50 Best Ryan Chappelle Quotes

Ryan: [Over the phone] what're you doing?
Chase: Trying to find Jack
Ryan: So is the rest of CTU
Chase: Well, I may have a thread
Ryan: Tell me
Chase: Jack and I "back pocketed" Hector Salazar's contacts that aren't on the books
Ryan: If you have any information, we'll pass it onto another field team, but I want you back here
Chase: There's no time for that: as soon Jack hands Ramon Salazar to his brother, they're going to kill him
Ryan: Jack may already be dead
Chase: Well, I'm not stopping until I'm sure
Ryan: I want you back here now
Chase: Why?
Ryan: Because I just found out Jack's been using heroin and since you're his partner, you must've known
Chase: I had no idea
Ryan: I don't believe you. I believe you've been covering for him all along
Chase: Sir, the only thing that matters right now is finding Jack and I can't do that from CTU
Ryan: If you even want a "chance" at keeping your job, you'll get back here now and debrief me on Bauer. Do you understand?
Chase: Yes I understand
Ryan: [Before hanging up] good

Ryan: [after hearing the baby crying] that's it Chloe: you're out of here
Chloe: I told you I didn't have anyone to watch her
Ryan: You'll watch her. I gave you a warning, now you're suspended
Chloe: It was a verbal warning only
Michelle: [Implying they should talk privately] Ryan
Ryan: What?
Michelle: Jack's meeting Amador in less than an hour and we have no visual satellite coverage in that area
Ryan: What does that have to do with this baby?
Michelle: We're going to have to use digitally enhanced audio coverage. Chloe is the best we have at that
Ryan: So you're telling me we have to let this woman raise her child in our office because we don't have anyone who could do her job?
Michelle: What I'm telling you is maybe we should deal with Chloe's child care problems on another day
Chloe: [while Ryan walks back to Chloe] I have work to do, who's going to look after my child?
Ryan: Give her to Kim
Kim: [Surprised] What?

Tony: Where are we?
Gael: So far, unable to pick up Jack on any of our imagery
Tony: How long we've been out of contact?
Gael: His tracking beacon went dead twenty-seven minutes ago
Tony: Last known location?
Gael: [Showing the location on a monitor] here, can't be much further out than thirty miles in any one direction
Tony: Unless he was choppered out?
Gael: No way: air tactical is watching the skies
Ryan: [after walking into the room] where's Bauer?
Tony: We don't know yet
Ryan: That's great, so this entire operation which hinges on Jack being on site when they deliver the virus is going down the tubes because we don't know where he is. How does that happen?
Tony: Look, you want to chew us out? Do it later, we're trying to get this back on track
Ryan: I will. You better find Bauer and make this work, otherwise the two of you and Jack assuming his still alive are going to take the fall for everything that happened today. From the prison riot, to Salazar's escape and every dead body in between
Gael: [after Chappelle leaves] so what happens if Jack goes to this meeting without back up?
Tony: The Salazar's get the virus, what happens from there? I don't know

Ryan: [Over the phone] how can I help you?
Mike: I know there's been some "confusion" over the veracity over Cypress audio
Ryan: Not really: our team came to the same conclusion as Langley
Mike: Do you happen to know if Jack Bauer is still trying to find evidence that the audio was fabricated?
Ryan: Yes, I believe he is but his operating outside our authority
Mike: I want you to assist his investigation
Ryan: Sir, I don't even know where he is
Mike: Then find him
Ryan: I'm not even sure why you're asking me to do this but we're already at war and were told to proceed accordingly
Mike: We're not at war yet you have thirty minutes to report back to me on your findings of Bauer and your efforts
Ryan: But sir...
Mike: [Interrupts him] that's a direct order. You have my channel, I want you to call me back on this line. That's all

Chloe: [while in his office] Tony said you wanted to talk to me? Here I am
Ryan: Sit down
Chloe: If you want me to talk about the baby, you're wasting your time, I'm not going to talk about her
Ryan: So, sit down: tell me what the hell is going on?
Chloe: What?
Ryan: Alright, first you told us the baby was yours, we found out that was a lie, then you told us you and "boyfriend" took it from its mother because the baby was being abused
Chloe: I did say that and I'd like to correct it right now. I don't have a boyfriend
Ryan: Your unbelievable, who does the baby belong to?
Chloe: I can't tell you
Ryan: You brought an unauthorized person into this building, that's a federal offense
Chloe: It's just a baby
Ryan: I don't care who it is, you're in violation
Chloe: Fine, I'm in violation
Ryan: [Sternly] who does the baby belong to Chloe? Do you want me to take it down to the lab and take blood tests to get an ID? Because I will
Chloe: I'm not going to talk anymore about this baby. That's not because I'm a horrible, evil person. It's just because I can't do it, just please don't start sticking needles into her

Ryan: [Just hung up the phone] That was District Director Vaugn, he was so happy on what we did here today, he didn't know where to start.
Tony: That's great.
Ryan: So, What up my friend?
Tony: Well, it's like this:, either fire me, or get out of my chair.
Ryan: [Getting up] The chair's all yours.

Tony: I just saw a message that the President called off the military offensive over an hour ago
Ryan: Who told you this?
Tony: Someone at DOJ: someone I trust
Ryan: I wouldn't worry about it
Tony: Is it true?
Ryan: Yes
Tony: And you knew about it?
Ryan: I did
Tony: And you didn't tell me. Why are you so determined to keep my people processing when the operation has been scrapped?
Ryan: Because there's a strong possibility the White House will reinstate the order
Tony: It doesn't make sense. Why would the President reverse his orders twice?

