The Best Dr. Jackson Avery Quotes

Dr. Jackson Avery: God... I don't know. I don't know, uh... If you're out there or not, um or if you can even hear people who don't know if you're out there or if you give a crap about what they say, but, um... God, Yahweh, Buddha, E.T., whatever... April knows. Right? She believes and she needs you. So, uh... um, show up for her? Please? Show up for April. She loves you. She needs you. Please, uh... show up for her. Please.

Dr. Jackson Avery: [to Cristina] How long do I have to work here before they insert a bug up my ass? You guys are all so cranky.

Dr. Cristina Yang: It's creepy quiet down here.
Dr. April Kepner: He's down here.
Dr. Cristina Yang: No. He's not down here.
Dr. April Kepner: Oh, God, he's down here and he's gonna come out and shoot us.
Dr. Cristina Yang: [frees herself from April's grip] Will you shut up? You're freaking me out and I don't have time to be freaked out right now. Mer is a mess, Derek is a mess, you are a mess and I am in charge. And I say that no one is down here.
Dr. Jackson Avery: [opens up a door which makes April and Cristina jump] You're not supposed to be walking around down here.
Dr. Cristina Yang: Damn it, Jackson.
Dr. Jackson Avery: Is that your blood? Are you okay?
Dr. Cristina Yang: No. No... I'm fine. I'll go get Altman.
Dr. Jackson Avery: Altman's not down here.
Dr. Cristina Yang: Go get Hunt then.
Dr. Jackson Avery: They left.
Dr. Cristina Yang: What, they left? Okay, you know what? Someone just shot Derek. He's got a GSW to the chest and he needs surgery right now. Tell me there is an attending on this floor.
Dr. Jackson Avery: [looks at Cristina] April, in the OR behind there are two OR nurses and an anesthesiologist. Get them. Tell them to set up for a cardiac procedure.
Dr. April Kepner: What... what why? If we don't have a surgeon, what are we going to do?
Dr. Jackson Avery: [looks at Cristina] We have a surgeon.
Dr. April Kepner: Who's going to operate on Dr. Shepherd?
Dr. Cristina Yang: I am.

Dr. Jackson Avery: April, get back in the car. You can't just walk back!
Dr. April Kepner: Why?
Dr. Jackson Avery: Bears?
Dr. April Kepner: Matthew doesn't deserve this! And... and Stephanie? What are we supposed to say to them? My... my parents? Your mother?
Dr. Jackson Avery: Oh, my God. My mother.
Dr. April Kepner: How do we explain that we just destroyed two perfectly lovely people so that we could... what, date?
Dr. Jackson Avery: Okay, the best solution is never to speak to any of them ever again.
Dr. April Kepner: Or...?
Dr. Jackson Avery: Or we get married. I...
Dr. April Kepner: Because that's easier to explain.
Dr. Jackson Avery: No. No, 'cause you're right, alright? I don't want to just date. April, I want the whole damn thing. I... we can get to Lake Tahoe in 13 hours.
Dr. April Kepner: How do you know that?
Dr. Jackson Avery: Do you wanna get into that right now?
Dr. April Kepner: No.
Dr. Jackson Avery: No, you don't want to get into that or, no, you don't want to get married?
Dr. April Kepner: Yes. Yes!
[she and Jackson kiss]

Dr. Jackson Avery: Grey? About your portal vein project... do you really need lab staff five days a week?
Dr. Meredith Grey: Yes. Why?
Dr. Derek Shepherd: The foundation is trimming research.
Dr. Meredith Grey: What?
Dr. Jackson Avery: No no no, they're just looking...
Dr. Meredith Grey: The hell they are! The Harper Avery Foundation doesn't make any decisions about this hospital. If there's one thing the Harper Avery Foundation can't do well, it's decide who should get something!
Dr. Jackson Avery: Okay, I am just...
Dr. Meredith Grey: Tell them that if they cut my funding, I cut their tires. Christina Yang deserved that award, not Dr. Nobody Sucksalot from Hopkins. And tell them in short sentences with little, tiny words because they are boneheads!

Dr. Jackson Avery: [When Penny takes out Meredith's jaw wiring after Meredith has a panic attack] Hey, what the hell are you doing?
Dr. Penelope Blake: She... She was having a panic attack. She couldn't breathe.
Dr. Jackson Avery: Do you not realize how delicate the jaw actually is?
Dr. Penelope Blake: Dr. Avery, she...
Dr. Jackson Avery: You could jeopardize the entire healing process here.
Dr. Penelope Blake: She couldn't breathe! Look at her! She's been stuck in this room in that bed for weeks. She can't move, she can't talk...
Dr. Jackson Avery: But I'm her surgeon now, right? You can't come in here and just take out her wires.
Dr. Penelope Blake: She is my patient. I know what I am doing! You can rewire her jaw tomorrow morning, but right now, she needed some air, so I got her some damn air!

