Top 20 Quotes From Dina Araz

Jack: All this planning for one day: you do realize if all the reactors meltdown, hundreds of thousands of people will die
Dina: Every war has casualties
Jack: These people don't know about your "war." These people are innocent
Dina: No one is innocent
Jack: You really believe that?
Dina: As strongly as you believe in what you believe. As I won't waste your time or mine trying to explain something you can never understand
Jack: Maybe I understand more than you think
Dina: I doubt it
Jack: I know something happened today that challenged your commitment to your "war." You weren't willing to let your son become a casualty. That's why you were shot: protecting him from his father. I understand that, I know what it's like to watch your child be threatened. If you help us do anything about it, right now Behrooz is out there alone, you and I know his not going to last very long. His father will find him and kill him. There is another option: if you were to help us find the Override device, we will protect your son
Dina: So he can spend the rest of his life in prison?
Jack: No, so he can walk away from all of this, immune from prosecution
Dina: How?
Jack: Mrs. Araz your son is a minor, his seventeen years old. I can get him a legal and binding pardon signed by the President of the United States
Dina: You don't have the authority to do this
Jack: I can reach the President, if you provide us information that "allows" us to find the Override device in time, I am confident the President will sign that pardon and this offer expires the second another reactor melts down do you understand me? You don't have a lot of time to think about this
Dina: Show me this document and I'll help you find what you want

Dina: [Over the phone] are you alright?
Behrooz: Tariq tried to kill me: he was going to shoot me, I had to defend myself
Dina: What did you do?
Behrooz: I killed him, you can't let father know
Dina: Why not?
Behrooz: Because was the one who told Tariq to do it. He wants me dead because I messed up with Debbie
Dina: That's not possible, your father would never want to hurt you
Behrooz: It's true. I don't know what to do, you have to help me
Dina: Where are you now?
Behrooz: I'm near the Metroline station on Lasson and Chatsworth
Dina: Are you using Tariq's car?
Behrooz: Yes
Dina: Hide it, I'll pick you up there in half an hour
Behrooz: [Before hanging up] hurry

Navi: [Referring to Behrooz] I'm concerned about him
Dina: Concerned? Why?
Navi: I think his still seeing this American girl Debbie
Dina: You said to talked to him
Navi: I did: I said his no longer allowed to have contact with her
Dina: And he agreed right?
Navi: Yes but I still think his seeing her behind our back
Dina: I'll speak to him
Navi: No, I'll take care of it

Behrooz: [while hugging in an interrogation room, with Jack standing nearby] they wouldn't tell me where you were or even if I was going to see you again
Dina: We're going to be together
Behrooz: What're you talking about? They wouldn't let you come with me
Dina: Everything has changed, I agreed to do something for them and let me go with you
Behrooz: What'd they want you to do?
Dina: Help them find Marwan
Behrooz: His too dangerous
Dina: I can handle Marwan
Behrooz: Please mom, no
Dina: Don't worry, I'll be fine

Dina: [while on their way to meet Behrooz] he'll run away the minute he sees you
Navi: He won't see me: you'll be the only one in the car when you pick him up
Dina: [as her cell phone rings] it's Behrooz
Navi: Answer it
Dina: Hello?
Behrooz: Are you almost here?
Dina: Yes
Behrooz: What did you tell dad?
Dina: I didn't, I just left. He was busy working
Behrooz: What are we going to do? Wherever we go, he'll find us
Dina: No, he won't, I know a safe place
Behrooz: I didn't understand until today what it would feel like doing these things that are wrong, I see it now
Dina: Don't think about that anymore, you'll be safe now
Behrooz: But I am thinking about it. Maybe I should go to the police and tell them everything I know
Dina: We'll talk about it when I get there
Navi: [after she hangs up with Behrooz, referring to her lying to Behrooz] you did well

Navi: [after watching news coverage of the train collision] so far, everything's on schedule
Dina: Have you spoken to Tomas?
Navi: Yes, the briefcase is on its way now
Navi: [to Behrooz] when it gets here you'll take it to the warehouse
Behrooz: Why doesn't he go there directly?
Navi: He doesn't need to know where our people are working: that's the safest way
Dina: [to Behrooz] if your father seems severe, it's because our job here is a difficult one. If we are to succeed its important that we are a single mind
Behrooz: I understand
Navi: [Holds his hand] what we will accomplish today will change the world, we're fortunate our family has been chosen to do this. We cannot fail
Behrooz: Yes father

Dina: Behrooz, we're sitting down to eat now.

