The Best Richard Heller Quotes

Richard: [after she enters the interrogation room] please get me out of here: tell them I didn't do anything
Audrey: I want you to listen to me very carefully ok? A missile carrying a nuclear warhead was launched by this man Habib Marwan. Tell me what you know about him
Richard: I don't know what you're talking about
Audrey: CTU has proof you called him last week, last Tuesday at four in the morning
Richard: I don't know anything about a Habib Marwan or a missile, you've got to believe me
Audrey: That missile is in the air right now heading toward a city, please just tell me what you know
Richard: I told you, I don't know anything
Audrey: Why'd you make that phone call last week?
Richard: I didn't make a phone call
Audrey: It's not making sense: that call was made
Richard: I don't know where you get your information but its all bull
Audrey: I am begging you to talk to me alright? If you don't, there is a man that will come in here and get that information from you. I saw him torture someone today, it's what his trained to do. He won't stop hurting you until you tell him the truth please?
Richard: Don't let him do this to me
Audrey: Tell me what you know and they won't
Richard: What'd you want from me?
Audrey: Look at me, we have a chance to fix this

Richard: I'm going, there's nothing you can do to stop me: how many cars do you need to get to places?
James: I didn't come to argue about the environment
Richard: I didn't ask you to come at all
James: I do not want you to attend or speak at that rally at Lockheed this afternoon
Richard: You don't have any leverage on what I do anymore: you haven't since I stopped taking your money
James: Can you think of anyone besides yourself? If you do this, it will humiliate the President and it will be dangerous to national security
Richard: What could be more dangerous than twenty-five hundred missile delivery systems?
James: The world is a little more complicated than that: we do not live in a utopia. America has enemies
Richard: Enemies who were our friends a year ago and in another year, it'll change again unless people stop supporting your psychotic need to control the world
James: [Raises his voice] psychotic need? We serve our country, we serve the cause of freedom, and what do you do?
Richard: Why don't you just go back to your little motorcade and drive somewhere people actually buy the lies you're selling?

Richard: [In an interrogation room] when can I get out of here?
Curtis: Who else knew your father would be at your house this morning?
Richard: I told you, no one
Richard: [after seeing Eric prepares an injection needle] what're you crazy?
Curtis: It works on the neurotransmitter level: it makes every nerve ending on your body feels like its on fire
Richard: Your bluffing, you know you can't get away with this
Curtis: By the time you're released the mark on your arm will be gone. It'll be just your word against mine
Richard: My father's the Secretary of Defense for God's sake
Curtis: I thought you hated him? Now his "dear old dad"

Curtis: [while in an interrogation room] we just want to make sure your telling us the truth
Richard: [Trying to sit up] why would I lie to you? My father and my sister have just been kidnapped
Curtis: Please sit back or I'll have to sedate you
Richard: You can't do this to me: my father is the Secretary of Defense
Curtis: I understand but according to my information, you were about to unleash personal attacks on your father and the President at a rally at Lockheed
Richard: Are you insane? This is America, I can say whatever I want in public, how dare you treat me like a criminal
Curtis: No one's treating you like a criminal
Richard: You want do something constructive? Why don't go find my father and my sister?
Curtis: We intend to
Richard: By treating me like I'm guilty or something
Curtis: Right now you're the only witness to your father and sister's kidnapping, we need your help
Richard: Then why don't you get these things off of me and start talking to me like a normal human being?
Curtis: You don't anything to hide do you?
Richard: No

James: Your son was in sensory deprivation for a total of two and a half hours
James: What did he say when you took him off it?
Curtis: Nothing
James: You tortured my son for almost three hours and ended up yielding nothing?
Curtis: You gave the order sir
Richard: [after entering the interrogation room] I'm sorry this had to happen but we had to make sure you weren't withholding anything from us
Richard: I hate you, I never want to see you again
James: Please understand that I am responsible for the lives of millions of people
Richard: [Facing away from him] you torture me and now you want me to forgive you? Just confirms everything I ever knew about you, am I free to leave?
James: Yes

