The Best Sarah Gavin Quotes

Erin: [Briefing CTU staff] as some of you know about an hour ago, a hostile abducted a witness in this case: Andrew Paige
Sarah: Do we have any idea where this hostile is now?
Erin: [Showing a map on a monitor] no, but we general direction of travel. County Emergency Services just called this in, his best route of escape is the freeway. He'll likely dump his vehicle and hijack another one
Erin: [Referring to the image of Andrew Paige's driver's license on the same monitor] this is Andrew Paige. He was apparently tortured and was about to be killed when it seems Jack Bauer intervened. Assuming this took place in the last half hour and that the hostile was continuing east, his somewhere in the northeast corridor of Ventura County
Erin: We'll coordinate with CAL TRANS, CHP, and Ventura Sherriff to set up watch points. I want every available resource on this. Edgar, take the lead in satellite positioning. Sarah, you'll coordinate with NSA, that's all, thank you

Tony: Edgar, I want you to relocate personnel
Edgar: Based on what?
Tony: Keep the people who've come in the last six hours working on Marwan, I want our most alert people focused on him
Sarah: Are we going to ignore what just happened here?
Edgar: What'd you mean?
Tony: She's talking about Erin Driscoll
Sarah: If she can't focus, she shouldn't be running this place
Edgar: Her daughter died a few minutes ago: give her a little more time
Sarah: More time? Since when do we have the luxury of time?
Edgar: She's not stupid, she knows what's at stake here
Tony: Your right Sarah, we have don't have the luxury of time. We have work to do and our mandate doesn't include deciding Erin Driscoll's fate
Sarah: I think we have to tell Secretary Heller
Tony: No, we don't, not yet. Now let's get back on it

Curtis: [Briefing CTU staff] alright, here's what we have: a known terrorist named Tomas Sherek managed to get into the country undetected. We believe there is a likelihood Sherek organized a train attack in Santa Clarita, if he did his going to get out of the country as fast as he can
Erin: Which means we have a small window of opportunity here, who's covering airports and customs?
Edgar: [Raises his hand] I am, I've issued a mandate to LAX, Long Beach, and Ontario
Chloe: [to Edgar] as usual we can't hear you also where's your laptop incase you need to pull data?
Edgar: I'm sorry, I'll speak up and I don't need my laptop I have everything memorized: what I was saying is I contacted all the airports and asked them to add another layer of security
Erin: Do we have any local contacts for Sherek?
Sarah: I'm looking into those now
Erin: Alright, promote everything we receive up to Division. let's find Sherek before he leaves the city, let's go

Erin: You ok?
Sarah: I'm fine
Erin: Anything you need? You understand I had no choice: you were identified as threat to security and I acted accordingly
Sarah: I would've hoped you had more faith in me
Erin: Personally, I do but the evidence was brought to me by the Secretary of Defense, I couldn't very well ignore it
Sarah: What happens now?
Erin: You can go home and rest: no one would blame you if you did but if you're up to it, I could use you on the floor. San Gabriel Island nuclear reactor melted down less than an hour ago. The five remaining plants are critical, I need my best people in play
Sarah: [Nods] I'll go back to work
Erin: Thank you

Curtis: Do you have the abstracts on McLennan-Forrester yet?
Sarah: One second, I'm finishing it now. Alright, McLennan-Forrester was a principle contractor and design of the Override and Marwan, under the alias "Harris Barnes", had full security access on that project
Curtis: And you ran FBI checks on the others that were involved on the project?
Sarah: Yes, they came up clean
Curtis: So he's the only terrorist who had inside access to a defense contractor
Sarah: Actually more than that: McLennan-Forrester in addition to being a weapons manufacturer trains their clients to use their weapons
Curtis: International clients?
Sarah: Yes, several countries in the Balkans, Asia, and the Middle East. This is a massive situation, when Jack gets to McLennan-Forrester, his going to have to get into company records and find out exactly who Marwan dealt with
Curtis: It's not going to be that easy. This reflects on the company, they'll be reluctant to give up any incriminating information even if Marwan was the only guilty party

Erin: The man I was just talking to is Tony Almeida, I want you to keep an eye on him and let me know if he goes off protocol. I'm particularly interested in...
Sarah: [Interrupts her] in any communication with Jack Bauer or Secretary Heller
Erin: That's right
Sarah: I'm beginning to see how things work around here
Erin: How do things work around here?
Sarah: You could care less about me being falsely accused and tortured: your beginning to feel "squeezed out" and need allies. That's why you were so nice to me before
Erin: We're facing a crisis today and our first priority is to deal with it successfully, is that a problem for you?
Sarah: Not at all but after I went through today, if you want my help, I need "something" too
Erin: And what's that?
Sarah: I want my arrest expunged: not explained by an official letter in my file, expunged, and I want a promotion, two pay grades
Erin: Done

Sarah: [while being held in an interrogation room] please Ms. Driscoll, I promise you there's been some kind of mistake
Erin: How could there be a mistake? Your system was isolated: the message you sent was from it while you were there
Sarah: Somebody set me up. That's the only explanation I can think of
Erin: Tell me how that's possible?
Sarah: Someone backed into my system through a subnet: planted something
Erin: That's the first thing we checked. None of them were compromised, let's stop playing games. Thousands of people's lives are at stake, where are the people who control the Override?
Sarah: I don't know, that's what I was working on
Erin: Who did you send the message about Jack to?
Sarah: I didn't. Ms. Driscoll, I would never betray our country ot endanger people's lives, you know that
Erin: Is it the same contact who coordinated the attack on Jack and Audrey at Fell Stead Security?
Sarah: I don't know, it wasn't me
Erin: I learned one lesson today with Sherek and I'm no longer going to air on the side of caution in these interrogations, do you get my meaning?
Sarah: I don't know what to say

Sarah: Why are you always so impatient with everybody?
Chloe: Not everybody, just you.

