100 Best The Godfather Part III Quotes

- Daddy, I'm so nervous.
- The honorary chairman of the vito corleone foundation, my daughter, Mary corleone.

- Nice to see you, Mr. Zasa.
- Have a nice time.
- Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets.
- What are you doing?
- -he didn't mean it.
- Tell him you're sorry.
- Okay, let's go.

- Hello, Kay.
- Congratulations, Michael.
- That's quite an honor.
- But a little expensive, wouldn't you say?
- Cake?
- No, thank you.

- Mr. Lucchesi's house?
[In Italian] Yes.
- I bring a message from Michael corleone.
- Let him in.

- I respect what he's done.
- The new overthrows the old.
- It's natural.
- How can you do business with this guy?
- I'm a businessman, first and foremost.
- I want no further conflict.
- Tell him that he can live or he can die.
- Vincent, will you shut up!

- Well...
- Spooky-looking guy there.
- What's a guy like that doing here?
- That's Joey zasa's bulldog.
- -You know him? -yeah, I do.
- His name is Anthony squigilaro.
- They call him "the ant".
- He dips his bullets in cyanide.

- My master is dead.
- Blood calls for blood.
- I must have revenge!
- Some day, you may have to do a difficult service for me.
- Command me.
- It never ends.
Calo: I will avenge him!

- That's it.
- Joey zasa...
- He can't be doing this alone.
- Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.

- Here it is.
- The house where my father was born.
- This is where they came to take him when he was a boy. To kill him.
- Wait...
- Listen to that.

- "Oh father, my father!"
- "Give me some time to pray to the lord."
- The baroness of carini had betrayed her husband...
- And fallen in love with her cousin.
- "There will be no forgiveness!"
- Her father stabbed her through the heart.

Joey: Bastardo.

Michael: The only wealth in this world is children.
- More than all the money andpo wer on earth, you are my treasure.
- Although I entrusted your education to your mother for your own best interest,
- I look forward to seeing you, and to a new period of Harmony in our lives.
- Perhaps you might pre vail upon your mother to come to this celebration.

Don: [regarding Vincent] This is the hero who put Joey Zasa in his grave. If we'd known of his existence, we would never have backed Joey.
Don: No one wants another Joe.

Vincent: [Vincent has caught one of Zaza's hitmen and is talking to the other] Whose idea was this? Who Sent you?
Hired: Nobody,
Vincent: You get a good look at this guy?
Hired: Ya.
Vincent: So who sent you?
Hired: Joey. Joey Zaza. No!

Don: I've lost the lust for women, and now my mind is clear.

- That's something.
- We can build on that. For their sake, let's try.
- Only if you let Tony go free to have his own life, away from you.
- I'll let Tony go.
- Thank you.

- So, it's all lies?
- Just stories, sweetheart. Okay?
- Okay.
- I'm glad you're around.
- I'm glad you're here too.
- Cugina...
- Cous...

- That pope Paul w has canceled his
- Sunday blessing...
- Due to ill health.
- His physician has ordered total bedrest ..
- And cessation of all activities.
- They've had a press conference.
- The pope's condition is grave. "Gral/I'ssimo."

- Mary, Tony...
- Go see dad.
- Sweetheart!
- Everything's going to be all right.
- -Tony! -how are you doing, pop?
- Your mother told me what happened.
- About palermo? I hope you'll be there.
- Of course. Kiss me.

- Go in the other car.
- I'll ride with Michael.
- Go, go, go.

- Do you mind driving?
- -what's wrong?
- My eyes.
- Sometimes they're all right, but...
- I have to see Don tommasino...
- Well...
- There are no bodyguards today.
- I really snuck away.
[In Italian] Father, where are you going?
- Would you like a ride?

- It's been a long time, hasn't it?
- Yeah.
- Eight years.
- Yeah.
- You look wonderful.
- Your son has something he wants to talk to you about. I came here for him.