Ryan: I just heard you ordered two IT's on some kind of "retrieval project"? Their working military intel
Tony: Jack Bauer has a chip: it contains an audio file and we expect will prove the Cypress recording was indeed forged
Ryan: Where is this chip?
Tony: It's been damaged
Ryan: Damaged?
Tony: Jack sent us the data but it's pretty messed up. The audio needs to be reconstituted which is going to take a little time
Ryan: How long?
Tony: However long it takes
Michelle: [Walking up to them] it'll take about fifteen minutes sir

Ryan: What the hell happened?
Jack: Nina tried to escape
Ryan: I know she tried to escape: how did she get shot?
Jack: She pulled her gun. I pulled mine in self defense
Ryan: Just like that?
Jack: [Nods] just like that
Ryan: Nina was our best chance at locating this virus. She was a material witness in an ongoing investigation
Jack: I know exactly what she was
Ryan: Division's going to want me to certify this shooting
Jack: Then do it
Ryan: You have to come with me to look at security playback
Jack: Fine

Ryan: Adam says we're back in touch with Jack
Tony: Yeah, we just heard from him
Ryan: How close are we to the virus?
Tony: We have the phone number of the seller. Michael Amador, we're running a passive triangulation right now
Ryan: Then what?
Tony: We pass on the location to Jack, let Jack call the shots
Ryan: Alright, I'll bring Division up to speed
Tony: There's one more thing: we just found out there's another "player" in the deal
Ryan: Who is it?
Tony: Nina Meyers
Ryan: I thought we has her restricted her to North Africa after the President exiled her as immunity?
Tony: We did, apparently she slipped out. Jack's trying to get her to help him
Ryan: Help him? She killed his wife, that's a hard sell
Tony: I don't know the details
Ryan: Does Kim know about it?
Tony: No. I like it to keep it that way for now
Ryan: [Before leaving] keep me updated

Ryan: [Talking privately] what's going on here?
Jack: Saunders called in with another demand
Ryan: What does he want now?
Jack: He wants you killed
Ryan: Is this some kind of joke?
Jack: This is no joke: his threatening to release the virus into the main population unless we deliver your body by 7am
Ryan: Did Palmer actually go along with this?
Ryan: [after Jack remains silent implying Palmer agreed to the demand] my God
Jack: His proven he'll use the virus, the President had no choice
Ryan: So he sent you to kill me?
Jack: Not if we can find Saunders by 7am
Ryan: Oh great, that gives us a lot of time doesn't it. I don't understand this, why me?
Jack: We don't know, I need you to think real hard. Do you have any past connection to Saunders we don't know about?
Ryan: No! The first time I heard the name "Stephen Saunders" was today
Jack: The money transactions you've been investigating, that's probably what triggered this
Ryan: I haven't had a chance to trace them to Saunders
Jack: The fact that he wants you dead, proves they lead back to him
Ryan: And you expect to figure this out by seven o'clock?
Jack: Finding Saunders in time is the only way to keep you alive and I will use everything in my disposal to do that. I need your help, I need all your files sent over to Chloe's desk so she can start going through it
Jack: [after Ryan sits down, puts his hand on Ryan's shoulder] I'm sorry, let's find this guy

Carrie: [Talking privately] in my opinion, Tony Almeida is not fit to run CTU
Ryan: Why not?
Carrie: His got Michelle "working off book"
Ryan: Doing what?
Carrie: I can't say for sure but I have a feeling the two of them are still trying to help Jack Bauer
Ryan: Thank you

Ryan: [Answering the phone] Chappelle
Tony: Ryan, its Tony Almeida: I was told you were trying to reach me?
Ryan: [Sarcastically] thanks for getting back to me so soon. Congratulations on the promotion
Tony: I wish it could be under better circumstances
Ryan: Yeah, Mason was a good man
Tony: Yeah he was. Look, we're pretty busy around here...
Ryan: [Interrupts him] yeah I wanted to give you a heads up
Tony: About what?
Ryan: I'm on my way over with a couple keys from Division
Tony: Why?
Ryan: I thought you could use some help with all that's going on
Tony: We're doing pretty well here, thanks
Ryan: I'm sure you are. I'll see you in thirty minutes

President: Roger, I want you to monitor how they use our intel
Roger: I am not comfortable with this
President: We've flagged the restricted topics
Roger: It should be a one-way dialog
Eileen: [Handing him a phone] Mr. President, its Ryan Chappelle
President: [Over the phone] yes Ryan?
Ryan: Mr. President, I have an update on the Nina Meyers situation: she's demanding a full Presidential pardon

