Top 30 Quotes From Erin Driscoll

Erin: [Briefing CTU staff] everyone, please listen up, Secretary of Defense was abducted a few minutes ago along with his senior policy analyst Audrey Raines: Heller was at his son Richard's house when he was taken. LAPD is brining Richard in for questioning, this is a top priority situation. I want all interagency protocols activated immediately

Erin: [Over the phone] where are you? Why haven't you and Ronnie been in contact?
Jack: Ronnie's been killed
Erin: What're you talking about?
Jack: He was shot by the hostile who kidnapped Andrew Paige
Erin: Where are you now?
Jack: I'm in transit, I'm tracking them, but he doesn't know it
Erin: Give me your location and I'll send backup to apprehend them
Jack: I don't believe that's the right call. I believe if I follow them, they'll lead me to Secretary Heller and the men who kidnapped him
Erin: Listen to me, the terrorists have just announced their going to try and execute Heller in less than three hours: bring the man in now
Jack: Right now this is our best chance of finding him by then
Erin: We had a deal
Jack: [Before hanging up] you're breaking up: have SWAT and rescue teams standing by. I'll call you as soon as the hostile reaches his destination

Jack: [to Sherek while in an interrogation room in which Jack intentionally locked the door from the inside] You are going to tell me.
Jack: [becoming agitated, shouting, after throwing the table over] What is happening at eight o'clock?
Erin: [through the intercom, watching through the glass window] Holster your weapon! Jack! I said holster your weapon!
Erin: [Jack shoots Sherek in the kneecap and screams in pain, to Sarah] Call Medical.
Jack: [still pointing his gun at him] What is your primary objective?
Erin: I'll order Security to shoot you if I have to!
Ronnie: [to the security agents] Get that door open!
Jack: [presses his gun at Sherek's other knee cap] What is your primary objective?
Tomas: [while in pain] Secretary of Defense!
Erin: [shocked] Heller.
Jack: Secretary Heller?
Tomas: [in pain] Yes.
Jack: [to Erin] Secretary Heller's the target, call Secret Service now

President: [Through video conference] Jim, Erin. First I want to express my deep gratitude for what you've accomplished so far today. Rescuing back the control of the Override has saved thousands of American lives. The latest NRC report is that the San Gabriel Island meltdown is now under control
James: That's great news Mr. President, but has your staff informed you that we still have a few "problems" to deal with?
President: Yes, that's why I'm calling. I understand the man responsible for today's attacks is still at large?
James: Yes Sir, he is. His name is Habib Marwan, his been a long term employee of a major defense contractor
President: Yes I heard, McLennan-Forrester. This Habib Marwan, do you believe melting down the reactors was his end game or do you think his planning something else?
James: As long as his still out there, we have to assume it's not over
President: Erin, exactly where are we on apprehending this man?
Erin: All our resources are being deployed to that end Mr. President, we'll have more information in a few minutes once I've been briefed by my staff but we know Marwan's in Los Angeles and we will find him

James: [after entering her office] I'm sorry to report, there's been a breach in CTU
Erin: What?
James: The information Scott gave you about Jack is false
Erin: What'd you mean false?
James: Jack and Audrey were ambushed at Fell Stead Security: they survived the attack but it's clear someone in this office gave them up
Erin: With all due respect sir, you knew about this and didn't tell me?
James: Being left out of the loop is not something you should be concerned about
Erin: I assume you're telling me now your sting operation yielded a result?
James: [Before throwing a file folder on her desk] yes it did: read that
Erin: Where is she?
James: [while they leave her office] she's about to be taken into custody, join me

Erin: [while in a holding room] I have a suggestion, I'm going to leave this room, call Admin, they'll fax over some resignation papers, and you sign them
Chloe: And then what?
Erin: And then nothing
Chloe: I walk out?
Erin: Walk out
Chloe: No jail? No sanctions?
Erin: That's right, though if you need a letter of recommendation for your next job, you should get it from Jack: not me
Chloe: Right
Erin: Sound like a plan?
Chloe: Yes

