The Best Scott Speedman Quotes

Barry: You made up the game. I was just playing it.

Barry: You hate Cath. You've been trying to get rid of her for years. I dn't give a shit what you think. I know something happened. She wouldn't leave. Not without Lena.

Barry: [to Catherine] You said shit you shouldn't have said.
Catherine: No, I should have hit her with the car!

Craig: Pope spent the night in jail.
Barry: Yeah, I heard. Not even long enough to make a toothbrush into a shiv.

Janine: Now you and I both know that's a lie.
Barry: We do.

Barry: You know what, Pope, why don't you figure out your own shit before you start telling me how to raise my kid.
Andrew: Her mother left and you're banging some woman she's never seen before in her mother's bedroom. It's not Lena's fault that your girlfriend doesn't like your kid.
Barry: You don't know shit and you never will. You get that? No one is ever going to have a kid with you.

Barry: [to J] Your mom just died, man. It's a free pass.

Barry: [to J] Don't let Smurf get you killed.

Barry: [to Smurf] What did he say about Cath?
Janine: He said you thought he'd bend over like a whore, wait 'til you see what he does to your wife.

Janine: The bigger the score, the bigger the risk.
Barry: But not if we do it my way.

Barry: Family comes first. Everything else comes second.

Barry: If you're going to cross the line, you make sure it's a line worth crossing.

Janine: [to Baz] The only person those boys hate more than me is you.
Barry: That is such bullshit.
Janine: I trained you, Baz. You are me.

Paul: [to Baz] Are you threatening me?
Barry: No. Never. Because you want this. You want what's on the other side.