The Best Stephen Saunders Quotes

Stephen: So, tell me how it all went down in Mexico? You didn't think I'd find out?
Michael: I didn't think you needed to know: as long as you got what you wanted
Stephen: You were stupid enough to believe Jack Bauer had turned against CTU and now you've got every intelligence agency in the country after you
Michael: Bauer's story checked out
Stephen: Don't lecture me about Jack Bauer, what you did was stupid, greedy, and it may have cost me my advantage
Michael: I was expected to be nicely paid?
Stephen: The authorization code is 7QV78
Michael: [after checking the amount on the computer] this is only half
Stephen: I'll release the balance after I receive confirmation on the hotel
Michael: The deal was we get paid in full
Stephen: The deal changed when you went down to Mexico. Now after you hit the hotel, you'll get the rest of your money
Michael: Fine

Jack: I'm going to show you who your father really is: these photographs were taken over eight years ago. Your father told your mother he was going to Europe on a fact finding mission, but the truth of the matter is we were both part of a Special Forces unit that was dispatched to Kosovo to kill a man named Victor Drazen. This is where the mission ended: Drazen's hideout, when I left Kosovo I believed your father had died in the blast. The British government told your mother that's where he died too. But recently through phone records your father contacted you four years ago to tell you he was still alive, is that right?
Stephen: Yes, a couple months after my mother died I got a call from him, he said he was living in Europe under an assumed name and that nobody knew he was alive and for his protection, I couldn't tell anyone I spoke to him
Jack: Did he ever tell you why he contacted you after so many years?
Jane: Yes, he missed me
Jack: I understand that. Over the last three to four hours we've been pulling data from Interpol: here are some more recent images. This is your father with Syed Calabi, a known weapons dealer in the Middle East, here he is seen meeting with Ari Consol, a biologist from Jakarta who is now spending the rest of his life in prison for the manufacturing of illegal biological weapons
Jane: This doesn't prove anything, he could've been meeting with these people for any number of reasons
Jack: I'll play you an audio file: one of three we got from your father earlier today, this is your father talking to the President of the United States
Stephen: "Working against those countries at the behest of the American military machine. In forty-five minutes, I want a list of their identities sent to me by the way of a website:, if you fail to comply, I will release two of the vials in major cities"
Jack: Two more vials of the virus, his already release one. This is a live video feed from the Chandler Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles where your father ordered the release of one of the vials of the virus into the ventilation system of the hotel. The people you're looking at will be dead in the next two to three hours. Almost eight hundred are infected, this how they'll die
Jane: [Horrified by the images] I don't want to see anymore
Jack: I don't want to see anymore either, you can help us stop this. Please
Jane: I have a phone number: he told me to call day or night if I ever got into trouble
Jack: Have you even used it before?
Jane: No
Jack: We need it

Jane: I know what's going to happen and I know you can stop it: please
Stephen: Why are they using you to manipulate me?
Jane: Despite everything that's happened, I love you and I'm asking you please don't let this happen. This doesn't make any sense
Stephen: It doesn't make sense to you because you haven't seen what I've seen. You don't understand
Jane: I know you think what happened to you is the government's fault and maybe it is but the people that are going to die are innocent
Stephen: That is a tragedy but that has to happen for things to change and they must change
Jane: How can you do something like this?
Stephen: I'm doing it for your sake
Jane: For my sake?
Stephen: For you and your children and after it's all over the world will be a better place
Jane: [Holds his hands] please dad? Don't do this
Stephen: I don't expect you to understand now but one day you will and you'll look back and thank me for what I've done
Jane: [Immediately walks away] oh my God