Erin: You ok?
Sarah: I'm fine
Erin: Anything you need? You understand I had no choice: you were identified as threat to security and I acted accordingly
Sarah: I would've hoped you had more faith in me
Erin: Personally, I do but the evidence was brought to me by the Secretary of Defense, I couldn't very well ignore it
Sarah: What happens now?
Erin: You can go home and rest: no one would blame you if you did but if you're up to it, I could use you on the floor. San Gabriel Island nuclear reactor melted down less than an hour ago. The five remaining plants are critical, I need my best people in play
Sarah: [Nods] I'll go back to work
Erin: Thank you

Curtis: [after entering the conference room] excuse me Mr. Secretary, I'm going to have to interrupt you
James: What is it?
Curtis: This is Edgar Stiles, our chief analyst: his requesting access to the kernels of the power plants?
James: My understanding is that no one is to manipulate those kernels while the plants are online
Edgar: Yes, but there is a way to do it if your careful. I had to stay away from the precompiled headers while I was putting a software lock on the Dobson Override code. But the chances of causing a load imbalance...
James: [Raises his hand, interrupting him] I don't understand one thing you're talking about: just tell me what the "downside" is if the kernels are disrupted because of your manipulation?
Edgar: [Before sighing] if I make a mistake, I can accelerate a core meltdown in some of the reactors
Edgar: [after Driscoll and Heller are silent] this is probably a bad idea maybe we shouldn't do it
James: But if you're successful, you can gain control of the reactors?
Erin: Edgar, what we need to know is if you can do this without making a mistake?
Edgar: [after looking down] yeah I can do it
James: You're not filling me with confidence
Edgar: I'm just a little nervous: if I say "I can do it"? I can do it

Erin: Sarah said you may have found a connection to the train bombing and Heller's abduction?
Curtis: Yeah, about an hour ago, NTSB reported a passenger was killed but not as a result of the crash
Curtis: [Showing her the image of the dead body on a monitor] shot at close range
Erin: Who is he?
Curtis: We're trying to find out: he had no ID and his face and prints don't show up on any database. Though whoever killed him, stole something he had changed to his wrist
Curtis: [Showing her the next image] I think it may have been this. A passenger on the train saw a man with a briefcase handcuffed. Take a look at the damage that was supposed to be sustained at the crash, we just recovered this where Heller was being held
Erin: What're you telling me? The train bombing was a cover for the theft of this briefcase? What was in it?
Curtis: [Zooming in on the image of the logo on the briefcase] it was empty but we traced the corporate logo on the briefcase to McLennan-Forster
Erin: The defense contractor?
Curtis: Yeah
Erin: Have you contacted them?
Curtis: I just got off the phone with their CEO, his stonewalling. He said before he disclosed anything, we need "special clearance" from the Department of Defense
Erin: The Secretary should be able to get us whatever clearances from DOD. Let's get a print out from all of this

James: [Over the speakerphone] bring us up to speed
Jack: [Over the phone] we have a hostage situation involving one of the men that was involved in the terrorist attack this morning
Erin: We're pulling up his ID now: his name is Navi Araz, granted American citizenship five years ago
James: Who's the hostage?
Jack: His seventeen year old son, Behrooz, he broke ranks now his father sees him as a liability. Araz knows we have his wife in custody, it's worth it if he kills the boy, and she'll betray him by cooperating with us
Audrey: What does she say?
Erin: She's agreed to help us find the Override, stop the nuclear meltdowns if we rescue her son
James: So the father will stall, keep the kid alive until the reactors blow?
Jack: That's right, sir
James: We already lost one in California, can we trust this woman to help us?
Jack: I think right now she'll do everything she can to protect her son
James: Ok, whatever you need, you've got: just get that kid
Jack: Yes sir
Jack: Erin, I'm going to need a thermal satellite scan of the building, we're looking for two heat sources in close proximity in remote areas of the basement
Erin: [Before hanging up] we'll call you back as soon as we have something