Wayne: [Over the phone] what's the latest on the bio threat?
Ryan: Kyle Singer, whom we believe is the only carrier of the virus, has been taken into custody
Wayne: Are you telling there's no longer a risk of this virus being released?
Ryan: That's what I'm saying
Wayne: Oh thank God
Ryan: Yes, we still have the Bauer "situation" to deal with
Wayne: What's the status on that?
Ryan: Bauer has taken Salazar from the prison in a helicopter: we have him in our sights but are unable to communicate with him
Wayne: What are you planning on doing?
Ryan: Salazar cannot be allowed to leave the country. I'm afraid the only alternative is to shoot him down
Wayne: Mr. Chappelle, my brother is not going to like that alternative
Ryan: I understand, that's why I'm calling. I don't want to fire on Bauer without the President's permission
Wayne: Yeah well but the President is in the middle of a televised debate right now so I'm sorry it's going to have to wait
Ryan: It can't wait, in a few minutes their helicopter is going to be over downtown LA and will be unable to shoot it down without risking significant civilian casualties
Wayne: When do I get back to you?
Ryan: Soon, otherwise Bauer will be able to land that chopper and disappear with Salazar into the population
Wayne: [Before hanging up] yeah

Tony: [Over the phone] are you on your way to the hotel?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Yeah, we're loading up now, we'll be there as fast as we can. What's the status of your people?
Tony: Their setting up a covert perimeter
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Ok, we're bringing a mobile lab to test the people inside the hotel but that could accomplished if the situation is stable
Tony: Yeah Michelle's got that covered
Dr. Nicole Duncan: She's inside the hotel? Unprotected?
Tony: Yeah, look I'll get back to you
Tony: [Before hanging up with Duncan, to Chappelle after he walks into his office] here's the protocol: total containment inside the hotel, no one is allowed to leave or communicate with the outside. Health Services will establish an adjacent perimeter, LAPD will move in as soon as the area is deemed safe
Ryan: Alright, have they been given a degree of "forced parameters" in case someone tries to leave the hotel?
Tony: No, that's your call
Ryan: One person gets out it can start a ripple effect and disease transmission throughout the city. The orders are shoot to kill if anyone attempts to leave: no exceptions

Chapelle: Chloe's a pain in the ass!

Ryan: Senator Palmer. Ryan Chappelle.
[Chappelle and Palmer shake hands]
President: What seems to be the problem, Ryan? Why can't I get in to see Agent Bauer?
Ryan: Please forgive the wait. But when an agent is under internal investigation, procedure is to keep him isolated until he's been fully interrogated.

Jack: What've you got?
Ryan: I found Saunders' offshore bank account in the Caymans. I was able to access his account information off their network but their encrypted: another "brick wall"
Jack: Just send it Chloe's desk, if anyone can break the encryption, she can
Ryan: Not in the time we have
Jack: You don't know that
Ryan: It has to be now. This it! Don't you understand?
Ryan: [Sarcastically] oh, of course you understand, you're the one who's going to kill me
Jack: We're doing everything we can
Ryan: Don't you realize there's a possibility this might not even be relevant? Saunders knows if he kills me, it doesn't kill the investigation. He might want me dead for something else I know, something I haven't made a connection yet
Jack: [Raises his voice] well then, think but don't give into this bastard. With all of us working together, we're going to find him. Send the encrypted account over to Chloe's desk, I'll explain it to her, come on

Ryan: [Introducing them to each other] Rae Plachecki, this is Jack Bauer
Rae: Ok you know the drill Jack. I'm going to ask you some questions and I want you to know I'm on your side: we just want to establish if this heroin addiction was a "necessary" part of your cover
Jack: It was "necessary" to maintain my cover, are we done now?
Ryan: Sit down Jack
Rae: [Recording their session] this is Rae Plachecki, the time is 2:31am. This is the interrogation of Jack Bauer, Director of field Ops CTU, and Ryan Chappelle is present. Jack, tell us how you established your cover with Ramon Salazar?
Jack: I first came in contact with the Salazar's approximately two years ago, they were an up and coming narcotic cartel from Mexico

Ryan: [while in an interrogation room] who else is working with you Gael? Let me make something clear: I would love nothing more than to hang you as a traitor and watch you jerk until your dead. But I'm a realist, if there are others, tell me now and we might be able to cut you a deal

Ryan: Great work today Chloe: you averted what could've been a major loss
Chloe: I know, are Jack and Chase coming back soon?
Ryan: Yeah
Chloe: Good
Ryan: Where are you going?
Chloe: Back upstairs
Ryan: No, this whole thing with the baby isn't just going to go away, what you did here will certainly bear well on your case. But the charges still stand, we're handing you over to LAPD. No matter what happens, you're going to have to tell them who this baby belongs to

Ryan: Well, what've you got?
Tony: The chip was more compromised than we thought
Ryan: Do you have the audio file?
Tony: Michelle was able to recover some information worth following up on
Michelle: Repeating code fragments: it may tell us who programmed the information
Ryan: Did you find the audio file? That's all I need to know
Tony: No, we didn't
Ryan: So, Bauer wasted our time

