The Best Joey Zasa Quotes

Joey: I earned that territory with my talent. Commission gave it to me, and you approved.
Michael: Yes.
Vincent: Hey, Uncle Mike, I came here for the party. I'm not here to ask you for any kind of help. I could just kill this bastard. He's the one who needs the help.
Michael: So kill him. What does all this have to do with me?
Vincent: Well, he's going around behind your back saying "Fuck Michael Corleone" all the time. See, that's one thing it has to do with you, right?
Vincent: [to Zasa] Say it to his face one time, say it to his face. ONE TIME!
Joey: Mr. Corleone, all bastards are liars. Shakespeare wrote poems about it.
Vincent: What am I gonna do with this guy, Uncle Mike. WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH THIS GUY!
Michael: Joey, if there is some guy running around this city saying "Fuck Michael Corleone," what do we do with a piece of shit like that? He's a fuckin' dog.
Joey: Yes, it's true, if anyone would say such a thing they would not be a friend, they would be a dog.
Michael: My interests don't conflict with Mr. Joe Zasa's.
Vincent: Oh you don't know how much your interests conflict with Mr. Joe Zasa's, Uncle Michael.
Connie: He needs your support, Michael!
Vincent: Don't let me work for this guy no more, Uncle Mike. Let me come work for you.
Michael: For me? As what? Tough guy? I don't need tough guys. I need more lawyers. Since we have no conflicts, no debts, I accept your tribute. I wish you well. Vincent, make your peace with Mr. Joe Zasa, come on.
Joey: [Vincent hugs Zasa] Bastardo.
Michael: [Vincent bites Zasa's ear and Zasa is taken out of the office] Oh, Jesus Christ! Close it.
Vincent: Hey Uncle Mike, I told Connie this wasn't the right time for this. I mean, I know you're into bankers and Wall Street but everyone knows you're the final word, you're like the Supreme Court! All I want to do is protect you from these guys and your lawyers can't do that.
Michael: But you can.
Vincent: Yeah, I can do that.
Michael: And why should I be afraid of Joe Zasa?
Vincent: Well, he knows you're stopping him from rising up in the commission, Uncle Mike. I say we make him dead. You give me the order and I'll take care of it.
Michael: You'll take care of it? Maybe you should come with me for a few weeks. See what happens. See if you learn. Then, we'll talk about your future.
Vincent: I won't let you down.
Michael: Alright, go on.

Joey: The Miucci association and elected you their Italian American man of the year.
[hands Michael a plaque]
Michael: Oh, Miucci. Who's Miucci?
Joey: He's the Italian American who invented the telephone. He did it one year before Alexander Graham Bell.
Michael: Oh. And this is the reason you have come to my home on this day.
Joey: I have a stone in my shoe, Mr. Corleone. A two-bit punk who works for me. Who thinks he's related to you. A bastard.
Al: He's here. Vincent Mancini. He's at the party.
Michael: Well, bring him in.
Joey: I think it's good that we talk. I have a problem. Now I have to find out if it is my problem or your problem.
Michael: Joey, your business is your business. I have no interest, no percentages. I'm out.
Joey: Good, then it is my problem.
Connie: [Connie and Vincent enter] Michael, you know Vincent Mancini. Sonny's boy.
Vincent: Hey, how you doin' Mr. Corleone.
Michael: How you doing.
Vincent: I'm doin' good. How you doin'?
Michael: Good.
Vincent: Nice party.
Michael: Oh, you like it?
Vincent: Yeah, I had to sneak in.
Michael: Well, you dressed for it. What's the trouble between you and Mr. Joe Zasa?
Vincent: Just trouble. I'll take care of it.
Michael: That's foolish of you.
Vincent: Foolish of me? It's a little foolish of this guy don't you think? Right? RIGHT!
Michael: Temper like his father. Vincent, Mr. Joe Zasa now owns what used to be the Corleone family business in New York. Out of the kindness of his heart he gave you a job with his family. Contrary to my advice you took the job. I offered you something better. Something in the legitimate world. You turned me down. Now you both come to me with this bad blood. What do you expect me to do? Am I a gangster?
Vincent: No, no, you're not a gangster, Uncle Mike.
Connie: Michael, that's Papa's old neighborhood now it's a sewer. Zasa runs it like a disgrace the ladies told me.

Joey: [during a meeting in Atlantic City] I say to all of you, I have been treated this day, with no respect. I've earned you all money. I've made you rich, and I asked for little. Good. You will not give, I'll take! As for Don, Corleone, well he makes it, very clear to me today, that he is my enemy. You must choose between us.

Joey: Bastardo.

- Run, Joey! You piece of shit!
Joey: Open the door!
- How are you, Joe?
- Zasa!