The Best Paul Raines Quotes

Paul: Or I can move to Washington? I can turn west coast operations over to Ben Simon
Paul: [after she's silent] Audrey?
Audrey: Yes I heard you: turn west coast operations over to Ben Simon
Paul: What'd you think?
Audrey: I don't know, I guess you have to decide whether or not you think his capable of running...
Paul: [Interrupts her] I'm not asking what you think of Ben Simon, what do you think of me moving back east?
Audrey: [Nervously, before taking a sip of her champagne] I don't know
Paul: I feel like I'm doing all the work here. You said you wanted to talk, you're not talking
Audrey: These things take time
Paul: Well, maybe talking isn't one we should be doing
Paul: [after staring at him] why are you looking at me like that? You're my wife for God's sake
Audrey: I can't believe you think I came over here to sleep with you
Paul: Ok, you didn't come here to sleep with me, you didn't come here to talk to me, why did you come?
Audrey: I just thought we could spend a little time together. I thought that'd be nice
Paul: On a day like this? All hell's breaking loose and you it'd be "nice" for us to spend some time together? I guess I wasn't really thinking when you called was I? What're you doing here? What's really going on? Are you spying on me?
Audrey: Are you doing something worth spying on?
Paul: [Yelling, standing up, and slams his hand on the table] what is that suppose to mean?
Audrey: I think I should go
Paul: [Stands in front of her blocking her path] I think you should stay

Paul: [Talking privately] do you know about Audrey and Jack Bauer?
James: Not until an hour ago
Paul: I've got to tell you carrying on under your nose is pretty unprofessional: wouldn't you say?
James: I understand your feelings about this but you and Audrey are separated for almost a year. I'm sorry, she's a big girl, and she can do what she wants
Paul: What she's doing? She's breaking my heart

Paul: [while checking on his laptop] here it is: Galaxy Financial Services
Jack: What kind of company is it?
Paul: It's a failing payroll service, that is about to be dissolved and someone came in to buy fifty one percent of the shares, seven hundred, eight hundred grand, something like that. Yeah, Harris Barnes: Director
Jack: Who is Harris Barnes?
Paul: I don't remember
Jack: [Raises his voice] what do you mean you don't remember?
Paul: I'm involved in over thirty companies: I don't deal directly with most of them
Jack: Explain to me how your name got on the lease
Paul: I don't know
Jack: You expect me to believe that you entered into a business deal worth hundreds of thousands of dollars with someone you've never met?
Paul: My attorney handles most of the...
Jack: [Interrupts him] I don't believe you
Audrey: [Standing nearby] Jack, it's possible, Paul has put together a lot of deals through his attorneys

Audrey: Dr. Besson wants to move you to the Amherst General Spinal Program but the FAA still has ban on air travel. I am trying to get you an exemption
Paul: If anyone can get an exemption, you can
Audrey: [while rubbing his right forearm] I thought a lot about this, I want to go with you to Massachusetts
Paul: With me?
Audrey: Yeah, you need to get better: you shouldn't have to do that on your own
Paul: I can take care of myself, I don't need your charity
Audrey: It's not about charity, it's what I want to do
Paul: What about Jack? You said you were in love with him
Audrey: I know

Paul: [while in his hotel room] I'm glad you came, can I get you something?
Audrey: Sure
Paul: I had them send up your favorite champagne: to tell you the truth, I wasn't sure if you'd really come
Audrey: Why wouldn't I?
Paul: You were so adamant before about ending things and turn around. It's just a little surprising, that's all
Audrey: How about you? I hardly hear from you for about six months and you see me with another man, suddenly your pouring Dom Perignon
Paul: It shows what a fool I am for not realizing what I had and it also shows that I still have feelings for you and you must have some for me too right? Otherwise you wouldn't be here. I would hate to think you're playing some mind game with me
Audrey: [Before he hands her a glass of champagne] I don't play games
Paul: Good
Paul: [Toasting their champagne] to new beginnings
Audrey: New beginnings

Paul: [Over the phone] do you have a minute?
Audrey: Sure, what's going on?
Paul: I just talked to your dad and he said something to me that I've been thinking about a lot: he said "You're a big girl" and I think I've been treating you like a child
Audrey: I don't think that
Paul: Well whether if it comes off that way, I need to respect your choices. Respect who you are and I've been so stupid about this. I've lost sight of the things I love about you
Audrey: I hear what you're saying but I don't really know how to respond to that
Paul: You don't have to, I just want you to know that I've been wrong about a lot of things and just before you make any big decisions your entitled to make, let some time go by. Is that fair? Is that fair to ask?
Audrey: Yeah, that's fair
Paul: Ok I'll see you later
Audrey: [Before hanging up] yeah, see you later