Carrie: Chappelle's going to find out
Tony: What're you talking about?
Carrie: He told you not to waste anymore time looking for Jack: but that's all you and Michelle are doing right now
Tony: Why aren't you working on the field intel?
Carrie: Don't shun me out. I'm just trying to help you keep your job
Tony: Really? By doing what?
Carrie: Not saying anything
Tony: Ok then don't say anything
Carrie: I want something in return
Tony: And what would that be?
Carrie: Michelle worked for me at District, things were much better that way. She's not qualified to be my boss, that's why things have been so messed up here tonight
Tony: So, you want Michelle's job? Is that what this is about?
Carrie: Yes and I assume you want to keep yours?
Tony: Yeah
Tony: [Calling him from across the room] Mr. Chappelle, can you come here a second?
Ryan: What'd you need Almeida?
Tony: Carrier's got something she needs to tell you
Ryan: [Walking over] what is it Carrie?
Ryan: [after she remains silent] well?
Tony: Carrie was trying to extort a promotion out of me by promising to keep her mouth shut
Ryan: Mouth shut about what?
Carrie: He and Michelle are still trying to find Jack Bauer. I was just trying to give Tony the courtesy of a warning. I was going to tell you Mr. Chappelle...
Ryan: [Interrupts her] that's enough Carrie. Get back to work
Carrie: Yes sir
Ryan: I thought I made myself clear. We're past Bauer
Tony: No sir. I'm not. You are. I'm still Director of CTU and I'm allocating reasonable resources to ensure we have all the facts. If you're not comfortable with me making my own decisions, I suggest you relieve me of my duties right now
Ryan: That won't be necessary
Tony: Thank you sir
Ryan: Don't thank me. I just don't have anyone to take your place right now. I don't like insubordination

Jack: What's happening with the Nina interrogation?
Ryan: Their getting "something"
Jack: What?
Ryan: The connection between Alvers and Nina might be deeper than we thought
Jack: You better hope she's not just "spinning your wheel" because she knows how to manipulate our interrogation protocols
Ryan: Tony knows what his doing
Jack: Ok fine. I need to get together with Chloe, I need everything she's got on the Amador investigation
Ryan: Not yet
Jack: You're wasting my time: I humored you with a physical and we both know my blood work will come back with trace amounts of opiates but enough is enough
Ryan: Rae Plachecki is here from the Inspector's General's office, she wants to talk to you
Jack: This is not the time
Ryan: Actually it is. You'll talk to her and we'll evaluate if you can go back to work or not

Jack: [Continuing his interview session] look, I don't know why we have to go through this again. I already answered that
Ryan: [after knocking on the door] what is it Edmunds?
Chase: I just want to give you an update on Nina
Ryan: [to Rae, referring to the video recording] could you pause it?
Jack: She gives us anything to run on Alvers?
Chase: No, there's a low probability she knew him personally: she's not cooperating
Jack: What're we doing?
Chase: Richards is working on her now
Jack: [to Ryan] I think that's a mistake
Ryan: Why?
Jack: I don't think anyone should be in there with her that hasn't worked with her before. She'll manipulate him
Ryan: All Richards does is inflict pain, there's no way for her to manipulate him

Ryan: You cleared those shared files with Division yet?
Tony: No, I got it right here, I had to take care of something
Ryan: Yeah I know what you were doing: you were calling about Michelle
Tony: She's my wife
Ryan: I understand that but we're shorthanded as it is, we can't afford...
Tony: [Interrupts him, raises his voice] I know how to do my job alright?
Ryan: Yes but you're not doing it. You have to move on
Tony: Move on? What're you acting like she's already dead?
Ryan: Yes, I am and so should you. We're at war, I need your full attention. If you can't give it to me, go home or maintain a visual at the hotel but if you stay here, I need you to focus and the best way to do that is to assume the worst and make it about getting revenge. Now what's it going to be? Are you staying or not?
Tony: What'd you need?
Ryan: I've been hunting for any bank accounts Amador may have used over the last few months on the computer we confiscated at the Go club, if I can find something, maybe we can follow the money trail back to Stephen Saunders
Tony: Is it offshore or domestic?
Ryan: Both. If I find anything suspicious, I'll stream it to you to coordinate with Division

Michelle: [while in his office] I don't think Tony should be here right now
Ryan: My understanding is that his not in any imminent danger
Michelle: It's not that. I've had reports that his been forgetful: missing things
Ryan: Like what?
Michelle: Key information, format codes, things are causing delays. On any other day I wouldn't be worried about this but I'm just not sure his up to it today
Ryan: If I pull him now, that sets us back too. No one can replace what he does, he, Gael, and Jack have been working on this from the beginning. Unless you think his mistakes have been significant enough?
Michelle: I do or else I wouldn't be brining this to you
Ryan: Alright, let me wrap up this call and I'll get into it
Michelle: Thank you

Michelle: You heard what Chappelle said: his not going to let us have a chopper if he knows it's for Jack
Tony: Yeah but Jack's got Hewitt and Hewitt definitely made that recording. Chappelle can't ignore that
Michelle: [Before Tony walks over to Chappelle] he can do whatever he wants
Ryan: What?
Tony: Jack Bauer just contacted us
Ryan: Really? Where is he?
Tony: North Hollywood
Ryan: What's he doing?
Tony: His got the guy who forged the Cypress recording and wants to bring him in
Ryan: Fine let him
Tony: His too far away, we need to send a chopper
Ryan: We've been through this. I'm done with Bauer, his chasing a trail that leads nowhere. We're onto other things
Tony: What could be more important than the US launching a war based on false information?
Ryan: The thing is, you've been reassigned
Tony: Reassigned? Where?
Ryan: I'll let you know in a few days. For now you can go home
Tony: You can't reassign me now
Ryan: This recording is real, we are going to war. We need to prepare for the domestic response. You have just made yourself a liability I can't afford. You've got fifteen minutes to clean out your desk and get out