Dr. Jackson Avery: [to April] Hey. I hope you're okay with spaghetti. I had to ditch that leftover chicken.
Dr. April Kepner: I found a home for the ice cream maker.
Dr. Jackson Avery: Oh, I thought we were keeping it. Hope we didn't go through all that for nothing.
Dr. April Kepner: [smacks him] Hey!
[they kiss]
Dr. Jackson Avery: We had a board meeting tonight. I don't think we're gonna be able to keep this a secret much longer.
Dr. April Kepner: A meeting about us?
Dr. Jackson Avery: Kind of.
Dr. April Kepner: What happened?
Dr. Jackson Avery: I'll tell you about it after dinner.

Dr. Jackson Avery: [Catherine has just cancelled a surgery and explained why to her son] I... think she's right. Sorry.
Dr. Megan Hunt: Keep everything on ice, keep everybody close okay, I'm gonna fix this, I just need to talk to Caleb.
Dr. Owen Hunt: I'll do it.
Dr. Megan Hunt: No Owen. He's my patient, I don't need you to sweep in and save the day.
Dr. Owen Hunt: Do you have a penis?
Dr. Megan Hunt: [taken aback] I cannot believe this is the one time this can make a difference. Fine, just don't screw up like you screwed up the rest of your life.

Dr. Jackson Avery: [about Mr. Clark] Raise your hands. Trust me, raise your hands. He's going to shoot again, raise your hands!
Dr. Cristina Yang: I'm... I'm stopping, I'm stopping.
Dr. Meredith Grey: No!
Dr. Cristina Yang: [to Mr. Clark] See? I've stopped.
Dr. Jackson Avery: Listen to me. In a few seconds, his heard is going to pump all the blood into his chest and stop beating. You'll see it on the monitor. Just wait. Wait for it. Watch the monitor and wait for it.
Dr. Meredith Grey: [sobbing] Please don't stop!
Dr. Jackson Avery: [to Meredith] Shut up!
Dr. Meredith Grey: [sobbing] No, no.
[Derek's monitor flatlines]
Dr. Meredith Grey: No, Derek! No, no, no.
Dr. Cristina Yang: [to Mr. Clark] See? It's over. It's over, he's dead. It's over.
[Meredith drops to her knees, sobbing and Gary walks out of the operating room. Jackson reattaches the monitor lines to Derek]

Dr. Owen Hunt: One of the surgical residents has a lodged an official complaint with human resources. Three separate complains, actually... directed sexual harassment, quid-pro-quo harassment and hostile work environment.
Dr. Callie Torres: What? Who?
Dr. Cristina Yang: Directed at whom?
Dr. Owen Hunt: H.R. won't release that or the name of the resident.
Dr. Callie Torres: [scoffs] Hostile work environment? Come on.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Does she have a case, legally?
Dr. Jackson Avery: O... okay. Is there a way that we could... or maybe I could... talk to this person? You know, we could just clear the air before it gets out of proportion.
Dr. Callie Torres: He shouldn't talk to her without legal present.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Well, if she's already filed a complaint...
Dr. Owen Hunt: You're all missing the point! This is not about one person. This is a complaint about this hospital and this teaching program. We are too often letting our personal lives disrupt our work. None of us are guilt-free... myself included. Now, H.R have recommended a clear, zero-tolerance policy.
Dr. Meredith Grey: [as she reads the paper] "Excluding those of pre-existing married couples..."
Dr. Cristina Yang: [as she reads the paper] "Relationships or romantic or sexual nature between superiors and subordinates will not be allowed."
Dr. Owen Hunt: It is restrictive, it is non-negotiable... but it is fair, and better still, it is unambiguous. I urge you all to vote to implement this.

Dr. Jackson Avery: Oh... the prodigal Yang returns! Missed you.
Dr. Jackson Avery: [Looking at monitor screen] Yes, hi
[waves with back still turned]
Dr. Jackson Avery: , blah blah, pleasantries.

