30 Best Larry Moss Quotes

Morris: [after Larry introduces himself] yeah, I'd like to see my wife
Larry: [Before picking up a remote control to turn on a television monitor showing Chloe in a holding room] alright
Morris: What the bloody hell are you holding her for?
Larry: Obstruction: evidence tampering, I think you should more concerned on what you can do to get her out
Morris: I'm sorry?
Larry: Help us find Jack Bauer
Morris: Last I heard from Chloe, Jack was working for the Bureau: that's "you", if I'm not mistaken
Larry: He was, until he "snapped" and murdered a federal witness
Morris: Really? I find that hard to believe
Larry: All that's relevant here is that your wife is going to be prosecuted for colluding Bauer unless you help us find him
Janis: [Walking closer to him] Mr. O'Brian, a short time ago one of our agents was in touch with Jack Bauer, she sent a name and address that we "assume" is his next destination. Unfortunately, it's encrypted with Blow Fish 148, no one knows how to "crack" that. Therefore, we need your help, please?
Morris: [to Larry and Janis] you have to understand something: Jack Bauer and my wife have a very long history, I consider him to be a "friend"
Larry: And he'll have his day in court but the case against your wife is "rock solid"
Morris: [Softly] I can't
Larry: [Sternly] we're talking about her serving a minimum sentence of fifteen years: your son will be nineteen years by the time she gets out of prison
Morris: [after thinking it over] I want guarantees of full immunity, no jail time, and expulsion of all charges from her record
Larry: You have my word
Morris: [Points to Janis] you are a witness to this agreement
Janis: [Nods] yes

Ethan: [Over the phone] where are we?
Larry: We've ID the vehicle we believe was used in Matobo's abduction: we're still trying to track it down
Ethan: And how long is that going to take?
Larry: I don't know sir, I don't have a timeframe
Ethan: It's not good enough. Unless you get some results, we're going to get "hit" again, a lot of people are going to die if you don't find Dubaku
Larry: With respect sir, I don't need to be told what's at stake. We're giving everything we can, one of our agents has given her life
Ethan: Yes, I was told about that, I'm sorry
Larry: I'll call you the minute we have something
Ethan: [Before hanging up] we'll be waiting

Larry: [Over the phone] it sounds to me the President didn't actually "authorize" this?
Renee: "Technically" no, it's more like an indirect order but believe me, she wants this to happen: she's going to meet with Hodges and we're going to blow those fuel tanks
Renee: [When he doesn't respond] do you have a problem with this?
Larry: As a matter of fact: no, none whatsoever. Starkwood bastards drew on my men, I'm looking forward to getting back in there
Renee: Alright, hold your teams in position and be ready to move. Believe me, you'll know when it happens
Larry: [Before hanging up] alright

Renee: [Over the phone] I'm alive but you can't let anyone know: do you understand me?
Larry: [Shocked] my God, where are you? Are you alright?
Renee: I'm fine. I'll explain later but right now we need your help
Larry: Whose "we"?
Renee: Myself and Jack Bauer
Larry: What?
Renee: He's on our side, just like he said. Everything he did was to preserve his "cover"
Larry: All this time, I've been thinking you were dead, why didn't you tell me?
Renee: The Bureau is "compromised", just like he said and no one there can know about this "operation." It has to stay completely "off book"
Larry: What "operation?"
Renee: Jack and I are at the White House: the First Gentlemen's been kidnapped by Iké Dubaku
Larry: [Confused] I don't know anything about that
Renee: It's true. The President's asked Jack and me to find him, very few people know about this and that's the way it has to stay. If we don't find him by 4pm, he'll be killed. If you ever "trusted" me, "trust" me now. Please help me
Larry: What do you want me to do?
Renee: Looks like the First Gentlemen's Secret Service was involved in all of this: Brian Gedge, his dead, you need to check his phone logs, and go through all the information you can who he's been in contact recently
Larry: I need to see you, make sure this is real, that you're not under duress
Renee: [Sternly] there's no time for that
Larry: That's not negotiable, you want my help? We meet, Capitol Reflecting Pool, as soon as you can get there
Renee: [Before hanging up] ok, bye

