Top 50 Quotes From Wayne Palmer

Jack: I'm going to go with Evelyn in her car to make the exchange. I want you to find somewhere safe and stay there until this is over
Wayne: No, I'm going with you
Jack: I can't allow that: this is going to be extremely dangerous
Wayne: I was a Marine
Jack: I know that and you never saw combat. There is a big difference between training to kill someone and actually having to do it. I can't put you in harm's way: out of respect to your brother, your family needs you now
Wayne: These are the people who killed my brother. They shot a bullet right through his neck and he died in my arms, put yourself in my position, could you just walk away?
Jack: No
Wayne: Neither could I, I'm coming with you

President: Are we ready for the run-through?
Wayne: Yeah: almost. The advance team "dropped the ball", so we can't get in for a few minutes
President: That's fine
Wayne: No, it's not fine. I fired Judy, it was her fault
President: She's done some good for us hasn't she?
Wayne: Tonight's debate is critical and she should've had every single basis covered but she didn't

Wayne: [while hugging] what're you doing in here?
Sherry: Oh, I'm just waiting for them to prepare an office for me
Wayne: It's good to see you but to be blunt, I don't think your being here is such a good idea
Sherry: Well of course you don't sweetie because this whole thing is about your indiscretion with Julia and I say that with no judgment
Wayne: Of course you do because you're the last person on earth who's in a position to pass judgment
Sherry: Ok let's not play this: we're both too good at it. So, what'd you want me to hear?
Wayne: Listen, I do appreciate you coming down here...
Sherry: [Interrupts him] no, no. Skip that part
Wayne: I forgot part about you, do whatever it is you do around here for a few hours but then I want you to tell David you are unable to find out anything you can use on Alan Milliken
Sherry: You know if I do that, the only way out of this is if you resign
Wayne: Which is what I want to do
Sherry: Well David doesn't want that. Frankly, neither do I
Wayne: Why do you care?
Sherry: Because David needs someone like me. Someone who sees things the way they really are, whose not afraid to throw a punch every now and then. It's obvious I can't play that role anymore, but you can. I feel good knowing David's got you and I can make sure he keeps you so save your breath, I'm going to fix this and make sure your brother gets reelected
Wayne: [Stands up] fine, but don't you forget how dangerous Alan Milliken can be
Sherry: Oh, I won't forget. I'm afraid you're the one who forgot when you decided to get involved with his wife

President: [Over the speakerphone with Wayne nearby] you want me to pardon this man's son? A convicted murderer?
Sherry: I know I'm asking a lot but unless you pardon Kelly's son for that crime, his not going to help us
President: And how exactly is he going to help us?
Sherry: Twelve years ago Kelly was paid off not to come forward as a witness against Milliken
President: What did he witness?
Sherry: Milliken killing his daughter while driving drunk, then drove off: a hit and run. Kelly was the only one who saw it then Milliken's people got to him before the police report was filed
President: And he'll swear to this?
Sherry: All you have to do is pardon his son, his name is Patrick Kelly. His already served four years of a life sentence
President: I don't know, I'll have to get back to you on this
Sherry: Just hurry ok?
President: [after hanging up] what'd you think?
Wayne: You know what I think, you shouldn't be involved in this. Give into Milliken and accept my resignation and he'll back off...
President: [Interrupts him] I told you I am not Milliken's puppet and I will not let him dictate my decisions
Wayne: Right but you'll let your ex-wife grant a quid pro quo pardon to a convicted murderer? She's been back in your life for only a few hours and look what's happening
President: I would think you would be in favor of what she's proposing?
Wayne: [Surprised] of what? Abusing the power of your office? Absolutely not. Absolutely not, it is wrong
President: When you wanted me to pay hush money to Anne's ex-husband, that was justified?
Wayne: You know I have your best interest at heart, you know that
President: Your loyalty which I am grateful for, does not change the fact when someone wants to get down in the mud, the only way to fight back is to get down with them
Wayne: So you're going to grant the pardon?
President: I don't know what I'm going to

Bill: [Meeting privately, after Jack introduces Wayne and Bill to each other] what the hell is going on here?
Jack: The military authority, every law enforcement agency in the country has a warrant for my arrest
Bill: What for?
Jack: Killing David Palmer
Bill: That's impossible: we cleared you this morning
Jack: I'm being set up again, this time by President Logan. He was complicit in David Palmer's assassination
Bill: By now, it's serious
Jack: Logan's using the military to try to stop me from exposing him
Wayne: [to Bill] we have the evidence: a digital recording of a conversation between President Logan and Christopher Henderson
Jack: [to Bill] I need to get the recording to Secretary Heller. His going to take it to the Attorney General, and file for the warrant but until that Wayne's a target. I need you to take him somewhere safe
Bill: Of course I will
Bill: [to Jack] where are you going to meet Heller?
Jack: Van Nuys Airport

President: What's the latest on the hotel?
Wayne: It's still unknown how much of the virus was released or how many people were exposed: now I think you want to make a preemptive announcement on how to deal with the outbreak
President: No, I'm not making an announcement until the facts are known
Wayne: I just heard from LAPD, they consider Sherry to be a flight risk. They have a warrant for her arrest, if you don't back her alibi that she was with you when Milliken died
President: You mean lie?
Wayne: There is nothing to think about here
President: Perjury and obstruction of justice are nothing to think about?
Wayne: You have the most powerful legal apparatus in the world at your disposal. Now you let call the AG's office and this so called "problem" disappears
President: No, it just widens the conspiracy and it'll never hold
Wayne: Are you going to let everything you've accomplished and I do mean everything because of what? Because of Sherry's "indiscretion"?
President: Listen to yourself, calling murder an "indiscretion"?
Wayne: Oh, for God's sake. Grow up!
President: Who do you think you're talking to?
Wayne: To an ex-President unless you do the only thing that makes sense here. Now Sherry said if she goes down she'll take you down with her
President: Then do your job and make sure that doesn't happen
Wayne: Then stop tying my hands
President: I want to see the Chief of Police
Wayne: Damn it, we can stonewall, we can survive this
President: Get him out of bed and bring him directly to me

