Top 20 Quotes From Adam Kaufman

Ryan: Here's the situation: we believe Michael Amador is in possession of the Cordilla virus, we believe he is either headed towards Los Angeles or is here already. We estimate he has enough of the pathogen to take out a major metropolitan area, our only lead is Nina Meyers who is being brought back to CTU right now. She thinks Amador is meeting with a man in Los Angeles named Marcus Alvers. Adam's done the work up on him
Adam: We have some background but there's nothing that places him definitively in Los Angeles today
Ryan: That's it? What about Interpol? What do they have on Alvers?
Adam: Our data tracking is a little behind, so we weren't able to access that report
Ryan: Why are we behind?
Tony: We haven't updated the European contact logs when I was down
Ryan: Michelle, you were the ranking agent
Michelle: I didn't think Europe was a priority
Tony: Obviously it was
Michelle: There was a lot going on at the time
Ryan: Alright. Let's get back to work, and let's try to ease up on the mistakes tonight because there are millions of lives depending on us

Adam: I need you to go over these format changes
Kim: Yeah, here, you're going to need these files for the repagination: they're not on the hard drive
Adam: [Noticing Angela behind her desk] what is that?
Kim: It's a baby
Adam: Yeah, I can see it's a baby, whose baby is it?
Kim: Chloe's
Adam: Chloe's?
Kim: Her babysitter must've had some family emergency
Adam: Chloe doesn't have a baby
Kim: Of course she does
Adam: Umm, no she doesn't, I did the search when they hired her. I did a background check, personal histories, and medical histories: the whole thing
Kim: And she's never had a baby?
Adam: No. it's definitely not her kid

Tony: [Briefing CTU staff over a monitor] this is Michael Amador, his representing Ukrainians in the sale of the virus. Now we have a Delta team tracking on the ground in a safe distance
Adam: Why don't get Amador now if they know where he is?
Tony: Because he may not being carrying the virus: if his not, we could blow up our chance at the interception
Tony: Once Jack confirms it is the virus, the Delta team will go in and secure it
Adam: Delta team asked for a photo of the woman Jack is working with so I...
Tony: Adam, wait
Kim: [Surprised] Nina Meyers is the broker?
Adam: Didn't you read the Ops brief?
Kim: No
Tony: Kim, can you come with me?
Tony: [to Michelle while leaving the conference room with Kim] can you finish the briefing please?
Michelle: Yeah

Michelle: Adam, I'm piping this over to your system
Adam: What is it?
Michelle: frags on the body that was dropped off at Health Services: we're doing an ID analysis
Michelle: Kim, where are you on the capability search?
Kim: It's still running. It's going to be another fifteen minutes
Michelle: So you're open?
Kim: Yeah, what'd you need?
Michelle: Adam's going to break off part of an ID, we're going to need a name
Michelle: [to Adam] give her the DNA file
Adam: Michelle, I don't need her help
Michelle: [Before walking away] yes you do, this is urgent
Kim: I'm ready Adam, send the file

Kim: I'm open Adam: send the file
Adam: No
Kim: Michelle just told you...
Adam: [Interrupts her] I don't need anyone doing my work for me
Kim: What is your problem?
Adam: My problem is everyone in this place earned their job, you got it because of your dad

Michelle: You wanted to see me?
Gael: I've spoken to Chloe, and Adam and we'll cover for you if you want to go to the hospital to be with Tony
Michelle: Cover for me?
Gael: Well, we know you've got a lot on your mind right now
Michelle: I'm fine Gael
Chloe: We just thought...
Adam: [Interrupts her] look, I've been taking thirty percent of Chloe's load since the bio threat came in, I can handle half of COMM's load as well
Chloe: We'll just a route user password on District servers so we won't be slowed down by request authorizations
Gael: Is there any other way to do this?
Adam: More bodies: we need at least four more systems analysts to take on the work we've been doing
Gael: I can make some calls, get the next shift in here early
Michelle: I've already tried that by the time they got here, it would already be too late. Look I appreciate this but it's not going to happen so let's get back to work
Gael: [after Chloe and Adam leave] listen, I agree. We can't run this place by committee, let me step in for you. Adam and Chloe can stay at their posts
Michelle: What about yours?
Gael: When I was at Langley I filled in for my Bureau Chief a couple times and we got through it
Michelle: Was there a bio threat and the President in town all in one day? Thank you anyway Gael