Jack: [while in an interrogation room, showing her a picture of Fayed] do you recognize this man?
Jack: No
Jack: His connected to Marwan
Dina: I don't know him, I already told the other agent: Marwan doesn't permit communication between cells
Jack: His name is Joseph Fayed, his a professor at Greene University
Dina: You know more about him than I do
Jack: His also our only way to reach Marwan. We can't do that without your help
Dina: Why should I help you? I've already got all I'm going to get for cooperating
Jack: That's not necessarily true, I know you love your son, you've already shown me that today but unless you help us to get to Fayed, that'll be the last time you see him for the rest of your life. I'm offering you your freedom. You and Behrooz will be put in the Witness Protection Program: we will give you new names, identities, everything. This is what you told me you wanted, I'm offering you a life with your son. Right now the question is which life do you want?
Dina: What do you need me to do?
Jack: I need you to go to Fayed and tell him that you need to speak to Marwan
Dina: He won't let me through his front door, let alone get me near Marwan
Jack: He will when you tell him you've got a hostage that can help him
Dina: A hostage? Who?
Jack: Me

[Navi has Behrooz hostage in an enclosed area but is very confident]
Tony: Let's try to open up a negotiation.
Dina: My husband won't negotiate.
Tony: Why is that?
Dina: He doesn't need to. He has to assume I have agreed to help you in return for my son's safety.
Tony: Well, he can't stay down there with him forever.
Dina: He won't. In two hours, all the reactors will have gone critical. After that, it won't matter what I tell you, and he can kill my son. I am only helping you to save his life. I believe in our cause, and if you can't save my son, I am happy to see the reactors melt down.
Jack: [on phone with Discroll] Did you get that?

Navi: [Sternly, after she hung up the phone with Behrooz] who was on the phone?
Dina: [Trying to walk past him] it was nothing important
Navi: [Grabbing her arm] liar: what did Behrooz do?
Dina: No, what did you do? Did you give the order?
Navi: Behrooz was not committed. It was just a matter of time before he turned against us
Dina: [Before slapping him] you ordered Tariq to kill him. To kill our own son
Navi: [shouting, pushing her against the wall] where's Tariq?
Dina: Behrooz killed him
Navi: That's impossible
Dina: Because you think his weak? His not
Navi: Nothing. Nothing will stand in the way of what needs to be done. Not him, not you, where is he now?
Dina: Why? What're you going to do? You're hurting me
Navi: I will do more than that. Now you listen to me woman, you will do exactly as you told him. You will pick him up in half an hour

Dina: [Referring to the contents in the briefcase] is everything in there?
Navi: Yes, where's Behrooz?
Dina: Upstairs, checking traffic online
Navi: It's almost time for him to go
Dina: Are you sure you don't want me to take the briefcase to Omar?
Navi: The plan is in place, I don't want to deviate, why?
Dina: This is the key to everything we're doing today: it's a lot to entrust to a teenager
Navi: I told you our whereabouts have to be accounted for today, besides it's because his a teenager it won't arouse suspicion
Dina: Your right
Navi: Don't worry, we prepared very well for today, the train, the kidnapping, it's all gone as expected. I spoke with Omar, his happy
Dina: And he knows Behrooz will be the one who will deliver the device?
Navi: Yes, he knows. Behrooz will be fine

Navi: [while with Dina to meet Behrooz, after looking at the number on the phone] it's Marwan
Navi: Yes?
Habib: Has Tariq taken care of your son?
Navi: I haven't spoken to Tariq yet but I'm sure if there was a problem, he would've called
Habib: The fact that I'm even talking to you about this is a problem: the next two hours are crucial, I can't be distracted by this
Navi: I understand, I promise I will personally oversee the situation and make sure it is resolved
Habib: Fix this
Navi: [Before hanging up] of course
Dina: What is Marwan going to say when he finds out Behrooz killed Tariq?
Navi: Tariq is expendable: like we are all. Marwan understands that, all he cares is that Behrooz is "silenced"
Dina: I will not be able to look at you after today without thinking about what we did to him

Dina: [Talking privately] I talked to your father, we both agree you're the one who will take care of this
Behrooz: [after she opens a drawer to show him a gun] but she didn't tell anyone
Dina: Unfortunately that's the case but she saw the warehouse. She could tell the authorities if she's ever brought in for questioning
Behrooz: [Referring to killing her] this is riskier than letting her live. If she disappears, her mother will call the police
Dina: By the time this day is over, the police will be too busy to look for a runaway girl
Dina: [Handing him the gun] now take it. Don't make me bring your father into this, take her to the basement and do it. Don't think about it, get it over with

Behrooz: [while at the emergency room where Dina is having her gunshot wound treated] maybe it wouldn't be so bad if we called the police? At least the police could protect us from father
Dina: It would be bad: to go to jail for the rest of our lives? That's what would happen
Behrooz: So where are we going to go after we leave here?
Dina: We can get out of the city and stay somewhere for a couple of days. I can arrange for us to get out of the country

Tony: [while in an interrogation room with Jack, after placing a folder in front of her] why don't you to look over the timeline? We'll talk through the details
Dina: [Before closing the folder] I'm not doing anything until I see my son
Tony: We don't have time for that right now
Dina: Seeing my son is non negotiable
Jack: [after gesturing to Tony to leave the room] you need to learn every aspect of the cover story: your life depends on it
Dina: Don't worry about me
Jack: You can see your son but only for a minute, let's go

