Top 30 Quotes From Eli Wallach

Tuco: Hey! Hey everybody look! He's giving him the filthy money! JUDAS! You sold my HIDE!

One: [Wallace and Tuco are at the train station, handcuffed together] Hey, corporal, afraid he'll get lost? Where's the Rebel going?
Cpl. Wallace: To Hell, with a rope around his neck and a price on his head.
Tuco: Yeah... three thousand dollars, friend. That's a lot of money for a head.
[He flips the soldier's empty sleeve]
Tuco: I bet they didn't even pay you a penny for your arm.

[a dying man has information Tuco wants]
Tuco: Don't die, I'll get you water. Stay there. Don't move, I'll get you water. Don't die until later.

Tuco: I never hurt anybody!
Officer: ...wanted in 14 counties of this state, the condemned is found guilty of the crimes of murder, armed robbery of citizens, state banks and post offices, the theft of sacred objects, arson in a state prison, perjury, bigamy, deserting his wife and children, inciting prostitution, kidnapping, extortion, receiving stolen goods, selling stolen goods, passing counterfeit money, and, contrary to the laws of this state, the condemned is guilty of using marked cards...

Blondie: You may run the risks, my friend, but I do the cutting. We cut down my percentage - uh, cigar? - liable to interfere with my aim.
Tuco: But if you miss you had better miss very well. Whoever double-crosses me and leaves me alive, he understands nothing about Tuco. Nothing!
[Chuckles, bites cigar]

Jackson: [trying to tell in which grave the gold is hidden] There's no number... there's a name... it's written...
[chokes and gasps a couple of times, then]
Jackson: Water!
Tuco: You talk first, I'll give you water later! Sad Hill Cemetery, okay, in the grave okay! But it must have a name or a number on it! There must be a thousand, five thousand!

Calvera: [dying - to Chris] You came back - for a place like this. Why? A man like you. Why?

Tuco: I'm looking for the owner of that horse. He's tall, blonde, he smokes a cigar, and he's a pig!

Tuco: You want to know who you are? Huh? You want to know whose son you are? You don't, I do, everybody does... you're the son of a thousand fathers, all bastards like you.

Calvera: Last month we were in San Juan. Rich town. Sit down. Rich town, much blessed by God. Big church. Not like here - little church, priest comes twice a year. BIG one. You'd think we'd find gold candlesticks. Poor box filled to overflowing. Do you know what we found? Brass candlesticks. Almost nothing in the poor box.
Sidekick: But we took it anyway.
Calvera: I KNOW we took it anyway. I'm trying to show him how little religion some people now have.

Tuco: There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door; those that come in by the window.

Tuco: Ah, my belly's full. Nice guy, my brother. I didn't tell you my brother was in charge here? Everything. Like the Pope, almost. He's in charge in Rome. Yeah, yeah, my brother, he say to me, "Stay, brother, don't go home. We never see each other. Here, there's plenty to eat and drink. Bring your friend, too." Whenever we see each other, he never lets me go. It's always the same story. My brother, he's crazy about me.
[His tone becomes wistful]
Tuco: That's so... even a tramp like me, no matter what happens, I know there's a brother somewhere who'll never refuse me... a bowl of soup.

Tuco: [in the cave where his friends Pedro, Chico and Ramon are hiding] If you work for a living, why do you kill yourself working?

Tuco: [to Corporal Wallace] I like big fat men like you. When they fall they make more noise. And sometimes they never get up.

[last lines]
Tuco: [shouting] Hey, Blond! You know what you are? Just a dirty son-of-a-b-!

Tuco: [Sitting by the dry, dehydrated Blondie's bedside, desperately begging him to tell him what name is on the grave the gold is buried in] I... I must tell you the truth, Blondie. In my place, you would do the same thing. It's all over for you now. There's nothing anyone can do any more.
[Covers his face to stifle a fake sob]
Tuco: Oh, God, forgive me! It's my fault!
[He beats the sides of his head in mock despair and frustration]
Tuco: Mine, mine, mine, mine! I'll tell you one thing, Blondie. If I knew that my last hour had come, I swear, in my place... in your place I would do the same thing. I would tell about the gold. Yes, yes, I would. I would tell the name on the grave. What good is the money if you're dead? I know the name of the cemetery. But you know how many graves there are there? Please. Blondie, please. Have a little... coffee? Please, tell me the name. On... on the grave. If I get my hands on the 200,000 dollars, I'll always honour your memory. I swear, I'll always honour your memory.

Sheriff: [shows Tuco the wanted poster] So you're an honest farmer. You recognize this man?
Tuco: Me?
Sheriff: Yeah, it's you!
Tuco: Hey, who said so, huh? You can't even read!
[the Sheriff rolls up the poster]
Tuco: Roll it up, roll it up! I'll give you a good idea where you can put it!

Don: The richest man is the one with the most powerful friends.

[as the seven are about to leave the village]
Calvera: You'll do much better on the other side of the border. There you can steal cattle, hold up trains... all you have to face is sheriff, marshall. Once I rob a bank in Texas; your government get after me with a whole army... whole army! One little bank. Is clear the meaning: in Texas, only Texans can rob banks. Ha ha.
[they look at him in silence]
Calvera: Adios!

Calvera: I should have guessed. When my men didn't come back I should have guessed. How many of you did they hire?
Chris: Enough!

[the village Calvera's raiding has changed]
Calvera: New wall.
Chris: There are lots of new walls, all around.
Calvera: They won't keep me out!
Chris: They were built to keep you in.

Calvera: If God didn't want them sheared, he would not have made them sheep.

Paul: So what's the story? What's with this pro se nonsense?
Simon: [loftily] I want my day in court, to show what that bastard did to us.
Paul: But you didn't kill McFadden.
Simon: Nope. But I'd make a hell of a scapegoat. Me and my big mouth.

Don: I must accept my age, and grow my olives and tomatoes.

Tuco: I'm very happy you are working with me! And we're together again.
Tuco: I get dressed, I kill him and be right back.
Blondie: Listen, I forgot to mention... He's not alone. There's five of 'em.
Tuco: Five?
Blondie: Yeah, five of 'em.
Tuco: So, that's why you came to Tuco.
Tuco: It doesn't matter, I'll kill them all.

Salvatore: Everybody dies. It's what you do before you die that's important.

[as they set out across the desert]
Tuco: What was it you told me the last time? Ah, yes..."If you save your breath I feel a man like you can manage it." And if you won't manage it, you'll die... only slowly. *Very* slowly, old friend.

Don: [regarding Vincent] This is the hero who put Joey Zasa in his grave. If we'd known of his existence, we would never have backed Joey.
Don: No one wants another Joe.

Tuco: [trying to read a note] "See you soon, id... " "idi... "
Blondie: [taking the note] "Idiots".
[He hand the note back to Tuco]
Blondie: It's for you.

Tuco: There are two kinds of people in the world, my friend: Those with a rope around the neck, and the people who have the job of doing the cutting.