The Best Henry Powell Quotes

Marianne: [Over the phone] I couldn't take your call because I was in a meeting
Henry: Jack Bauer and Audrey Raines are still alive
Marianne: My information was accurate
Henry: Yes, and the location was correct but they survived the attack: their headed back to CTU
Marianne: I haven't heard anything
Henry: Bauer didn't call in?
Marianne: Not that I'm aware of
Henry: That doesn't make sense
Marianne: [sighs] actually it makes perfect sense. Bauer knows there's a been a security breach and you can bet his told someone here. I've got to get out
Henry: No you're going to stay in until we take care of Bauer and the woman
Marianne: What about me? I'm not going to spend the rest of my life in jail
Henry: [Before hanging up] you'll be taken care of, you know that: now go

Henry: Who are you guys? Police? FBI?
Tony: Actually, I'm currently unemployed.