The Best Mark Kanar Quotes

President: [Briefing government officials in person and CTU through video conference] as you are aware, Secretary of Heller and his daughter have been kidnapped by a terrorist cell: the terrorists have announced that they'll put Jim on trial for war crimes, and then execute him. All of it broadcasted to the world. Make no mistake, this country is under attack, foreign terrorists are operating on our soil, and intelligence indicates the kidnapping maybe some kind of "trigger," the first step in a series of larger attacks. Mark, what kind of protective actions are being taken?
Mark: We've changed all the codes and protocols the Secretary has knowledge of. Also the other Cabinet members have been sequestered
President: Alright, Melissa, where are we with trying to keep these people from broadcasting this?
Melissa: The media outlets will all cooperate and not air it but the terrorists have announced they will use the internet: we cannot control that. Their using technology that makes their feed untraceable and we can't shut down the internet without disabling the command and control function of the government and the economy
Mark: Mr. President, the only way to stop this is at the "source", we have to find the terrorists and rescue Secretary Heller
President: Erin, where is CTU on this?
Erin: We have search teams out in force and we are working a few active leads Sir
President: Anything promising?
Erin: We'll know very shortly Mr. President
President: Keep us closely posted. Ladies and gentlemen, nothing takes over priority of finding the people who have Jim Heller and stopping them, thank you