Tim: [after he enters the Oval Office] madam President, I have Larry Moss at the FBI calling for you
President: What's this about?
Tim: I don't know the "specifics" but he said it involves an "imminent homeland threat"
President: [Before Tim glances at Olivia] put him through: it's alright Tim, I've made Olivia my acting Chief of Staff
Tim: [after turning on the speakerphone] Agent Moss, you're on with the President
Larry: Madam President, we have a "situation" developing. First of all, you have to know Jack Bauer did not kill Ryan Burnett or Senator Blaine Mayer, he was framed for their murders
President: I knew it, who framed him?
Larry: Our operational theory, was he was set up by Starkwood
President: I don't understand, why would Starkwood frame Jack?
Larry: To cover up the fact that they helped Juma stage the terrorist attacks today
President: [Shocked] what?
Larry: Madam President, we have evidence that Starkwood provided Juma with technological support and intelligence. In return, Juma allowed Starkwood to use Sangala as a base to operate without having to worry about any oversight
President: A base for what?
Larry: To manufacture weapons of mass destruction: specifically biological weapons
Olivia: [Angrily] what kind of biological weapons are you talking about?
Larry: We're not sure but it could be some kind of neurological pathogen. CDC obtained a sample: their analyzing it now
Tim: Agent Moss, you said there was an "imminent threat?"
Larry: Yes, a large shipment of bio weapons was delivered to Starkwood. We believe they're in possession of them now
Tim: Are you saying these weapons are on US soil?
Larry: We suspect they're at the Starkwood headquarters in Virginia
Olivia: And you're not suggesting Starkwood intends to use these weapons to attack this country?
Larry: We don't know but given their actions today, we need to move on Starkwood immediately

Larry: [Over the phone] go ahead
Tony: Who am I talking to?
Larry: It's Larry Moss, what's going on?
Tony: I'm on the Starkwood compound, I was being held by the name of Jonas Hodges. I was released by one of his executives, a man named Greg Seaton and he wants to cut a deal: he wants immunity
Larry: What's he offering in return?
Tony: He knows where the weapons are being held
Larry: Alright, I've got to run this by the President
Tony: Wait, do you know what happened to Jack?
Larry: His here: his in medical
Tony: Was he hit?
Larry: No, one of the canisters was breached, he's been infected. I've got to call the White House: stand by

Janis: [after entering his office] I isolated the data Renee uploaded to Bauer but I couldn't get past the file header
Larry: What does that mean?
Janis: She encrypted the name and address she used and I can't seem to "crack" it
Larry: You can't?
Janis: She used her personal computer: this is a very serious encryption. I mean there are some high level people who can do it
Larry: Like who?
Janis: Chloe O'Brian but from what you've told me, she's too loyal to Bauer
Larry: Is her husband still here?
Janis: Yeah, his waiting to see you
Larry: According to her file, his a level six analyst too

Larry: [Over the phone] where the hell have you been?
Jack: I need you to scramble multiple teams to a waste station on highway 236: exit 29. I'm in a big rig about10 miles south
Larry: What's going on?
Jack: You need to send a CDC recovery unit
Larry: Why?
Jack: I'm in possession of a biological weapon interdicted at the Port of Alexandria
Larry: Biological weapon?
Jack: Just listen to me, I don't care if you arrest me, I don't care if you shoot me, just get your teams out here. I'm being pursued by hostiles
Larry: Starkwood?
Jack: How do you know about Starkwood?
Larry: I talked to Renee and I saw what was on Mayer's computer
Jack: Their coming after this weapon: you can count on it but be advised Toy Almeida is being held hostage
Larry: Alright, I'll call an all agency alert: we'll secure both locations

Larry: [Questioning Tony in an interrogation room] where's the CIP device? Who did you give it to?
Larry: [Before showing him a photograph] the people you're taking money from, I thought you'd like to see some of their "handiwork." Do you know how many people they've killed, since they went back into Sangala? Huh? Two hundred thousand and counting: most of them women and children
Larry: [as Tony continues not to respond, holds the photo closer to him] do you really want this on your conscience?
Tony: My "conscience" is "clear." There's nothing you can say or do to change that. So why don't you do the "smart thing" and tell President Taylor to stand down the strike force? Because unless she does, planes will be "falling from the sky" and then you'll have a whole new batch of photos to look at: only this time, they'll be of dead Americans

