The Best B.J. Harrison Quotes

B.J. Harrison: [about the pope; before the opera] The Pope's doing exactly what you said he'd do, he's cleaning house.
Michael: He should be careful. It's dangerous to be an honest man.

[during a meeting in the Vatican]
Archbishop: The Pope is gravely ill. Until he recovers, I am powerless.
B.J. Harrison: What if he dies?
Frederick: Then, as you Americans say, all bets are off.

- We have an understanding.
- Good.
- I'm going to the hospital.
- I'll pray for Mr. Corleone.
- Our thoughts are with Mr. Corleone.
B.J. Harrison: Thank you, father Jim.
- Everything will be out in the open if corleone dies.
- Play for time, keinszig.
- A habit born of a long contemplation of eternity.

B.J. Harrison: It's serious.
- Our man inside the Vatican says there's a plot against the pope.
- He'll have a heart attack?
- This pope has powerful enemies.
- We may not be in time to save him.
- Let's go back.