The Best Gael Ortega Quotes

Michelle: [Over the radio] how you feeling?
Gael: I'm ok, I'm alright: the bleeding stops and starts. I just feel very weak
Michelle: As soon as NHS gets here, they're going to send a doctor to see you
Gael: To track the progress of the virus?
Michelle: To make you more comfortable
Gael: You've got to get them here soon. You're going to have a hard time keeping people in the hotel once they wake up

Gael: I'll ask the questions, huh?
[Gael duct tapes Kim's legs to the chair]
Gael: You came in here to bring the logs backup to date. When do they expect you to finish? Don't make me ask you twice.
Kim: I don't know, ten minutes
Gael: And after that, what are you working on?
Kim: Just utility work
Gael: Good
Kim: What do you think you're doing? This isn't going to work...
[Gael duct tapes Kim's mouth shut and leaves her gagged and tied to the chair]

Gael: [Over the phone] we're tracking Amador: his seven miles Palo Verde, moving west on the rural highway, any idea where his going?
Jack: [Before hanging up] no, just get back to me as soon as his stopped
Jack: [to Ramón] we've located Amador, his seven miles north of Palo Verde, moving west
Ramon: Must be highway fourteen. We should be moving we can't let him get too far ahead
Hector: Ok, get everyone ready
Jack: No, you can't ambush Amador unless you're absolutely certain that his got the virus with him
Hector: What do you say we should do?
Jack: Let him lead us to Nina. When we're sure they got the virus, then we go in but not with an army of men, you have to let me go in there alone
Ramon: No you're not going anywhere alone. I am not letting you out of my sight, we do it together
Jack: [to Ramón] We're better off here
Ramon: And make sure everyone is ready, just in case. Jack, I'll give you the phone, you're driving

Gael: Sorry, Kim
Kim: No!
[Gael places his hand over Kim's mouth to gag her]
Gael: I have to ask you a few questions, okay? Now, this room is soundproof, so if you scream, it won't do anything but make me mad, and you don't want to do that.
Gael: So, we're going to be all right here?
[Kim nods her head and Adam removes his hand from her mouth]

Ryan: [During a briefing] there's no longer an outbreak threat for the city of Los Angeles: Kyle Singer who was being held by Salazar's people was not carrying the Cordilla virus, turns out to be perfectly healthy but we do know Salazar's organization has the virus which means finding Ramon Salazar is our top priority
Ryan: [Sarcastically to Gael after he arrives late] thank you for joining us, if you're taking over for Michelle, be on time
Gael: Sorry
Ryan: I was just saying from this moment on we're focused on one thing only and that is finding Ramon Salazar. Adam, where are we on that?
Adam: After Jack and Ramon ditched the chopper, we lost their trail for all we know their still in LA
Ryan: Well, we won't be for long. We suspect their heading for the Mexican border
Michelle: We've contacted the Mexican government as well as Central American allies, we asking them to monitor all air corridors
Ryan: What about Chase Edmunds?
Michelle: I'm assuming his coming back here
Ryan: Don't assume anything

Hector: [Over the phone with CTU personnel listening and tracing the call] what's going on? I've been trying to reach you
Gael: I was at Division with the Bureau Chief. I couldn't talk
Hector: Is there a problem?
Gael: No, I'm back at CTU now
Hector: And nobody suspects your working with us?
Gael: If they did, we wouldn't be having this conversation
Hector: Alright listen, we have a problem, the seller double crossed us, they brought in a second bidder
Gael: Second bidder?
Hector: Yeah, some woman named Nina Meyers. Amador held an auction: we lost
Gael: So you don't have the virus?
Hector: No
Gael: What do you want me to do?
Hector: Bauer says he knows this woman Nina. We're going to get it through her, hold on
Jack: [after Hector hands him the phone] Gael, its Jack. I'm going to give you the number of a phone Michael Amador's been using for the last few hours. I want you to pin it until you get his location. the number's 011525532240135
Gael: I got it, hey are you alright?
Jack: Yeah get back to me on this number as soon as you get his location
Hector: One more thing, Bauer's partner showed up
Gael: You have him?
Hector: Yes we have him
Gael: Alive?
Hector: Yes. For now, is he working alone? Or does he have back up?
Gael: Chase Edmunds is in Field Ops, I don't have access to that mandate
Hector: You get access ok? What're we paying you for?
Gael: If I try, it might blow my cover, the best is to keep Edmunds alive until we find him
Hector: [Before hanging up] alright

Michelle: [Over the phone while driving with Gael to the Chandler Plaza Hotel] we're a couple minutes away from the hotel, where's NHS?
Tony: Their getting ready: they should be there in a little while
Michelle: "A little while"? What does that mean? Two minutes? Ten minutes?
Tony: Probably closer to twenty
Michelle: We don't that kind of time
Tony: I understand but you wait until they get there alright? I don't want anyone to go inside that hotel without bio suits
Michelle: We can't wait too long, if we wait and go in to stop the virus...
Tony: [Interrupts her] you wait ok? That's an order
Michelle: [Before hanging up] fine, anything else?
Tony: No
Gael: What's wrong?
Michelle: Just stuff between Tony and me
Gael: I'm sorry
Michelle: He hasn't been right he got back from the hospital
Gael: The last couple months Tony and I been working very closely together manning this operation. It's been eating at him not to be able to talk to you about it
Michelle: I just want this day to be over

