50 Best Dr. Richard Webber Quotes

Dr. Richard Webber: Great syphilis outbreak and a tumour.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: It's probably unrelated.

Dr. April Kepner: [after Meredith is attacked by a patient] Has anyone told the Chief?
Dr. Richard Webber: Okay, do not page her. This is one patient. We can do this one, okay? She has to handle everything else.
Dr. Ben Warren: The guy who did this... he was stable, non-aggressive. He wasn't a threat. I left for like five minutes and this happens.
Dr. Owen Hunt: He was postictal. Hyper-aggression can occur after a seizure.
Dr. Richard Webber: Temporary fugue state. He won't even remember it.
Dr. April Kepner: Where is he now?
Dr. Ben Warren: Restrained and being treated right next door.

Dr. Richard Webber: [to Meredith] I know you don't like me, and you have every right not to like me. I have abused my power, but now I'm here on your turf. What I need to say... What I need to say is I saw what your mother was doing. I saw how neglected you were, I saw her drive your father off and I spent a lot of time beating myself up about that. But what does that do for you? Nothing. Nothing! I wasn't your advocate. I didn't fight for you. I never stood up for you. I left myself off the hook. I told myself I was young, and didn't know any better. But I did know better. I wasn't much younger than you are now. I should have fought for you, Meredith. Like you fought for that child today. I told myself that I wasn't your father, that it wasn't my responsibility, that I was right not to butt in. I let myself off the hook.
[Richard sits down next to Meredith; Meredith is silently crying]
Dr. Richard Webber: You were helpless. You were a baby. A beautiful, smart, funny little girl, and no one stood up for you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
[Meredith leans on his shoulder]
Dr. Richard Webber: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Dr. Richard Webber: [closing voiceover] A doctor puts on his white coat to save lives, defy death, but once he takes it off, he's vulnerable, just like anybody else. Human. We're all gonna die. We don't get much say over how or when. But we do get to decide how we're gonna live. So do it. Decide. Is this the life you want to live? Is this the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be? Can you be stronger? Kinder? More compassionate? Decide. Breathe in. Breathe out. And decide.

Dr. George O'Malley: Bailey's in there!
Dr. Richard Webber: Bailey's back?
[looks into exam room]
Dr. Richard Webber: O'Malley!
Dr. George O'Malley: She's in labour. Dr Montgomery-Shephard is examining her cervix.
Dr. Richard Webber: I can see that quite clearly. O'Malley, stop looking!
Dr. George O'Malley: Pretty amazing right? Miracle of life...
Dr. Richard Webber: Our Bailey, becoming a mother. Feels good having Bailey back at the hospital, balance has been restored.
Dr. George O'Malley: That's all I'm saying sir.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Hey guys, what's going on?
Dr. Richard Webber: Bailey's in there.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Oh Bailey's back? That's excellent!
[looks into exam room]
Dr. Derek Shepherd: And her cervix is being examined by my wife... which is an image I'll never get out of my head. Thanks for the warning.

Dr. Miranda Bailey: [to Richard] What did you do?
Dr. Richard Webber: I want you to shut the door and then I want you to sit down.
Dr. Miranda Bailey: You're throwing your whole career away for that damn girl.
Dr. Richard Webber: This is not the end of my career.
Dr. Miranda Bailey: The FDA will never come anywhere near you again. That is the end of your ilet cell trial, not to mention anything else you might be cooking up with...
Dr. Richard Webber: Sit down!
[Bailey sits down and crosses her arms over her chest; Richard hands her a folder]
Dr. Richard Webber: Open it and read the first page.
Dr. Miranda Bailey: [grabs the folder from Richard and starts reading it] "The artificial pancreas the cure for diabetes..." How about 'the artifical pancreas, a huge missed opportunity that you blew because you...
Dr. Richard Webber: Read the next line.
Dr. Miranda Bailey: Principle investigator, Miranda Bail...
Dr. Richard Webber: It's yours now. I have no pending trials with the FDA.