Larry: [Over the phone] Ryan Burnett is dead
Janis: How?
Larry: Bauer was interrogating him when "it" happened and we're responsible
Janis: Your saying Bauer killed Burnett?
Larry: I don't know, he escaped before I can get to him: he called me and said he was being "set up" but he wouldn't come in. I lost him and it's on me to find him
Janis: Just tell me what you need
Larry: I already sent out a priority all agency APB, I need you to follow up on that. I'm back to the office right now, I'll coordinate the search operation from there

Larry: I just got off the phone with Ethan Kanin
Renee: Look, I didn't want to go behind your back but you didn't leave me any choice
Larry: I didn't leave you a choice? How about you "choose" to follow orders?
Renee: I'm sorry
Larry: No, I don't think you are
Renee: I have seen Jack do terrible things today: things that I still can't justify them but he has been right every time and you know what? I can't help but think if we'd just stay out of his way none of this would've happened. But I am sorry I went behind your back but I promise you this "play" with Burnett will go down just the way Jack says
Larry: If you think you're going with Bauer, you are out of your mind: he may have got a White House order but I am still running this operation. I'll take Bauer to see Burnett, your going back to FBI. I want you to clean out your office, hand in your badge. I'm suspending you indefinitely
Renee: Hey, I know your upset but this isn't over, you're going to need me
Larry: [Before walking away] what I need are people I can trust, I thought that was you?

Ethan: [Over the phone] please tell me you have Jack Bauer in custody?
Larry: I wish that were the case: the truth is... sir, its Senator Mayer... his dead
Ethan: What?
Larry: He was murdered at his house. We only found out that Bauer was on his way over here a short time ago. Unfortunately, we got here too late
Ethan: Wait a minute. Are you telling me Jack Bauer killed a United States Senator?
Larry: That's the assumption we're working under, yes sir
Ethan: [Raises his voice] how could you let this happen?
Larry: He had us all fooled sir
Ethan: I released Jack Bauer into your custody, I ordered you to keep him on a short leash
Larry: No, you are not going to lay this one at my feet: it was your decision to give Bauer access to Burnett, I advised you against it
Larry: [after Kanin doesn't respond] Mr. Kanin?
Ethan: I'm sorry, what did you say?
Larry: I said I advised you against it
Ethan: [Realizing his mistake] yes, you did
Larry: Sir, I have teams "sweeping" the area
Ethan: Just find him
Larry: [Before hanging up] yeah, I will

Larry: [Referring to a report his holding] this says both NSA and Homeland has no idea why the breach at the Kidron plant was stopped
Sean: Their still looking: we're working on here also. Janis is coordinating with the digital forensics team she sent over to the plant
Larry: [Irritated] this doesn't make any sense. Why would Dubaku "suddenly" stop an attack when he was minutes away from causing mass casualties?
Sean: Maybe there was a malfunction in the CIP device?
Larry: No, I don't want "maybes" alright? I want answers
Sean: We're doing everything we can sir
Larry: [Raises his voice] that's not good enough right now, is it?
Sean: I don't know what else to tell you sir, I know your upset about Renee but getting angry at me is not going to make it go any faster
Larry: [Stands up from his desk] if you think I'm yelling at you because of my history with Agent Walker, you are "mistaken", there are thousands of lives at stake here: that's what "concerns" me
Sean: [Before leaving] I'm sorry sir
Larry: And when you and Janis were over at NSA, find out where that CIP device is being used. We find the device, we find Dubaku

Renee: [Referring to finding Jack and Tony's escape route from FBI headquarters] no luck on municipal cameras: looks like they have someone running "interference" for them
Larry: Damn it, Bauer must've worked out his escape with Almeida's people?
Renee: I'm so sorry. That son of a bitch "played" me, believing the Bureau was "compromised?" Someone on the inside working against us? I realize now it was him all along
Larry: Don't put this on yourself: he "played" us both
Renee: No, I should've seen it
Larry: This is done, take it downstairs
Renee: Bauer's facing a federal indictment, years in prison. Almeida must've "offered" him a "way out?" I'm going to make this "right." Whatever it takes, I will find Bauer and Almeida
Larry: [Sarcastically] throw in that CIP device and you'll be "off the hook"