Curtis: [Briefing CTU staff] alright, here's what we have: a known terrorist named Tomas Sherek managed to get into the country undetected. We believe there is a likelihood Sherek organized a train attack in Santa Clarita, if he did his going to get out of the country as fast as he can
Erin: Which means we have a small window of opportunity here, who's covering airports and customs?
Edgar: [Raises his hand] I am, I've issued a mandate to LAX, Long Beach, and Ontario
Chloe: [to Edgar] as usual we can't hear you also where's your laptop incase you need to pull data?
Edgar: I'm sorry, I'll speak up and I don't need my laptop I have everything memorized: what I was saying is I contacted all the airports and asked them to add another layer of security
Erin: Do we have any local contacts for Sherek?
Sarah: I'm looking into those now
Erin: Alright, promote everything we receive up to Division. let's find Sherek before he leaves the city, let's go

Erin: [Briefing CTU staff] as some of you know about an hour ago, a hostile abducted a witness in this case: Andrew Paige
Sarah: Do we have any idea where this hostile is now?
Erin: [Showing a map on a monitor] no, but we general direction of travel. County Emergency Services just called this in, his best route of escape is the freeway. He'll likely dump his vehicle and hijack another one
Erin: [Referring to the image of Andrew Paige's driver's license on the same monitor] this is Andrew Paige. He was apparently tortured and was about to be killed when it seems Jack Bauer intervened. Assuming this took place in the last half hour and that the hostile was continuing east, his somewhere in the northeast corridor of Ventura County
Erin: We'll coordinate with CAL TRANS, CHP, and Ventura Sherriff to set up watch points. I want every available resource on this. Edgar, take the lead in satellite positioning. Sarah, you'll coordinate with NSA, that's all, thank you

Erin: [Talking privately] has it occurred to you that we might be further along if you trust me half as much as you trust Jack Bauer?
Chloe: You know what Ms. Driscoll? I'm really not in the mood to play the part of the "scared student in the principal's office." I came to you with important information my friend Andrew gave me and you choose not to respond to it
Erin: When you came to me with the original information, we were looking for Sherek, were we not?
Chloe: yes
Erin: He was our most important lead at the time wasn't he?
Chloe: I guess
Erin: Then my question to you is: once we had Sherek in custody, if you "felt" your internet lead was still valuable, why didn't you reprise it?
Chloe: Your right, I felt more comfortable working with Jack
Erin: Well, at least that's honest. You can go back to work now

Jack: I need to speak to you
Erin: You're done here
Jack: Just listen to me
Erin: I'm detaining you
Jack: Just listen to me: Secretary Heller is my responsibility now I need you to reinstate me on a provisional basis until I get him back
Erin: You don't give me orders, I'm detaining you until an investigator from Division can take your statement. I'm going to recommend you arrested for torturing a suspect and rendering him useless for questioning
Jack: You weren't getting anywhere with him because of me Sherek told you everything he knows
Erin: You better hope so

James: Maybe you should go home.
Erin: I'm afraid to.
[she cries]
James: [Long pause] When my wife Susan died, I didn't deal with it at all. Actually, I went to work the next day. I remember thinking to myself, "That's life. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. Get over it, get on with it". A few weeks later, I answered a call from an old friend of Susan's who did not know she had died.
James: And when I heard myself saying "Susan has passed away", when I actually said those words, it hit me. All the pain I was trying to shut out just overwhelmed me. Erin, you can't keep it inside. You cry, you blame God. You blame yourself and then you cry some more. And all the while you let your friends help you. It's pretty simple. Very painful. And I am so, so sorry for you.

Curtis: [after walking into her office] what'd you need?
Erin: I just got off the phone with Marianne Taylor
Curtis: Whatever she told you, it's coming from a very "disturbed" place
Erin: That may be but she's as qualified as any of the others you've brought in today
Curtis: I'm not comfortable working with her: that should be enough for you
Erin: Normally it would be however she mentioned your pillow talk included a synopsis of the new data mining protocols
Curtis: That's a lie, if she got that information, it was from someone else. Now she's using it against me
Erin: She knows details about the new UVX system, that's classified information. She can force us into a Section One security reboot and drag us in a six month long investigation
Curtis: I don't believe this
Erin: I asked her to come in: deal with it. Do you have the results of Secretary Heller's son yet?
Curtis: Yeah, polygraph makes it clear he didn't have any "knowing" involvement in his father's kidnapping
Erin: But?
Curtis: His still insisting he didn't tell anyone his father was coming to his house this morning. The polygraph was inconclusive on that claim
Erin: You think his lying?
Curtis: It's possible. Richard is the only one who knew where his father would be this morning, he may have told someone about it
Erin: Why would Richard protect someone who's betrayed him?
Curtis: Because his too arrogant to believe that's what happened
Erin: It'll take days to go through his phone records, I want you to see if you can get a name out of him "another way"
Curtis: What'd you mean?
Erin: [Referring to torturing him] you know what I mean
Curtis: We're not even sure if his guilty of anything
Erin: This is how we'll find out. Get started