Rae: Something not connecting up for me Jack, you say you weren't in with the Salazar's until early February, but the first time you started using was late December? That's six weeks shooting up for the benefit of no one, am I missing something?
Jack: I was trying to pass myself as a junkie, I wanted to be "prepared"
Rae: What'd you mean "prepared"?
Jack: The Salazar's live their entire lives in the drug world, if I couldn't handle the narcotics that went with that territory, they would've known I was a cop and would've killed me. I needed to be able to handle it
Rae: That makes sense but in January, even when you were putting needles in your arm, you didn't have a meeting in the books with these guys. It could've been a year for all you knew
Jack: What're you saying?
Jack: I'm trying to establish incontrovertible evidence that you did drugs as part of your cover. If I submit what you just told me it's not going to hold up
Jack: [Yelling] what'd you want me to say? I did drugs to get in with these people and I got in with them. No matter how difficult it's been, I don't use anymore
Rae: I'll write it up that way, maybe it'll "fly" but I just think you're going to have a problem because you never told anyone not even your partner, that's suspicious
Jack: You know my history, I've had a very difficult time since my wife passed away. If I told anyone I was doing drugs to develop a case, they would've misinterpreted it. I couldn't afford that risk
Rae: Well, that's what they're going to do now
Ryan: [after turning off the recording, to Rae] let's put down Jack started using heroin in late January, after the first meeting with the Salazar's was established
Jack: I appreciate what you're trying to do Ryan but that's not what happened
Ryan: I'm just trying to save us all some paperwork
Rae: I'm ok with that
Jack: I'm not. I started using in December, I've got nothing to hide. This office demands results, that's what I provide: results

Tony: [Over the phone] I'll put you on speaker, Ryan's with me
Jack: We've got Amador
Tony: What about the virus?
Jack: We were late. He already passed it on
Ryan: Passed it on to whom?
Jack: We haven't been able to find out how yet. Amador's terrified, he doesn't scare easily. He did tell me one thing though: whoever is behind this apparently knows me very well
Tony: That's not much to go on even with its true
Jack: Yeah, I understand that but we also can't ignore it. I want you to cross check everybody I've worked with over the last five years over both sides of the law, see what names you come up with. Check it against everything we know about the virus
Tony: Alright

Ryan: [after entering the holding room Michelle and Tony are in] sit down: both of you
Tony: Look, you don't need Michelle here, she was acting under my orders
Michelle: [to Tony] I can defend myself
Ryan: I said sit down. I need you to get me in contact with Jack Bauer
Tony: Oh, I see, Jack got some support from above and now you're being squeezed right?
Ryan: Can you do it or not?
Tony: What's going on?
Ryan: Bauer's evidence may have some relevance
Michelle: Which means we were right?
Ryan: No. You damn near put me in a coma! That's assault
Tony: I'll tell you what, you drop the charges against us and we'll help you. You of all people know that's your best move right?
Ryan: Fine
Tony: In writing
Ryan: Alright, in writing
Ryan: Just get me in touch with Bauer

Ryan: So, you're telling me that Bauer's been playing a game with us all this time?
Tony: It's no "game."
Ryan: But his back undercover with the Salazar's? And they trust him?
Tony: That's what we're counting on, yeah
Ryan: I'm your boss, you should've come to me first
Tony: Look, you'll understand everything once I explained it to the President, after that if you feel I acted inappropriately, you can do what you've got to do
Ryan: I will. Count on it
Chloe: [while handing him the phone] the President's coming in over the line
Tony: Mr. President, this Tony Almeida, Director of CTU Los Angeles
President: Mr. Almeida
Tony: Thank you for taking my call
President: [Over the speakerphone] you're also on with my Chief of Staff: Wayne Palmer. I was told this was an urgent matter?
Tony: Yes Sir, it is. It's also fairly complex so I'll keep it as clear and concise as I can
President: Go on
Tony: Sir, everything that's happened today from the infected body at Health Services to Ramon Salazar's prison break has been of an elaborate sting operation
President: Sting operation?
Tony: Yes Sir. Planned and executed by Jack Bauer, agent Gael Ortega and myself
President: Elaborate Mr. Almeida
Tony: Jack Bauer wanted to fill you in on the situation himself Sir
President: Jack Bauer is a fugitive from the law
Tony: If you'll indulge me Sir, there's a video file you need to see. It's on a designated CTU server. You can access the file pass code Delta three, Delta five nine
Jack: [On a prerecorded video] Mr. President, the fact that you're viewing this now means that I've successfully completed the first phase of secret operation. Contrary to what you've been lead to believe, the Salazar's are not in possession of the Cordilla virus. The idea that they are is a lie I promoted deliberately in an order to achieve a more important goal. Please, Sir, let me explain. About a month ago I learned from a contact that a group of scientists from the Ukraine were trying to sell a weaponized virus on the open market. They were looking for a buyer with cash and creditability. I only managed to get their interest when I suggested the Salazar's as potential buyers. As long as I could get the Salazar's to agree, CTU would seize the virus as the sale took place. Our goal was to remove the virus stockpile from the marketplace because Mr. President, it is without a doubt the most lethal threat we have ever faced but all of this hinged on me convincing the Salazar's that I had switched sides and the only way to gain their trust was to break Ramon Salazar out of prison. Mr. President, I'm sorry for deceiving you but I assure you it was a benign deception and I assume complete responsibility for my actions. Sir, if things went wrong, you would've been exposed personally, legally, and politically and this was the only way I could see to avoid that risk but now it's time for you to know the truth and I'm asking you to allow CTU Director Almeida to coordinate an interdiction with the military so we can take possession of this virus and keep it from our enemies, thank you Mr. President

