The Best Deran Cody Quotes

Deran: [to Smurf] You never loved me. You never loved any of us. It's all about you. It's always been about you.

Deran: I thought you said you had to go.
[strips as he talks]
Deran: 'Cause I don't know about you, but I was just gonna get naked and hang out in the back, but if you have to go...
[Adrian laughs as they fall onto the bed together]

Deran: I never went to school.
Joshua: I can tell, man.

Craig: You don't think I can keep my dick in my pants.
Deran: Nope.

Craig: I guess we're Lutheran. Who knew?
Deran: It must have been the cheapest.

Craig: [to Deran] You couldn't have taken the lock all the way off?
Deran: Did you want me to gift wrap it too?

Deran: Smurf always talks about how we have to have each other's backs, but she loved when we fought.