Gael: [Walking up to her with Philips] all the exits have been secured
Michelle: Good, we need to shut down the elevators and the phone system
Craig: It's that serious?
Michelle: Essentially: yes. For now no one can leave the building, our first priority is to prevent a panic
Craig: Shutting down hotel operations will create one. People still have their cell phones
Michelle: We're directing a jamming signal into the hotel
Craig: How do you stay in contact with CTU if the cell phones are jammed?
Michelle: Our phones operate on a different frequency, it won't be affected
Craig: Is anyone going to survive this?
Michelle: That's what we're here to insure
Gael: [to Philips] look, we're going to rely on your leadership, you and your employees will be our first line of defense ok?
Michelle: We also need you shut down the fire alarm
Craig: It's hard wired into the main grid, it has to be shut down one node at a time
Craig: [after Michelle remains silent, before he walks away] I'll take care of it
Michelle: Thank you
Gael: We probably got an hour or so before people start waking up, where's Alvers?
Michelle: His downstairs with Peterson, he gave up nothing except there are more vials: somewhere
Michelle: [after sitting down next to him] I know you wouldn't have been exposed to the virus if it wasn't for me
Gael: You didn't have us do anything we would've done on our own

Michelle: You wanted to see me?
Gael: I've spoken to Chloe, and Adam and we'll cover for you if you want to go to the hospital to be with Tony
Michelle: Cover for me?
Gael: Well, we know you've got a lot on your mind right now
Michelle: I'm fine Gael
Chloe: We just thought...
Adam: [Interrupts her] look, I've been taking thirty percent of Chloe's load since the bio threat came in, I can handle half of COMM's load as well
Chloe: We'll just a route user password on District servers so we won't be slowed down by request authorizations
Gael: Is there any other way to do this?
Adam: More bodies: we need at least four more systems analysts to take on the work we've been doing
Gael: I can make some calls, get the next shift in here early
Michelle: I've already tried that by the time they got here, it would already be too late. Look I appreciate this but it's not going to happen so let's get back to work
Gael: [after Chloe and Adam leave] listen, I agree. We can't run this place by committee, let me step in for you. Adam and Chloe can stay at their posts
Michelle: What about yours?
Gael: When I was at Langley I filled in for my Bureau Chief a couple times and we got through it
Michelle: Was there a bio threat and the President in town all in one day? Thank you anyway Gael

Gael: [Over the phone] yeah?
Hector: It's me, Edmunds escaped: killed three of my men, has he contacted CTU?
Gael: Not yet but he might not call. I found out Edmunds is rogue, his been acting on his own
Hector: And CTU hasn't sent anyone down here to find him?
Gael: They don't even know where he is
Hector: Ok you call me the second you hear anything

Ryan: [while in the interrogation room] you "had" us: now we have you. You working alone or does Salazar have other moles inside? You know Johnson, you know what Johnson does and you know sooner or later, you're going to tell me what you know. The only question is how hard you want to make this on yourself. Kim said you were monitoring a plane that had Jack Bauer on it, is that true?
Gael: I have nothing to say
Ryan: If it's the last thing you ever do, you're going to tell me where that plane is landing

Tony: Why don't we try an amplification module?
Gael: I've already cycled through it three times: it's not a weak signal, there's no signal
Tony: What do we think happened here?
Michelle: There's a strong possibility that Jack's cover might've been blown
Tony: There's no indication that his transponder's been found or that his cover's been blown. Maybe his in a place where there's no signal or his transponder's been broken?
Gael: Partial damage may have knocked it to a different frequency
Tony: Let's run a scan
Michelle: I'm doing that now. I'm only a third way through the spectrum but so far no luck

Tony: Where are we?
Gael: So far, unable to pick up Jack on any of our imagery
Tony: How long we've been out of contact?
Gael: His tracking beacon went dead twenty-seven minutes ago
Tony: Last known location?
Gael: [Showing the location on a monitor] here, can't be much further out than thirty miles in any one direction
Tony: Unless he was choppered out?
Gael: No way: air tactical is watching the skies
Ryan: [after walking into the room] where's Bauer?
Tony: We don't know yet
Ryan: That's great, so this entire operation which hinges on Jack being on site when they deliver the virus is going down the tubes because we don't know where he is. How does that happen?
Tony: Look, you want to chew us out? Do it later, we're trying to get this back on track
Ryan: I will. You better find Bauer and make this work, otherwise the two of you and Jack assuming his still alive are going to take the fall for everything that happened today. From the prison riot, to Salazar's escape and every dead body in between
Gael: [after Chappelle leaves] so what happens if Jack goes to this meeting without back up?
Tony: The Salazar's get the virus, what happens from there? I don't know

Gael: Do me favor?
Michelle: Anything
Gael: Contact my family and tell them I love them: tell them I died quickly, no pain
Michelle: Of course
Michelle: [Takes her gun and places it next to him, implying he should commit suicide instead of dying in pain] Gael
Gael: I was raised to believe suicide is a sin
Michelle: No one could blame you in this world or the next for ending your suffering
Gael: You sure about that? A few seconds more is all I needed. You know when I was trying to stop the cylinder from exploding? I hesitated just a moment because I was afraid, then I forced myself to move forward. If I hadn't hesitated, this wouldn't be happening to me, to all those poor people upstairs
Michelle: Gael, you did everything you could. I'm proud to have worked with you. Your one of the bravest men I've ever known and I will make sure your wife and children will know that