The Best Carrie Turner Quotes

Michelle: Carrie
Carrie: Yeah?
Tony: LAPD just called, there's automatic weapon fire at Studio City. Police arriving are finding bodies and military spec weapons, communications' got the address, check it against the coordinates of the images Michelle pulled off the satellite alright?
Carrie: Right away
Tony: [Irritated] Is it the location Michelle? Is it? The police just got there and they got four bodies, so let's talk
Michelle: Yeah, that's it
Tony: Alright, we've got to call him immediately, he might need our help
Michelle: Jack made it very clear: the only way to get the proof on this tape is if CTU stays out of this
Tony: [Raises his voice] we don't even know if his still alive
Michelle: [Dialing the number on a landline] his on an open channel. You won't be able to trace it but you can talk to him

George: You must be the new system operator?
Carrie: [Introducing herself] Carrie Turner, you must be George Mason
George: [Before covering his mouth to cough] excuse me
Carrie: You look worse than I expected
George: Something I can help you with?
Carrie: No, I'm pretty much set: I've been following everything from Division. I'll be taking over Paula's responsibilities so if there's anything you need me to do, I'll make it happen
George: Good. The situation report's changed in the last hour so you have to refresh all the computer models
Carrie: Not a problem, just make sure everyone keeps their hands off my station. Who do I report to directly?
George: You report to me
Carrie: No offense but rumor has it that you're not going to be around much longer. So who do I report to?
George: [Jokingly] when I get someone here I like, I'm not going to be around to enjoy it. Report to Tony Almeida and Michelle Dessler
Carrie: Did you say Michelle Dessler?
George: Yes I did, why?
Carrie: We worked together at District, I was her boss then
George: [Confused] and your telling me this why?
Carrie: It'll be fine. It's not important

Carrie: [Talking privately] in my opinion, Tony Almeida is not fit to run CTU
Ryan: Why not?
Carrie: His got Michelle "working off book"
Ryan: Doing what?
Carrie: I can't say for sure but I have a feeling the two of them are still trying to help Jack Bauer
Ryan: Thank you

Tony: [while looking at his profile on a computer screen] so they think this is our man? The seventh commando?
Michelle: Yeah: Captain Jonathan Wallace. Lead a sniper unit in the Gulf War and an assassination detail in Malaysia
Tony: You get this to Jack yet?
Michelle: I'm on it right now
Michelle: [Before he walks away] I stored it in the shared volume so everyone can see it
Carrie: [Walking up to her work station] hello Michelle
Michelle: What're you doing here?
Michelle: Division sent me here to replace Paula
Michelle: Right, do you need any help getting into the locked volumes on the network?
Carrie: No, actually I'm all up and running, you look great by the way
Michelle: Stop it
Carrie: Stop what?
Michelle: You're not my boss today alright? And technically you work for me
Carrie: Fine, give me an order
Michelle: There's a nuclear bomb in Los Angeles, we've been put in charge of finding it so why don't you start by analyzing these files
Carrie: Fine

Carrie: Chappelle's going to find out
Tony: What're you talking about?
Carrie: He told you not to waste anymore time looking for Jack: but that's all you and Michelle are doing right now
Tony: Why aren't you working on the field intel?
Carrie: Don't shun me out. I'm just trying to help you keep your job
Tony: Really? By doing what?
Carrie: Not saying anything
Tony: Ok then don't say anything
Carrie: I want something in return
Tony: And what would that be?
Carrie: Michelle worked for me at District, things were much better that way. She's not qualified to be my boss, that's why things have been so messed up here tonight
Tony: So, you want Michelle's job? Is that what this is about?
Carrie: Yes and I assume you want to keep yours?
Tony: Yeah
Tony: [Calling him from across the room] Mr. Chappelle, can you come here a second?
Ryan: What'd you need Almeida?
Tony: Carrier's got something she needs to tell you
Ryan: [Walking over] what is it Carrie?
Ryan: [after she remains silent] well?
Tony: Carrie was trying to extort a promotion out of me by promising to keep her mouth shut
Ryan: Mouth shut about what?
Carrie: He and Michelle are still trying to find Jack Bauer. I was just trying to give Tony the courtesy of a warning. I was going to tell you Mr. Chappelle...
Ryan: [Interrupts her] that's enough Carrie. Get back to work
Carrie: Yes sir
Ryan: I thought I made myself clear. We're past Bauer
Tony: No sir. I'm not. You are. I'm still Director of CTU and I'm allocating reasonable resources to ensure we have all the facts. If you're not comfortable with me making my own decisions, I suggest you relieve me of my duties right now
Ryan: That won't be necessary
Tony: Thank you sir
Ryan: Don't thank me. I just don't have anyone to take your place right now. I don't like insubordination

