30 Best Secretary of Defence James Heller Quotes

James: Where are you going?
Jack: Audrey's given us a significant lead: we need to follow it up
James: What kind of lead?
Audrey: When we were being held, I recognized someone, he was an American. I saw at a function here in LA a few months ago
Jack: We're going to view the surveillance tapes of the function at a private security company not far from here
James: I don't want her going out now. Why can't you access the tapes here?
Jack: Sir, I wish we could but their offline, they have to record over four and a half hours of material for us to view: we don't have that time
Audrey: Jack told me these people are trying to use our power plants as weapons. We have to follow this lead and we have to follow this now
Jack: Sir, Audrey's the only person who can make this ID
James: If anything happens Jack, I will hold you personally responsible
Jack: I understand

James: Your son was in sensory deprivation for a total of two and a half hours
James: What did he say when you took him off it?
Curtis: Nothing
James: You tortured my son for almost three hours and ended up yielding nothing?
Curtis: You gave the order sir
Richard: [after entering the interrogation room] I'm sorry this had to happen but we had to make sure you weren't withholding anything from us
Richard: I hate you, I never want to see you again
James: Please understand that I am responsible for the lives of millions of people
Richard: [Facing away from him] you torture me and now you want me to forgive you? Just confirms everything I ever knew about you, am I free to leave?
James: Yes

James: [Addressing CTU staff] for those of you that don't know: this is Michelle Dessler, she'll be taking over as acting Director of CTU effective immediately. Tony, I appreciate you "carrying the ball" until Michelle got here, why don't you bring her and everyone else up to speed?
Tony: Yes sir, less than an hour ago, we discovered the man responsible for planning today's attacks Habib Marwan has been a long term employee McLennan-Forrester, the third largest defense contractor in the country. Now we know Marwan has been using the alias "Harris Barnes", what we don't know yet is how he managed to evade their security checks, Marwan knows we're looking for him so his probably gone "dark". His association with McLennan-Forrester is our primary focus, Jack Bauer and Paul Raines went to the company to inspect his computer files but as they were doing so an electromagnetic pulse bomb was detonated wiping out the company's database
Sarah: It also fried every electrical device within an eight mile radius. Street lights, computers, cars, cell phones, everything
Michelle: Were Jack and Paul able to find anything before detonation?
Tony: Yeah but we weren't able to contact them since the blast. We have to assume whoever detonated the EMP "thinks" Jack and Paul found something and wants them eliminated
Michelle: Have rescue teams been sent into the area?
Tony: Not yet. Once we confirmed the effects subsided, we'll send two full teams in with fully functional electronics, the only problem is until we find Jack and Paul, we're not going to be able to do much
Michelle: [to the CTU staff] we want to do everything we can to find Jack Bauer and Paul Raines but the priority to retrieve any information they found at McLennan-Forrester, that's all

Jack: [after playing the digital recording for Heller] President Logan supplied the terrorists with the Sentox nerve gas
Secretary: What?
Jack: His plan was to deploy the nerve gas on route to Moscow: that way he could expose the terrorists and use them as an excuse to invoke the military terms of the agreement that he made earlier with Suvarov. This is all an effort to gain control of the oil supply in Central Asia. David Palmer found out about it, that's why they killed him
Secretary: How do you know that recording hasn't been fabricated?
Jack: I trust the source. I promise you this will stand up under scrutiny
Secretary: [Shakes his head] I wish I could say I was surprised but I'm not. I watched Charles Logan "rise on the tide" on his own ambition, I was terrified when he took The Oath
Jack: Sir, I'm very sorry that I had to involve you but I need someone who had "access" to hand deliver this over to the Attorney General
Secretary: So you contacted me?
Jack: You're the only one I could trust
Secretary: [after Jack hands him the recording] alright then

James: So this Marianne Taylor "claims", she has to access the file personally?
Curtis: Yes
James: And you believe her?
Curtis: I'm not sure: the polygraph indicates she's telling the truth but in my opinion, she maybe a sociopath
James: Are you a psychologist?
Curtis: No but I've had dealings with her before
James: Dealings that might affect your judgment?
Curtis: No
James: Well, we have to check it out: the question is how
Erin: I can spare an operative from the cyber unit and security team
James: [to Audrey] what'd you think?
Audrey: I think Curtis should go
Erin: I need Curtis here
Audrey: The information on the computer file may be important, someone with experience needs to examine it first hand
James: [to Erin] send Curtis with a security team and you'll have to figure out how to do without him until he gets back
Erin: Yes sir

