The Best Paula Schaeffer Quotes

Tony: Paula, I need you to open another socket for me and Mason wants to see you in the conference room
Paula: [Nervously] I don't know if I can do this
Tony: Of course you can do it
Paula: No, I mean I'm just a programmer and I don't I work very well under this pressure so maybe they just want to bring somebody else in?
Tony: Look, there is no one else. You're the best at what you do, that's why you were called in here. Just take it one task at a time, right now all I need you to do is open a couple sockets and then get to the conference room alright?
Paula: Ok

Jack: [after putting his jacket on a chair] tell me about the regional cells
Michelle: [while handing him a file] the most promising one is headed by Joseph Wald
Jack: Joseph Wald?
George: Yeah Wald's been linked to a terror group called Second Wave. That's why it had to be you, you put in time working undercover with him
Jack: I put him in jail
George: Well, his out on appeal
Michelle: His actually waiting trial right now on new charges if his convicted, he goes away for life
Jack: What's Wald's connection to the bomb?
George: NSA established meetings between him and alleged members of the group behind the threat
Jack: Why didn't you guys just pick Wald up?
George: We haven't been able to track him down yet
Paula: His not at any of the addresses in his file
Jack: Are there any key witnesses against Wald in his upcoming trial?
George: There's one
Paula: Marshall Goren, apparently without him there's no case
Jack: Good bring him in
George: Here? What for?
Jack: You want me to reestablish my cover with Wald right?
George: Yeah
Jack: Normally it takes six weeks you want me to do this in what? Under two hours? Where's the FBI holding Goren?
George: Right here in downtown under protective custody
Jack: Good. Bring him in: now

Michelle: [while in the bathroom] did you finish exporting those files to Division?
Paula: No, it's in processing now. As soon as they finish uploading, I'll send in the encryption key
Michelle: [Before walking away] ok good
Michelle: [Seeing her worried] are you alright?
Paula: Yeah, I was a little nervous before but Tony said everything's probably going to be ok. I grew up in LA you know? I mean my whole life is here, my whole family is here. So if this bomb goes off what does that mean? Everyone's is just going to die?
Michelle: No, not necessarily. It depends on a lot of things
Paula: Yeah that's probably right