James: [while in the interrogation room, referring to if his going to tell them what he knows] now what's it going to be?
Richard: Go to hell. I didn't do anything wrong. I don't have to tell you anything
James: [Raises his voice] there's a nuclear warhead that's going to detonate somewhere over this country: those lost lives will be on your head. You will be a murderer
Richard: I didn't to do anything wrong, I swear
James: What did you do? Tell me what you did
Richard: A week ago, I was at a bar, there was this girl and her boyfriend ok?
James: Alright, what were their names?
Richard: I don't know: they wanted to party and we went back to my place, got high, then I guess there was time for one of them to make a call on my phone?
James: How?
Richard: When we were in bed
James: So while you were in bed with her, he used your phone in the other room?
Richard: I wasn't the one in the other room, I was in bed with him: she must've been the one who made the call
James: So you were set up?
Richard: Yeah, I guess so
James: Did they leave you with a number? Or an address?
Richard: No
James: What kind of car were they driving?
Richard: They didn't have one, I drove
James: Where did you drop them off afterwards?
Richard: I didn't, they took a cab
James: Do you remember the name of the cab company?
Richard: No, I don't. So now you know. I suppose you're even more disgusted with me?
James: This is not about how you choose to live your life, this is about how you put this country in jeopardy. If you told us this information yesterday, maybe these terrorist attacks may not have occurred
Richard: Don't put that on me because I didn't know that night had anything to do with these attacks
James: You should've told us everything

Curtis: [while in an interrogation room] how long do you think it's been?
Richard: What?
Curtis: How long do you think you've been sitting here like this?
Richard: Three, four hours
Curtis: It's been less than thirty minutes: time is the first thing you lose track of in sensory disorientation then it only gets worse
Richard: This is illegal, you can't keep me here
Curtis: You'll be here until you tell me what I need to know
Richard: I told you everything I know
Curtis: Your father's been kidnapped by terrorists, our polygraph analysis tells us your hiding something that might help us find him, just tell me what it is and all this stops
Richard: You're not going to do this
Curtis: [Before continuing the sensory disorientation torture] if you don't care enough about your father, tell me what I need to know, I'll get it out of you this way

Richard: [while hugging in an interrogation room as Curtis watches from another room] dad, they said you were ok: Audrey too, thank God. I said some awful things before. I was afraid I'd never get a chance to apologize
James: I said some pretty harsh things myself but no matter what was said your still my son and I will always love you
Richard: Me too dad
James: They said they were using some interrogation "techniques"
Richard: They were totally out of line. I'm going to sue them blind
James: I think it'd be a little more "effective" if you let me deal with it. I promise you if they were out of line, heads will roll
Richard: What'd you mean "if"?
James: Why did they think you were holding something back from them?
Richard: I don't know
James: If you know something that would shed some light on what happened to me...
Richard: You think I wouldn't tell them if I thought it was relevant?
James: So, there is "something"?
Richard: Now you're giving me the third degree?
James: Do you have any idea what your sister just went through? If you know anything that would help us find them, tell me now
Richard: Dad, I'm glad you're alive, I really am but I am not going to tell these people things about my private life that they don't need to know
James: [Raises his voice] that you don't "think they need to know, these people were trying to save our lives
Richard: [Raises his voice even louder] these people can't be trusted and what they did to me is proof
James: Agent Manning, can you come in here please?
James: [to Curtis after he enters the room] I am authorizing you to do whatever you "feel" is necessary to get this information out of my son
Richard: [Nervously] dad
James: I love you son but I have a duty to my country
Richard: You can't be serious
Richard: [while his father leaves the interrogation room, as Curtis stands in his way] dad

Richard: I'm going to speak at that rally this afternoon, and it's not because I hate you: it's because it's something I believe in
James: Did it ever occur to you that these people are using you? Don't you realize their letting you speak for one reason and one reason only because you are my son?
Richard: Well, I wish I weren't
Audrey: [Interrupting them] what is it?
Audrey: [Handing him her cell phone] I'm sorry, it's Jack: it's urgent
James: [to Richard before leaving to talk privately] excuse me
Richard: What could be more important and intimidating?
Richard: [to Audrey] I didn't know you were hiding in the car
Audrey: Why are you doing this to dad? Can't you just back off?
Richard: I'm not doing anything to him
Audrey: No, if you go to that protest at Lockheed, it's going to hurt him
Richard: Whatever it takes to stop what his doing