Larry: [Holding the list of messages] is this everything you got?
Sean: No, it's not, I didn't have time to print out every single message that came through on Erika's work station: that's everything she was doing for the past three days. Look I told you what happened, I feel you owe me an explanation: what the hell is going on here?
Larry: The government's been compromised by Dubaku, FBI, Secret Service, God knows who else. That's why I "shut you out", I brought in Chloe O'Brian. We were in the middle of decrypting a file that had the names of everyone on Dubaku's payroll. Erika erased it when she "wiped" the server: that was our only lead
Sean: You should've told me about this, you should've "trusted" me
Larry: I didn't know who to "trust." You alright? How's your arm?
Sean: [Referring to his gunshot wound] it hurts like hell: its fine
Larry: When you're up for it, I'm going to need you to sign a statement
Sean: Ok
Larry: Keep your mouth shut. We don't know who else in this building is working for Dubaku

Larry: [During a briefing] for the past eight weeks, this office has been investigating a series of technology thefts: software, custom gate array chips, and neural networks. Forensics conclude that the breaks include the same crew but we don't know what their "end game" was until now
Larry: [Displays Latham's credentials on a monitor] this is Michael Latham: chief engineer on the Classified Infrastructure Portal, Homeland's firewall project. He was abducted ten minutes ago by the same group behind the technology thefts
Mark: You think these guys are using Latham to get through the CIP firewall?
Larry: That's our concern, the hardware could still be used to do just that, Latham's one of the few people who could do it. They "assume" his being forced to work on the device or that his already dead
Larry: [to Dornan, while concluding the meeting] re-task your people to help in this investigation, see Sean, his got the packets, we're on it

Renee: [Talking privately, referring to Tony's confessing his crimes] Almeida's not going to "break"
Larry: You don't know that
Renee: He's a "trained" CTU agent: his "conducted" interrogations just like this one. There's nothing you can say to him he hasn't said himself a hundred times
Larry: So, what're you suggesting? We give up?
Renee: I'm "suggesting" we might need a more "forceful approach"
Larry: You mean torture?
Renee: No, there are methods of "coercion" we haven't even considered, pharmaceuticals...
Larry: [Interrupts her] I can't believe you want to have this conversation
Renee: You're not "hearing" the "argument"
Larry: The "argument" is crazy: it's illegal and it's over. As a matter of fact I want Bauer out of here, he's a "wild card", his dangerous, I want him out of the building. Go, process him out, I will continue here. Go, now

Larry: [Leads her into an empty conference room with only two computer monitors] Buchanan said you'd be "up to speed?"
Chloe: I'm "up"
Larry: Good, Agent Walker and Bauer are pursuing a "potential" lead on Dubaku
Larry: [Showing her on one of the computer monitors] they're on route to this address in the Mount Pleasant District: Agent Walker is requesting satellite support
Larry: [Seeing her nervous] what's the matter? Is "something" wrong?
Chloe: I'm feeling a little "exposed" here. If "someone" out there is working for Dubaku, shouldn't we be doing this more "covertly"?
Larry: As far as anyone knows, you're just "shoring" up our firewall: besides, this is the only space available but you'll have full access to our server. Our network has the support of low modules
Chloe: That's inefficient. Whoever set up your network didn't know what they were doing
Larry: I set our network that way
Chloe: [Embarrassed] oh, ok