Erin: Took a lot of guts to do what you did.
Chloe: I trusted Jack.
Erin: A lot of people around here trust Jack, doesn't mean they're gonna risk their careers for him.

Edgar: [During a meeting] using the alias "Harris Barnes", Marwan worked at McLennan-Forrester for the last two years as a Senior Engineer: his most recent project was the design and development of the Override
Erin: Before that?
Tony: Here's the timeline we've "pieced" together, he went to graduate school in England, then worked several years for a company outside of London. Now it's not clear if he was radicalized there or before that but the one thing we do know is that from the day he arrived in the US, everything he did was about today
Erin: What were his other duties at McLennan-Forrester?
Sarah: We don't know yet: we're taking a first pass at his records now. I'm looking into the possibility he may have used McLennan-Forrester as a base to recruit his sleeper cells
Tony: And that brings up another issue, at present time, we have over eighty percent of field personnel looking for Marwan. I'm just wondering if we should divert part of that man power to root out some of these other cells?
Tony: [after she doesn't respond] Erin?
Erin: I'm sorry Tony, what was the question?
Tony: Do you think we should reduce the field load on Marwan?
Tony: [after she doesn't respond again] how about we take some of our people off Marwan but keep a floor of sixty percent still looking for him? Would that work?
Erin: Yes, that would work
Tony: Ok

James: I just got off the phone with Jack: he wants me to approve Tony Almeida's reinstatement, do you have a problem with that?
Erin: Considering what Almeida has done for us today, I do not have a problem with that
James: Good
Erin: Sir, you said you spoke with Jack, how long ago was that?
James: Ten, fifteen minutes ago, why?
Erin: We have some new information I'd like to share it with you: we found a "curious" connection to the terrorists
James: What kind of connection?
Erin: Paul Raines
James: My daughter's husband?
Erin: One of his companies is listed as the owner of the building Jack just searched
James: The building the terrorists planned the attack from today?
Erin: That's the one
James: Is anyone going to pick him up?
Erin: We have teams on the way to the hotel where his staying but he was about to leave and the only way to keep him there was under a false pretense
James: False pretense? What's that suppose to mean?
Erin: Jack called to tell us Audrey is meeting Paul at his room. Jack's on his way over there
James: What?
Erin: She's going to try to keep him there until our backup teams can take over
James: Unacceptable, how could you let this happen?
Erin: This wasn't my decision. This was her choice. Jack did everything he could to stop her
James: When did you find out about this?
Erin: About five minutes ago
James: That's when you should've told me

Jack: [Talking privately] I have information you ignored that appears connected not only to the bombing but the kidnapping of Secretary Heller
Jack: What information?
Jack: A computer programmer by the name of Andrew Paige, accidently came across a possible internet strike earlier this morning
Erin: I know, it was passed onto the FBI
Jack: Yes, against CTU protocol: you abandoned an active investigation by a CTU agent during a terrorist strike. I just got confirmation from the LAPD that Andrew Paige's coworkers were all found dead less than twenty minutes ago
Erin: I'll coordinate with the FBI and we'll take over the investigation with that lead
Jack: No, you won't, I just talked to the kid and I'm the only one who knows where he is, you want that kid picked up, you're going to have to reinstate me
Erin: I'm having you locked up for impeding my investigation
Jack: You do that and I'll tell the President that you had Sherek in custody over half an hour before Secretary Heller was even kidnapped and you couldn't break him: I did
Erin: You threatening me?
Jack: I am "asking" you to let me help rescue Secretary Heller
Jack: This is how this is going to work, I'll reinstate your commission on a temporary basis until Heller is safe, you will not make any unilateral decisions, you will work as an auxiliary agent under the authority of Ronnie Lobell and then I'll hand you over to Division

