The Best Dr. Nicole Duncan Quotes

Dr. Nicole Duncan: How you doing?
Jack: I'm ok, how you've been?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Until to this afternoon I was fine. I tried to reach you when I found out about Teri
Jack: Yeah I know. After that, I just kind of withdrew but I appreciated the calls. We should get going
Dr. Nicole Duncan: I just finished running Macer's epidemiological model, her estimates were off
Jack: Better or worse than we thought?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Twice as bad, she had nine percent of the population within a week but its closer to twenty percent and the infection mortality rate is higher than her estimate, almost ninety-five percent lethal. I've been studying germs for twelve years and I've never seen anything like this
Jack: [Sarcastically] great
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Are you feeling ok?
Jack: Yeah, why?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: You're perspiring
Jack: It's been nonstop since noon. Look, we're going to be about eight minutes out. It'd be great if we can go over the quarantine protocols before we get there
Dr. Nicole Duncan: No problem

Jack: What the hell are you doing? You haven't showered down yet
Dr. Nicole Duncan: We're not at risk
Jack: What're you talking about? I watched the powder get out
Jack: It's harmless, some of silicate: that's all
Jack: What?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: There is no virus in the powder, we tested five samples, and there weren't even trace sample amounts. Atmospheric and surface analysis also came up negative and Kyle's parents tested negative as well
Jack: You're sure about this?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: The only thing I'm not sure about is if we're on the right trail
Jack: No, the body that was dropped off at Health Services was linked to Kyle Singer. Why would Salazar's people pay him to bring across a bag of worthless powder?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Fine, but where do we even start looking?
Jack: I don't know. Wait a second, Macer said the only way to transfer the virus was in crystalline form right?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Yeah, that's the only way it could survive outside a living body
Jack: What if it was never outside a living body?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: What'd you mean?
Jack: What if the virus was transported inside a living host? What if Kyle Singer was infected in Mexico this morning before he even left?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: But Salazar has no leverage if Singer is walking around infecting people
Jack: That's the point. He wouldn't be contagious yet
Dr. Nicole Duncan: The incubation period is fourteen hours
Jack: Right. Think about it, we know for a fact Kyle Singer was in Mexico eleven hours ago, Hector Salazar hasn't threatened to release the virus for another three hours. The math adds up
Dr. Nicole Duncan: We need to find Kyle Singer

Dr. Nicole Duncan: [Over the phone] Kyle Singer's test came back negative
Jack: How is that possible?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: It's only possible if he was never infected
Jack: So you're telling me this whole scare was a bluff?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: I don't know if I would say that: the dead body dropped off this morning was infected
Jack: Then why wouldn't they have infected the boy? what the hell is going on here?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: I don't know. You tell me

Tony: [Over the phone] how long before you can move in?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: About half an hour
Tony: We found out the virus was altered, combined with another compound
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Until the compound is analyzed we have no idea what we're dealing with
Tony: So, what's the mortality rate among those exposed to the virus?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: In its ALT form, approximately ninety percent
Tony: If somebody was exposed to it for a short time, would leaving the hotel make a difference? I mean I knowing not making sense here...
Dr. Nicole Duncan: [Interrupts him] once your exposed, your exposed, the length of exposure has no bearing on survivability
Tony: You said ten percent would survive, now if the virus "was" altered, is there a chance the percentage would go up?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: [Referring to Michelle] it's possible: we'll do everything we can for her
Tony: [Before hanging up] yeah, thanks

Dr. Nicole Duncan: How long have you been using?
Jack: What?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: I did a rotation in rehab: you tend to pick up when someone's using
Jack: I don't know what you're talking about
Dr. Nicole Duncan: You know exactly what I'm talking about
Dr. Nicole Duncan: How long?
Jack: For a while now. It was the only way I could maintain my cover with the Salazar's
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Are you high now?
Jack: [Sternly] no
Dr. Nicole Duncan: [Picking up the vile of cocaine and showing it to him] it's empty
Jack: [Snatching it from her] I told you I'm fine
Dr. Nicole Duncan: I'm not so sure
Jack: If you're not so sure then turn me in
Dr. Nicole Duncan: I don't want to turn you in. I'm worried about you
Jack: You don't have to be, I've "kicked it"
Dr. Nicole Duncan: I have a responsibility to stop this virus and I am taking a "calculated" risk, that you are more of an asset than a liability so please don't screw this up
Jack: I won't
Jack: [Answering his phone] yeah?
Tony: Security found Singer, I'm about to pick him up
Jack: Ok where are you?
Tony: Second floor rotunda. Top of the north escalator, where are you?
Tony: We're coming in the loading dock, north entrance, have you got a visual?
Tony: Yeah I got it
Jack: Where've you placed your men?
Jack: Their posted at all of the entrances
Jack: Ok good, we should be there in about a minute
Tony: [Before hanging up] alright

Sam: I don't understand: if his not sick yet, why isn't there a way to treat him?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Once their exposed, it starts incubating the virus. There's nothing we can do
Sam: How long does he have?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: The lab tests haven't come back yet, once they do...
Sam: [Interrupts her] please just give us an idea?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Hours, not days. I'm sorry
Sam: Can we see him?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Of course

Tony: [Over the phone] are you on your way to the hotel?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Yeah, we're loading up now, we'll be there as fast as we can. What's the status of your people?
Tony: Their setting up a covert perimeter
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Ok, we're bringing a mobile lab to test the people inside the hotel but that could accomplished if the situation is stable
Tony: Yeah Michelle's got that covered
Dr. Nicole Duncan: She's inside the hotel? Unprotected?
Tony: Yeah, look I'll get back to you
Tony: [Before hanging up with Duncan, to Chappelle after he walks into his office] here's the protocol: total containment inside the hotel, no one is allowed to leave or communicate with the outside. Health Services will establish an adjacent perimeter, LAPD will move in as soon as the area is deemed safe
Ryan: Alright, have they been given a degree of "forced parameters" in case someone tries to leave the hotel?
Tony: No, that's your call
Ryan: One person gets out it can start a ripple effect and disease transmission throughout the city. The orders are shoot to kill if anyone attempts to leave: no exceptions

Michelle: [Through video conference] Sir, we have a monitoring plan for everyone inside the quarantine zone
President: Define the quarantine zone?
Michelle: Everyone within a two mile radius of ground zero. Ground zero being the shopping center where Kyle Singer was last seen
Dr. Nicole Duncan: [Over the speakerphone] Mr. President, this is Dr. Nicole Duncan with Health Services: medical teams are in place and are ready to start screening and releasing people from quarantine after a seventy-two hour period. If we move quickly, we believe we can lower the estimate
President: Lower it to what?
Dr. Nicole Duncan: Between sixty and ninety thousand
President: [Before signing off] alright thank you Ms. Dessler, Dr. Duncan