Paul: We need to talk
Audrey: We'll have to do it when I get back
Paul: Back? From where?
Audrey: We're following up on something
Paul: I don't know about all of us this but I do know about you and him and I am not ok with it
Audrey: You and I aren't together anymore
Paul: I thought we were trying to work things out?
Audrey: I tried but you kept putting it off, so I gave up: we haven't been together in nine months, we're not trying to work on anything anymore
Jack: [Walking up to them] Mr. Raines, I'm sorry to interrupt
Paul: She is my wife
Audrey: Paul, please
Paul: [Sternly to Jack after Audrey walks away] She's my wife, don't you forget that

Paul: [while tied to a chair] I have nothing to say to you
Jack: This is what you need to know: there are five nuclear power plants ready to meltdown, all I care right now is making sure that doesn't happen. Your name is on the lease in a building in Chatsworth, it was used by the terrorists that planned today's attack. That makes you a prime suspect. I'm going to treat you like one, do you understand that?
Paul: My name is on the lease of fifty different leases, I own ten different corporations. I don't know anything about some building in Chatsworth
Jack: I don't believe you, the lease of that building was notarized, there's documentation of your ID. CTU verified your signature, you need to start talking to me now
Paul: I've got nothing to say to you

Paul: Look, I don't resent you
Jack: I wouldn't blame you if you did
Paul: You didn't "steal" my wife: we were separated, that's fair. I'm not going to let you take her away from me
Jack: I don't really think that's up to you or me
Paul: Maybe it isn't but she still has feelings for me, I can hear it in her voice. I'm going to fight to keep those feelings alive
Jack: You're going to have to do what you've got to do

Paul: [while in CTU medical] oh, no don't you think about feeling sorry for me: whatever they say, I'm going to walk again
Audrey: I know you will
Paul: So, where's Jack?
Audrey: His still out in the field. He called a little while ago and wanted to know how you were doing, he knows the bullet was meant for him
Paul: I was just trying to push him out of the way. I didn't expect to get shot myself
Audrey: What you did was very, very brave

Paul: What's the plan?
Jack: CTU knows we're in trouble: they also know we can't contact them. They can view this area with satellite infrared, McLennan-Forrester's commandos arrived in a helicopter. CTU had to see that on satellite, if we can initiate a large enough fire fight, we can force their commandos to use radio frequency to communicate their positions
Paul: And CTU will pick up the signal?
Jack: Yes
Paul: So you want to engage the McLennan-Forrester army? Just the two of us?
Jack: We have a positional advantage, and we only have to hold them off until CTU gets here

Audrey: [after Jack leaves the room] why is your name on that lease?
Paul: [looks at her in disgust] unbelievable: an hour ago I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself that you didn't want me back and now you think I'm a terrorist? You think I had something to do with you and your father's kidnapping?
Audrey: I don't know what to believe anymore

Paul: [after he enters CTU medical where Audrey is being treated] they said it was ok to come in
Audrey: Hi
Paul: My God, I was so worried: are you hurt?
Audrey: No, I just got some scrapes, nothing serious
Paul: You sure?
Audrey: Yeah really I'm ok. They've Okayed me for my debriefing
Paul: On the flight over I couldn't stop thinking about us, about how when we separated, we both took time to figure out what we wanted. Now I know I want us to be together again, I'm ready to work at it. I'll make our marriage first priority, just give us a chance?
Audrey: I'm sorry, that's not what I want
Paul: I'm a fool for bringing up this now: you can't make decisions about our relationship when you're in this state
Audrey: I'm seeing someone
Paul: How long has this been going on?
Audrey: Six months
Paul: Do you love him?
Audrey: Yes
Jack: [after opening the door, realizing his interrupting their conversation] I'm sorry, I'll come back later
Audrey: [Introducing them to each other] Paul, this is Jack Bauer
Jack: [Shaking hands] nice to meet you
Paul: You're the one who saved Audrey's life, thank you
Jack: [to Paul] you're welcome
Jack: [to Audrey] those photos are ready for you to take a look at
Audrey: Ok, Paul, we'll talk later?
Paul: [Before leaving] yeah
Jack: [while walking towards her] you alright?
Audrey: Yeah
Jack: You ready to go?
Audrey: [Before kissing] not yet
Audrey: [after kissing] now I am