President: When did FBI get this call?
Wayne: About twenty minutes ago
President: And we don't know who we're dealing with?
Wayne: No it was a scrambled voice: on an open line. All we know is what he said, they want Salazar or their going to release the virus
President: What's your take on this? Do we cancel the debate?
Wayne: So far, DOD, the Pentagon, and CTU haven't recommended raising the alert level but they discussing whether or not if we should stay in Los Angeles

Wayne: [Over the phone] are you alright? I just heard about that explosion at the gas plant
Jack: Yeah I'm fine. I wish I could tell you all the people responsible for your brother's assassination are in custody but I can't
Wayne: Maybe I can help you with that?
Jack: How?
Wayne: I'm in President Logan's retreat: I'm here with Evelyn Martin, Mrs. Logan's assistant
Jack: What does Evelyn Martin have to do with this?
Wayne: She says she has proof that there are other people involved in the plot to kill my brother and I believe her
Jack: Who?
Wayne: She won't tell me
Jack: Why not?
Wayne: Her eight year old daughter's been kidnapped: they're going to kill her unless Evelyn hands over the evidence
Jack: This has to be Henderson
Wayne: Their suppose to call Evelyn for a place to meet
Jack: Ok I want to be on that call when it comes in. CTU will provide operational support, we're going to need a place to meet
Wayne: I passed by an old barn about a mile west of the retreat off service road nineteen
Jack: [Confirming the location] service road nineteen, I'll be there in twenty minutes
Wayne: [Before hanging up] see you there

President: I just got back from seeing Alan
Wayne: What'd he want?
President: Oh, I think you know
Wayne: Know what?
President: [Aggressively] he wants me to fire you: the hell were you thinking? Carrying on an affair with a married woman, the wife of my biggest supporter
Wayne: Listen, I am sorry but it was a mistake and I corrected it
President: Not in Alan's mind. For him, this is fresh. He just found out and he wants to make you pay
Wayne: Look, we both know you can't afford to make an enemy out of Alan. He wields too much power so I'll resign
President: You'll leave only if I decide if it's the right thing to do, not Alan Milliken
Wayne: Alan is a very dirty fighter, trust me. Are you sure you want to get down in the gutter with that man?
President: You haven't left me much choice have you?

Bruce: [Meeting privately] I thought your brother was never the kind of politician to lower himself to my level
Wayne: I need to recover "something" that could cause him a great deal of trouble
Bruce: What is it?
Wayne: A bottle of medicine that was taken from a crime scene
Bruce: Has it been admitted into evidence?
Wayne: No, it's in possession of Sherry Palmer: the President's ex-wife. I have a pretty good idea where she is right now and I can partially reconstruct where she's been since she stole it
Bruce: What kind of time frame are we looking at?
Wayne: Hours, not days
Bruce: Is this operation authorized by the President?
Wayne: What difference does that make? You'll get your money
Bruce: I'm not worried about that, I just need to know who I'm working for
Wayne: My brother knows what you're doing
Bruce: Not that I don't trust you, I'd like to hear it from him
Wayne: [Before taking out his cell phone and dialing the number] fine
Bruce: [Touches Wayne's hand with his hand implying his convinced Wayne's telling the truth] that's proof enough

President: [after watching Jack's prerecorded video] keeping me in the dark on a matter of national security is inexcusable
Tony: [Over the phone] we were trying to protect you Sir
President: I know what you were trying to do and it was a mistake: and you and your colleagues will take responsibility for it when this is over
Tony: Yes Sir, I understand
President: Where's Bauer now?
Tony: In Northern Mexico. His setting a meeting between the Salazar's and the Ukrainians who are selling the virus
President: When is this meeting expected to take place?
Tony: In the next few hours Sir. Mr. President, I'm requesting your permission to activate the interdiction plan
President: Under the circumstances I don't have a choice but to say yes Mr. Almeida. But even if this plan works flawlessly, you haven't heard the last of it
President: [to Wayne after he hangs up with Tony] I don't like decisions being taken out of my hands
Wayne: Well, some decisions you want to keep as far away from as you can
President: Not this decision, it's too important. Jack Bauer had no right to keep me out of the loop
Wayne: I disagree. Bauer protected you as he should have now when this is over, you're probably going have to punish him but while you're punishing him know this: he did do the right thing

President: How many people are in the hotel?
Wayne: About a thousand
President: Alright, call the Governor, if this thing spreads and there's a city wide panic, he needs to be ready to mobilize the State Troopers and the National Guard
Wayne: Yes Mr. President
President: But I want him to hold off the order until he hears from us
Sherry: [after walking into his office as Wayne leaves] you look tired. I'm bringing you a problem but I'm also bringing you a solution
President: [sighs] let's hear the problem
Sherry: Julia Milliken, she was interviewed by the police about Alan's death and she's claiming I had something to do with it
President: Did you?
Sherry: Does that really matter?
President: Only you could say that
Wayne: You know, you always "claim" to want the truth but your whole life you've been surrounded by people like me and Wayne who protected you from it
President: I never asked to be protected
Sherry: Well, that may be true but the fact remains you have been. Tonight, I'm going to take you at your word. I'm actually going to tell you the truth
President: [Nods] thank you
Sherry: I was with Julia Milliken when Alan had his heart attack, she was going to give him his medicine and I stopped her. We both watched him die
President: [Surprised] that's murder
Sherry: And Julia couldn't keep her mouth shut, she told the police everything. They just called me a little while ago and I told them I was with you at the time of Alan's death so I expect they'll be contacting you to verify my story
President: And you expect me to do that?
Sherry: It would be a serious mistake not to because if you don't I will tell them I was "acting" on your behalf
President: No one's going to believe I asked you to kill Alan Milliken
Sherry: No, but maybe they'll believe you were having a problem with him that you told me to take "all necessary measures" to solve it. Now that's a nice sound byte for the media don't you think? Take "all necessary measures"?
President: [Sternly] I never used those words
Sherry: [Before leaving] well, think it over