Dr. Arizona Robbins: Chief.
Dr. Richard Webber: Did you wanna tell me something?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: I am going to cry, and I just want you to know that I know it's going to happen. And I just want you to ignore it. And I'm not crying because I'm upset. It's just what happens when I get mad at people of authority.
Dr. Richard Webber: You're mad at me?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: [starts crying] I am mad at you. And I'm crying because you're the boss. My boss, which brings up issues of authority and my dad, who you kind of remind me of. Not that you're old, but you command respect. People respect you. I mean, I know I do and I know Bailey does. Which is why I'm mad. Because, it's wrong, sir. It's wrong and mean to use a robot to lure Dr. Bailey back into general surgery because I don't have a robot. All I have are little kids, and they're not as fun as a robot. And they're not shiny, and new, and silver, and they don't have things coming out of their belly buttons. But I will fight you, and I will win, sir.
Dr. Richard Webber: You think you can fight me and win?
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Yes!
Dr. Richard Webber: Good luck.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Because I have something that you don't have! I have joy, sir!

Dr. Addison Shepherd: Put the ice on your hand.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: My hand is fine.
Dr. Richard Webber: Put the damn ice on your two million a year hand. Now, would someone tell me what the hell happened?
Dr. Addison Shepherd: That was Mark.
Dr. Richard Webber: Who's Mark?
Dr. Addison Shepherd: He and Derek used to work together back in New York. And they, we, were all close friends. Until Derek found us in bed together.
Dr. Richard Webber: Did you put your weight behind it?
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Yes sir.
Dr. Richard Webber: Well, alright then.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: What the hell is he doing here?
Dr. Addison Shepherd: I have no idea.

Adele: [to Richard] Out of all the petty, ridiculous, infantile... are you running a hospital here or a playground?
Dr. Richard Webber: Adele, I won't be spoken to in that...
Adele: Hospital or playground, Richard?
Dr. Richard Webber: [sighs] Hospital.
Adele: Well, then start acting like the Chief of a hospital and
[motions to Bailey]
Adele: apologize to that woman right now.
Dr. Richard Webber: [mutters] Sorry.
Adele: You call that an apology? Now you better not leave this room until the two of you have worked this out because if I have to drag myself down here through rush hour traffic again, to police this damn jungle gym...
Dr. Richard Webber: Adele, you've made your point.
[Adele is about to leave and she sees Bailey with a huge smirk on her face]
Adele: [to Bailey] And you wipe that smile off your face, you're no better. Tattling on a man to his wife.

Dr. Richard Webber: O'Malley, yell at me again and I'll snap you like a small twig.
Dr. George O'Malley: Yes, sir.

Dr. Richard Webber: [to Stephanie] How's your throwing arm?
Dr. Stephanie Edwards: Retired.

Dr. Richard Webber: You have your dress for the prom?
Dr. Miranda Bailey: Excuse me?
Dr. Richard Webber: I'm going to the prom. If I have to go, *everybody* has to go.
Dr. Miranda Bailey: Wha - I'm a grown woman.
Dr. Richard Webber: [announcing to the room in general] Everybody goes to the prom! Everybody!

Dr. Alex Karev: [to Richard] You need to get Meredith her job back.
Dr. Richard Webber: What do you think I'm doing? I've spent the whole morning trying to get her a job.
Dr. Alex Karev: Meredith doesn't need a job, she needs this job.
Dr. Richard Webber: It's not gonna happen. The board's already made their decision.
Dr. Alex Karev: Let me talk to them. I... I mean, maybe I don't know what I saw, maybe I... I lied to get the chief residency.
Dr. Richard Webber: I can't let you say that.
Dr. Alex Karev: Oh, the hell you can't.
Dr. Richard Webber: Karev, this is not on you.
Dr. Alex Karev: Yeah, it is. It's all on me.