President: [Over the phone] what?
Stephen: I enjoyed your press conference Mr. President: it's good to know "The sky's not falling"
President: What'd you want?
Stephen: To give you your next assignment: a sort of "preliminary action" to "clear the decks" for the "main event" to come. There's man Ryan Chappelle: Regional Director of CTU
President: Yeah, what about him?
Stephen: I want him killed
President: What?
Stephen: 7am, have his body delivered to the train yard downtown just off the main line
President: That is out of the question
Stephen: What a shame. Before you decide, you might want to drop by the Chandler Plaza Hotel take a good look at what's happening. Then imagine the same event happening at hundreds of locations all over the country
President: [Before Stephen hangs up] you're insane

Stephen: [Over the phone] good, you're using your new phone: consider it our private line and as no doubt you have been informed, don't bother tracing my calls
President: What'd you want?
Stephen: Within the next half hour, you'll hold a televised press conference
President: About what?
Stephen: Space program, price of wheat. It's entirely up to you but at some point, you will use the phrase "The sky is falling." You can use it however you like Mr. President but use it
President: [to Wayne, after hanging up with Saunders] he wants me to hold a press conference, on what it doesn't matter. Just use the phrase "The sky is falling"
Wayne: Maybe it's a signal of some sort, maybe for an attack or a wave of attacks
President: Maybe it's a signal to show his in control
Wayne: Either way, you can't do it. You can't give him that kind of power
President: You saw what that virus does
Wayne: I read the file, yeah
President: A thousand people are dying as we speak, not just in a file but in real life right here in Los Angeles
Wayne: I realize that but the problem...
President: [interrupts him] if I don't do what this man says, it will be millions. This will buy us some time, maybe CTU can find this manic before things get out of hand. Call a press conference

Jack: Where are the eleven vials?
Stephen: [Referring to his laptop computer] you're wasting your time, I'm not foolish enough to have that information on there
Jack: Where are the vials?
Stephen: In the hands of dedicated men: true believers
Jack: Believers in what?
Stephen: That the greatest threat to world peace comes from this country
Jack: There's a hotel not far from here, where eight hundred innocent people are dead or dying because of you, were they a threat to your world peace?
Stephen: The United States must be forced to retreat within its own borders. Those people are simply the "casualties" of war
Jack: What happened to you?
Stephen: I was abandoned by the people I worked for, as you will be someday. My message will be heard in less than one hour
Jack: What're you talking about?
Stephen: My couriers have been instructed to release the virus and they're in "fail safe" mode where they can't be caught
Jack: Tell us where they are, we'll stop them
Stephen: That is possible, if only you agree to my terms
Jack: What are your terms?
Stephen: I have a private jet in Van Nuys Airport, I need to be on it with a Presidential guarantee of safe passage to North Africa
Jack: That's not going to happen
Stephen: Then hundreds of thousands will die. I know what you're thinking, the Bosnian secret police worked on me for two years and couldn't break me, and do you really think you'll be able to do it in less than an hour? Get me on that plane, you don't have a choice

General: Mr. President, we've started down a "slippery slope" here and unless...
President: [Interrupts him] cut the euphemisms: what're you trying to say?
General: Sir, we're concerned about the fact you ordered the death of a high ranking member of our intelligence...
Wayne: [Interrupts him] I don't think we're here to second guess his actions that have already been taken
President: No one is more aware than I am the moral ambiguity of my decision. I did it to buy CTU more time to find Saunders and to delay as long as possible the slaughter of millions. I made the decision to protect their future: not mine
President: [Holding up the phone Saunders gave him as it rings] Saunders, I have to take this
President: [Answering the phone after leaving the conference room] yes?
Stephen: I've confirmed the identity of Chappelle's body Mr. President. It will be disposed of: respectfully
President: We know who you are Mr. Saunders, whatever you're trying to accomplish, you're going to fail. Your only chance is to relinquish the virus and hope we don't find you
Stephen: That's not going to happen
President: What is it that you want?
Stephen: To make America "clean" again. You see Mr. President, the world hates America and for good reason. I won't bother going into the details, you know better than I the atrocities your nation commits and we're going to change all that. You and I together are going to dismantle the military machine that exports its ugliness across the globe
President: And how are "we" going to do that?
Stephen: We'll start where the work gets the dirtiest, something I know a little about. Covert foreign Nationals in thirty-two countries across the Middle East and Asia your government always uses Grade A through H intelligence consultants
President: They are citizens in which the countries they reside
Stephen: Their spies: working against those countries at the behest of the American military machine. In forty five minutes, I want a list of their identities, sent to me by way of a website:, if you fail to comply, I will release two vials of the virus in your major cities and this time, they won't be in hotels where they can be contained