- Joey, up your ass!
- Get off the car!
- Do you have a raffle ticket?
- Joey, take a look at my raffle ticket!
- Here's what I think of you...
- And your raffle ticket.
- Get the fuck off this car.
- I'll break your fucking balls.
- Get out of here!

- Hold it!
Michael: Vincent...
- Yeah.
- Take the picture with us.
- Nice jacket.
- Photographer: Closer to the center, sir.
- Smile!

- Run at thunder, girl!
- Thunder can't hurt!
- Harmless noise!
- Bullshit! You deceitful old fuck!
- Altobello, you fuck!
- Fredo!
- Fredo!

- And how I lost them.
- I guess that if it's any consolation,
- I want you to know that...
- .Uthatu.
- I always loved you, Michael.
- And you know...
- Always, I always will.

Vincent: Don Lucchesi, you are a man of finance and politics. These things I don't understand.
Don: You understand guns?
Vincent: Yes.
Don: Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.

Vincent: You had a gun. They only had a knife. You could have talked them into surrendering. Turned them over to the police.
Vincent: Hey, Uncle Mike, Zasa sent these guys I was just sending him a message that's all.
Michael: Now he has to send you a message back.
Vincent: Joey Zasa's gonna send me a message? Joey Zasa's gonna send me a message?
Connie: Michael, he did the right thing. He got Zasa's name.
Michael: What's Joey Zasa got to do this this? Joey Zasa's a patso. Joey Zasa. Alright, you are what you are. It's in your nature. From now on you stick close to me. You don't go anywhere, you don't do anything, you don't talk to anyone without checking with me first, understand?
Vincent: Yeah.
Michael: I've got problems with the commission, young man!
Vincent: Yeah, I know.
Michael: You don't make them any easier.
Vincent: I know.
Michael: Alright, go on. Get out of here.
Connie: Michael.
Michael: Yes.
Connie: Now they'll fear you.
Michael: Maybe they should fear you.

Don: The richest man is the one with the most powerful friends.

Don: It's not personal. It's business.
Michael: Very well. You want to do business with me. I will do business with you.

- Go on, my son.
- I killed...
- I ordered the death of my brother.
- He injured me.
- I killed my mother's son.
[Sobbing] I killed my father's son.

- Relax, have a smoke. You smoke?
- Whose idea was this? Who sent you?
- Tell me who sent you.
[Coughing] No one.
- Did you take a look at this guy?
- Yeah.
- Who sent you?
- It was Joey zasa.

- If he hints that he wants you to betray me, get insulted, because that's his trap.
- You're not telling me the whole truth, Vincenzo.
- Isn't it true, that with Michael gone, the girl controls everything?
- Leave the girl out of this.
- Of course, you love her.
- And she loves you.

- I'd like to take Joey zasa for a ride in this and drop him.
- Joey zasa is nothing.
- He's a small time enforcer.
- He bluffs and threatens.
- He's nothing.
- You can see him coming a mile away.
- We should kill him before he...
- -michael: Noi never hate your enemies.
- It affects your judgment.

Johnny: It's your favorite song, Michael, where you going?
Michael: I'm just gonna go into the kitchen and listen to some Tony Bennett records.

Michael: Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in.

Michael: Italian politics have had these men for centuries. They are the true Mafia.

Vincent: I am your son. Command me in all things.
Michael: Give up my daughter. That is the price you pay for the life you choose.

- Don corleone, this deal with lmmobiliare can make you one of the richest men in the world.
- Your whole past history, and the history of your family, and your children, would be washed away.
- 600 million.

Michael: Never let anyone know what you are thinking.

[In Italian] I am honored, Don altobello, that you've come from palermo to visit me.
- Hey, the little kid! He's grown.
- Do the donkey for me.

[delivering a message from Michael Corleone to Don Lucchesi]
Calo: Power wears out those who do not have it.
[stabs him]

Albert: We should wet our beaks a little.

Vincent: [in the helicopter] I'd like to take Joey Zasa up in one of these and drop him.
Michael: Joey Zasa is nothing. He's a small-time enforcer. He bluffs, threats, but nothing. You can see him coming a mile away.
Vincent: We should kill him before he kills...
Michael: No! Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment.