Ryan: [During a briefing] there's no longer an outbreak threat for the city of Los Angeles: Kyle Singer who was being held by Salazar's people was not carrying the Cordilla virus, turns out to be perfectly healthy but we do know Salazar's organization has the virus which means finding Ramon Salazar is our top priority
Ryan: [Sarcastically to Gael after he arrives late] thank you for joining us, if you're taking over for Michelle, be on time
Gael: Sorry
Ryan: I was just saying from this moment on we're focused on one thing only and that is finding Ramon Salazar. Adam, where are we on that?
Adam: After Jack and Ramon ditched the chopper, we lost their trail for all we know their still in LA
Ryan: Well, we won't be for long. We suspect their heading for the Mexican border
Michelle: We've contacted the Mexican government as well as Central American allies, we asking them to monitor all air corridors
Ryan: What about Chase Edmunds?
Michelle: I'm assuming his coming back here
Ryan: Don't assume anything

Tony: [after entering his office] you wanted to see me?
Ryan: Yeah
Tony: [Crosses his arms] what's going on?
Ryan: I asked you here because your competency has been brought into question
Tony: By who?
Michelle: By me. An employee came to me with some concerns
Tony: An employee?
Ryan: Kim Bauer
Michelle: And I felt I needed to address them
Tony: With Ryan, you didn't come to me first
Michelle: I tried to talk to you, you didn't...
Ryan: [Interrupts her] that's enough
Tony: The point is that their wrong. I am fit for duty: completely
Ryan: [Before turning off the monitor to test Tony's competency] alright, when you entered the room, the monitor was on. Tell me what it showed
Tony: [Scoffs] on the left side was a C scan of the country indicating an ongoing investigation in Florida, New York, and Montana. On the right side was an all clear report from the Austin branch
Ryan: That's correct, it still doesn't ease my mind considering the "slips" you've made
Tony: What "slips"?
Ryan: Michelle?
Michelle: You thought you gave Kim the signature on the frequency scans: you didn't
Tony: Not verbally no. I put it on her in-screen fifteen minutes before I talked to her. Anything else?
Michelle: She said you didn't load the format codes onto the grid on time
Tony: No, I didn't load the codes onto "her" grid. I put them in the shared volume, on time. Check it
Michelle: [after using Ryan's computer to confirm] it's there
Ryan: Alright, I'm sorry. We're done here
Tony: [Before leaving] good
Ryan: You wasted time we don't have

Ryan: Are the Delta teams in position yet?
Chloe: Yes, they're in the area: as soon as we give them the OK, they'll go in and pick up Chase
Ryan: Alright, make everyone knows it's subordinate to obtaining the virus
Chloe: Yeah it's in the brief
Ryan: And once we have Chase, link in Division, District and someone from the Attorney General's office. A lot of people want answers from him
Ryan: [after hearing Chase's baby daughter Angela crying] what was that?
Chloe: Nothing
Ryan: [while seeing Angela hidden underneath Chloe's desk] is this your child?
Chloe: Yes and she hasn't been interfering with my work and technically there's no specific rule preventing me...
Ryan: [Interrupts her] there's no specific rule because it's common sense, now get rid of it
Chloe: If I could I would. Unfortunately my babysitter hit me with some very unprofessional behavior
Ryan: I want the baby out of here now or find someone else to do your job
Chloe: [Before he walks away] parents are a "protected" group, this is not fair

Michelle: I still can't believe Gael can be a traitor: has he said anything?
Ryan: We haven't gone in yet, we're "sweating" him first
Michelle: Listen, Tony's out of surgery. I want to be there when he wakes up
Ryan: And I need you here. We just uncovered a mole, we don't know how badly we've been compromised by Salazar
Michelle: But your handling that, anything that spills over, you can give it to Chloe
Ryan: [Disgusted] Chloe's a pain in the ass
Michelle: She can do it. At least until I get back
Ryan: Fine, if you think you're dispensable
Michelle: I just want to be with my husband
Ryan: Alright
Michelle: Thank you

Jack: Is there anyone you want to talk to?
Ryan: You mean to say goodbye?
Jack: Say whatever you have to
Ryan: I have a brother, I have spoken to in years, and I don't have that many friends, just people at work. So no, there's no one
Jack: I'm sorry, we've got to do this: get on your knees
Ryan: There's no way around this right? We don't have any "outs" here
Jack: Not that I could see
Ryan: [after Jack cocks his gun] wait, let me do this myself. At least give me the dignity of taking my own life, that's something you can do
Jack: No, I can't do that
Ryan: Yes, you can. You were right back at CTU to put me under watch, I wasn't going out for a cigarette, I was trying to bolt but I know this has to happen
Jack: I can't take that chance
Ryan: I'm giving you my word: I won't run, I swear. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared but I'm going to run. I couldn't live with myself knowing I was responsible for the deaths of all those people, you've got to believe me