Dr. Richard Webber: [to Meredith] I understand you saw Amelia.
[Meredith gives him a look]
Dr. Richard Webber: Look, look, look. I know you're not in the mood for a lecture.
[Meredith undoes the brakes on her wheelchair and tries to push herself away, but Richard stops her]
Dr. Richard Webber: But... Are you finished?
[Richard puts the brakes on Meredith's wheelchair back on]
Dr. Richard Webber: She came to see you the night after the attack. She was drunk. She was upset... because you'd called her for a consult that day... the day of the attack. And she had a choice between coming to you and going to another trauma, and she went to the other trauma because she was mad at you.
[Meredith shakes her head]
Dr. Richard Webber: Forgiveness is a powerful thing, Meredith... not only to make the other person feel good, but to heal you. You need to forgive her, Mer. Forgive her for not being Derek... for being the wrong Shepherd. Just enough to remind you of what's missing, but not enough to bring him back. That's not her fault. You need to forgive her. You don't have to like her. You don't have to love her. But forgive her, okay? So you can forgive Blake for being in that room when a wrong decision cost you your husband. To forgive Derek for dying too soon. To forgive yourself for hating him for dying too soon.
[Meredith gets teary eyed]
Dr. Richard Webber: Let it go, Meredith... and forgive.

Dr. Andrew DeLuca: You know, her SATs were steady, but now they're just getting worse. I made some calls, and there's another spot open in Dr. Kuo's trial, but we have to act fast.
Dr. Richard Webber: Is there another spot because another patient died?
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: Have you seen the opacities in her lungs? Dr. Webber, at this point, you can either hope that she wakes up again or you can make the decisions that she chose YOU to make!
Dr. Richard Webber: I beg your pardon?
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: The choice is between doing nothing and doing something. Do something.

Dr. Richard Webber: [closing voiceover] We just want to survive the storm. We pray, "Please, God, just get me to the other side." We never imagine what it'll be like when we get there. What if, when the storm passes, nothing's left? I always said I could handle anything. I was wrong. I was wrong about a lot of things.
[referring to Meredith]
Dr. Richard Webber: But I was right about one thing. I was right about this.

Dr. Derek Shepherd: [to Richard] What are you gonna do?
Dr. Richard Webber: I don't know.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Well, the protocol is fairly clear.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Are you encouraging him to fire me?
Dr. Richard Webber: Look, Derek, I basically pressured her to do it. You'd have to fire us both.
[Derek walks out]
Dr. Richard Webber: I'm gonna have to suspend you, so it doesn't look so bad, but the study... I need to turn the whole mess over to the FDA, let them figure out what to do with it... Meredith, I don't know how to...
Dr. Meredith Grey: I know.

Dr. Cristina Yang: Uh, Dr. Webber. Sir?
Dr. Richard Webber: Notice anything else about that leg? Anything other than that very clean cut? Did you happen to notice, for example, that it was shaved recently? And manicured? Take a look at my patient, Dr. Yang! Does he look like a man who woke up and shaved one of his legs this morning?

Dr. Richard Webber: You know, you're perfect for this job Preston - unattached, obsessive, this hospital, this job, it's enough for you, isn't it?

Dr. Richard Webber: [to Mr. Torres] I'm... I'm sorry, y... you wanna take Dr. Torres home?
Carlos: Now, I reconize that my daughter's a senior resident and you've invested in her education. I'm happy to write out a check in whatever amount, as a donation to your hospital. In exchange, I would ask you to transfer her to St. Mary's in Miami.
Dr. Richard Webber: I appreciate the offer, sir, but with all due respect, your daughter is a grown woman. Does she know you're here?
Carlos: You don't have children, do you?
Dr. Richard Webber: No, no, no, I don't.
Carlos: No, you don't, because if you did... your daughter's a grown woman. I mean, that... that means nothing. She's my child. It's like blood running through your veins, you don't outgrow it... it never goes away, the love. The need to protect them, from everything... from everything, even from themselves. They grow up, they move out, they change, become people you don't even reconize, make decisions... I mean, and they think you don't love them, because you don't understand, but it's the opposite. See, it's the opposite. You fight for them, always. You never surrender. When your child is on the line, you never surrender.