Tony: [During a meeting] his name's Kyle Singer, we think his transporting the virus but it's likely he doesn't know what his carrying
Adam: How could he not know?
Tony: Health Services believes the virus was made to look like heroin or cocaine. We know that Kyle Singer was hired to deliver a package from Mexico to a dealer in Los Angeles
Michelle: He thinks his smuggling drugs
Tony: That's the working theory. Now here's the thing: once Singer delivers that bag of powder, it gets cut up and distributed throughout the city. At that point, it becomes impossible to contain
Adam: Is LAPD grabbing Singer?
Tony: No
Adam: Why not? Can't they get there faster?
Tony: LAPD is not trained to handle a hot zone. Jack Bauer is going to go in with a team from Health Services, we're going to run the operation from here, updating the President in real time. Now we have to approach Singer with "care", he has no idea how deadly the powder is

Ryan: [During a briefing] there's no longer an outbreak threat for the city of Los Angeles: Kyle Singer who was being held by Salazar's people was not carrying the Cordilla virus, turns out to be perfectly healthy but we do know Salazar's organization has the virus which means finding Ramon Salazar is our top priority
Ryan: [Sarcastically to Gael after he arrives late] thank you for joining us, if you're taking over for Michelle, be on time
Gael: Sorry
Ryan: I was just saying from this moment on we're focused on one thing only and that is finding Ramon Salazar. Adam, where are we on that?
Adam: After Jack and Ramon ditched the chopper, we lost their trail for all we know their still in LA
Ryan: Well, we won't be for long. We suspect their heading for the Mexican border
Michelle: We've contacted the Mexican government as well as Central American allies, we asking them to monitor all air corridors
Ryan: What about Chase Edmunds?
Michelle: I'm assuming his coming back here
Ryan: Don't assume anything

Tony: Michelle's still over at the hotel. I just told her you'd send over some of your system updates for her to work on
Adam: Ok, I'll send them right over
Tony: Where are we on this guy who escaped from the hotel?
Adam: His name's Bill Cole, his an insurance sales rep. We contacted his wife by phone but she wasn't very cooperative: we did manage to get from her that Cole did come home unusually late and left early
Tony: For work?
Adam: Probably but his office doesn't open for another half hour. We're looking for him now, NHS just arrived, they'll quarantine the house, and the wife
Tony: Who are we sending over there?
Adam: Chase, he'll be there soon

Kim: I got a shot coming in from the traffic camera at the next intersection: definitely the same truck
Adam: Can you read the license plate?
Kim: We won't be able to read anything until it finishes downloading
Adam: I just saw the update: about what your father's doing at the prison, the transfer order you generated for him
Kim: I heard
Adam: If you want me to say that you didn't know he was going to use it break out Salazar, I will
Kim: Thanks, I'll be ok. Hold on, it's not downloading, I'm getting an error message

Michelle: What's going on?
Kim: There's been gunshots at the mall
Michelle: When?
Kim: About two minutes ago. I can't get in touch with my dad or Tony
Adam: Berkin said someone's down
Michelle: Who?
Adam: Its either Tony or Jack: his not sure. His about to find out. Hold on. It's Jack, he wants to talk to you
Michelle: [Immediately picks up the phone] what's going on? Where's Tony?
Jack: His been shot
Michelle: How bad?
Jack: He was hit in the neck, his still alive. We're getting him to the hospital now
Michelle: Oh God
Jack: I know how difficult it must be for you right now, but you need to make a decision
Michelle: What?
Jack: With Tony down, you're in command. If you want to be by his side at the hospital, you're going to have to hand CTU over to someone else. No one will fault you for whatever you choose to do but if you choose to stay we need you to work at full capacity
Michelle: I understand
Jack: [Before hanging up] I'm sorry