Ryan: [after watching surveillance footage of Jack shooting Nina] she was down when you shot her
Jack: She was going for her gun
Ryan: Yeah, that's what you keep telling me
Jack: It's the truth
Ryan: You knew where the security camera was: you stood in front of it to obscure any visual record of the shooting
Jack: She was going for her gun
Ryan: I wish I could believe that but I don't. For God's sake, there's something called "due process." That's why we've got judges, juries, and laws
Jack: Don't you dare talk to me about the law. Nina Meyers killed my wife and they let her go. And she would've killed my daughter if I hadn't gotten there when I did
Ryan: Using drugs to maintain your cover was one thing. I was willing to look the other way but I've got to answer to my bosses about the "questionable" shooting death of a key witness
Chase: [Interrupting them] excuse me sir
Ryan: We're in the middle of something here
Chase: [Sarcastically] I assume finding the virus is still a priority?
Ryan: What'd you got?
Chase: We may have Amador. Chloe flagged a Zurich account registered to one of his aliases, someone accessed it locally. We'll have a point of origin any minute now
Jack: [to Chase] get the field teams ready
Chase: Tony's on it
Ryan: Jack, this isn't resolved yet
Jack: We have a live lead Ryan
Ryan: And what do I tell Division? That I let you stay on active duty while you're still a subject of an investigation? It's my ass on the line here too
Chase: Look, I've been working with Jack all day and what's happened his still operating at a higher level than anyone else in the field, including me
Ryan: I didn't ask for your opinion
Chase: I'm giving it to you anyway
Ryan: Excuse me?
Chase: Sir, if this lead turns out to be real, we need Jack on site and believe me you'll want him there
Ryan: [to Jack] they'll crucify me if I let you back out in the field
Jack: [to Chase] give me a minute

Jack: [communicating with CTU through COMM, referring to gathering evidence to apprehend Kingsley while he meets with Sherry, as Prescott and Chappelle monitors] Ok Tony, you've got your proof, let me go ahead: give me the greenlight
Ryan: [to CTU staff] Get it confirmed from the White House
Tony: Just a second
Jack: She can't stay out there much longer
Tony: [to Maggie] This is Almeida, are you satisfied?
Maggie: [to Prescott, sitting next to him] CTU wants to know if that's enough to prove the Cypress recording was false?
Vice: [to General Stone, sitting across from him] Have you confirmed this is indeed live and these voices have been authenticated?
General: Yes sir

Ryan: [after seeing Michelle rush out of Tony's office] what's that all about?
Tony: Jack Bauer just tried to contact us: we lost connection
Ryan: I told you I don't want Bauer distracting you or your resources. Whatever his doing out there is irrelevant
Tony: I'm not so sure it is. Jack says his got proof the Cypress audio was fabricated. He says his going to bring it here within the hour
Ryan: If his got proof, let him produce it but I want you to keep "Your eye on the ball"

Michelle: Do you know why Chappelle called this meeting?
Michelle: I don't know but his told everybody to save their work and get in here
Ryan: The information you're about to receive is confidential: it'll stay inside until it's made public which should be in the next few hours. The Cabinet has invoked the twenty-fifth Amendment and removed David Palmer from Office. Jim Prescott is now the President
Tony: Why?
Ryan: That isn't relevant to our charge
Tony: Yes it is Ryan
Ryan: What's your problem Almeida?
Michelle: I think we all know President Palmer was removed because he didn't want to go along with the bombings and that makes what Jack Bauer is doing relevant
Ryan: Bauer's "cried wolf" twice already. His come up with nothing. I've a standing order from District that disallows any further resources from being expended on him
Tony: Why is everybody so afraid to look at all the sides of this thing? What if Jack Bauer is right? What if the Cypress recording was forged and we're about to bomb three innocent countries? And you're going to tell me that's not relevant?
Ryan: Tony, let me first say that your office has done a remarkable job today. There is no way that the people on The Hill are not going to reward every one of you for the role you played in averting disaster
Tony: What does that have to do with anything?
Ryan: Let me finish, the success of this office today is due in a large part to the technical team. The same team that concluded the Cypress audio is untreated, un-forged, and original. There comes a time where you have to let go. Not every hunch works out. Bauer is chasing a "ghost", I can't put it any simpler than that. That's all

Jack: I handed the hard drive from MI6 over to the IT lab: their sorting through the data now
Ryan: London wants you to debrief them on what went down with MI6
Jack: We're getting closer to find Saunders
Ryan: His using a scrambler phone to contact the President. Adam says it could take up to twenty-four hours to trace his location
Jack: That's the only search protocol we've got going?
Ryan: Saunders transferred money to Amador using a server somewhere in Los Angeles. I'm trying to follow the money trail to see if it leads back to Saunders
Jack: You haven't turned up anything yet?
Ryan: No, the computer we confiscated from the Go club in Chinatown is a dead end, I'm trying to back trace payments made to Saunders from offshore accounts
Jack: Ok, fine

Ryan: [During a meeting department heads] we'll make every attempt to communicate with Jack to try to resolve this peacefully but if we can't, I need everyone absolutely clear on this: Salazar's terrorist connections are a serious threat to this country. We cannot let him leave. Now that we've got Singer, should it come to it, Salazar and Bauer are expendable
Michelle: Why aren't we focusing on other options to bring down the chopper without force?
Ryan: Jack's not giving us any options. His on a suicide mission either way. Once he hands Ramon to Hector, they'll have no use for him. They're going to kill him. I just got off the phone with Major Blanchard, he has a pursuit craft tracking Jack. However, if they're not able to catch him by the time he reaches metro-airspace, then we a whole new set of problems. We need to coordinate with local authorities now