Dr. Miranda Bailey: [to Richard] We need a Gunther.
Dr. Richard Webber: Dr. Bailey, it's the first day of fifth year, I...
Dr. Miranda Bailey: And they're at each others throats. We need a Gunther.
Dr. Richard Webber: I've got more pressing problems. I'm trying to find a new spot for Meredith Grey. You know, I heard they have good research fellowships at Mass Gen. I thought a recommendation from you would...
Dr. Miranda Bailey: You want me to write a recommendation for Meredith Grey?
Dr. Richard Webber: By the end of the day would be fine.
Dr. Miranda Bailey: To whom it may concern, Meredith Grey is an excellent example of the kind of resident you absolutley should not hire. She underminds ground-breaking clinical trials, she has absolutely no respect for rules, authority or as it turns out the oath that she took when she became a doctor. She will most likely tarnish the reputation of you, your doctors and your hospital. Sincerely, Dr. Miranda Bailey. Meredith Grey is the reason that we need a Gunther.

Dr. Richard Webber: What's the news, Dr. Sloan?
Dr. Mark Sloan: Shepherd and Grey are on the rocks, Burke and Yang are engaged... You need highlights... Highlights. That's why your hair looks so odd. I'll go save lives now...

Dr. Derek Shepherd: Nice hat.
Dr. Richard Webber: Shut up.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: What are you doing here?
Dr. Richard Webber: I'm going back to work.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: You're not cleared for surgery.
Dr. Richard Webber: Leave me alone, Derek. I've been sitting home for a week watching Oprah give away things on T.V. Oprah, Derek! You clear me now or I'll hurt you
Dr. Derek Shepherd: If you want me to clear you, you should have thought about that before you gave chief to Burke. And before you invited Satan to Seattle.

Dr. Richard Webber: You're being wooed, aren't you?
Dr. Miranda Bailey: Excuse me?
Dr. Richard Webber: The fellowship, LA Med, Chicago Central. They're wooing you. I mean, you're fielding offers, you're looking at bonus packages, you're letting yourself be wooed.
Dr. Miranda Bailey: Chief, I...
Dr. Richard Webber: It's fine. It's fine. Go be a hotshot somewhere else. But tell me, how could you do this to me? I mean, I'm hurt, I'm really hurt. After all I've done for you. You're gifted and you're ungrateful. And that's all I'm sayin'.
Dr. Miranda Bailey: I'm pregnant, you blind moron.
Dr. Richard Webber: You're what?
Dr. Miranda Bailey: My heart rate is 110, I'm burning 3000 calories a day, my legs are swollen, I've got indigestion and gas. Did you know that carrying a boy in your uterus means that you burn 10% more calories than if you had a girl? Guess what I'm carrying? I tried for 7 damn years and a month before my fellowship notification, the stick turns blue. Men. From the very beginnin' they just suck the life right outta you. I'm not leaving. I'm pregnant.
Dr. Richard Webber: Um... congratulations?

Dr. Richard Webber: I want you to listen to me very carefully. As long as I am here, I don't know what's happening out there, with my doctors, my patients, my hospital. You are my eyes today, my ears. I want you to be a sponge.
Dr. George O'Malley: A sponge?
Dr. Richard Webber: You report anything and everything happening in this hospital to me.
Dr. George O'Malley: I'm an investigative sponge.
Dr. Richard Webber: I'm not fooling around, O'Malley. There's too much happenin' lately under my radar. It stops today.

Dr. Richard Webber: [as the doctors are working on Meredith] You can't work on your family.
Dr. Alex Karev: Everybody in this damn room is her family.

Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: I cut the L-VAD wire.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Actually, I cut the L-VAD wire.
Dr. George O'Malley: No, I did it. I'm the one who cut the wire.
[pause, Christina remains silent and George gives her a nudge]
Christina: Fine. I cut the L-vad wire.
Dr. Alex Karev: I didn't do anything I'm totally innocent.
[everyone starts yelling at Alex, except Dr. Webber]
Dr. Richard Webber: People! I know who did this so you might as well come clean. I know!

Dr. Richard Webber: A man who does not bend to the winds of change is a man that you can be proud of.

Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: [one on one meeting with the Chief] I'm a pretty girl.
Dr. Richard Webber: What?
Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: I'm not being arrogant, it's just, it's just kind of a fact. For a long time I made a career from my looks, so I get it, I'm a pretty girl. And not in a "from a certain angle" way, in an obvious way. It's the blonde thing and the big boobs thing, big boobs are a key to obvious pretty if you know what I'm saying.
Dr. Richard Webber: Dr. Stevens.
Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: It's how men see me. I'm not a smart girl or an interesting girl, I'm a pretty girl. The blonde and the boobs, it confuses guys into thinking that I'm someone else. And I'm used to it. And I'm used to them walking away when they realize... but then Denny goes and asks me to marry him.
Dr. Richard Webber: Is that why you cut the wires?
Dr. Isobel "Izzie" Stevens: He doesn't make me feel like I'm a pretty girl. He makes me feel like, like me. I think he might know me. And so, if I did cut the LVAD wire, and I'm not saying that I did, but if I did, then no, I don't feel guilty. And I know that I should. And I would if it were anybody else's. But I can't feel anything but happy.

Dr. Derek Shepherd: t's not the doctors, Richard. They're all good doctors.
Dr. Richard Webber: I know that. Who do you think this was for? For Jennings, it was about legal, but this was for me. I needed to know who was finally was responsible. At least I was about to do that.
[Derek sighs]
Dr. Richard Webber: Say it, Derek.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Maybe it's not one doctor. Maybe it's too many doctors who don't know each other and who don't trust each other. When I got to that room, it was chaos, because that's the system now, chaos. That has been the system that has been in place since this merger. Your system. I'm saying you should look again at who's responsible.

Dr. Richard Webber: [to Meredith] The board met this morning. They feel that a suspension would send the wrong message. They feel that what you did disgraced the hospital, the profession. I'm sorry. I did everything I could.
Dr. Meredith Grey: So what are you saying?
Dr. Richard Webber: You're fired. Effective immediately. You're no longer a doctor at Seattle Grace

Dr. Derek Shepherd: [to Richard] Get out!
Dr. Richard Webber: No.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Get out, Richard! Get out!
Dr. Richard Webber: Look, I've destroyed lives before. Several in fact and yours is not one of them. Now, I sent the woman you love out here to help you. I sent the woman who loves you, out here, to bring you back to your life. If you ruin it with her, that's on you. I don't accept it. You're scared, you're drunk. You don't know which way is up. You threw a punch at your best friend, and you threw a ring at Meredith and now you wanna throw me out. I'm not accepting it. Because, I'm older than you, and I've been where you are. You've been drunk for a few days, I was drunk for years and I know you're gonna need at least one friend when you decide to come out of that hole you're digging. I hope you come out of it soon and I'll be here when you do.

Dr. Owen Hunt: Can I help you with something there, Chief?
Dr. Richard Webber: [sitting at computer] I'm trying to look at Bailey's teats on the Internet.
Dr. Owen Hunt: I think you mean "tweets," sir.
Dr. Richard Webber: Whatever.
Dr. Owen Hunt: No, not whatever. it's important you get that one right.

Lloyd: Richard... you're a good friend. The best.
Dr. Richard Webber: Shut up and count backwards already, Mack.

Dr. Richard Webber: Call three times a day.
Adele: Do not call three times a day.
Dr. Richard Webber: And if my wife doesn't put you through ...
Adele: I won't put you through.
Dr. Richard Webber: Keep calling until she does
Dr. George O'Malley: Yes, sir.

Dr. Miranda Bailey: [Dr. Bailey answer's the door with very limited view] Can I help you, Chief?
Dr. Richard Webber: [tries to poke his head in the door] Dr Bailey... I don't know what you're doing in there, but whatever it is...
[Miranda opens the door wide enough to show two wet circles on her chest because Addison's crying caused her milk to kick in]
Dr. Richard Webber: Oooh. Oh, no.
Dr. Richard Webber: [Dr. Bailey is dabbing gauze on her milk stains while the Chief babbles on] Um... Dr. Bailey, uh, I'm... sorry. Carry on.