Jack: [after listening to terrorist demands using a disguised voice] do we know where the phone call originated from?
Adam: We don't know yet: it came out of a scrambled satellite and we're trying to narrow it down
Tony: Jack, you know Salazar better than anybody else here, who do you think we're dealing with?
Jack: Without a doubt, his brother. Hector was next in command, he went underground the second Ramón was taken into custody. Now look, I know for a fact that the Salazar's own multiple properties in South America and Mexico registered under dummy corporations, unfortunately the Mexican government can't locate them so we're going to have throw out a pretty large net to try to trace the origin of that call
Tony: Alright, we'll work on it
Jack: How are we doing with the ID of the dead body?
Tony: Michelle's running the DNA
Jack: Ok, what about prints and dental?
Adam: No teeth and no fingertips
Jack: Ok we need this ID. It's the only "hook" into their operation
Tony: What about questioning Salazar?
Jack: [Shakes his head] it's a complete waste a time. This is man without vulnerability, he doesn't respond to physical interrogation and he doesn't care about another living soul, including his own children

Adam: I've had it Tony: I swear to God
Tony: What's the problem?
Adam: Chloe O'Brian does not touch my data. If Field Ops wants something she asks Jack or you and then you talk to me
Tony: Did she damage anything?
Adam: That's not the point. The reason why my department has zero downtime is because of the procedures I put in place
Tony: Did she damage anything?
Adam: No she didn't
Tony: Then let it go. Look Jack's got his department and I got mine and we're all under the same roof understood?
Adam: [Nods]
Tony: Good. Now lighten up or going to drive yourself and the rest of us crazy

Adam: Did you send me that Calumet filter?
Kim: What?
Adam: Calumet filter, I need it to clean up that image
Kim: Shoot, I forgot about it. It's in my outbox
Adam: How could you forget it? It's the only thing you're working on
Kim: I'm sorry, I'm sending it to you right now: done
Adam: I don't know where your head's at but we need to find Kyle Singer before his contagious
Kim: Relax, I'm doing the best I can
Adam: "The best I can" is not what we do around here it's done or it's not
Kim: So, why are you lecturing me? It's in your system
Michelle: [Calling him after overhearing him fighting with Kim] is there a problem?
Adam: I just need to make sure things are running smoothly around here
Michelle: I haven't had a chance to brief you but Jack's created a "situation" over at the prison
Adam: What kind of a "situation"?
Michelle: Started a riot to free Salazar and Kim's caught up in the middle of it
Adam: Whoa
Michelle: He even used Kim to create a transfer order that started the whole thing so cut her a little slack
Adam: Yeah ok. I understand
Michelle: We're all under a little pressure here so let's just find Kyle Singer
Adam: Yeah sure

Adam: What?
Chloe: I've been checking satellite navigation except there's some missing frames and their certain it's on our route
Adam: What about the backup on the FDA volume?
Chloe: Gone: not only that they cover about twenty seconds so if Saunders escape the building it's within that interval
Adam: So there was a "glitch" at exactly the wrong moment?
Chloe: Yeah, what are the chances of that?
Adam: Not good
Chloe: I'm thinking Saunders has access to our system
Adam: Did you tell Tony yet?
Chloe: No, I want more information before I go to him but I checked with Field Ops and all their systems are accounted for. I need you to do the same in COMM
Adam: Do you really think someone inside CTU is working for Saunders?
Chloe: It's the only thing that makes sense right now so if you could just do that and call your sister back

Kim: [while enhancing traffic camera images on their computer] that's him. That's Singer
Adam: Is that a gun?
Kim: [Referring to his been kidnapped] yeah, someone's got him
Adam: We're not going to be able to get the truck's license plates from this shot
Kim: I'll get access to the traffic cameras in the direction their heading: see if we can find them again
Adam: [Calling Michelle] we found Kyle Singer being driven away from the mall forty-seven minutes ago
Michelle: Are you working up a vehicle ID?
Adam: We will, as soon as we can get another visual

