The Best Marianne Taylor Quotes

Marianne: [after greeting Erin] I'm very excited to have this opportunity to help you here
Marianne: Hello Curtis
Curtis: Marianne,
Erin: Curtis, take Marianne to an empty station and get her started on the data sorts
Curtis: Let's go
Curtis: [Showing her where her station is] you'll be working over here
Marianne: You know Curtis, I didn't want to go over your head but you left me no choice
Curtis: Is that so?
Erin: I'll let it go if you will
Curtis: [Sternly] get to work Marianne

Curtis: [while in an interrogation room] who did you and Powell work for?
Marianne: I don't know, I only dealt with him
Curtis: Why did he send you to CTU?
Marianne: To cover his tracks in case it became necessary
Curtis: And after Audrey Raines saw him at the warehouse, it became "necessary"?
Marianne: Yeah
Curtis: Did Powell work directly for the terrorists? Or someone associated with the terrorists?
Marianne: I told you, I don't know
Curtis: I need names: people who can get us the Override
Marianne: I don't have any names, I can get them for you
Curtis: How?
Marianne: Powell kept a file on his computer: in his office downtown. it was an "insurance policy," incase either of us needed a bargaining chip
Curtis: Give me the address and the access code
Marianne: It can't be accessed externally, it requires a thumb print identification, either his or mine. Since his dead, it has to be mine

Curtis: Tell me everything you know about Paul Raines
Marianne: Why?
Curtis: What's his connection to all of this?
Marianne: How should I know? I "wish" I knew something you could use: believe me, I'm quite clear it's my only way out of this but I don't know anymore about Paul Raines than you do
Curtis: Raines' part in this is being investigated as we speak, if your name turns up linked in any way...
Marianne: [Interrupts him] it won't, I'm going to do everything I can to find something on Powell's computer that help you. Maybe something on Paul Raines will be on there

Marianne: [after introducing herself] Erin Driscoll asked me to come in and help on data logistics
Edgar: Yeah, I heard something about that
Marianne: So could you do me a favor?
Edgar: A favor?
Marianne: Yeah everyone's really busy and I just feel like I'd be more useful if I had an overall on what's going on today
Edgar: The Secretary of Defense has been kidnapped
Marianne: I know that, I mean tactically
Edgar: I really don't have time for this, I'm a little busy
Marianne: Why don't you give me the main points ok?
Edgar: Alright, we think Jack Bauer is following one of the terrorists
Marianne: You think?
Edgar: Yeah, it's a little "loose" right now: his off on his own doing this and we can't find him
Marianne: I thought Bauer didn't even work here anymore?
Edgar: He doesn't. Driscoll gave him the authority to do this one thing
Marianne: Alright, thanks

Marianne: [During interrogation] I wanna call my lawyer.
Curtis: Really?
Marianne: I do have rights.
Curtis: Yeah? Henry Powell had rights too.
Marianne: I don't know any Henry Powell.
Curtis: The one who helped the terrorists obtain the override. He's right here. Wanna say "hello"?
[Powell's dead body is wheeled into the room]
Marianne: Are you sick? You sick bastard.
Curtis: CTU didn't kill him.
Marianne: Well, then who did?
Curtis: The same people who planted the bomb under your car. Whoever they are, they've caught up to you. If I let you go, you'd be dead in 15 minutes.
Curtis: [Powell's body is wheeled out of the room] Your only chance to survive is to tell us what you know.
Marianne: I want a deal.
Curtis: You get to live, that's your deal.

Curtis: [Giving a briefing on a monitor with Secretary Heller present] there are a hundred and four nuclear power stations in the United States: we just learned terrorists are trying to convert all one hundred and four nuclear cores into weapons
Erin: Give us the worse case casualty scenarios first
Curtis: This graphic represents a single meltdown scenario. Edgar, break it down for us
Edgar: If we can't get control of the Override, it will shutdown the entire cooling system and the core will melt through the containment building. In the first three hours, the population within a ten mile radius will receive the highest doses of radiation. Most people will die within two days
Curtis: Most of these a hundred and four cities represent seventy five thousand people. Multiply that by a hundred and four, we're looking at 7.8 million causalities: that's conservative the environmental impact will also be catastrophic. Thirty miles in all directions of each plant will be uninhabitable for at least five years
Marianne: Don't these plants have multiple security systems to prevent this kind of breach?
Curtis: They do, the Override's already deactivated them
Erin: And if we don't succeed, how long before these cores start melting down?
Curtis: Projections in the first radiation shockwaves: approximately three hours
Erin: Alright I want everyone here from COMM and Logistics to work on getting a handle on the software. The rest of you will handle support and conjunction with NRC personnel, let's get to work

Marianne: [Over the phone] I couldn't take your call because I was in a meeting
Henry: Jack Bauer and Audrey Raines are still alive
Marianne: My information was accurate
Henry: Yes, and the location was correct but they survived the attack: their headed back to CTU
Marianne: I haven't heard anything
Henry: Bauer didn't call in?
Marianne: Not that I'm aware of
Henry: That doesn't make sense
Marianne: [sighs] actually it makes perfect sense. Bauer knows there's a been a security breach and you can bet his told someone here. I've got to get out
Henry: No you're going to stay in until we take care of Bauer and the woman
Marianne: What about me? I'm not going to spend the rest of my life in jail
Henry: [Before hanging up] you'll be taken care of, you know that: now go

Marianne: What's a Level Three channel?
Edgar: It's a log on that gets you into all the systems: Tactical, District, and Division
Marianne: I want it
Edgar: What'd you mean?
Marianne: I want clearance for a Level Three channel
Edgar: I can't give it to you, only Driscoll could authorize that
Marianne: I don't care who authorizes it, I want it
Edgar: Just because you heard that conversation between Chloe and me, it doesn't mean I'm your bitch