The Best The Act Quotes

Dee: [Nick called Dee Dee by phone] Hello? Oh, hello.
Nick: May I speak to Mistress Blanchard, please?
Dee: Who is this?
Nick: Well, basically, I am the man who is in love with your daughter, Gypsy Rose, and I have been for several years now, to be honest with you.
Dee: What?
Nick: Me and Gypsy don't have any secrets from each other.
Dee: I'll call the police on you, I swear to god.
Nick: I'm always going to love Gypsy, and she loves me back. Also I'm the father of her future children, probably, and there's nothing that you can do about it.
Dee: Don't you dare...
Nick: Oh, and furthermore, you don't talk to me that way. Ever.
Dee: Who do you think you are...
[Nick cuts off the call]

Gypsy: [Through phone messages and at an imagined scene on the bus Nick is travelling by] Victor? Will you, please, kill my mother for me? Because I can't do it myself.
[Nick slowly raises up his head and begins to smile]

Dee: My mama used to say, 'Sometimes the only way out of the fire is through it.'
Mel: What's that mean?
Dee: I used to think it meant you have to be brave, but then I realized she meant you have to suffer. You'll learn more from it.