Behrooz: Did father talk to you about Debbie?
Dina: What about her?
Behrooz: When dad told me to take the briefcase to Omar, Debbie followed me: she didn't know where I was going, she just wanted to talk
Dina: Debbie saw the warehouse? Where we're holding Heller?
Behrooz: Yes but there wasn't anything I could do about it
Dina: You could've broken up with her a month ago like your father and I told you to
Behrooz: I know I made a mistake but father found out she was with me and now he wants me to get her over here: you know what that means, if he thinks there's the slightest chance she could expose what we're doing
Dina: I didn't realize you felt so strongly about her
Behrooz: She's not going to mess anything up, I swear to you
Dina: What do you want me to do?
Behrooz: Talk to him, he'll listen to you, please
Dina: Ok, your father's on his way to a meeting. I'll try to reach him
Behrooz: Thanks mom

Dina: My husband I realize we've been unfair to you: we treated you as badly as we've been treated ourselves by certainly ignorant people
Debbie: Well, it was pretty obvious you didn't approve of us going out
Debbie: [Whispers to Behrooz, as Dina gets up to turn off the television] is that ok to say?
Behrooz: Yeah, it's ok
Dina: Well I hope you accept our apology
Debbie: That means a lot to me
Dina: That said, there's something else I want to discuss with you
Debbie: What's that?
Dina: This morning you followed Behrooz to his father's warehouse?
Debbie: I thought Behrooz was seeing someone else. I got jealous
Dina: I understand but Mr. Araz moved his inventory there because his been robbed a few times and we've been trying to keep that place secret so it doesn't happen again
Debbie: I promise I won't anyone where it is
Dina: Good and you haven't told anyone yet?
Debbie: No, I haven't talked to anyone but Behrooz today
Dina: Well then, that's settled
Debbie: Thank you for inviting me here Mrs, Araz
Dina: It's our pleasure. Has Behrooz ever shown you pictures when he was a child?
Debbie: No
Dina: [while handing her a photo album] show her Behrooz, have a look at these

Tony: [Interrogating her] why don't you tell me about Habib Marwan?
Dina: I already told you
Tony: No, you told me you never met him
Dina: [after he requested the monitoring system be turned off] I haven't, I am not a stupid woman: what are you trying to prove with this?
Tony: I'm not trying to prove anything, I just don't want what I have to say to be recorded
Dina: I don't believe you
Tony: Unless you tell me the whole truth right now, the deal you made to save your son is over and he goes to prison for murder and treason
Dina: You can't do that: the President signed the agreement
Tony: If that gets in the way of protecting this country, you think he'll stand behind it? His going to tear it up and your son goes to prison for the rest of his life and I'll tell you I know a "little something" about prison and based on the conditions of his confinement, I'll tell you right now I'll give Behrooz three months before he commits suicide. By the way, I'll make it my personal mission to make you never hear "word one" about what happens to him ever
Dina: [Before he leaves the room] wait. Habib Marwan is the man our cell reported to in the United States
Tony: You said "your cell", how many other cells reported to him?
Dina: I don't know
Tony: But there are others?
Dina: Yes
Tony: How many?
Dina: I told you I don't know: the cells are not in contact with one another, Marwan thought it was safer that way
Tony: What about the Override? Is it in his possession right now?
Dina: Definitely
Tony: Definitely? Why definitely?
Dina: Your programmers are trying to interfere with the meltdown sequence Marwan is the only one capable of stopping them
Tony: And his trying to do this by controlling it directly?
Dina: Exactly
Tony: Where?
Tony: [Yells] where?
Dina: Somewhere in downtown
Tony: The Rockland building?
Dina: Yes

Dina: [in their home while moving Debbie's dead body while Behrooz watches in shock] For God's sake, pull yourself together.
Behrooz: [referring to Debbie] She didn't know anything. You didn't have to kill her.
Dina: Yes, I did. Because you didn't have the courage to kill her yourself.
Behrooz: courage? To poison a girl who did no harm to you at all?
Dina: [hearing Navi's car pull into the driveway] Your father's home!
Behrooz: [watches as his mother grabs a pillow and the gun] What are you doing? She's already dead.
Dina: If your father doesn't see a bullet wound, he'll ask questions. Do you want him to know that you tried to help your girlfriend escape? Do you want him to know that you failed him again? Move away!
Dina: [fires the gun into the pillow, and leaves a bullet in Debbie, and forces Behrooz to take the gun] Take it. Take it. Behrooz, take it. Take it! This has to stop, you are my son and I love you, but I cannot let you destroy everything. Everything we worked so hard to achieve.

Jack: Take my gun.
[Dina hesitates]
Jack: This has to look as convincing as possible, take my gun!
Dina: You must know that I want to kill you.
Jack: Yes. But you won't because of Behrooz.