Dr. Jackson Avery: All right. Airports just reopened. Just put Dr. Boswell in a cab.
Dr. Cristina Yang: Who's Dr. Boswell?
Dr. Callie Torres: She's the woman who Arizona slept with last night.
[walks out of the room; everyone looks at Arizona, shocked]

Dr. Jackson Avery: [to April] All right, I have been going over the paperwork, you know, for the lawyer. The prenup, post-nup, whatever.
Dr. April Kepner: You know, I just... I don't need this.
Dr. Jackson Avery: At first glance, it was actually really frustrating, you know, 'cause I wasn't finding anything that was actually gonna help my case. It was just so fair. Um, and I realized that was because it was written by two people who really loved each other, two people who really wanted to protect each other, who really wanted what was best for each other. And, April, I, uh... I don't know where those people went. I don't know if we can fix us, April. I don't know if we should. But I know I don't like who I am turning into. I don't want to treat you... This person who wrote this, who signed this, was your best friend. You were my best friend, April, my favorite person and I realized that that's who I should be dealing with. We should treat each other the way we did on this paper.

Dr. Jackson Avery: I love you, April. I always have. I love everything about you, even the things I don't like, I love. And I want you with me. I love you and I think that you love me too, do you?

Dr. April Kepner: You want to feel something unbelievably awesome?
[Takes Jackson's hand onto her belly]
Dr. Jackson Avery: Oh, is that a kick?
Dr. April Kepner: Yeah.
Dr. Jackson Avery: He's kicking?
Dr. April Kepner: Or she's kicking.
Dr. Jackson Avery: This baby can kick.
Dr. April Kepner: Our baby can kick.

Dr. Jackson Avery: You want to sit, or...
Dr. Atticus Lincoln: Oh, the second I stop, Scout starts wailing like a human ambulance.
Dr. Jackson Avery: As you were.
Dr. Atticus Lincoln: And Scout needs me to keep moving. Zola, Bailey, Ellis -- They need us to keep on moving, playing songs and eating. They eat so much. So I just keep going to the grocery store and buying food that Amelia keeps pretending she knows how to cook, and what if Meredith doesn't survive this, you know what it's gonna do to my life?
Dr. Jackson Avery: Yeah, you just said that out loud. Don't worry about it, we're all scared. No one's judging you.
Dr. Winston Ndugu: I'm a little bit judging, but that's 'cause I've only known you seven minutes.
Dr. Atticus Lincoln: I'm on my knees every night praying that she survives this, and I'm not an on-my-knees-praying kind of guy.
Dr. Jackson Avery: I get it.
Dr. Atticus Lincoln: I'm not praying for myself.
Dr. Jackson Avery: You're human, Link. Give yourself a break, alright? You're exhausted. Meredith is -- she's family to me. I mean, Meredith is family. I can think of a million reasons I don't want her to... die. Some of them are about her, some are about me, some are about the world at large. Point is, you're allowed to have your reasons. They don't all have to be selfless.
Dr. Atticus Lincoln: I just... I mean those kids already lost their dad. I don't want them to have to grow up without a mom, too. And all we can do is just...
Dr. Winston Ndugu: Keep moving.
Dr. Atticus Lincoln: Yeah.
Dr. Winston Ndugu: I mean, literally keep moving, 'cause human ambulance.
Dr. Atticus Lincoln: [Chuckles] Yeah. You know, you're pretty good at this. The whole "keep somebody calm you've only known seven minutes" thing.
Dr. Winston Ndugu: Well, to be fair, it's been more like eight minutes now.
Dr. Jackson Avery: It's true.
Dr. Atticus Lincoln: And, Jackson, thank you for getting Maggie over here. I-I-I'm sorry if that was awkward. You were the only one picking up.
Dr. Jackson Avery: No, it's fine.
Dr. Winston Ndugu: Why would it be awkward?
Dr. Jackson Avery: Uh, just...
[Drinks beer]
Dr. Winston Ndugu: Yeah. Okay, you're, uh -- you're her ex, aren't you?
Dr. Jackson Avery: [Finishes beer] Mm. Another round?

Dr. April Kepner: [sobbing] There's no way, no way for me to do what I need to do... and what I... I believe that I should do.
Dr. Catherine Avery: Shh, shh, shh. There is a way, sweetheart. There's always a way. Now, here's what we'll do. You will choose a day. Soon. Set it aside and arrange to be induced and you'll give birth to your beautiful little boy. And you'll give him a name and have him baptized right then and there. Then you're gonna get to hold that baby. And you'll pray for him and sing to him. You're gonna look at him. You're gonna look at him and memorize every little detail of his face. And you will do that as long as he lives. You will do that until God takes him. That's how you will do this.
Dr. Jackson Avery: We can do that.
Dr. April Kepner: [sobs] Can you do that for me?
Dr. Catherine Avery: Oh, of course I'll do that for you. I'll do that for you and him and us.
Dr. April Kepner: Okay.
Dr. Jackson Avery: Okay.
Dr. April Kepner: So, I'll just... I'll just hold him until God takes him.
Dr. Catherine Avery: That sounds lovely.
Dr. April Kepner: Maybe God won't take him. Maybe... maybe they'll be a miracle. I'll just pray for a miracle.
Dr. Jackson Avery: Okay.

