] you Americans...
Tony: [Interrupts him] me Americans what?
Yusuf: Nothing

Yusuf: I'm suppose to update my office right now: I've got nothing to report because I've been excluded from this operation since I arrived
Tony: Look, I'll tell what I can, when I can
Yusuf: My country permitted your operatives to raid Ali's apartment under the condition that I would be involved in this operation
Tony: I understand your frustration and you can call your office and tell them anything you'd like. Now we've got work to do and you're simply not authorized to be a part of it

Yusuf: [while examining it through a magnifying glass] we can't go anywhere with this memory chip
Jack: Why not?
Yusuf: Look at this: imbedded inside the silicon
Jack: What is it?
Yusuf: Some of kind transponder. It acts like a tracking device
Jack: Are you sure?
Yusuf: Yeah, our group uses circuits like this to track "sensitive material"
Kate: I don't understand
Jack: Whoever Wallace stole the chip from can track it. That's how they tracked him to the warehouse
Yusuf: And they'll find us if I don't disconnect it from the chip first
Jack: Can you do it without destroying the audio file?
Yusuf: I think so
Jack: Good

Jack: [while in the bathroom, after checking the stalls are empty] Mr. Auda, my name is Jack Bauer...
Yusuf: [Interrupts him] if your here to give me another excuse: don't waste your time
Jack: I'm not here to give you excuses. I need to ask you a few questions about the evidence taken from Syed Ali's apartment
Yusuf: [Irritated] how would I know what was "found"? You people refuse to include me in the discovery process, why not ask them?
Jack: My colleagues might not be interested in the same "questions" I am. I'm trying to determine if the evidence could've been compromised before it got here
Yusuf: [after pausing] before I tell you anything, tell me everything you know. Whatever evidence was found in Ali's apartment, their keeping it from me which suggests it incriminates my country
Jack: I'm sorry. I'm not at liberty to discuss anything, you and I aren't even suppose to be talking
Yusuf: So you're asking for me to help you without offering in return?
Jack: I know I'm asking a lot
Jack: [Before leaving the bathroom] that's asking too much

Jack: [while pointing a gun at him] you alone?
Yusuf: Yeah
Jack: Why did you follow me from CTU?
Yusuf: Since I arrived no one's given me any information: I told you at CTU, my country's been implicated. I don't know who I can trust. But I saw you take out Tony Almeida who's in charge there which means you you're not on board with what they're doing and you don't want your country to invade mine
Jack: My agenda is not to help your country. My responsibility is to make sure the President of the United States makes his decisions based on fact
Yusuf: My country's not responsible for this bomb
Jack: Maybe but Syed Ali is a citizen of your country and he runs his terrorist network from there
Yusuf: Yes which means his a criminal to my government just as much as he is to yours. Why would my country provoke an attack that would eventually decimate us? We have everything to lose. Nothing to gain
Jack: [after holstering his weapon] what do you want?
Yusuf: When you broke out, you isolated yourself. Whatever you're doing, you're going to need help

Jonathan: So, where's the Warner girl?
Jack: When we're done, tell me more about the evidence. How does it prove the Cypress recording was forged?
Jonathan: I have the source recordings: before they were mixed down to create the fake tape
Jack: [Over the phone] yeah?
Yusuf: There was another guy. I took care of him. Is he there?
Jack: [Handing him the phone, before sitting down in front of him] it's for you
Jonathan: Hello?
Yusuf: The man you sent to pick up Kate Warner is unconscious. He'll be out for a while
Jonathan: You're lying
Yusuf: His six two, dark hair, and a pretty nasty scar on his face
Jonathan: [after hanging up and sliding the phone across the table to Jack] OK. It doesn't change anything. I still got what you need and I'm not going to give it to you until you give me Kate Warner
Jack: Fine. I'll take you to her and we'll arrange your charter
Yusuf: [shakes his head] no. She can't authorize an unscheduled charter unless one of the partners is on board and right now your people have Bob Warner in custody. So she's coming with me
Jack: What are you planning to do with her when you reach your final destination?
Jonathan: I'll have to dispose her, you know that
Jack: [Shakes his head] can't let that happen
Jonathan: [while packing up his belongings and leaving] we're done here
Jack: Wait
Jack: [Over the radio] Yusuf, do you copy?
Yusuf: Yeah we're. What do you want me to do?
Jack: Bring her in

Yusuf: [while driving to CTU to bring them the memory chip] still no signal?
Kate: No, I have a signal I just can't through: I keep getting a recording
Yusuf: From CTU's end, I'm sure their very busy gearing up for the war against my country
Kate: There won't be a war. They'll get the chip, they're going to know the truth
Yusuf: Assuming they want the truth
Kate: They don't want war
Yusuf: [Referring to the location where they will meet Jack] you sure about that? You might feel differently if it was your family being threatened. Highland and Mort Park right?
Kate: Yeah

Tony: [Introducing himself] Mr. Auda, Tony Almeida: Director of CTU
Yusuf: Thank you
Tony: You must've had some trip, you were what? Ten thousand miles away this morning?
Yusuf: I'm ready to get back to work. I understand there are still some analyses to be done on the things seized on Syed Ali's apartment?
Tony: Yeah, we'll have to do some preliminary work first, why don't you sit down? I'll have someone get you some coffee and I'll be with you in a moment ok?