Vincent: You like to gamble? Why don't we go to Atlantic City? My town. I'll show you how to gamble.
Grace: Yeah, but I like to win. How will I know what numbers to pick?
Vincent: Do I look okay like a guy who's gonna lose?

- Can I talk to you now?
- No, it's not a good time.
- You're just like my father.
- Stay with the family. Go on.
- Talk to me. -the twins are dead.
- In about one minute, there will be carabinieri all over this place.
- Get everybody to the cars, quietly.
- Got it.
- Quiet.

- It was the right decision, uncle Mike.
- It was the wrong decision.
- I command this family!
- Right or wrong...
- It was not what I wanted!

- Vincenzo...
- When they come, they'll come at what you love.

Michael: Your enemies always get strong on what you leave behind.

- Hey, dad. Smile!
- I see you still have al neri. Why?
- I need him. He helps me get in and out of the car.
- -He carries my briefcase.
- You're still a liar, Michael.
- Let me show you sicily, the real sicily.
- So you'll understand the family history.
- I think I understand it well enough.

- And had been in poor health for the last se I/eral months.
- Connie...
- All my life I've kept trying to go up in society.
- To where everything higher up was legal, straight...
- But the higher I go, the more crooked it becomes.
- Where the hell does it end?

- A wise and good man... very influential.
- He will see you.
- I will see this cardinal lamberto and see if we can work things out.
- You honor your agreements, but you are dealing with crooks.
- They have no honor.
- My word is final.

- Sleep.
- Sleep, godfather.
- Our friend's dead.

Michael: [after learning of Zasa's assassination] Don't ever give an order like that again. Not while I'm alive.
Vincent: Uncle Mike, it had to be done. You were too sick to make a decision. I got the go ahead from Neri and Connie.
Michael: Connie.
Vincent: It was the right thing to do.
Michael: It was not the right thing to do. I command this family, right or wrong. It was not what I wanted! Understand?
Vincent: Yes.
[Michael looks at Neri]
Al: Yes.
[Michael looks at Connie for a long time]
Connie: Yes!
Michael: Vincent, help me to my bed. I want to talk to you alone.
Michael: [Vincent helps Michael into his bed] My brother, your father, he and I. Opposites. But I never doubted his love. He would do anything for me. But his temper. Clouded his judgement. I don't want to see the same thing happen to you.

Michael: I feel... I'm getting wiser now.
Kay: The sicker you get, the wiser you get, huh?
Michael: When I'm dead, I'm gonna be really smart.

Don: You are my 'ace in the hole,' as we say in America. I have a stone in my shoe. You can remove it.
Mosca: Only one stone?
Don: [regarding Michael] It's dangerous. A famous man. You will have to take precautions.
Mosca: Tell me what to do. Then I will tell you my price.

- -It's a hit! Let's go!
Man: Let's get out of here! Move!
- My coat! It's my lucky coat!
- It's my lucky coat!
- Stay behind me!
- Mikey, this way!
- Come on. We're out of here.

- Quiet, Vincent.
- He needs your support!
- Don't let me work for this guy, let me work for you.
- As what? Tough guy? I don't need tough guys. I need more lawyers.
- Since we have no conflicts or debts,
- I accept your tribute. I wish you well.
- Vincent, make your peace with Mr. Joe zasa. Go on.

Michael: I, uh, betrayed my wife. I betrayed myself. I've killed men, and I ordered men to be killed. No, it's useless. I killed... I ordered the death of my brother; he injured me. I killed my mother's son. I killed my father's son.

- Why are you doing this?
- Why am I doing this?
- I'm doing this for my children.
- You're doing it for your children too.
- This foundation is supposed to help all people.
- That's the purpose.
- This is legitimate.
- Mary, I swear, this is legitimate.
- Dad, I want this to bring me closer to you.