Dr. Jackson Avery: [to Catherine] How is Richard?
Dr. Catherine Avery: Hanging by a thread. Thank you very much.
Dr. Jackson Avery: You gonna scream at me too, now? I heard you already had a go at Hunt and Bailey.
Dr. Catherine Avery: I just want to know what in God's name was going on through your head...
Dr. Jackson Avery: Stop! You are terrified. I get that. You love him. And you are as scared as you've ever been. Marching through this hospital, telling everybody they are incompetent is not going to fix that situation. We are all doing our best. And we are gonna take good care of him. And we are gonna take good care of you. Okay?
[he and Catherine hug each other]
Dr. Catherine Avery: As soon as he's stable... as soon as the storm passes, I'm going to move him to another hospital.

Dr. Charles Percy: So April missed the airway, huh? That's so stupid.
Dr. Lexie Grey: Airway first.
Dr. Jackson Avery: It's like med school 101, right?
Dr. Alex Karev: It's pretty basic.
Dr. Reed Adamson: It was one second! She got distracted for one second and she made a mistake.
Dr. Charles Percy: That we all nearly got fired for.
Dr. Jackson Avery: Nose Dive's got a point.
Dr. Charles Percy: Thank you... What?
Dr. Alex Karev: We nearly got fired for trying to fix what she screwed up in the first place.
Dr. Cristina Yang: Yeah, 'cause that's our job.
[to Lexie]
Dr. Cristina Yang: What you didn't make any mistakes today?
[to Alex]
Dr. Cristina Yang: You've been distracted for the entire week.
[to Jackson]
Dr. Cristina Yang: And who knows what you screwed up. But our patients didn't die and that's why we didn't get caught. It could've happened to any one of us.

Dr. April Kepner: [to Jackson] It was a beautiful wedding. What you said...
Dr. Jackson Avery: Can we not?
Dr. April Kepner: Why are you snapping at me all day?
Dr. Jackson Avery: I'm not snapping.
Dr. April Kepner: Yeah, you are. I'm sorry I asked the question. It obviously made you really uncomfortable and I guess that's my answer. There's no need to beat a dead horse.
Dr. Jackson Avery: That's what it's supposed to look like, you know. I mean, they can't even imagine not being together. Do you see the difference between that and "I'll think I'll marry this guy, or maybe I'll marry that guy who I banged in a bathroom because I flipped out over my boards, but when he was into me, I couldn't handle it. But suddenly, when he almost dies, I can't live without him."
Dr. April Kepner: [voice breaking] That is so unfair!
Dr. Jackson Avery: It's what happened! You didn't want me when I was okay... when I wanted you. No, you just want me now because you in something that is real and that... that scares the crap outta you. Marry this guy because you want to make a life with him, or don't and move on, but none of this has to do with me. No, this is... entirely about you.

Dr. Jackson Avery: These Seattle Grace people are kinda douchey.
Dr. Charles Percy: Shh.
[nods over to Alex]
Dr. Charles Percy: Case and point.
Dr. Jackson Avery: Douche.

Dr. Jackson Avery: April. Just wait. Okay, you're right about miracles, okay? Sometimes they happen. There are hearts that start beating again. There's cancer that just goes away on its own. I know. I've seen it. It happens sometimes, but this, April... this is not that.
Dr. April Kepner: I know. This isn't fair. It isn't... just. And I have spent my life believing in a god who is just. He gave me a calling, and I followed it. I save lives everyday. I feel like I'm... I'm finally becoming the person that he wants me to be.And then this to be handed this? It's cruel.
Dr. April Kepner: I feel like God is laughing at me. If this is a test, I fail. All those years of trusting and believing and praying... and if this... If this were just... even a tiny bit, then I could make... I can't. I have to go back to work. I ha... I have to go to work.

Dr. Jackson Avery: [to Cristina] It's been a long day. I just thought you might want to talk about it.
Dr. Cristina Yang: That's very insightful of you. You're a super, super sensitive man. You know, let me tell you what you saw today. I reflectively listened to a patient's concerns. I spoke to her in a language she could understand. I clearly stated the possible complications and probable outcomes. That's all you saw today: me kicking patient sensitivity's ass, so go be someone else's dish rag.
[walks away]

Dr. Jackson Avery: [to Lexie] Sloan gave us his blessing. Well, that's not really right. More like he gave you to me which was nice.
Dr. Lexie Grey: Are you serious?
Dr. Jackson Avery: Yep. I probably owe his a goat.