The Best Ellen Barkin Quotes

Janine: Do you have any idea how powerful you are? You know what that power is? It's the one thing you have that every man wants. You just have to let them think they have the power, but they never do. Unless you give it to them and don't ever give it to them.

Janine: Now you and I both know that's a lie.
Barry: We do.

Janine: [to Baz] The only person those boys hate more than me is you.
Barry: That is such bullshit.
Janine: I trained you, Baz. You are me.

Janine: You are a good liar, kiddo. I didn't expect that.

Janine: May we all get what we want and never what we deserve.

Janine: No one in this family has to do anything they don't want to do. Deran will come home when he's ready.

Janine: The bigger the score, the bigger the risk.
Barry: But not if we do it my way.

Barry: [to Smurf] What did he say about Cath?
Janine: He said you thought he'd bend over like a whore, wait 'til you see what he does to your wife.

Janine: Vin, whatever went down between you and my son, that's your business. But, you show up on my property? That's my business and trust me, you don't want that.

Janine: This is business, baby. That's it.

Det. Sandra Yates: [to Smurf] Where's the money?
Janine: I don't know what you're talking about, but if you'd like a ham sandwich, the fixin's are in the fridge.

Janine: She betrayed you, Andrew. She's betrayed you over and over, and now she's betrayed the family.

Janine: [to J] You're in this family now. You're gonna be seeing things and hearing things that need to stay in this family. Do you get it?

Janine: This doesn't end until we end it.

Janine: You know, those are gonna heal in two to three days. Murder convinctions tend to take a little longer.

Janine: We never set out to hurt anyone. That's not the way we work. We don't take stupid risks. We're not greedy, but we're human.

Janine: She betrayed you, Andrew. She's betrayed you over and over, and now she's betrayed the family.

Janine: I can't tell you how many times my boys have gotten laid because some little girl was trying to piss off her daddy.