The Best Carlos Torres Quotes

Mr. Torres: I don't know you well enough to talk about her. We're not gonna do that.
Dr. Arizona Robbins: Most people think I was named for the state, but it's not true. I was named for a battle ship. The U.S.S. Arizona. My grandfather was serving on the Arizona when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and he saved 19 men before he drowned. Pretty much everything my father did his whole life was about honoring that sacrifice. I was raised to be a good man in a storm. Raised me to love my country. To love my family. To protect the things I love. When my father - Colonel Daniel Robbins, the United States Marine Corp - heard that I was a lesbian, he said he had only one question. I was prepared for, "How fast can you get the hell out of my house?" But instead, it was, "Are you still who I raised you to be?" My father believed in country the way that you believe in God. And my father is not a man who bends, but he bent for me because I'm his daughter. I'm a good man in a storm. I love your daughter. And I protect the things that I love. Not that I need to. She doesn't need it. She's strong, and caring, and honorable. She's who you raised her to be.

Dr. Richard Webber: [to Mr. Torres] I'm... I'm sorry, y... you wanna take Dr. Torres home?
Carlos: Now, I reconize that my daughter's a senior resident and you've invested in her education. I'm happy to write out a check in whatever amount, as a donation to your hospital. In exchange, I would ask you to transfer her to St. Mary's in Miami.
Dr. Richard Webber: I appreciate the offer, sir, but with all due respect, your daughter is a grown woman. Does she know you're here?
Carlos: You don't have children, do you?
Dr. Richard Webber: No, no, no, I don't.
Carlos: No, you don't, because if you did... your daughter's a grown woman. I mean, that... that means nothing. She's my child. It's like blood running through your veins, you don't outgrow it... it never goes away, the love. The need to protect them, from everything... from everything, even from themselves. They grow up, they move out, they change, become people you don't even reconize, make decisions... I mean, and they think you don't love them, because you don't understand, but it's the opposite. See, it's the opposite. You fight for them, always. You never surrender. When your child is on the line, you never surrender.