The Best Marcus Alvers Quotes

Marcus: I'm bleeding
Michelle: You don't look too bad so far
Marcus: We had a deal. I told you what I know and you'd kill me when I start showing symptoms
Michelle: You haven't told us everything you know
Marcus: What're you talking about?
Michelle: The man you work for: what's his name?
Marcus: He never told me his name. I'm dying, I have nothing to gain by lying about it
Michelle: When was the last time you saw him?
Marcus: Three hours ago in a Go parlor in Chinatown
Michelle: [Holding the phone for him with Tony on the line] I want a description
Marcus: Mid-thirties, Caucasian, about six one, black hair, brown eyes, and no facial hair. He speaks with a British accent
Michelle: Got that?
Tony: [to Michelle] yeah we got it
Tony: [to Chloe sitting next to him] how long is this going to take?
Chloe: Once the parameters are in, not long. I just need to cross reference it with personnel Jack's worked with in the past