President: What's going on with Jack Bauer?
Wayne: The operation wasn't completely successful: they do have Saunders' daughter but they were unable to remain covert
President: Saunders knows we have her?
Wayne: No, not yet but CTU is estimating he'll find out within the hour
President: What's Jack's plan?
Wayne: Use Saunders' daughter to try to locate him. Listen, the deadline for his next demand will be up in fifteen minutes. Now giving this guy a list on every foreign operative on our payroll is an act of treason
President: I know that but he'll release more of the virus if we don't
Wayne: So, what'd you want to do?
President: I want to see what Bauer gets out of Saunders' daughter first

President: So, Saunders knows we have his daughter?
Wayne: Yeah, found out about five minutes ago
President: How did he react?
Wayne: Broke off communication. The good news is CTU has a position on Saunders and is sending in teams now
President: What's our confidence level?
Wayne: This man knows our system: our protocols. His going to be tough to corner
President: Stay on top of our emergency response teams, the abduction of his daughter may have made things worse

President: [Talking privately] eleven vials of the virus are unaccounted for: what's Homeland Security's assessment?
Joseph: Sir, we believe the threat level should be raised to Red
President: Do it, what about domestic air travel?
Joseph: It is our suggestion that flights be grounded and airports closed
Wayne: Mr. President, if your concern is to avoid panic, stopping air traffic might have the opposite effect
Joseph: That's better than allowing the wide spread release of the virus
Wayne: [to David] if you shut down those airports, you won't be able to explain its Legionnaires' disease
Joseph: We're talking security issues Mr. President. We are not talking about "public relations"
Wayne: How the public relates to this is a security issue
Joseph: Mr. President, we also advocate shutting down interstate rail and bus traffic in the interest of...
Wayne: [Interrupts him] listen, whoever has these vials could already be in their cars. Now we can't shut down every single highway...
Joseph: [Interrupts him] Mr. President...
President: [to O'Laughlin] alert the airlines to a possible nationwide shutdown but wait for my authorization
Joseph: [Before leaving the room] yes Sir

Wayne: [Talking privately, as Aaron stands nearby] you sending emails to my brother Evelyn, why?
Evelyn: [Nervously] I don't know what you're talking about
Wayne: I checked traced the IP account right to your address so yes you do know what I'm talking about
Wayne: [Slowly walking towards her] I need to know what you told David
Evelyn: I didn't tell him anything
Wayne: [Sternly] Evelyn, I have the record of your correspondence. David deleted the content on those messages but I know you were in contact with him so please don't lie to me again. Tell me what I need to know. Someone killed David, and now they're trying to kill me. Now I think they knew I was coming here to see you so I think that means we're both in danger...
Evelyn: [as she tries to leave] please I have to go now
Wayne: [Grabs her arm] tell me what I need
Wayne: [Yells] talk to me
Evelyn: I can't
Evelyn: [after taking a breath] they kidnapped my little girl: they kidnapped my baby. They said they would give Amy back to me if I gave them the evidence
Wayne: What evidence?
Evelyn: I have proof about everything's that's happened today
Wayne: Listen, even if you turn over this evidence, they're not just going to give back your daughter and let you go that's not what they do. Now you've got to trust me, please talk to me
Aaron: Ma'am, if I may, Mr. Palmer's right. You know too much: they'll kill you both
Evelyn: [to Wayne] I'll give you the evidence I have if you get me back my daughter

Alan: [Over the phone] what do you want?
Wayne: You know I always thought you had more balls than to threaten me through my brother but you can't talk to me man to man?
Alan: I don't owe you an explanation. You slept with my wife
Wayne: That's between you and me
Alan: Fine. Step down, then it all goes away
Wayne: That's not your decision
Alan: We'll see
President: [Surprising Wayne by walking up behind him] who are you talking to?
Wayne: Alan Milliken
President: The hell you think you're doing?
Wayne: [Before handing David the phone] cleaning up my own mess
President: Hello Alan
Alan: That brother of yours is going to be your undoing
President: I am not firing my brother
Alan: That's too bad
President: And I have no intention on losing my health care bill. I spent two years putting it together
Alan: Except your three votes short last time I checked, you better brace yourself for some disappointment
President: I don't want to go to war with you
Alan: It's your choice Mr. President
President: The choice you're giving me is unacceptable, there has to be another way to work this out
Alan: On any other issue I'd bend over backwards for you: not on this one
President: Then you have only yourself to blame for the consequences and I promise you, you won't like them

President: Bauer says he doesn't know who this man is
Wayne: But he knows Bauer?
President: Apparently
Wayne: How's that possible?
President: I don't know: all I know is that their doing everything they can to find this man
Wayne: Did he give Bauer any indication of what he wants?
President: No, but he controls enough of the virus to wipe out a significant portion of this country's population. So, whatever he wants, we don't have much choice but to give it to him. At least for now

Aaron: [after entering the conference room with several Secret Service agents] I'm sorry to interrupt
President: What is this?
Aaron: Our Bureau Chief just informed me that NHS believes Los Angeles is no longer safe: we would like to move you out of the state
President: I appreciate your concern, tell Chief Kurtsman I'd rather manage things from here
Aaron: Sir, I'm afraid this isn't a "request"
President: Excuse me?
Aaron: Secret Service is invoking Section 32 for your own protection we are requiring you to accompany us to Air Force One
President: [Stands up] you're ordering me?
Aaron: Yes Sir, it's for your safety
President: Wayne?
Wayne: [Standing next to David] I don't know the specifics of the code but it seems Secret Service is invoking it and here in LA, the threat is serious
President: Its serious everywhere at least here we know what we're facing
President: Who has to sign off on this Aaron?
Aaron: Chief Kurtsman and myself
President: I'd like a word in private with you Aaron