James: [while being held captive] we'll be fine Audie, we're still on US soil
Audrey: It's not going to help us if this is some kind of suicide mission
James: You said Jack tried to warn us before they grabbed us?
Audrey: Yeah, that's right
James: That means he has a reliable source which means our chances are good, I am your father, and do you trust me?
Audrey: Of course I do
James: Then listen: you cannot allow a negative thought to enter your head now. They will find us, we will be rescued. Say it
Audrey: Please dad, don't
James: We will be rescued", say it Audie
Audrey: We will be rescued
James: We will be rescued

Richard: I'm going, there's nothing you can do to stop me: how many cars do you need to get to places?
James: I didn't come to argue about the environment
Richard: I didn't ask you to come at all
James: I do not want you to attend or speak at that rally at Lockheed this afternoon
Richard: You don't have any leverage on what I do anymore: you haven't since I stopped taking your money
James: Can you think of anyone besides yourself? If you do this, it will humiliate the President and it will be dangerous to national security
Richard: What could be more dangerous than twenty-five hundred missile delivery systems?
James: The world is a little more complicated than that: we do not live in a utopia. America has enemies
Richard: Enemies who were our friends a year ago and in another year, it'll change again unless people stop supporting your psychotic need to control the world
James: [Raises his voice] psychotic need? We serve our country, we serve the cause of freedom, and what do you do?
Richard: Why don't you just go back to your little motorcade and drive somewhere people actually buy the lies you're selling?

James: Tony, I want to thank you for filling in and I'd like you to stick around and assist Miss Dessler.
Tony: I'm sorry, who?
James: Michelle Dessler, do you know her?
Tony: I used to be married to her.

James: We're making good progress
Erin: Tell me
James: We've been able to take eighty seven power plants offline: their safe
Erin: What about the other seventeen?
James: The terrorists were able to use the Override to block a shutdown. Everything we're doing is being repelled
Erin: What are we doing to get around it?
James: Believe me, we're trying everything: if there's way, we'll find it. I'll keep you posted

James: [Referring to Paul] does he know?
Audrey: Know what?
James: About you and Jack
Audrey: How long have you known?
James: Not until today: although I'm surprised I haven't figured it out until now
Audrey: It's not what you think. Paul and I were over before Jack and I started seeing each other
James: Except Paul doesn't think it's over. Last time I spoke to him, he thought he had a second chance
Audrey: Yeah, that's more about fixing his "wounded pride" than fixing this relationship
James: So he doesn't know about it?
Audrey: Not yet
Audrey: [after he remains silent] I'll take care of it

Jack: [Over the phone] Henderson and a commando unit attacked us fifteen minutes ago: they killed all your men and took the recording back
James: Is Audrey alright?
Jack: She's fine. You cut your deal with Logan?
James: Logan accepted my terms, and then he took a call and suddenly changed his mind
Jack: That call must've come from Henderson
James: We have to get that recording back: if there's anything I can do to help, let me know
Jack: With all due respect Mr. Secretary I asked you for your help and you betrayed me
James: I did what I thought was best for this country. I made a mistake, please forgive me
Jack: [Before hanging up] I need to go sir

James: Maybe you should go home.
Erin: I'm afraid to.
[she cries]
James: [Long pause] When my wife Susan died, I didn't deal with it at all. Actually, I went to work the next day. I remember thinking to myself, "That's life. Quit feeling sorry for yourself. Get over it, get on with it". A few weeks later, I answered a call from an old friend of Susan's who did not know she had died.
James: And when I heard myself saying "Susan has passed away", when I actually said those words, it hit me. All the pain I was trying to shut out just overwhelmed me. Erin, you can't keep it inside. You cry, you blame God. You blame yourself and then you cry some more. And all the while you let your friends help you. It's pretty simple. Very painful. And I am so, so sorry for you.

Jack: [Over the phone] don't let anyone know you're talking to me: we've got a problem
James: [Following Jack's instructions, pretending to be talking to someone else] I understand Marcy, let me see what I can do. What's going on?
Jack: First of all I want you to know Audrey and I are safe, there was an attempt on our lives at Fell Stead Security
James: What?
Jack: A group of assassins, well armed, well trained, took out our entire security detail. You're going to need to send a forensic unit there to identify the bodies. But I don't want anyone at CTU to know
James: Why not?
Jack: Because I think someone at CTU is complicit in the attack
James: How do you know that?
Jack: Sir, CTU is the only agency that knew where we were. No one else had that information
James: Is one of Erin's people working with the terrorists?
Jack: Yes, I think so. I just don't know who but it's clear that they didn't want Audrey to make the ID of the man she saw when you were both being held
James: I'm sending a Secret Service detail to pick you two up
Jack: Sir, please don't do that, that's not the right thing to do here
James: Why not?
Jack: I don't want anyone to know where we are. That way we'll be safe
James: How do you want me to handle this?
Jack: You remember the sequence we developed for the Melbourne situation?
James: Yes
Jack: Try that, I think that'll work
James: Ok
Jack: Sir, I've got to go. I'll get back to you as soon as we're safe
James: [Sternly] take care of Audrey
Jack: [Before hanging up] yes sir I will

James: Oh, spare me your sixth grade Michael Moore logic.

