50 Best Animal Kingdom Quotes

Barry: [to Catherine] You said shit you shouldn't have said.
Catherine: No, I should have hit her with the car!

Det. Sandra Yates: [to J] You're like the colt that can't keep up with the herd when the wolves arrive and the wolves are circling, Josh.

Craig: Pope spent the night in jail.
Barry: Yeah, I heard. Not even long enough to make a toothbrush into a shiv.

Janine: Vin, whatever went down between you and my son, that's your business. But, you show up on my property? That's my business and trust me, you don't want that.

Deran: Smurf always talks about how we have to have each other's backs, but she loved when we fought.

Janine: [to J] You're in this family now. You're gonna be seeing things and hearing things that need to stay in this family. Do you get it?

Craig: [to Deran] You couldn't have taken the lock all the way off?
Deran: Did you want me to gift wrap it too?

Julia: It's... It's not even like that. It's not just sex. Baz, he... he actually loves me.
Janine: [Laughs] So now you think you're a woman? 'Cause you know how to make a teenage boy hard? Baby, it is not rocket science. He'd stick it in a snotty Kleenex if he thought it was still wet. That's just reality, little girl. You better get used to it.

Janine: So now you think you're a woman? 'Cause you know how to make a teenage boy hard?

Janine: I'm 8 months pregnant.
Jed: Ya, you still got a mouth.

Joshua: It's not just Pope's birthday. It's my mom's too.

Barry: [to J] Don't let Smurf get you killed.

Craig: I'm not saying we're gonna hike a pyramid, but I'm gonna drink tequila on the beach or you're going home alone.

Janine: She betrayed you, Andrew. She's betrayed you over and over, and now she's betrayed the family.

Janine: This doesn't end until we end it.

Andrew: You do what you want. I ain't going back to prison for your or anybody.

Paul: [to Baz] Are you threatening me?
Barry: No. Never. Because you want this. You want what's on the other side.

Barry: You know what, Pope, why don't you figure out your own shit before you start telling me how to raise my kid.
Andrew: Her mother left and you're banging some woman she's never seen before in her mother's bedroom. It's not Lena's fault that your girlfriend doesn't like your kid.
Barry: You don't know shit and you never will. You get that? No one is ever going to have a kid with you.

Det. Sandra Yates: You are in this situation because you are weak & selfish and you're going to get yourself out of this situation by being weak and selfish. That's who you are.

Craig: You don't think I can keep my dick in my pants.
Deran: Nope.

Deran: [to Smurf] You never loved me. You never loved any of us. It's all about you. It's always been about you.

Janine: You know, those are gonna heal in two to three days. Murder convinctions tend to take a little longer.

Deran: I never went to school.
Joshua: I can tell, man.

Barry: [to Smurf] What did he say about Cath?
Janine: He said you thought he'd bend over like a whore, wait 'til you see what he does to your wife.

Janine: I can't tell you how many times my boys have gotten laid because some little girl was trying to piss off her daddy.

Craig: You guys suck at being rich.

Barry: You hate Cath. You've been trying to get rid of her for years. I dn't give a shit what you think. I know something happened. She wouldn't leave. Not without Lena.

Andrew: Baz has a way of getting what he wants.

Janine: [to Baz] The only person those boys hate more than me is you.
Barry: That is such bullshit.
Janine: I trained you, Baz. You are me.

Janine: This is business, baby. That's it.

Joshua: You don't know them, Alexa. You don't know what they'll do to me.
Alexa: Do to us. J.

Janine: We never set out to hurt anyone. That's not the way we work. We don't take stupid risks. We're not greedy, but we're human.

Andrew: Look, don't let your dish sponges get so filthy. You put those things in the window sill! The sun kills more bacteria than any of that chemical shit you could buy.

Janine: No one in this family has to do anything they don't want to do. Deran will come home when he's ready.

Barry: If you're going to cross the line, you make sure it's a line worth crossing.

Det. Sandra Yates: You're like the colt that can't keep up with the herd when the wolves arrive. And the wolves are circling, Josh.

Deran: I thought you said you had to go.
[strips as he talks]
Deran: 'Cause I don't know about you, but I was just gonna get naked and hang out in the back, but if you have to go...
[Adrian laughs as they fall onto the bed together]

Andrew: God, you are so twisted and such a goddamn coward. If you had any balls at all, you would've told Baz the truth, but now you just told me.

Barry: Family comes first. Everything else comes second.

Janine: She betrayed you, Andrew. She's betrayed you over and over, and now she's betrayed the family.

Andrew: I hate that. I hate the way you look at me. It's like you're scared of me.

Barry: You made up the game. I was just playing it.

Andrew: Baz wants something, he gets it. Doesn't matter what happens to anyone else.

Barry: [to J] Your mom just died, man. It's a free pass.

Janine: Now you and I both know that's a lie.
Barry: We do.

Andrew: Goddamn animals.

Craig: I can't believe we did it. No more sucking mommy's dick.

Janine: The bigger the score, the bigger the risk.
Barry: But not if we do it my way.

Andrew: What are you, afraid of asbestos?

Joshua: You don't know them, Alexa. You don't know what they'll do to me.
Alexa: Do to us. J.