[a nurse walks out of the operating room]
Dr. Richard Webber: If I wasn't happily married, I'd hit her. I'd hit her hard.
Dr. Alex Karev: Sir, I think what you wanted to say was hit *that*.

Dr. Miranda Bailey: [about Charles] He fainted.
Dr. Richard Webber: He fainted?
Dr. Miranda Bailey: He fainted.
Lawrence: From what?
Dr. Miranda Bailey: He better have a brain tumor or something 'cause that's just unacceptable.

Dr. Richard Webber: You know, up until now. I have not yelled. I have not yelled, because you were a man in trouble, and I was supporting you. But now, I am yelling! I am yelling very loudly! I want to retire, Burke! I want my wife back, and I passed the torch to you! I passed the torch to you, and you blew it out!

Dr. Derek Shepherd: [to Meredith] You wanted to be treated like a colleague? I'm gonna treat you like a colleague. Alex Karev informed Dr. Hunt that Dr. Grey tampered with my clinical trial. She switched around placebos and the drugs, probably invaildating... my trial.
Dr. Richard Webber: [to Meredith] Is this true?
Dr. Meredith Grey: Nothing I did has any effect...
Dr. Richard Webber: Tell me exactly what happened.
Dr. Meredith Grey: I can't do that.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Do you have any idea what you've done? Do you think that the FDA will get anywhere near this hospital, ever again?
Dr. Richard Webber: Meredith, look at me. If this is wrong, if there's something going on, if Karev is exaggerating, this is the part where you have to tell me. This is the part where you have to deny the charges.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Kick me off the study. There's nothing wrong with the study. Nothing I did changes anything.
Dr. Richard Webber: I'm gonna have to investigate what's going on here, but it looks to me like you just lost your job.

Dr. Richard Webber: [to Derek] Nothing we do can stop death. We can hold it at bay every now and then, but everyone dies and that's not on us.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: I took a pregnant woman in for a simple surgery and I botched it. That is on me. I should feel badly about that and you should feel badly while I was out here, you sent Meredith out here expectation a ring. Why would you do that? Why in God's name would you do that?
Dr. Richard Webber: I was trying to help. She didn't want to come. She wanted to leave you out here alone. I was trying to help, Derek.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: You were trying to help yourself not me, yourself! I hit the ring in the woods... in the woods. You destroyed me!
[gets up and goes inside his trailer slamming the door behind him]

Kate: Wait. Maddy needs to tell her daddy she's sorry before he goes. Maddy, you need to tell your daddy you're sorry. Maddy, people die in surgery. You don't want your daddy to die without telling him how sorry you are. Come on, let's go tell him we love him.
Dr. Meredith Grey: You know, no. No!
Kate: What?
Dr. Meredith Grey: Maddy, stay right here, okay?
Dr. Richard Webber: Dr. Grey...
Dr. Meredith Grey: No. She will not go apologize to him. You should be apologizing to her. I understand you're a victim here, but there is no room for you to be a victim when your 6-year-old is on the line. She's stronger than you. Your 6-year-old is stronger than you. At least she did something. She stood up for the two of you, which is more than you did for her. No, she won't apologize to him.

Dr. Richard Webber: This is an extremely serious accusation, Meredith. Can you tell me anything?
Dr. Meredith Grey: I-I-I can't. I'm- I'm sorry.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: How many patients are we talking about here? Did this happen more than once?
Dr. Meredith Grey: I can't say that either.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: She can't say anything.
Dr. Richard Webber: Look, we're going to unwind this, Meredith. Karev is figuring out what cases he was on when he saw you, he'll narrow down the dates and we'll know which patients...
Dr. Meredith Grey: Nothing I did changed the trial. Uh, fire me. Do whatever you have to do.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Look, you don't get to choose, okay?
[Alex knocks on the door, Richard opens it and takes an envelope from him]
Dr. Derek Shepherd: You don't get to decide who gets the drug or who gets the placebo. You don't get to decide what information the trial gets.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Nothing I did affects the trial. If you don't know what I did, the trial stays blind.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: The trial is over. You screwed me. You screwed this hospital and you screwed yourself. This is your disease that we're trying to cure.
[Richard is looking through the files Alex gave him]
Dr. Derek Shepherd: I mean, I could've picked Parkinson's...
Dr. Richard Webber: [mumbles] It was Adele.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: ...or Lou Gehrig's disease, but I did this for you.
Dr. Richard Webber: Derek, it was Adele.