President: [Through video conference] I understand we're closing in on the Override?
Erin: We hope so Sir, we believe we've found where the terrorists have it
President: Which is where?
James: An office building in LA
Erin: We believe the terrorists are either associated with one of the tenants or they've created a corporation their hiding behind
President: How is CTU proceeding?
Erin: We have teams converging: once we find the Override, we have to use it to reprogram the reactors manually
President: Will there be enough time to reprogram?
James: Our people will be ready once we find it
President: Alright, I don't have to remind both of you the consequences if we fail
James: Everyone here understands what's at stake Sir

[to President Logan]
Secretary: I know what you did, I know what you're doing, and I'm here to put an end to it.

James: [Over the speakerphone] bring us up to speed
Jack: [Over the phone] we have a hostage situation involving one of the men that was involved in the terrorist attack this morning
Erin: We're pulling up his ID now: his name is Navi Araz, granted American citizenship five years ago
James: Who's the hostage?
Jack: His seventeen year old son, Behrooz, he broke ranks now his father sees him as a liability. Araz knows we have his wife in custody, it's worth it if he kills the boy, and she'll betray him by cooperating with us
Audrey: What does she say?
Erin: She's agreed to help us find the Override, stop the nuclear meltdowns if we rescue her son
James: So the father will stall, keep the kid alive until the reactors blow?
Jack: That's right, sir
James: We already lost one in California, can we trust this woman to help us?
Jack: I think right now she'll do everything she can to protect her son
James: Ok, whatever you need, you've got: just get that kid
Jack: Yes sir
Jack: Erin, I'm going to need a thermal satellite scan of the building, we're looking for two heat sources in close proximity in remote areas of the basement
Erin: [Before hanging up] we'll call you back as soon as we have something

James: [while being held in captivity] when the "trial" begins: you may have an opportunity to escape, you have to take it even if it's dangerous
Audrey: Maybe we'll have a chance to escape before then?
Audrey: [Shakes his head] their never going to take their eyes off of me, it has to be when their attention is on the trial
Audrey: I don't want to get out of here without...
James: [Interrupts her] forget about me, you have to take every chance. Promise me
Audrey: I can't
James: [Hugs her] yes you can. I want you to live your life, a full life, I want you to have a family. That's all I care about, you're my baby
Audrey: I can't do this
James: Yes, you can. You can do it, come on now

Audrey: I have an update on the San Gabriel Island meltdown: it's not quite as bad as we feared
James: How you doing?
James: [Points to a chair] sit down
James: Any word from Jack or Paul?
Audrey: No
James: I can't imagine how hard this must be for you. There's something else isn't there?
Audrey: A couple hours ago, when we thought Paul was somehow involved in the attacks, Jack questioned him and Paul has his pride: resisted
James: Jack was pretty rough
Audrey: Very
James: That's his job, he had to make sure. You have to believe Jack had no choice
Audrey: I know, I guess it was just a shock to see it. Somehow he seemed like a different person
James: We need people like that
Audrey: Jack is an incredible man
James: But you're not sure you feel the same way as you did before?
Audrey: Something like that

President: [Through video conference] Jim, Erin. First I want to express my deep gratitude for what you've accomplished so far today. Rescuing back the control of the Override has saved thousands of American lives. The latest NRC report is that the San Gabriel Island meltdown is now under control
James: That's great news Mr. President, but has your staff informed you that we still have a few "problems" to deal with?
President: Yes, that's why I'm calling. I understand the man responsible for today's attacks is still at large?
James: Yes Sir, he is. His name is Habib Marwan, his been a long term employee of a major defense contractor
President: Yes I heard, McLennan-Forrester. This Habib Marwan, do you believe melting down the reactors was his end game or do you think his planning something else?
James: As long as his still out there, we have to assume it's not over
President: Erin, exactly where are we on apprehending this man?
Erin: All our resources are being deployed to that end Mr. President, we'll have more information in a few minutes once I've been briefed by my staff but we know Marwan's in Los Angeles and we will find him