Chloe: Tony, you need to hear this
Tony: What?
Chloe: I have to report some bad news: Field Ops lost two satellite feeds because Adam forgot to segregate the channels
Adam: What're you talking about?
Chloe: It's true, I had to reinitiate everything
Adam: You touched my system?
Chloe: Tony, let's face it, Adam shouldn't be here because his under duress because his sister's going to die
Adam: [Protesting] I did not forget to separate those channels Tony
Chloe: Yes, you did
Tony: Alright, look we don't have time for this. We have teams on the ground that are depending on us, now did you back up the satellite data?
Chloe: Yes, I re-programmed almost everything, we lost about thirty seconds
Adam: [while checking on his computer] we didn't lose anything, I can prove it to you right now
Adam: [after realizing his mistake] I thought I... Chloe's right, I forgot to separate them
Tony: [to Adam] you made a mistake, what I need to know is if you can get through the rest of the day without making another one
Tony: [after Adam remain silent] Adam?
Adam: I'm fine Tony
Tony: [Before walking away] ok

Tony: [Briefing CTU staff] I just got off the phone with Chase who is with Cole right now: after Cole left the hotel, he went to his house in Burbank
Adam: He stopped at a gas station on Riverside Drive but it was self service but according to what he told the urgent care unit and what his wife confirmed, he didn't become symptomatic until after he came home
Chloe: Any nose bleeds? Any sweating?
Adam: [Showing the timeline on a monitor] yeah, here's where the ripple starts, at 7:20 he stopped at a pharmacy and asked the pharmacist Sam Tyler for some medication to stop the bleeding
Tony: There were three other people inside that pharmacy at the same time
Adam: Right, one of them, Anne Swartz she's been going to the pharmacy for years so they had her address on file. We sent NHS people to her house, she has a husband, and three children
Chloe: What about the other two customers?
Adam: ID's unknown
Tony: These people can be anywhere: spreading the disease to anybody they come in contact with
Adam: It gets worse: the urgent care facility in Studio City, there were six patients in the waiting area when Cole came in and left before the quarantine was put in place. We're tracking them down but between them and the staff at the facility, we could be looking at seventy-five people just in their immediate families
Tony: If any of these people are in a supermarket or a mall when they become symptomatic, this thing is going to be impossible to contain. We need to identify them and find them now. Also, I need you to coordinate with NHS and HAZMAT, we have to set up a quarantine in two neighborhoods in the Burbank and Studio City area: department heads report to Adam

Adam: [Briefing CTU staff on a monitor] these are the quarantine zones that were set up an hour ago: since then two new symptomatic patients were discovered heading out of Silver Lake and one in Hancock Park. Those two new cases generated five new quarantine zone areas: that's three percent of the city. If containment isn't total, it'll grow exponentially
Tony: We're all tired, I know that and some of you have been working twenty-four straight. I don't have to tell you how serious the situation is but we can't drift. If there ever was a worst case scenario, this is it, we're in it. Everyone has to stay on point, we switch from "prevention" to "containment." The virus is out

Tony: [Talking privately] can you come with me for a second?
Adam: I'm sitting on these satellite feeds for Jack right now, can it wait?
Tony: No, it can't, Chloe will watch it
Adam: Fine, what is it? I really have to stay on this
Tony: It's personal, just come with me
Adam: Whatever it is, just tell me. Did I do something wrong?
Tony: No, I'm afraid I have some bad news for you: your sister Sarah is in one of the quarantine zones
Adam: What?
Tony: You have a sister named Sarah right?
Adam: Yeah, how could they be sure it's her? There has to be a hundred Sarah Kaufman's in Los Angeles
Tony: Chloe confirmed it
Adam: Have they kept her away from the people that are infected?
Tony: She's infected
Adam: What're you saying? Are you saying Sarah's going to die?
Tony: It looks that way, yeah. I'm sorry
Adam: Oh my God
Tony: I'm going to give you a chance to talk to your sister but then I'm going to need you to stay on until the crisis passes, you think you can do that? Because we need you here