Carrie: [In his office] yes Tony?
Tony: Where are we regarding Jack?
Carrie: His exit wasn't picked up on satellite and he hasn't initiated contact with anyone
Tony: What about Kate Warner?
Carrie: Her house, her father's company are being watched in case they go there
Tony: Good
Carrie: Have you talked to Michelle?
Tony: Yeah: in fact I wanted to talk to you about that. Do you have a problem working in the same office as Michelle?
Carrie: Is that what you think? That I would be making up stories about her because I have a problem working with her? She and Jack were talking before he took Kate Warner. They weren't trading recipes, it was conspiratorial
Tony: Alright. I need you to put in a filter all of Michelle's communications. Emails, phone calls, and open channels. Let me know when Jack tries to contact her
Carrie: Done

Carrie: You wanted to see me?
Michelle: Jack's bringing the chip in
Carrie: Yeah that's what Tony said
Michelle: Well, he wants me to run point on the analysis and I'm having trouble running the CPD software
Carrie: No problem: just send it to my screen, I'll do it
Michelle: No, I just need you to unlock the indexing function
Carrie: And I said I would do it
Michelle: [Raising her voice] I don't need you to do it, I just need you to unlock the indexing function
Carrie: What is your problem?
Michelle: You know what? You've been gunning for my job since you got here
Tony: [Over the phone] can I see you up here?
Michelle: Yeah sure
Michelle: [to Carrie] just do what I ask
Carrie: Fine

Carrie: You said Jack took Kate Warner with him?
Tony: Yeah
Carrie: I don't think he was working alone
Tony: What'd you mean?
Carrie: Baker was keeping an eye on Kate: Michelle distracted him just a few minutes before I found you
Tony: Distracted him how?
Carrie: She called him away for some paperwork
Tony: What? So? Jack could've been using that as a window. It doesn't mean they were working together
Carrie: I think it does. Michelle was talking to Jack right before she went to Baker
Tony: Maybe he was setting her up?
Carrie: It didn't appear that way

Kim: Where's my dad?
Carrie: Still in the field: why don't you wait here for a moment? I'll go tell Ryan Chappelle your here
Tony: [Walking up to them] I'll handle this Carrie
Carrie: I thought you were in custody?
Tony: I was released
Tony: [to Kim] I heard what happened, are you alright?
Kim: Yeah, I guess so. Look, I just want to see my dad and make sure his ok
Tony: His not here right now. He won't be back for a couple of hours
Kim: Does he know I'm here?
Tony: No, not yet but we'll tell him as soon as he phones in
Kate: [to Tony] listen, Jack said to call him as soon as we got here
Tony: I understand his just not reachable. I'll have Carrie get you situated and I'll be with you in a minute