Curtis: [after entering the conference room] excuse me Mr. Secretary, I'm going to have to interrupt you
James: What is it?
Curtis: This is Edgar Stiles, our chief analyst: his requesting access to the kernels of the power plants?
James: My understanding is that no one is to manipulate those kernels while the plants are online
Edgar: Yes, but there is a way to do it if your careful. I had to stay away from the precompiled headers while I was putting a software lock on the Dobson Override code. But the chances of causing a load imbalance...
James: [Raises his hand, interrupting him] I don't understand one thing you're talking about: just tell me what the "downside" is if the kernels are disrupted because of your manipulation?
Edgar: [Before sighing] if I make a mistake, I can accelerate a core meltdown in some of the reactors
Edgar: [after Driscoll and Heller are silent] this is probably a bad idea maybe we shouldn't do it
James: But if you're successful, you can gain control of the reactors?
Erin: Edgar, what we need to know is if you can do this without making a mistake?
Edgar: [after looking down] yeah I can do it
James: You're not filling me with confidence
Edgar: I'm just a little nervous: if I say "I can do it"? I can do it

James: [after entering her office] I'm sorry to report, there's been a breach in CTU
Erin: What?
James: The information Scott gave you about Jack is false
Erin: What'd you mean false?
James: Jack and Audrey were ambushed at Fell Stead Security: they survived the attack but it's clear someone in this office gave them up
Erin: With all due respect sir, you knew about this and didn't tell me?
James: Being left out of the loop is not something you should be concerned about
Erin: I assume you're telling me now your sting operation yielded a result?
James: [Before throwing a file folder on her desk] yes it did: read that
Erin: Where is she?
James: [while they leave her office] she's about to be taken into custody, join me

President: [after Heller doesn't shake his hand] I thought you said this was important?
Secretary: I know what you did, I know what you're doing, and I'm here to put an end to it
President: You have to be a little more specific
Secretary: You are responsible for the murder of David Palmer
President: That's outrageous
Secretary: I heard a recording: a conversation between you and a man named Christopher Henderson. When Palmer found out about your insane plan, Henderson had him killed, and you let it happen
President: Where is this recording?
Secretary: It's in a "safe place"
President: I would like to hear it
Secretary: Why? You know exactly what you said and so do I. it's burned into my memory
President: How dare you stand there and judge me. You have no idea. Until you sit in my chair, you don't know what the hell you're talking about
Secretary: Your chair is not a throne
President: I'm protecting the interests of our country
Secretary: You mean oil?
President: [Raises his voice] yes, this country needs energy more than you or anybody in this gridlock government cares to admit: we'll see how you judge me when the cost of oil goes up over a hundred dollars a barrel and the people who put me in Office can't afford to heat their homes or run their cars
Secretary: And you think that justifies the blood on your hands?
President: What do you want?
Secretary: I want you to drop the trumped up charges against Jack Bauer and leave my daughter alone
President: Anything else?
Secretary: Announce your resignation by tomorrow morning: blame it on the crushing stress of today's events or blame it on whatever you want. Just as long as you go public by the start of the morning news cycle
President: And then what?
Secretary: The recording will be kept under lock and key and this will remain between us. Call Vice President Gardener, I want him to be here when you hand him your letter of resignation

James: Have you spoken with your brother?
Audrey: No, I even think he knows I'm coming with you today
James: It's probably best he doesn't
Audrey: Alright, I'll stay in the car: even if Richard goes to this protest in Lockheed, it's not the end of the world. It's not a "page one" story
James: That's not the point, it's an embarrassment to me and to the President
Audrey: What're you going to say to him?
James: I have no idea
Audrey: The thing that gets to me is that he doesn't know the first thing about the politics behind this: his just doing it to rebel against you
James: When did I become the enemy? What did I do?
Audrey: Nothing, Richard's acting like a spoiled child, his going to have to grow up someday

Richard: I'm going to speak at that rally this afternoon, and it's not because I hate you: it's because it's something I believe in
James: Did it ever occur to you that these people are using you? Don't you realize their letting you speak for one reason and one reason only because you are my son?
Richard: Well, I wish I weren't
Audrey: [Interrupting them] what is it?
Audrey: [Handing him her cell phone] I'm sorry, it's Jack: it's urgent
James: [to Richard before leaving to talk privately] excuse me
Richard: What could be more important and intimidating?
Richard: [to Audrey] I didn't know you were hiding in the car
Audrey: Why are you doing this to dad? Can't you just back off?
Richard: I'm not doing anything to him
Audrey: No, if you go to that protest at Lockheed, it's going to hurt him
Richard: Whatever it takes to stop what his doing