Stephen: [Over the phone, while CTU tries to trace the call] there's man named Jack Bauer with you there, isn't there?
Stephen: What dad?
Stephen: Hand the phone over to him
Jane: Dad?
Stephen: You heard me
Jack: I'm on the line
Jane: You know how many vials I have and what I'm capable of
Jack: You know what I'm capable of too

Stephen: [Over the phone] I hope you covered your tracks by deleting incriminating satellite frames
Tony: I did what you wanted me to: where's my wife?
Stephen: Not so fast. I like to do things in phases, you should know that by now. That was phase one, now we have to talk about my daughter
Tony: What about her?
Stephen: I want her back of course
Tony: I want my wife back
Stephen: Then there should be no problem, where's Jane now?
Tony: She's on her way here, she should be here in about five minutes
Stephen: Good, once she gets there, make sure the guard follows your orders without question. Any harm comes to my daughter, your wife dies. If Jane is not released when I order it, your wife dies. That's all you need to know, are we clear?

Stephen: [Over the phone] it's time for your first assignment: a very simple one but one "necessary" to our future relationship
President: We don't have a relationship
Stephen: No, you don't negotiate with terrorists. Well, I don't negotiate with Heads of State so do what you're told. Across the street is a mailbox, have the Secret Service open it, inside is a package wrapped in black paper. Have them bring it to you in ten minutes
President: [Before Saunders hangs up the phone] I'm not doing anything until exactly who you...

Tony: [At a payphone with Jack listening in] where are we meeting?
Stephen: First, let me speak with my daughter
Tony: No, you can talk to her when we make the exchange
Stephen: Alright, bring her to an industrial park three miles north of where you are: on Morton Road, a car will waiting at loading dock twenty-two
Tony: No, choose a new place that doesn't work
Stephen: Make it work. You've got ten minutes to get to the industrial park or your wife will die
Tony: If we meet there, we all die
Stephen: Really?
Tony: CTU has redundant satellites in that area. They're dedicating all their resources into finding me right now. If you want your daughter back safely, you pick a new spot
Stephen: I am not negotiating terms Mr. Almeida, I've planned too long and too hard for today and I will do whatever it takes to make sure nothing interferes. Even if that means sacrificing my daughter, do you understand my commitment Mr. Almeida..?
Tony: [Jack presses down on the receiver hanging up the phone] what the hell are you doing? He wasn't going for it
Jack: His testing you, his heard what you have to say, he'll phone back, now hang up the phone
Tony: How do you know?
Jack: Because right now he thinks I'm going to kill his daughter: the only reason why he exposed himself is to make sure that she's still safe
Tony: Maybe that's what you do, but you're not Saunders. No matter how well you think you know this guy, you're not him. This isn't a game, we're talking about my wife
Jack: Michelle has a better chance of surviving if we control the ground where the exchange is going to take place
Tony: Protecting her is not your priority is it? If she were to get killed, that would be an "acceptable loss", wouldn't it? My God, didn't you learn anything from what happened to Teri?
Jack: [after pushing him] shut up!
Tony: [while he walks away] just because you sacrificed your wife for this job, doesn't mean I'm going to sacrifice mine
Tony: [Walking back to pick up the payphone after Stephen calls back] I'm here
Stephen: Make no mistake, this is your first and last accommodation
Tony: Just tell me where you want to make the exchange
Stephen: [Looking at his mobile computer] downtown under the 6th St. Bridge
Tony: Under the 6th St. Bridge
Stephen: Be there in thirty minutes but if I see you brought anyone else into this, I will kill your wife
Jack: [after Tony hangs up the phone] you did great