Wayne: [Briefing David using a map of the city on a monitor] quarantined areas are circled in red: now as far we know we have containment
President: Still not certain?
Wayne: No, we can't really be certain for hours: maybe days. Listen, the press has been breathing down Gerry's neck pretty hard, now he thinks we should release a statement
President: I already have. I've closed down public transportation and I've told the people to stay in their homes. We have F-18's patrolling the sky
Wayne: You haven't revealed the exact nature of this threat and press has been picking up on that
President: We have ten million people spread out over a four thousand square mile area. If even a small percentage decide to leave at the same time, it will ignite a public panic beyond anything we could control. The "right" thing to do is to withhold the truth until we're sure the virus is contained
Wayne: [Before walking away] I'll tell Gerry to hold off on the press as long as he can

President: [Handing him Keeler's play book] I hope you can get a refund
Wayne: A refund?
President: From whomever sold you that load of crap
Wayne: Keeler is going to use this against you in this debate, now ignoring it is not going to make it go away
President: Neither will dignifying it with a response
Wayne: His going to "claim" Anne perjured herself in case you've forgotten is a felony
President: Anne is no felon
Wayne: The allegation itself is enough to damage you. Now come on please think, you know you can't go into this debate without some kind of response
President: What'd you propose?
Wayne: Talk to Anne: make sure she's told you everything
President: She has told me everything
Wayne: Are you sure?
President: Ever since I started seeing Anne, you've taken every chance to undermine our relationship just because you don't like her
Wayne: Absolutely right, I don't like her. This isn't about me and Anne, this is about you and Anne. Now if she has nothing to hide, then fine she has nothing to hide. You better find out before you face off with Keeler on national television

Wayne: [after hanging up the phone] that was CTU: they still haven't found Bauer or Salazar. LAPD is placing a net around the area where the chopper landed
President: Hopefully they'll be picked up without incident
Wayne: Yeah it's probably more likely Bauer sneaked through. Listen, you're going to have to stop thinking about his welfare for a moment. Bauer breaking Salazar out of prison is already leaked to the press, your going have to go out there and explain that is why you ended this debate and explicitly denounce what Bauer did
President: So Jack puts his life on the line to stop the virus and we hang him out to dry
Wayne: We cannot allow anyone to know that we sanctioned what he did. That would do reputable damage to you, to your office. Now you know what I'm saying is true and I'm sorry but you're going to have to let him go

Wayne: [Through video conference] the President is not going to make any decisions until he knows what we're dealing with so give me all the parameters Tony
Tony: Basically what we have here is a terrorist demand: someone close to Ramon Salazar, we're guessing his brother Hector is demanding his release. If we don't comply, his threatening to initiate an outbreak of a very deadly and fast acting virus
Wayne: How do we know if these people are really in possession of it?
Tony: I've got Dr. Sunny Macer on the line. She's Technical Director of National Health Services I'll let her address that
Dr. Sunny Macer: Mr. Palmer, about an hour ago a dead body was anonymously delivered to our office. It was infected with a type three pneumonic virus deliberately introduced into his system. This virus kills within twenty-fours of exposure and there's no known antidote or vaccine. What's particularly disturbing is how fast it spreads. Take a look
Dr. Sunny Macer: [Uploading images of people infected] as you can see, it's latent for several hours but once the symptoms are present it consumes the host rapidly
Michelle: Our office will be sending you preliminary projections of causalities in case something like this should be unleashed
Tony: [to Wayne] I've got to tell you, it's pretty bleak
Wayne: I don't understand this. I mean I thought we "knew" what biological threats were out there? Now do we find ourselves up against the wall so suddenly that something isn't even on our radar?
Dr. Sunny Macer: This is a strain we've never seen. The autopsy is confirming that someone has engineered this virus to kill ten times faster than ordinary genotypes
Wayne: Ok. I see
Dr. Sunny Macer: Sir, I can't underscore enough how potentially devastating it would be if this virus was released by terrorists
Tony: Given this information: what options will the President be looking at?
Wayne: It's the unwavering policy of the United States to stand firm against any terrorist demands. Now I know the President, he will not release Salazar, no matter what the threat is
Tony: Alright then we can't waste any time on standard protocol today. We've been given five hours to comply, if we're going to find these people and stop this threat, then CTU needs to have every possible resource at its disposal
Wayne: You'll have it
Tony: Alright, now if we have nothing else to discuss I'd like to get my team back to work
Wayne: Understood
Tony: Thank you

Dr. Anne Packard: Is everything ok?
President: We had to make some fast choices and I couldn't do that when I was on stage. Yes, everything's ok now
Dr. Anne Packard: You sure?
President: It's just "damage control"
Dr. Anne Packard: I'm sorry, I still can't believe Keeler would say those lies in an national debate
President: You don't have to apologize for anything: we didn't "sink" to their level and in the long run, it's going to pay off
Dr. Anne Packard: I hope your right
President: I'm more concerned about you. You've only been brought into this because of me
Dr. Anne Packard: I'm fine
President: Yes you are
Wayne: [Walking up to them, to David] Jerry's scheduled a press conference. Their expecting your statement this evening
President: Fine
Wayne: We've got to give a response to Keeler's accusations about Anne
President: What did the quick polls tell us?
Wayne: Well, I'm not going to lie to you. We got hit hard, voters who were on the fence may have just fallen into Keeler's camp
Dr. Anne Packard: That is ridiculous, once they find out Ted was lying...
Wayne: [Interrupts her] and how are they supposed to do that? I mean it's "he said, she said." This is politics, not medicine so do me a favor and stay out of it
Dr. Anne Packard: Stay out of it? I am "it"
President: [Stands up] that's enough
President: [to Wayne] you have to be patient, Anne's not going anywhere and we're not changing our strategy
Wayne: David, we really...
President: [Interrupts him] right now, it's Mr. President
Wayne: [Before walking away] yes Sir, Mr. President

[about his brother David]
Wayne: I still can't accept talking about him in the past tense. It just... I just can't believe he's gone.