Ryan: [while in the interrogation room] you "had" us: now we have you. You working alone or does Salazar have other moles inside? You know Johnson, you know what Johnson does and you know sooner or later, you're going to tell me what you know. The only question is how hard you want to make this on yourself. Kim said you were monitoring a plane that had Jack Bauer on it, is that true?
Gael: I have nothing to say
Ryan: If it's the last thing you ever do, you're going to tell me where that plane is landing

Vice: [Through video conference with the Cabinet Members] the airborne squadrons have been in a holding pattern since President Palmer called off the attack: they just re-fueled. If we want to resume the operation, we need to come to a conclusion now
President: A few more minutes. This is the difference between peace and war Mr. Prescott
Vice: It's also a pattern that's reoccurring in the last few hours. Everything will change once Mr. Bauer calls, just never quite happens
President: [Standing aside to answer an urgent call] this is President Palmer
Ryan: Mr. President Palmer, this is Ryan Chappelle
President: Hello Ryan
Ryan: I have Jack Bauer on the line, he'll give you an update
Jack: Mr. President, I found the chip, unfortunately it's been very badly damaged
President: Is it in good enough shape to prove the Cypress recording was forged?
Jack: Sir, I'm afraid in its current condition, it doesn't prove much of anything
President: Can it be repaired?
Jack: No Sir, I'm sorry. We have been following other leads. About an hour ago, I was captured and tortured by men who wanted the chip. They worked for a Peter Kingsley. I believe his part of the group that's behind the bomb. I think they've been manipulating today's events to start this war Sir
President: What?
Jack: To improve the value of their oil contracts in the Caspian Sea and control the oil coming out of the Middle East
President: But I need something concrete. I need evidence
Jack: Mr. President, I understand. Right now I'm checking up the address on who we believe engineered the Cypress recording for Kingsley. I'm sorry Sir but it's the best we've got
President: Everything you've seen, are you absolutely convinced the Cypress recording was forged?
Jack: Yes Sir. Absolutely
President: [Before hanging up] alright Jack, thank you
President: [Returning to the video conference with the Cabinet Members] the evidence I was hoping for is not yet available. I believe it will be in the near future
Vice: When Mr. President?
President: I don't know
Vice: Meanwhile the window for a surprise attack is rapidly closing. It's time to vote
Mike: Mr. Vice President, if you can indulge me for just one minute?
Mike: [Standing to the side to talk privately] Mr. President, this Bauer "thing" is an illusion, a mirage. Every time you get near it, it moves further away. For your sake and for the country, authorize the attack. All of this will go away
President: And a lot of people, Americans and non-Americans will die for no reason
Mike: We don't know that Mr. President

Jack: You and I both know I don't have a lot of time here. I need to know who you're working for: who's behind this. Just give me a name?
Michael: Do what you want to me. I'm not telling you anything
Jack: I found the incubator with the virus in it in the room next door. If you don't tell me what I need to know, I'll put you in there and open it up
Michael: And I'll die but I won't talk
Jack: [Answering his phone] Bauer
Ryan: This is Chappelle, the virus has been released into the ventilation of the Chandler Plaza Hotel. Alvers says there's eleven more other vials but can't or won't tell us where they are. Amador's our only other link
Jack: He says whoever is behind this knows me but his too afraid to give me a name
Ryan: Is it someone you worked with or against?
Jack: This is what we're trying to figure out
Ryan: Bring Amador back to CTU
Jack: We don't have time for that. We don't know when the eleven other vials are going to be released
Ryan: We'll put him in a room with Richards
Jack: You put Nina in a room with Richards. You got no information and three dead agents. You're going to have to let me handle this. You're going to have to trust me
Ryan: [Before hanging up] alright

Ryan: I don't think this is going to work out for you Almeida
Tony: Maybe not but right now I've got to help Jack get this virus and I don't need you looking over my shoulder alright?
Ryan: You work for me: you don't give orders, you take them
Tony: Yeah except the President put in charge of this particular operation. Now if you object, give him a call, I maybe wrong but I didn't get the impression that his in the mood for any bureaucratic squabbling today
Tony: [after Ryan remain silent] just let me do my job alright?
Ryan: [Before leaving] I'll be watching

Ryan: [Over the phone] what's taking Edmunds so long? Has he even called in yet?
Jack: His moving the strike team in position around Saunders' building right now
Ryan: What're they waiting for? Why haven't they gone in?
Jack: Their preparing a covert entry, it takes a little time
Ryan: Well, get on them, get those men into the building
Jack: Chase is running this operation on the ground, he needs to make the call

Chase: [Over the phone] I just spoke with someone at CTU: they said you authorized the use of force against the chopper
Ryan: That's right I did
Chase: Does President Palmer know about this?
Ryan: Palmer? First of all his in the middle of a national debate, and I don't need his authorization. Bauer just helped Ramon Salazar break out of prison
Chase: He did that to make sure Salazar's people didn't release this virus
Ryan: I don't care. This is my jurisdiction
Chase: All I'm saying is getting Palmer's authorization might be a smart play here. Think about it, Jack Bauer has a personal relationship with the President. He saved his life more than once, Palmer's interceded on his behalf before
Ryan: Our mandate does not "bend" to accommodate personal relationships
Chase: [Sarcastically, before hanging up] your right Ryan. After you shoot Jack down, you can personally explain that to the President