Jane: [while in an interrogation room] why am I being treated like I've done something wrong?
Tony: I apologize for that: we're just trying to keep you safe
Jane: This is the one place I'm not safe. I've been thinking about it, you need me to get to my father so threatening to kill me or harm me is the only tool you have to use against him, tell me I'm wrong
Tony: [Sits down] you're right, we need your father to believe we'll do anything to get him but we're not going to hurt you. I give you my word
Jane: Your word?
Tony: Yeah, my word. I run this office and I will personally protect you
Jane: What about Kim's father? They told her his on his way back here
Tony: What about him?
Jane: He scares me, I got the feeling his going to hurt me
Tony: Nobody's going to hurt you alright?
Jane: [Before Tony's cell phone rings] I wish I could believe you
Tony: [Answers the phone] Almeida
Stephen: Is Jane around?
Tony: [Walks to the other side of the interrogation room] yeah
Stephen: Where is she?
Tony: She's here
Stephen: Put her on
Tony: No, you have my wife, I want to talk to her first
Stephen: You don't give me orders
Tony: [Whispers] you're wrong, I have your daughter which means I'm in charge. Now if you so much touch my wife, I will slit Jane's throat
Stephen: Hold on
Michelle: [after Saunders gives her the phone] Tony, it's me
Tony: Michelle
Michelle: They won't let me say much. I'm fine, I'm being treated well, don't let them do this...
Tony: [after Saunders grabs the phone away from her] Michelle?
Stephen: Let me speak to my daughter Mr. Almeida
Tony: [to Jane as he connects his cell phone into a portable speakerphone] it's your father, he wants to speak to you
Jane: Dad?
Stephen: Yes Jane, it's me
Jane: Their saying horrible things about you
Stephen: That's what they do: don't believe any of it
Jane: The virus in the hotel that's killing all those people, you didn't do that. Please tell me you didn't do that
Stephen: Listen to me, the US government distorts the truth and destroys lives. Don't listen to any of it, it's all lies
Jane: Then you didn't do it?
Stephen: I never do something without a good cause: know that
Tony: [Disconnects his cell phone from the speakerphone, referring to exchanging Michelle for Jane] that's all, let's do this
Stephen: How long will it take for you to get her out of the building?
Tony: I have to fabricate some clearances, it's going to take me about thirty to forty minutes
Stephen: Contact me as soon as you clear CTU

Tony: [Over the phone] who is this?
Stephen: Its Stephen Saunders: before you make tactical errors, I'd like to give you an update on the situation
Tony: I'm listening
Stephen: I need you to move to a private area that has direct COMM with your teams on site
Tony: Why would I do that?
Stephen: Open a web circuit to IP 257 .21. 116. 5 and you'll find out. That's IP 257 .21. 116. 5, just trust me. By the way, I'd like to offer you congratulations on your wife eluding infection from the virus
Tony: How do you know about my wife?
Stephen: Get on that site. I know exactly what they're doing to her but I did instruct them to keep her barely functional so we can return her to you
Tony: [after seeing Michelle being tortured on the website] I'll kill you, you son of a bitch. I'll rip your damn throat out you hear me?
Stephen: We don't have time so I'm sorry if I'll brush past that remark because in fifteen seconds Michelle will be dead if you don't do what I say
Stephen: [while looking at his mobile computer] there are five agents watching the northeast exit of this building: four of the ground, sniper on the rooftop next door. I'm assuming their operating as an "assumed" unit, I want you to give them a code nine, send them to the front entrance now
Tony: Jack Bauer is running the operation, I don't have the authority to do that
Stephen: No authority? Really?