President: [Over the phone] I understand you lost one of your field operatives?
Erin: Yes we did
President: Did the engagement yield any prisoners or witnesses?
Erin: Not yet but there's some "hope"
President: Tell me
Erin: Jack Bauer who as you know used to work here is currently in the field trailing a suspect
President: Trailing him? Why doesn't he bring him in?
Erin: We're in the process of doing that Sir
President: Are we going to be able to save Jim and his daughter before this "trial" starts?
Erin: I certainly hope so Sir. Mr. President, I have to ask you something now as we may not have time later
President: What is it?
Erin: We may find ourselves in a "situation", where we have Heller's location but can't extract him safely. If that's the case, would you authorize in advance an all out assault?
President: Your assumption being the Secretary would not survive?
Erin: Correct
President: We'll cross that "bridge" if the scenario presents itself

President: [Through video conference] if there are seventeen nuclear power plants about to meltdown, I need to update an evacuation strategy
James: I agree Sir, I've already laid the ground work with the National Guard: their preparing to go into individual communities and effect a civil evacuation upon on your command
President: And you say your worst case scenario gives us approximately three hours?
James: That's correct Sir
President: Erin, what are chances of shutting down the remaining seventeen?
Erin: At this time, I'd say it's less than fifty percent but we're trying something right now that might improve those chances
President: When will you know more?
Erin: In the next fifteen minutes
President: Alright, keep me updated
Erin: Yes, Mr. President

Curtis: I warned you about her
Erin: What're you talking about?
Curtis: Marianne Taylor, I told you she was trouble and a mistake to let her work here
Erin: No, you told me you were "uncomfortable" working with her: you didn't tell me you were having a relationship with a corporate spy
Curtis: How could I have possibly known that? Don't play that card with me
Erin: Fine, then don't walk in here with an "I told you so", attitude because we both have to deal with this
Curtis: You mean Division?
Erin: That's right, they're going to want a complete timeline: everything from how Marianne got through the front door down to the high security files that was she able to access in a very short period of time
Curtis: Can we have a conversation "off book"?
Erin: Go ahead
Curtis: There's no point in either of us compromising authority in the eyes of Division, agree or disagree?
Erin: Agree
Curtis: Marianne did an excellent job establishing her credentials. All we need to do is leave out some of the details on how she managed to leverage her way in here
Erin: I don't like anyone holding something over me
Curtis: Neither do I
Erin: How long would it take you to adjust the files?
Curtis: Two minutes
Erin: I'll call Division in five

Erin: [Over the phone] I'm calling you to consider aborting the missile strike
President: Based on what?
Erin: We are attempting a rescue operation
President: I was told the Marine strike force was ten to twenty minutes away
Erin: They are Sir: Jack Bauer went in by himself
President: The terrorist group is moments away from executing the Secretary of Defense in front of the world and I cannot allow that to happen
Erin: I understand Sir. But if Jack can affect a rescue before that happens?
President: In that case, I'll abort the missile strike. His running out of time
Erin: How long does he have Sir?
President: Seven minutes

James: So this Marianne Taylor "claims", she has to access the file personally?
Curtis: Yes
James: And you believe her?
Curtis: I'm not sure: the polygraph indicates she's telling the truth but in my opinion, she maybe a sociopath
James: Are you a psychologist?
Curtis: No but I've had dealings with her before
James: Dealings that might affect your judgment?
Curtis: No
James: Well, we have to check it out: the question is how
Erin: I can spare an operative from the cyber unit and security team
James: [to Audrey] what'd you think?
Audrey: I think Curtis should go
Erin: I need Curtis here
Audrey: The information on the computer file may be important, someone with experience needs to examine it first hand
James: [to Erin] send Curtis with a security team and you'll have to figure out how to do without him until he gets back
Erin: Yes sir

Marianne: [after greeting Erin] I'm very excited to have this opportunity to help you here
Marianne: Hello Curtis
Curtis: Marianne,
Erin: Curtis, take Marianne to an empty station and get her started on the data sorts
Curtis: Let's go
Curtis: [Showing her where her station is] you'll be working over here
Marianne: You know Curtis, I didn't want to go over your head but you left me no choice
Curtis: Is that so?
Erin: I'll let it go if you will
Curtis: [Sternly] get to work Marianne