Wayne: [Meeting privately in a restaurant] it's been a long time
Julia: Hi
Wayne: [while sitting down] thanks for meeting me
Julia: You're here because my husband is forcing the President to fire you?
Wayne: Yeah well there's much more at stake here than just my job. It's about my brother being to run his Administration as he sees fit. Now it's not fair to the people of this country, the President be extorted
Julia: I do love it when you get all noble but what am I suppose to do? All of this is out of my control
Wayne: No, it's not and I think you know that. Everyone thinks Alan dominates you, the truth is he needs you, you know that. Tell him you'll leave if he doesn't back off
Julia: [Shaking her head] he'd never believe me
Wayne: [Sternly] make him believe you
Julia: I miss you, do you miss me?
Wayne: What difference would it make?
Julia: [Before she kisses him] it could make a lot of difference
Wayne: Stop it. We can't
Julia: Do you think of me?
Wayne: Don't do this
Julia: It's a simple question: do you think of me?
Wayne: Yes. I think of you but it doesn't mean anything
Julia: I think about you and it does mean something
Wayne: I didn't come here for this
Julia: You came here because you wanted "something." I want something too. I like being Mrs. Alan Milliken that does not have to do with anything between you and me. Come back to me, that's what I want in return. It worked once, it can work again
Wayne: It never worked, not for me
Julia: [Before leaving] I'm afraid I can't help you

Wayne: I just spoke to Anne's ex-husband: all Ted Packer wants is money. If we pay him off, he'll recant before this debate
President: That's blackmail
Wayne: That's business
President: I don't think so
Wayne: It's a hell of a lot cheaper than trying to defend against this allegation which is going to hurt you
President: I've faced down worse lies. I think I've earned some credibility
Wayne: You saw the polls this morning because Keeler is closing the gap. Now this race is much closer than it should be, listen, I know it's distasteful but in cost-benefit terms it's a no brainer
President: Anne won't think so
Wayne: Anne doesn't have to know
President: I can't keep it from her
Wayne: That's your choice but if it comes out, Anne will find herself on the front page of every newspaper in this country and she's not Sherry, she's not equipped to handle that kind of scrutiny and you will not be able to protect her from it. Now between this debate and the threat of this outbreak, you have enough to worry about. Don't be a martyr, keep it simple. We could have the money within the hour
President: Do it

President: So, what's the latest?
Wayne: Nothing yet. CTU's working their leads. Trying to figure out who dropped off the dead body
President: So we still don't know who's behind this threat?
Wayne: No, they're still speculating its Salazar's brother, Hector. What they don't know if it's a bluff, staged to release Salazar
President: How can it be a bluff? The virus has been confirmed
Wayne: Yes but dropping off a dead body is one thing: being able to infect an entire city? That's something entirely different
President: Alright, I guess we'll know soon enough
President: [Before Wayne walks away] so you spoke earlier about an "opportunity"?
Wayne: Yeah, I'm not sure that's something we need to discuss right now
President: Which means whatever it is fell through, or you know I'm not going to like it so you're proceeding without me
Wayne: No, that's not it. I just think because of this threat, I just don't want to divert your attention
President: I can "walk and chew gum" at the same time. What is it?
Wayne: Keeler's play book, what if I can get us a copy?
President: What exactly do you mean by "play book"?
Wayne: His entire prep for tonight's debate. How his going to answer the questions, what issues his going to try to trip you on, everything
President: And how would we get it?
Wayne: You don't need to know the details
President: I'm surprised
Wayne: About what?
President: The question. You know there is no way on earth, I'd agree to this
Wayne: I am not talking about pull a "Sherry" and stealing it, now it may just drop in our lap, why shouldn't we look at it?
President: You are not in the private sector anymore, you have to get used to how my Administration works
Wayne: And I am just trying to give your Administration four more years
Wayne: [after David gives him a stern look, implying he doesn't want to win by cheating] ok, if that's how you want it
President: That's how I want it

Wayne: [Over the phone] give me an update on this
Tony: The exchange of the virus hasn't happened yet but we expect it to go down at any moment
Wayne: The Pentagon is furious they have to play catch up and I sure as hell don't blame them, now this operation began as a "secret" between three CTU agents and again I will lead their raid when this is over. The President will hold all three of you accountable
Tony: I understand sir but if you're calling just to reprimand me, you're doing both of us a disservice. I need to focus on this operation
Wayne: This operation, how large is it?
Tony: We have half a dozen Delta teams are waiting in the area for the signal to go in
Wayne: Will that be sufficient?
Tony: It has to be: anymore bodies down there, we run the risk of being spotted
Wayne: Tell me exactly what's going to happen?
Tony: We don't have time for this
Wayne: you asked for the President's support for this and he has. Now you went way out on the limb for this and he wants to know what the plan is?
Tony: Michael Amador, the seller will hand the virus over to Nina Meyers. Now he doesn't know Nina Meyers is under our control, once the exchange happens the Delta teams will move in, secure the virus, take Nina Meyers, Michael Amador, and Ramon Salazar into custody
Wayne: Sounds like an awful lot of things are going to have to go perfectly
Tony: That's true, we're pretty sure we have our basis covered
Wayne: [Before hanging up] "Pretty sure" isn't good enough. You make this happen
Tony: Yes sir