- Can I stay here and hide out with you?
- Can you help me cook for the boys?
- You know that I don't know how to cook, but I'll help.
- Okay...
- What do I do?

B.J. Harrison: It's serious.
- Our man inside the Vatican says there's a plot against the pope.
- He'll have a heart attack?
- This pope has powerful enemies.
- We may not be in time to save him.
- Let's go back.

- Nephew...
- From this moment on...
- Call yourself Vincent corleone.
- Sit.

[during a meeting in the Vatican]
Archbishop: The Pope is gravely ill. Until he recovers, I am powerless.
B.J. Harrison: What if he dies?
Frederick: Then, as you Americans say, all bets are off.

- Come on outside.
- Take a rest and don't think about it.
- All I do is think about it.
- I'm your son.
- Command me in all things.
- Give up my daughter.
- That's the price you pay...
- For the life you choose.

- If I see dad, I'll tell him you left.
- You're the only one left with my father's strength.
- If anything happens to Michael,
- I want you to strike back.
- I'll have everything ready.
- Do you swear?
- I swear to you.

[In Italian] Tea, your holiness?
- It will help you sleep.
Man: [In Italian]
- This is from Vincent corleone.

[Whispering] Goodbye, my old friend.
- I swear, on the lives of my children...
- Give me a chance to redeem myself...
- And I will sin no more.

- You've got a cat?
- Go get us some water, I'm thirsty.
- Come on.
- Come on.
- Well, I guess I know my place.
- I can't believe I'm actually doing this.
- "Get me water, bake me a cake"...
- What happened to "please"?

[Laughing] Now we're related?
- I'm your little cousin.
- -Who's your father?
- I'll give you a hint.
- He's Italian.
- Mary, we've been waiting for you.
- Remember to keep your voice low.
- And smile. Don't forget to smile.

- I know you. You're mosca of montelepre.
- You were an assassin then, and you're an assassin now.
[In Italian] I know Michael corleone is at your house.
- I will pass through the gates with you.

Michael: I swear on the lives of my children, give me one last chance to redeem myself and I will sin no more.

Michael: What's wrong with being a lawyer?
Kay: Nothing, except he doesn't want it. He loves music he wants his life to be in music.
Michael: Well, music is great. I love music but he should finish what he started. Anthony.
Anthony: I'm going my own way.
Michael: Your own way.
Anthony: Uh-huh.
Michael: Professional singer.
Anthony: That's right.
Michael: And what happens if you fail.
Anthony: I won't fail.
Michael: Men always believe that. With a law degree you're taking on insurance. After that you can do anything you want. You can work for me.
Anthony: I will never work for you. I have bad memories.
Michael: All families have bad memories.
Anthony: I will always be your son, but I will never have anything to do with your business.
Michael: Anthony, finish the law degree.
Anthony: No.
Kay: That he got from you. That "no."
Michael: You could have helped me, Kay. You could have helped me to convince him.
Kay: Convince him of what?
Michael: He throws his life away. He throws greatness away!
Kay: This is greatness? You know, Michael, now that you're so respectable I think you're more dangerous than you ever were. In fact, I preferred you when you were just a common Mafia hood.
Michael: Alright, can we talk now? Common sense?
Kay: Alright. Tony knows you killed Fredo.
Michael: Why did you come here?
Kay: I came here to protect my son. I didn't come here to see you disguised by your church. I thought that was a shameful ceremony.

- I ask nothing for myself.
- Only peace in my old age.
- But I must please the world around me.
- Michael, your father was a reasonable man. Learn from him.
- I learnt many things from my father.
- Call a meeting, my friend, so there are no debts or grudges.
- We will make the peace, you and I.

Lucchesi: [In Italian]
- Speak... tell me.
- You have lost the faith of the people.
- He who builds on the people builds on mud.
- And Michael corleone's message?

Michael: [Referring to Vincent and Mary's romance] But he's your first cousin.
Mary: Then I love him first.