Tony: [after walking into the conference room] Agent Gibson, I take it your team is finished with the analyses of the Cyprus recording?
Agent: Yes sir
Tony: Could you walk us through it please?
Agent: We began with taking voice samples from Syed Ali and the three government officials on the recording. We deconstructed the sound waves and isolated unique qualities that are vocally equivalent to fingerprints. Our studies indicate the voices on the Cyprus audio are in fact Syed Ali and the three government Ministers in question
Tony: Now, this recording could've been created by putting different conversations together right?
Agent: Yes, but reconstruction always leaves "artifacts", mismatched acoustical signatures or altered cadences, we found no such "artifacts."
Tony: Is there any chance that this recording could've been doctored in a way that we couldn't detect?
Agent: Of course anything is theoretically possible but I can say with absolutely certainty that the finest experts using the very best equipment available did not find any evidence that this recording is anything but a genuine and accurate record of an actual conversation
Tony: A conversation with these four men that sat in the same room and conspired to detonate a nuclear bomb on US soil?
Agent: Yes sir
Michelle: [after entering the room and sitting down] I just finished talking with Ali. He "claims" his never spoken to any of the men in the recording. He says it's a complete fabrication and that he was in Berlin on April 5th, not Cyprus. He could be telling the truth
Tony: He still thinks we killed one of his sons. His trying to save the rest of his family by denying that his country is one of the three behind the nuke
Michelle: I agree he has a clear motive to lie but if there's any possibility that his telling the truth, I think we need to investigate
Carrie: But he's not. I mean it's obvious
Michelle: It's not obvious to me
Carrie: In a contest between the physical evidence and the word of an attempted mass murderer it's clear which side wins. And no offense but your experience as an interrogator is limited
Tony: [to Carrie] alright that's enough
Michelle: [Raises her voice to Carrie] I sat three feet away from the man and I believe that he is a broken man without the strength or resolve to lie

Carrie: [Over the phone, referring to Michelle] she's looking at infrareds: she's been collecting data for almost ten minutes
Tony: Alright, I'll tell you what, pull off the coordinates of what she's looking at. If she's doing it for Jack, that's how we're going to find him
Carrie: I tried that
Tony: What's the problem?
Carrie: She's covered her tracks. She's pulled over a hundred quadrants, I have no idea what she's really interested in
Tony: I'll tell you what, I'll deal with this

Carrie: You asked me to keep an eye on Michelle?
Tony: Yeah
Carrie: She was just accessing a Mod Sat screen at work station three
Tony: That's not unusual: we put her on Mod Sat all night
Carrie: Just before that she received a call that wouldn't log onto our log
Tony: It was open?
Carrie: Yeah
Tony: Maybe it was Division?
Carrie: Might have been
Tony: Alright, find out what she was looking at and let me know

Michelle: I need you to put this in the overnight database: Chappelle's going to need them for his morning briefing
Carrie: Why are you giving this to me? This is your situation report
Michelle: I'm on something else
Carrie: What else?
Michelle: I don't have to explain myself to you, just please do it
Carrie: You do need to explain yourself because I think you're going behind Chappelle's back trying to help Jack Bauer
Michelle: Do you really want to do this? Come after me? Because I've been letting you get away with a lot ever since you got here. You want the gloves to come off? Fine
Tony: [Walking up to them] what's going on here?
Carrie: She's asking me to take on some of her workload, I just want to know why
Tony: [to Michelle] why don't you want to tell her?
Michelle: It's none of her business
Tony: Just tell her so we can get back to work
Michelle: Alright, District's asked me to step in as the liaison to facilitate the power shift. I'll be on the phone for the next two hours
Carrie: [Before walking away] sounds like a promotion, congratulations
Michelle: You think she believed me?
Tony: No

Michelle: I'm going to deal with this Auda myself: if you need any help call Jacobs, he'll give you a hand
Carrie: Tony told you to "assign" someone to Auda
Michelle: I'm assigning myself
Carrie: Your still not comfortable working with me are you?
Michelle: [Before walking away] just do your job

Tony: [Stopping her in a hallway] where are you going?
Michelle: I was just going over to IT: I'm still trying to access the CPD software
Tony: IT's the other way
Michelle: I just need a minute
Tony: Carrier's going to be fine
Michelle: [Referring to Danny grabbing her neck] is she going to press charges?
Tony: No, I don't think so
Michelle: It's all my fault. I should've seen it coming
Tony: Its family, it happens
Michelle: His my brother, maybe I should've told him about the bomb
Tony: It was a tough choice, by the way you were right
Michelle: [becoming upset] nothing I've done today is "right", all these people today and this recording if we're right about that. I can't do this anymore
Tony: [Slowly hugs her] come on, come here
Michelle: I'm so tired. I'm so scared
Tony: [Before kissing] it's ok
Carrie: [Interrupts them] Tony, Chappelle's looking for you
Tony: Yeah, ok