President: This Office isn't above the law: how could I justify the murder of an innocent man?
Wayne: We're fighting a war, Ryan Chappelle is not a civilian
President: I still can't order him to be killed
Wayne: So what's the alternative? Yes I know, it's extreme. I realize that but it's the only move we have here. Look at what's happening right down at the Chandler Plaza Hotel, this man Saunders has proved to you he will use this virus to inflict mass causalities if you don't do what he says
President: How long am I suppose to let Saunders dictate my actions? How long do I allow him to hold this country hostage?
Wayne: Until we catch him
President: What if we don't?
Wayne: We will but until you do, your only option is to sacrifice Chappelle

Wayne: So, what did Keeler want?
President: My job: he has proof that Sherry was at Alan Milliken's tonight
Wayne: [Shocked] what? What proof?
President: [while handing a picture of the prescription bottle] Alan Milliken's prescription bottle turned up with Sherry's fingerprints on it
Wayne: How did he even get a hold of this?
President: How do you think?
Wayne: Sherry?
President: I talked to her a few minutes ago: she didn't even bother to deny it
Wayne: She's got to be bluffing, I mean if this gets out, she goes to jail
President: So will I, she figures I have more to lose than she does. I think she's right
Wayne: What does Keeler want you to do?
President: Withdraw from the race with whatever reason I choose, our party gets thrown into chaos whoever takes my place won't have a prayer in the election and Keeler becomes President
Wayne: Oh my God, this all my fault
President: Hey look, we both made mistakes. I'm the one who called Sherry
Wayne: There may be a way out of this
President: How?
Wayne: [Referring to the prescription bottle, while holding the picture] without this, Sherry's got nothing right?
President: What're you suggesting?
Wayne: That we take away the only leverage she has
President: You mean steal evidence? My God
Wayne: Before you say "No", just think about this ok? I can call Foxton and he can make all of this disappear. All you have to do is give me the "Ok"
President: [Lowers his head then back up giving his approval to Wayne]

Wayne: [Over the phone] it's me. I just heard about Alan tonight: are you alone?
Julia: The police are here, I was just going to speak to one of the officers
Wayne: Alright, tell me what happened?
Julia: When Sherry was here, when it happened, she told me not to tell the police
Wayne: I need you to tell me exactly what happened alright?
Julia: We were talking with Alan, he got excited, and then he started to gasp for air
Wayne: So you called 911 right?
Julia: No, I tried to give him his medication
Wayne: What'd you mean you "tried"?
Julia: Sherry stopped me. I went to help Alan, she grabbed my arm. I just stood there, I killed him
Wayne: [Gently shushing her] listen to me very carefully alright? Call Alan's lawyer and do not say anything to anyone until he gets there, do you understand me?
Julia: Could you come down here and please help me?
Wayne: No, please don't call me. I will help you but for now I have to keep my distance, I'm sorry

Wayne: Secret Service just received a phone call from the West Los Angeles Police Department: Alan Milliken is dead
President: What?
Wayne: He was found fifteen minutes ago in his home. All signs point to a heart attack
President: It isn't possible
Wayne: Well, "apparently", it is. You told me Sherry was on her way over there an hour ago?
President: She changed her mind, made some phone calls from her car, and came straight back here
Wayne: Is that what she told you?
President: Yeah
Wayne: And where is she now?
President: Resting

Wayne: I just got off the phone with CTU
President: What's the status on the virus?
Wayne: It's not good: the limited intelligence they have supports their original suspicion
President: It's on its way to Los Angeles?
Wayne: It might already be here
President: Then we should be prepared in case they target other cities
Wayne: Our people in the security envelop have been alerted. Trust me, it's being handled, why don't you get some rest? I'm on this
President: Start waking people up. Set up a conference call with the appropriate Cabinet members, Homeland Security, FBI, and National Health Services. We're going to need everyone on this one
Wayne: [Before leaving the room while Sherry enters] yes Sir

Wayne: The situation at the hotel seems to be under control: now SWAT's in place. NHS is there and will start the testing procedures soon
President: Any "sense" that the press picked up on this?
Wayne: No, not so far but they're bound to before long
President: Containing the virus is crucial but containing the story that it was released in the hotel is just as important. If the story breaks, we need a possible cover
Wayne: I'll work up some scenarios
President: Don't use the term "Cordilla virus", people have never heard of it and the unknown creates more fear. Say it's similar to Legionnaires' disease. People are familiar with that and they know it was handled successfully

President: [Talking privately] did you get the prescription bottle from Sherry's house?
Wayne: Yeah
President: That's good
Wayne: Something horrible happened tonight: Sherry's dead
President: [Seeing Wayne distraught] what? How?
Wayne: Julia came in and killed her then she turned the gun on herself
President: [Grabs both Wayne's cheeks] their both dead?
Wayne: Yeah, I'm not going to try to pretend we can just put this behind us but the fact is politically, we're "free" of everything. "Free" of Milliken's extortion, "free" of his death, and "free" of Sherry's involvement
President: You think you know the politics of this? The mother of my children has just been murdered
Wayne: The woman I love just killed herself in front of me. I understand how you feel. But there's a 'story" here, a "story" that can tie all of this together: Alan Milliken was having an affair with Sherry, Julia found out, and then she killed them both
President: No, I don't want to hear it
Wayne: Your emotions are clouding...
President: [Yells, interrupts him] no
Wayne: Please just listen to me
President: Leave me alone

Gerry: [after entering the room with Wayne standing nearby] Mr. President, Helen Stupen from the LA Times just called my office, she was just asking about some kind of "toxic accident" at the Chandler Plaza Hotel and if it was connected to the Red alert?
President: What exactly did she say?
Gerry: Not much: she was "fishing"
Gerry: [Noticing David glances to Wayne] Mr. President, I appreciate you need to keep certain things from me but this story will get out and when it does, I'll need to have answers
Wayne: Gerry's right, the sooner we bring him into the loop, the better he can help with the press
Wayne: [after David nods to Wayne, giving him approval to tell him about the infection at the Chandler Plaza Hotel] a weaponized virus was released into that hotel's ventilation system
Gerry: [Shocked] oh my God
Gerry: [to David] when will you go public with this?
President: Once we're sure the virus has been contained and there's no longer a threat
Gerry: And how certain are you that it will be contained?
President: We're doing everything possible