- For se I/eral years, the bank and its companies ha ve been the object of allegations of disreputable business practices.
- Lucchesi, will you please try to understand?
- I have phoned him.
- I have waited here by the phone.
- You would do well to remember,
- Mr. Lucchesi; that this pope has very different ideas from the last one.

Mary: I'll always love you.
Vincent: Love somebody else.

- You'll be like me.
- Good.
- All my life I wanted out.
- I wanted the family out.
- I don't want out.
- I want the power to preserve the family.
- I'm asking for the order.

- It's not your father's decision, it's mine.
- Don't hate your father.
- There are things I'll be part of that you can't be around.
- After tonight, you won't see me anymore.
- You've got to understand, Mary.
- You've got to understand.
- I'll always love you.

- We have an understanding.
- Good.
- I'm going to the hospital.
- I'll pray for Mr. Corleone.
- Our thoughts are with Mr. Corleone.
B.J. Harrison: Thank you, father Jim.
- Everything will be out in the open if corleone dies.
- Play for time, keinszig.
- A habit born of a long contemplation of eternity.

- It's very important.
- I must whisper it in your ear.
- Bodyguard: [In Italian]
- He's clean.
- Psst.
- Power wears out those who don't have it.
- -[Exclaims in Italian]

- Your sins are terrible, and it is just that you suffer.
- Your life could be redeemed, but I know that you don't believe that.
- You will not change.

- The publicity is phenomenal. You're the new rockefeller. A philanthropist.
- Sign here, please.
- Times do change, don't they?
- My father hated foundations.
- He loved doing it by himself.
- Man to man. But we're different.
- No different than any large corporation.
- We control a lot of money with little.
- Minimize taxes.
- With no government control.

- Michael, please... let's agree.
- Parisi: Michael, the news is everywhere.
- Everyone says that you control lmmobiliare.
Man: Lmmobiliare is already laundering money in Peru and Nassau.
- We've worked with you for 40 years.
- We should wet our beaks a little.
- We want to do business with you.
- -that's right, we've been together...

- The pope has ratified the lmmobiliare deal. We've won.
- Congratulations.
- Strange how things work.
- The pope is doing what you said he'd do. He's cleaning house.
- He should be careful.
- It's dangerous to be an honest man.
[Whispering] I want to put more muscle backstage with Tony.

- It's been some time since we did business together.
- You are my "ace in the hole," as we say in america.
- I have a stone in my shoe.
- You can remove it.
- Only one stone?

Michael: He'd better be careful. It's dangerous to be a honest man.

- The name corleone will be associated with a voice.
- Dad...
- You don't have to do this to me.
- -do what? What do you mean?
- Dad...
- No! Mary!
- God, no!

- Oh, god! Dad!
- Excuse me.
- I'll call Kay.

- Godfather, this is the cake for you and your family from Enzo the baker.
- Do you want to do it?

- How are you?
- Don bendino, my old friend.

- I love you, cous.
- I love you, too, cous.
- Let us cook.
- Hold me.

Dominic: [briefing the reporters] The Pope - the Holy Father himself - has this very day blessed Michael Corleone; and you think you know better than the Pope?

Michael: Nephew, from this moment on, call yourself Vincent Corleone.

- A law degree is like taking out insurance.
- After that you can work for me...
- I will never work for you.
- I have bad memories.
- Every family has bad memories.
- I'll always be your son, but won't have anything to do with your business.
- Anthony... finish the law degree.

- I would like you to join me in honoring commendatore Michael corleone.
- I have something special for our godfather.
- I happen to know his favorite song.
- Michael, where are you going?
- I'm off to the kitchen to hear some Tony Bennett records.
- Your favorite song, "salsiccia's 0wn".
- I'm having a salsiccia sandwich.
- I'll be back.

Michael: When they come... they come at what you love.

- Anthony, I have something you made for me a very long time ago.
- Might bring you luck.
- Thanks.
- You saved it... I remember.
- Thank you, dad.
- I'm proud of you.
- Thank you.

Michael: [to Mary] I would burn in hell to keep you safe.