The Best Dr. Andrew DeLuca Quotes

Dr. Andrew DeLuca: I don't regret it.
Dr. Meredith Grey: How did you know I was wondering that?
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: I don't know. I just did. I don't regret it. You know, we walk through our lives and we witness atrocities. See homeless people on the street asking for help and we just walk right past them. See people that can't pay for medicine for their children, see people beating their kids, and we just say "Well, it's none of our business". See atrocities on the news every day. Crimes and cruelties committed by our government, paid for, nonetheless, by our own tax dollars. And what do we do? We just change the channel, right? We just -- We tune it out. Then we go back to work and we pretend like what we just saw, or that article we just read was somehow normal or acceptable, and the people who take to the streets screaming out for change, they're written off as crazy, they're written off as extreme. Doesn't make any sense. Makes no sense. But what you did, Meredith, risking your medical license to save that little girl -- That made sense. And what I did -- following that woman, not letting up, not letting her get away, not letting her harm another single human being. Yeah, it was dangerous, but it made sense. It's the only thing that made sense. So I don't regret it.

Lucia: Andrea!
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: Mom?
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: Mom?
Lucia: Andrea!
[Waves at DeLuca from across the beach]
Dr. Meredith Grey: I'll miss you. If I go back and you don't, I'll miss you.
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: It'll be okay, Meredith. It will. It'll be okay.
Lucia: Andrea!
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: [Smiles] I have to go.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Okay.
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: Mama!
[DeLuca runs across the beach to his mother and embraces her]

Dr. Meredith Grey: Hey!
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: Hey yourself.
[Throws rock into ocean]
Dr. Meredith Grey: Impressive.
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: Your turn. Let's see what you got.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Okay.
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: [DeLuca Chuckles] There you go. Just gotta put a little bit more muscle into it.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Yeah.
Dr. Meredith Grey: You know, this is the first time in my life I can ever remember not feeling competitive.
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: Is this your life?
Dr. Meredith Grey: What?
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: Well, you said the first time in your life, but I don't know. I'm not so sure. Are we alive?
Dr. Meredith Grey: I think so. You look good. The beach suits you.
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: You too.
[Both smile]

Dr. Meredith Grey: The tide is coming in!
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: [Building sandcastle on the beach] I know.
Dr. Meredith Grey: It's gonna wash it away.
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: I know, I'm trying to beat it.
Dr. Meredith Grey: You're trying to beat the tide?
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: [Continuing to build sandcastle] Yeah. I had more to do. I had plans. Wanted to do another tower over here, and a-- a -- a bridge with a moat. Tide's coming in too fast. Come on. It's too fast. I had plans.
[Groans as tide washes sandcastle away]
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: Come on. You can't build a sandcastle without a moat. I don't know what happens from here, Meredith.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Me either.
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: But no matter what happens, I want you to know that I never felt seen the way you saw me. I never felt inspired the way you inspired me. You made me want to be not just my best self, but better. And yeah, I felt small around you sometimes. I felt insecure. I wanted something from you that I needed to give to myself. But here, now, on this beach with you, I... I get it. I don't just get it, I feel it. I get who I am. I know my own soul, my strength.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Do you want to take a walk? We can watch the sunset from the dock.
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: In a minute. I just want to feel this first. I just want to hold onto this a little longer.

Dr. Andrew DeLuca: You know, her SATs were steady, but now they're just getting worse. I made some calls, and there's another spot open in Dr. Kuo's trial, but we have to act fast.
Dr. Richard Webber: Is there another spot because another patient died?
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: Have you seen the opacities in her lungs? Dr. Webber, at this point, you can either hope that she wakes up again or you can make the decisions that she chose YOU to make!
Dr. Richard Webber: I beg your pardon?
Dr. Andrew DeLuca: The choice is between doing nothing and doing something. Do something.