Sherry: What's going on?
Sherry: You tell me
Sherry: Look, it's late and I'm a little too tired...
Wayne: [Interrupts her] I know about Alan Milliken
Sherry: Yes, it's awful but I already told David what happened
Wayne: Except you left out the part about you preventing Julia from giving Alan his medication: you stood there and watched a man die
Sherry: You would've done the same thing had you been there
Wayne: [Angrily] I wouldn't have been there in the first place
Sherry: Listen, David asked me to come here to help clean up your mess, what did you think he expected me to do?
Wayne: What he expected for you was to get Alan off his back but not like this
Sherry: Complex problems sometimes have the simplest solutions
Wayne: Oh, for God's sake
Sherry: You're upset. That's understandable but what's done is done
Wayne: You are insane
Sherry: We can control the situation, we just need to be on the same page
Wayne: No, I'm sorry but David's going to have to handle this
Sherry: David can't know about this. For his own protection, if he doesn't know anything, he has nothing to deny
Wayne: We can't cover this thing up
Sherry: We can and we will, that's why you're talking to me instead of David because you understand what has to happen
Wayne: Yeah, you've got it all figured out don't you?
Sherry: What did you say to Julia?
Wayne: Not to talk to anyone until she spoke to a lawyer
Sherry: Good then as long she keeps her mouth shut, we'll both be fine

President: [after talking to Anne over the phone] Ted Packard just committed suicide and he did it in front of Anne
Wayne: Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to sound callous but what was she doing with him?
President: He wanted to give her letters which apparently proves she's innocent
Wayne: Are you serious?
President: She's going to bring them over in a little while
Wayne: [Relieved] I guess that's some kind of silver lining. I know I've been somewhat hard on Anne but she cleaned up her own mess and I respect that. Maybe she's learning what it takes to be in this "game" after all?

President: Are all agencies up to speed on this?
Gerry: Yes Sir, we're coordinating with them to put a net around the virus
President: What about the Mexican government?
Gerry: Full cooperation, they've given us a free hand
Wayne: [after opening the door to his office] Mr. President, may I please have a word?
President: [to Gerry, implying he should leave] thank you
Gerry: Yes Sir
Wayne: Thanks Gerry
Wayne: I just got off the phone with Sullivan: his pulling his vote
President: How many Senators have we lost?
Wayne: Three, all protégés of Milliken's. David, I'm sorry but unless Milliken calls off his dogs, we're not going to get health care passed
President: Sabotaging a bill that can benefit millions of people
Wayne: And what his doing is showing you not only he has the power to start your political career but also he the power to put an end to it. David you can't afford to lose this debate and fail at getting the most important legislation of your Presidency through, we'd be handing Keeler this election
President: We haven't lost the Senate vote yet
Wayne: We will, unless you give into his demands and fire me, you will. David you don't have a choice here
President: I told you before, that's not an option
Wayne: Listen, I know you want to do the "right thing" by me but I'm the one who made this mistake. My affair with Milliken's wife was stupid and wrong
President: Yes it was but what his trying to do is worse, for personal revenge his willing to kill a piece of legislation that's good for this country. We can't let that happen, there has to be a way to get to him

General: Mr. President, we've started down a "slippery slope" here and unless...
President: [Interrupts him] cut the euphemisms: what're you trying to say?
General: Sir, we're concerned about the fact you ordered the death of a high ranking member of our intelligence...
Wayne: [Interrupts him] I don't think we're here to second guess his actions that have already been taken
President: No one is more aware than I am the moral ambiguity of my decision. I did it to buy CTU more time to find Saunders and to delay as long as possible the slaughter of millions. I made the decision to protect their future: not mine
President: [Holding up the phone Saunders gave him as it rings] Saunders, I have to take this
President: [Answering the phone after leaving the conference room] yes?
Stephen: I've confirmed the identity of Chappelle's body Mr. President. It will be disposed of: respectfully
President: We know who you are Mr. Saunders, whatever you're trying to accomplish, you're going to fail. Your only chance is to relinquish the virus and hope we don't find you
Stephen: That's not going to happen
President: What is it that you want?
Stephen: To make America "clean" again. You see Mr. President, the world hates America and for good reason. I won't bother going into the details, you know better than I the atrocities your nation commits and we're going to change all that. You and I together are going to dismantle the military machine that exports its ugliness across the globe
President: And how are "we" going to do that?
Stephen: We'll start where the work gets the dirtiest, something I know a little about. Covert foreign Nationals in thirty-two countries across the Middle East and Asia your government always uses Grade A through H intelligence consultants
President: They are citizens in which the countries they reside
Stephen: Their spies: working against those countries at the behest of the American military machine. In forty five minutes, I want a list of their identities, sent to me by way of a website:, if you fail to comply, I will release two vials of the virus in your major cities and this time, they won't be in hotels where they can be contained

President: How are you holding up?
Dr. Anne Packard: Fine
Wayne: [after looking over the letters Anne handed him] this good: this is very good, this clears up everything
Dr. Anne Packard: Yes it does
Wayne: Once these get authenticated, we'll take them to the press you'll be off the hook and Keeler should be hoisted up on it
Dr. Anne Packard: I thought you'd be pleased
Wayne: Anne, listen I'm sorry about Ted. I really am and if there's anything I can do, anything at all please let me know
Dr. Anne Packard: Thank you
President: [after Wayne leaves] Anne?
Dr. Anne Packard: I'm going to be alright. Something came out of this and suddenly it became so clear to me
President: What was clear?
Dr. Anne Packard: I don't know how to say it but just to say it. I think we need to end things
President: After what's just happened, after what's been happening all day I can understand why you want some time apart
Dr. Anne Packard: It's not about time apart
President: Don't do this...
Dr. Anne Packard: [Interrupts him] it's true this day has been awful but it just confirms something that I've been feeling for a while. I can't live in your world, the things people do to each other. The things people have to do in order to survive. I can't
President: That's exactly why I need you
Dr. Anne Packard: You need someone who can stand beside you, not someone that stands back and watches, maybe she passes judgment on things she doesn't really understand. I'm sorry, you are the finest man I have ever known and Wayne, God bless him. His just what you need and I'm so glad you have him and it's not for me