Sarah: You're aware I was falsely accused of leaking information earlier today?
Michelle: Yes, I saw the report
Sarah: Erin Driscoll didn't talk to you about it? Or leave a memo?
Michelle: Her daughter died today, I think she has other things on her mind
Sarah: I understand but there still some "things" that need to be "handled"
Michelle: [Confused] what "things"?
Sarah: Well, she promised the accusations would be expunged from my record and I'd be bumped up two pay grades as compensation so I just want to make sure that would still happen
Michelle: I'll look into it but not today
Sarah: What happened to me was an outrage. Now if you don't do something to resolve it right now, I'll go directly to Secretary Heller
Michelle: [Stands up from her desk] Secretary Heller doesn't run CTU, I do and I am ordering you to go back to work
Sarah: Not until you assure me the false be expunged and my pay grade changed
Michelle: [after picking up the phone] I need security over to station one
Sarah: Security? What for?
Michelle: I need people whose minds are on their job: yours isn't
Sarah: Oh, so you're firing me? You can't do that, you need me, I'm juggling active protocol
Michelle: We'll manage

Sarah: As far as we can tell this Habib Marwan has been controlling the Override
Erin: Jack's on his way there now?
Sarah: Yes
Erin: Curtis and his team are already at that building
Sarah: I know but we haven't been able to reach him or his team members: his not answering his cell
Erin: How far is Jack?
Sarah: About fifteen minutes out
Erin: Keep trying Curtis, tell him Jack his on his way. We have to coordinate the two to find that Override
Sarah: Ok

Sarah: I found Jack Bauer
Erin: Where is he?
Sarah: His still tracking the hostile: only now his using satellite
Erin: How do you know that?
Sarah: DOD just called and complained that someone over here was stealing bandwidth. I took a look at the imagery and found him
Erin: Alright bring them both in, who logged onto that satellite?
Sarah: Chloe
Erin: [to Chloe after walking over to station] why are you logged onto an active DOD satellite?
Erin: [after Chloe remains silent] alright you're done here
Chloe: Whatever I was going to quit anyway
Erin: You're not being fired: you're being arrested
Erin: [to Curtis] call security
Erin: [to Edgar] lock up her system, take control of all her files
Edgar: Yes ma'am
Erin: [Sternly to Chloe] I want you to call Jack Bauer now

James: [Addressing CTU staff] for those of you that don't know: this is Michelle Dessler, she'll be taking over as acting Director of CTU effective immediately. Tony, I appreciate you "carrying the ball" until Michelle got here, why don't you bring her and everyone else up to speed?
Tony: Yes sir, less than an hour ago, we discovered the man responsible for planning today's attacks Habib Marwan has been a long term employee McLennan-Forrester, the third largest defense contractor in the country. Now we know Marwan has been using the alias "Harris Barnes", what we don't know yet is how he managed to evade their security checks, Marwan knows we're looking for him so his probably gone "dark". His association with McLennan-Forrester is our primary focus, Jack Bauer and Paul Raines went to the company to inspect his computer files but as they were doing so an electromagnetic pulse bomb was detonated wiping out the company's database
Sarah: It also fried every electrical device within an eight mile radius. Street lights, computers, cars, cell phones, everything
Michelle: Were Jack and Paul able to find anything before detonation?
Tony: Yeah but we weren't able to contact them since the blast. We have to assume whoever detonated the EMP "thinks" Jack and Paul found something and wants them eliminated
Michelle: Have rescue teams been sent into the area?
Tony: Not yet. Once we confirmed the effects subsided, we'll send two full teams in with fully functional electronics, the only problem is until we find Jack and Paul, we're not going to be able to do much
Michelle: [to the CTU staff] we want to do everything we can to find Jack Bauer and Paul Raines but the priority to retrieve any information they found at McLennan-Forrester, that's all

Edgar: [During a meeting] using the alias "Harris Barnes", Marwan worked at McLennan-Forrester for the last two years as a Senior Engineer: his most recent project was the design and development of the Override
Erin: Before that?
Tony: Here's the timeline we've "pieced" together, he went to graduate school in England, then worked several years for a company outside of London. Now it's not clear if he was radicalized there or before that but the one thing we do know is that from the day he arrived in the US, everything he did was about today
Erin: What were his other duties at McLennan-Forrester?
Sarah: We don't know yet: we're taking a first pass at his records now. I'm looking into the possibility he may have used McLennan-Forrester as a base to recruit his sleeper cells
Tony: And that brings up another issue, at present time, we have over eighty percent of field personnel looking for Marwan. I'm just wondering if we should divert part of that man power to root out some of these other cells?
Tony: [after she doesn't respond] Erin?
Erin: I'm sorry Tony, what was the question?
Tony: Do you think we should reduce the field load on Marwan?
Tony: [after she doesn't respond again] how about we take some of our people off Marwan but keep a floor of sixty percent still looking for him? Would that work?
Erin: Yes, that would work
Tony: Ok