Jack: I'm sorry Secretary Heller couldn't be here today
Erin: It's just as well. I'm sure you were told we have a protocol in progress so why don't we go down the items and get it over with?
Jack: It's fine with me
Erin: I'll be direct with you, I didn't like the budget your boss proposed
Jack: What's the problem?
Erin: Well, the Department of Defense is asking for eight dive percent of all interagency monies: which leaves very little for CTU
Jack: If you want a bigger piece of the pie, you're going to have to justify it
Erin: I have a proposal for you
Jack: [after looking at her report] you want to use satellite surveillance for all the traffic at the harbor?
Erin: Yes, problem?
Jack: Yes, it's insufficient. You need to maintain bodies on the ground
Erin: Too expensive
Jack: Not if you utilize intelligence from the other agencies. Look, I'm not going to have Secretary Heller sign off on a budget that doesn't make sense
Erin: I'll talk to Heller myself
Jack: No, you'll talk to me

Tony: [Interrogating her as Erin monitors] I want you to tell who's still out there, I want the name of the name of anyone who can help us find the Override that will stop the plants from melting down
Dina: My husband kept all of this from me. I only helped
Tony: That's a bunch of crap: now we know you were just as involved as your husband. Listen, we're quite aware the reason your helping us is your son but believe me it's not too late to change our minds on how we treat him
Dina: There are a few people's names I heard Navi mention, they "might" know what you want but I don't know how to find them
Tony: [while taking out a pen and sliding a notepad in front of her] alright, why don't start writing their names down?
Erin: [Through an intercom to Tony, referring to Dina] ask her about a man named Habib Marwan
Tony: Who is Habib Marwan?
Dina: I heard Navi speak of him a few times. his an engineer, beyond that I don't know

Sarah: [while being held in an interrogation room] please Ms. Driscoll, I promise you there's been some kind of mistake
Erin: How could there be a mistake? Your system was isolated: the message you sent was from it while you were there
Sarah: Somebody set me up. That's the only explanation I can think of
Erin: Tell me how that's possible?
Sarah: Someone backed into my system through a subnet: planted something
Erin: That's the first thing we checked. None of them were compromised, let's stop playing games. Thousands of people's lives are at stake, where are the people who control the Override?
Sarah: I don't know, that's what I was working on
Erin: Who did you send the message about Jack to?
Sarah: I didn't. Ms. Driscoll, I would never betray our country ot endanger people's lives, you know that
Erin: Is it the same contact who coordinated the attack on Jack and Audrey at Fell Stead Security?
Sarah: I don't know, it wasn't me
Erin: I learned one lesson today with Sherek and I'm no longer going to air on the side of caution in these interrogations, do you get my meaning?
Sarah: I don't know what to say

President: [Briefing government officials in person and CTU through video conference] as you are aware, Secretary of Heller and his daughter have been kidnapped by a terrorist cell: the terrorists have announced that they'll put Jim on trial for war crimes, and then execute him. All of it broadcasted to the world. Make no mistake, this country is under attack, foreign terrorists are operating on our soil, and intelligence indicates the kidnapping maybe some kind of "trigger," the first step in a series of larger attacks. Mark, what kind of protective actions are being taken?
Mark: We've changed all the codes and protocols the Secretary has knowledge of. Also the other Cabinet members have been sequestered
President: Alright, Melissa, where are we with trying to keep these people from broadcasting this?
Melissa: The media outlets will all cooperate and not air it but the terrorists have announced they will use the internet: we cannot control that. Their using technology that makes their feed untraceable and we can't shut down the internet without disabling the command and control function of the government and the economy
Mark: Mr. President, the only way to stop this is at the "source", we have to find the terrorists and rescue Secretary Heller
President: Erin, where is CTU on this?
Erin: We have search teams out in force and we are working a few active leads Sir
President: Anything promising?
Erin: We'll know very shortly Mr. President
President: Keep us closely posted. Ladies and gentlemen, nothing takes over priority of finding the people who have Jim Heller and stopping them, thank you