Dr. Richard Webber: Dr. Yang?
Dr. Cristina Yang: Dr. Webber.
Dr. Richard Webber: What is that smell?
Dr. Cristina Yang: Uh... it's... it's feces. It's baby feces.

Dr. Richard Webber: Being Chief is a lot like being an intern; the work never stops.

Dr. Addison Shepherd: So I'm leaving in the morning.
Dr. Richard Webber: No.
Dr. Addison Shepherd: Excuse me?
Dr. Richard Webber: No, I'm not accepting your resignation.
Dr. Addison Shepherd: It's not resignation, Richard, it's notification. I don't officially work for you. I came for one case, I can track the twins progress from New York.
Dr. Richard Webber: What about the preemie?
Dr. Addison Shepherd: I'm letting go of the preemie, you know that. He calls me Satan, Richard.
Dr. Richard Webber: You don't like to hide from a fight.
Dr. Addison Shepherd: It's not a fight, he wins. I'm leaving in the morning

Dr. Richard Webber: [opening voiceover] The waiting can kill you. You make a decision, and then the world has to turn. The consequences unfold out of your hands. There's only one thing that seems clear in those quiet moments while you wait. Whatever you chose was wrong.

Dr. Derek Shepherd: [to Richard about Meredith] You just have to give her some room. You two have history.
Dr. Richard Webber: I apologized.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: I know, and it's loaded.
Dr. Richard Webber: Look, she keeps yelling at me that I'm not her father. Well, I am not. I fell in love with her mother. That's all I did.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: Her mother never got over you and she's not gonna...
Dr. Richard Webber: Oh, that's not my fault. Look, I was young. Lots of people have affairs. They have affairs and they don't... look, what Ellis did after I left, that's on Ellis, and I'm trying to run a hospital here.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: She's doing the best she can, Richard.
Dr. Richard Webber: Well, her best isn't good enough. If any other resident... If any other resident pulled the crap she did today. She is still here because of my history with you. That's it. That's the only reason.
Dr. Richard Webber: You keep saying you're not her father, but you... okay... you know what? Since we're talking. You're the most professional guy I know, most level headed, except when it comes to Meredith Grey. You gave me hell. You know, you weren't gonna give me Chief because I was dating Meredith Grey. You told her about the ring, you sent her out to the woods to bring me back. That's not running a hospital. You paged her to your office to try and address us. You paged her again today for Thatcher. You have history with her. You keep saying you're not her father, but the way you act, you consider her family. For what it's worth.

Dr. Alex Karev: I never even seen that patient. I was stitching up Nose Dive.
Dr. Richard Webber: Nose Dive?
Dr. Alex Karev: What's his name? The dude th... that fainted?
HR: Dr. Percy.
Lawrence: [laughs] Nose Dive. That's gonna stick.

Dr. Richard Webber: [to Meredith] I can see that you're angry with me and may be angry with your mother.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Don't do that! I'm not your friend and I am not your family. You don't get to call me into your office on personal business and you don't get to speak to me this way right now. It's an abuse of power. I'm a resident. I work for you. You have to speak to me like I'm a resident and for the record, Chief, somebody had to stand up for that little girl, and I make no apologies for that.
Dr. Richard Webber: You wanna just be a resident? Fine. Alright then. That woman is a victim of domestic violence. This hospital is supposed to be a safe place for her to come and tell her story. And as her doctors, it is our job to help her. You did not do your job. Instead, you further battered a battered woman.
Dr. Meredith Grey: What about the little girl?
Dr. Richard Webber: Dr. Grey! You will stay away from that child. You will stay away from that family. You will not come within 100 feet of them. And if you do, you will be suspended from this hospital pending reevaluation of your emotional and mental fitness for residency.