The Best Hazmat Paramedic Quotes

George: What's going on here?
Tony: I should ask you the same question: I thought you weren't coming back here?
George: I changed my mind
Tony: Oh, you did? Why?
George: I don't have to answer to you so drop the attitude
George: [to the Paramedic, referring to Paula's injuries] how bad is she?
Tony: [Answering for the Paramedic] bad, she's bleeding internally
George: [to the Paramedic] anything you can do for her at the hospital you can do here?
Hazmat: No, she needs surgery, We can't do that in the field
George: They're going to put her under anesthesia?
Hazmat: That's right
Tony: What're you doing George?
George: How long is she going to be under?
Hazmat: Couple of hours
George: Then she stays here
Hazmat: We can't keep her here
George: Look, everything we have on this nuke has been destroyed. The only Intel we have left is the database Paula sent to the NSA and they didn't get the code
Tony: Well then we'll assign other IT people to retrieve it
George: She's the only one who can decrypt those files and you know it
Tony: [Raising his voice] we'll send a programmer to get it
George: We don't have time. I need her here and I need her lucid. Just for a few minutes. I don't care what you have to do. Can you get her conscious?
Hazmat: I can administer epinephrine maybe get her BP up temporarily
Tony: You're out of your mind George. You're crazy
George: Tell yourself that if it makes you feel better
Tony: This girl deserves a chance to live