Paul: [Talking privately] do you know about Audrey and Jack Bauer?
James: Not until an hour ago
Paul: I've got to tell you carrying on under your nose is pretty unprofessional: wouldn't you say?
James: I understand your feelings about this but you and Audrey are separated for almost a year. I'm sorry, she's a big girl, and she can do what she wants
Paul: What she's doing? She's breaking my heart

Richard: [while hugging in an interrogation room as Curtis watches from another room] dad, they said you were ok: Audrey too, thank God. I said some awful things before. I was afraid I'd never get a chance to apologize
James: I said some pretty harsh things myself but no matter what was said your still my son and I will always love you
Richard: Me too dad
James: They said they were using some interrogation "techniques"
Richard: They were totally out of line. I'm going to sue them blind
James: I think it'd be a little more "effective" if you let me deal with it. I promise you if they were out of line, heads will roll
Richard: What'd you mean "if"?
James: Why did they think you were holding something back from them?
Richard: I don't know
James: If you know something that would shed some light on what happened to me...
Richard: You think I wouldn't tell them if I thought it was relevant?
James: So, there is "something"?
Richard: Now you're giving me the third degree?
James: Do you have any idea what your sister just went through? If you know anything that would help us find them, tell me now
Richard: Dad, I'm glad you're alive, I really am but I am not going to tell these people things about my private life that they don't need to know
James: [Raises his voice] that you don't "think they need to know, these people were trying to save our lives
Richard: [Raises his voice even louder] these people can't be trusted and what they did to me is proof
James: Agent Manning, can you come in here please?
James: [to Curtis after he enters the room] I am authorizing you to do whatever you "feel" is necessary to get this information out of my son
Richard: [Nervously] dad
James: I love you son but I have a duty to my country
Richard: You can't be serious
Richard: [while his father leaves the interrogation room, as Curtis stands in his way] dad

James: I just got off the phone with Jack: he wants me to approve Tony Almeida's reinstatement, do you have a problem with that?
Erin: Considering what Almeida has done for us today, I do not have a problem with that
James: Good
Erin: Sir, you said you spoke with Jack, how long ago was that?
James: Ten, fifteen minutes ago, why?
Erin: We have some new information I'd like to share it with you: we found a "curious" connection to the terrorists
James: What kind of connection?
Erin: Paul Raines
James: My daughter's husband?
Erin: One of his companies is listed as the owner of the building Jack just searched
James: The building the terrorists planned the attack from today?
Erin: That's the one
James: Is anyone going to pick him up?
Erin: We have teams on the way to the hotel where his staying but he was about to leave and the only way to keep him there was under a false pretense
James: False pretense? What's that suppose to mean?
Erin: Jack called to tell us Audrey is meeting Paul at his room. Jack's on his way over there
James: What?
Erin: She's going to try to keep him there until our backup teams can take over
James: Unacceptable, how could you let this happen?
Erin: This wasn't my decision. This was her choice. Jack did everything he could to stop her
James: When did you find out about this?
Erin: About five minutes ago
James: That's when you should've told me

Scott: [Talking privately] is there a problem sir?
James: A big problem: someone inside CTU is leaking information to someone on the outside
Scott: What do you need me to do?
James: I need you to go to Erin Driscoll. Tell her Jack Bauer is no longer at Fell Stead Security and his watching surveillance videos at the old CTU substation in Torrance
Scott: Anything about when Jack will call in?
James: When they identify the man that Audrey saw
Scott: I take it Jack and Audrey are nowhere near the CTU substation?
James: Right, we're trying to "flush" out the mole
Scott: Then you'll need me to put in a DOD COMM SAT out loop around this place?
James: If anyone sends out a communication containing the information you plant, that's the spy
Scott: Yes sir
James: Let's go

President: [Through video conference] I understand we've been able to shut down ninety eight nuclear power plants?
James: Yes Sir but as of now it appears that our shutdown order will not be effective with the six remaining reactors
President: "Not going to be effective"? What exactly does that mean?
James: I'm afraid it means that we could have six nuclear disasters on our hands
President: What are the casualty projections if all six plants meltdown?
Curtis: Four hundred fifty four thousand deaths in the first twenty four hours: long range estimates are in the lone millions and that's not taking into account the resulting cancers and birth defects
President: Why were we able to shut down the other power plants and not these remaining six?
Erin: Because their still being controlled by the terrorists Sir
President: You mean because of the Override device they stole today?
Erin: Exactly: we have to find the Override device itself. It's a prototype and the terrorists have the only one in the world
President: Alright, then let's find it. I'm going to give the order of evacuation of those six cities. Jim, keep me posted
James: Yes. Mr. President