Wayne: [Briefing the President and his staff] Tony Almeida from CTU has just informed us they were unable confiscate this Cordilla virus in Mexico
President: I thought they located the seller and had the entire area surrounded?
Wayne: The seller, a Michael Amador never intended to give up the virus, it was a well planned rip off. We lost six men: members of a Delta team
President: We lost a Delta team? This man Amador, where is he now?
Wayne: Latest theory is Amador has this virus and is headed back here to Los Angeles
President: To release it?
Wayne: We don't know, Amador doesn't have a history of implementing terrorist strikes. His an arms dealer with no known ideology, bottom is we don't know what his intentions are

Tony: [During a conference call] Mr. President?
President: Mr. Almeida, I understand we may have a way to locate this man Stephen Saunders?
Tony: Yes Sir, we do, however my technical staff just informed me to do so properly, it may take fifteen minutes, possibly longer
President: So there's no way to get to him in the next few minutes?
Jack: No Sir, there's not
President: Ok gentlemen: time is upon us, having considered all the possible scenarios I see no choice but to "draw our line in the sand." I will not given in to Saunders' latest demand
Jack: Mr. President, I hope you understand that leaves us only one option and that's to use Stephen Saunders' daughter as a hostage, and hope that'll stop him
President: I understand, alright gentlemen get to it
Wayne: [after ending the conference call] are you sure we're doing the right thing?
President: The only thing I'm sure of is we cannot let this country be taken over by this mad man

Wayne: [Referring to David's memoir] everything works for me up until the chapter on your first campaign. I'm sorry but I think it's a little long winded, I think we can cut that down by half so why don't we start with the paragraph...
Wayne: [after noticing David respond] you didn't hear a word I just said did you?
David: Yeah, I was listening
Wayne: No, you weren't
David: Your right, I'm sorry
Wayne: Are you ok?
David: I could use a break
Wayne: What's going on?
David: What'd you mean?
Wayne: I mean you've been distracted since you got to Los Angeles. I don't know: it's like your somewhere else?
David: Writing my memoirs, maybe it's put me in a melancholy mood?
Wayne: Is it all that is?
David: [Nods] yeah
Wayne: I'm your brother, whatever it is, you can tell me
David: [Rubs his neck] it's alright

Wayne: They haven't found Jack Bauer yet, not even sure if his in the city
President: His not in the city: his plan was to take Ramon Salazar back to his brother to prevent the outbreak. That's what his going to do, even if it costs his life
Wayne: You know that's probably true but there's nothing we can do about that now. Our intelligence and military services are working overtime on that front so let them do their job. We unfortunately, have other "fires" to put out

Jack: [after sneaking into the Palmer hotel suite, pointing a gun at him, holding him against the wall] do not raise your voice
Wayne: You son of a bitch: you killed my brother
Jack: You know I didn't do that. Whatever evidence you have against me has been fabricated, I served your brother for years, I would've gladly given my life for his. He was my friend. The only reason I am here is to try and figure out why and how he was assassinated. I was hoping to find clues on your computer
Wayne: Why don't you step into the next room and ask the Secret Service to help you find it?
Jack: Because I'm being set up, whoever is behind this has planted evidence against me making me the shooter. It'd be useless to try and convince the authorities otherwise
Wayne: You think you're going to convince me?
Jack: If I killed your brother, why wouldn't I kill you when you walked through the door? Think about this, why would I be here?
Wayne: How do you expect me to believe you under these circumstances?

President: What is it?
Wayne: I just got off the phone with one of my sources over at Keeler's headquarters. Sherry was there: meeting privately with Keeler
President: When?
Wayne: Just now
President: Meeting Keeler about what?
Wayne: He didn't know so I was hoping you'd have some idea?
President: I don't know what she was doing but we can't worry about that now there are dying here in Los Angeles
Wayne: Yeah, I don't like it, so let me put someone on this
Wayne: No, we brought Sherry in to fix a problem and look what happened. Just let it be, we'll hear soon enough

Aaron: Maybe you can explain to me what's going on? Why were those men trying to kill you?
Wayne: I have this "source" inside the White House, someone's trying to prevent me from seeing her
Aaron: Who's this "source"?
Wayne: Mrs. Logan's assistant
Aaron: Evelyn Martin?
Wayne: Yeah, she and David were trading emails. Listen, I need to find out the content of those messages, David was killed because of the information Evelyn gave him

President: [Talking privately] and what did CTU have to say?
Wayne: That it could be a very dangerous situation. Almeida sent me a breakdown of what could happen if this virus is released and it's not good
President: Give CTU carte blanche. Whatever they need, make sure they get it
Wayne: I did
President: We should cancel the debate
Wayne: What?
President: It's a mistake to continue prepping for tonight while there's an imminent bio terrorist threat against this country
Wayne: First of all, "we" don't know if it's imminent and you know just as well as I do that we get threats every day
President: Not like this one. They said the body was infected with a weaponized virus
Wayne: Ok let's say you're right: what do you really think you can do when you put your full attention on it?
President: I just want to make sure that you're not advising me out of fear that my image will suffer if we cancel
Wayne: Oh, no it will suffer but I still think the best thing to do is to proceed as planned and respond when we have more information