The Best Agent Gibson Quotes

Tony: [after walking into the conference room] Agent Gibson, I take it your team is finished with the analyses of the Cyprus recording?
Agent: Yes sir
Tony: Could you walk us through it please?
Agent: We began with taking voice samples from Syed Ali and the three government officials on the recording. We deconstructed the sound waves and isolated unique qualities that are vocally equivalent to fingerprints. Our studies indicate the voices on the Cyprus audio are in fact Syed Ali and the three government Ministers in question
Tony: Now, this recording could've been created by putting different conversations together right?
Agent: Yes, but reconstruction always leaves "artifacts", mismatched acoustical signatures or altered cadences, we found no such "artifacts."
Tony: Is there any chance that this recording could've been doctored in a way that we couldn't detect?
Agent: Of course anything is theoretically possible but I can say with absolutely certainty that the finest experts using the very best equipment available did not find any evidence that this recording is anything but a genuine and accurate record of an actual conversation
Tony: A conversation with these four men that sat in the same room and conspired to detonate a nuclear bomb on US soil?
Agent: Yes sir
Michelle: [after entering the room and sitting down] I just finished talking with Ali. He "claims" his never spoken to any of the men in the recording. He says it's a complete fabrication and that he was in Berlin on April 5th, not Cyprus. He could be telling the truth
Tony: He still thinks we killed one of his sons. His trying to save the rest of his family by denying that his country is one of the three behind the nuke
Michelle: I agree he has a clear motive to lie but if there's any possibility that his telling the truth, I think we need to investigate
Carrie: But he's not. I mean it's obvious
Michelle: It's not obvious to me
Carrie: In a contest between the physical evidence and the word of an attempted mass murderer it's clear which side wins. And no offense but your experience as an interrogator is limited
Tony: [to Carrie] alright that's enough
Michelle: [Raises her voice to Carrie] I sat three feet away from the man and I believe that he is a broken man without the strength or resolve to lie