Jack: Juma and his men were not working alone
Larry: What're you talking about?
Jack: When I was in the lockdown with the President, Bill said he heard Juma talking on a SAT phone: he said Juma was getting real time intel from the outside
Larry: Who?
Jack: I don't know: the point is I don't this threat is over and I don't think the President is safe
Larry: You sure Buchanan heard this right?
Jack: He wouldn't have told me unless he was sure and right now the only lead we've got right now is Ryan Burnett. He knew about the attack on the White House and chances are his going to know who Juma was talking to
Larry: Alright, I'll talk to him
Jack: No, the President already offered him immunity: he turned it down, his not going to tell you anything but he will talk to me
Larry: Why is that? Because you tortured him?
Jack: I don't need to touch him, I just him to think I'm going to finish what I started and I promise you, he will tell us everything we need to know. The last thing Bill asked for before he died, was for me to follow this through, I owe him that. Look, I give you my word I will not touch Burnett
Larry: I understand about your friend, I do but I've got standing orders from the President to take you into custody. I've got to get you back to the FBI but I promise you I'll look into this alright?

Larry: Where are we?
Janis: Metro closed down a six mile stretch of highway 236, CDC and first responders are on site. What the hell is going on?
Larry: One of the canisters of the bio weapons was breached: Jack may have been exposed
Janis: Oh my God
Larry: Starkwood took the canisters, their probably flying it back to their main compound in Virginia along with Tony Almeida
Janis: [surprised] Almeida?
Larry: His working with Jack: we think he might have been captured. I need you to put together a briefing packet on Starkwood, I want every division caught up to speed on what we might be dealing with
Janis: You're planning to move in on Starkwood? That place is enormous, it's practically a military base
Larry: We're not going to do anything until we concrete evidence on the bio weapon from the CDC and after that I'll inform the President: she'll decide how to proceed

Jack: [Quickly walking up to him] you're mobilizing, what's going on?
Larry: I got a call from Tony, his working with an informant inside Starkwood: we got a location on the weapon. We're getting ready to stage a raid on the compound
Jack: I want to go
Larry: I can understand why but I'm sorry, I can't allow it
Jack: I can help you with this, I'm the one who's seen the canisters. I know exactly what we're looking for
Larry: I read you're debrief: you gave us all the details we need
Jack: I've earned this, please?
Larry: I know what you've done today, I know... the... sacrifice you've made, on any other circumstance, I'd want you out there but you're sick. We have no idea when you're going to start showing symptoms, I cannot risk that happening out in the field. I need my best men for this operation, I hope you can understand that?

Larry: [after introducing himself] I'm head of this office: your here because Agent Walker thinks you might be able to help us with this investigation. Now "personally", I have my doubts but I'll be happy to be proven wrong
Jack: [Sarcastically] how lucky for me I'm not here applying for a job. Personally I don't care what makes you "happy" so let's get this over with

Ethan: [Over the speakerphone as Taylor stands nearby] Agent Moss, this is Ethan Kanin, I'm here with the President: what are you and your folks doing about this "situation?"
Larry: We put out an all agency alert, everyone understands that finding Almeida is a top priority
Ethan: [Sternly, referring to Tony] how did he escape?
Larry: He had the help of a former CTU agent we mistakenly trusted, a man by the name of Jack Bauer
Ethan: Bauer? I thought he was in the middle of a Senate investigative hearing?
Larry: Yes sir, that is correct. We issued a subpoena a few hours ago, "excusing" him of the hearings to enlist his help in apprehending Almeida
Ethan: Now you're saying these two men are aligned?
Larry: It would appear so
Ethan: [Gradually raising his voice] my God, you and your people have "royally" screwed up Agent Moss: without Almeida, we have no way of finding Dubaku and no chance of recovering the CIP device
President: Ethan, let's stay "on point." Agent Moss, are you "working" any other "leads?"
Larry: Yes madam President, a "confederate" of Almeida's who was wounded earlier today. His just out of surgery, we're waiting for him to regain consciousness
President: Do we have a timeframe from the hospital on when that "might happen?"
Larry: No ma'am, not really
President: Let me be clear: recapturing Almeida and Bauer, isn't just your top priority, it's your only priority
Larry: Yes ma'am
President: [Before hanging up] keep us posted

Larry: [Confronting her in a hallway with security] where's Bauer?
Renee: I don't know
Larry: [Pointing his finger at her] don't you lie to me: we traced two calls from your cell to a phone that was reported stolen and we know you accessed classified databases and sent "someone's" name and address to Bauer. That makes you an accessory after the fact, tell me where he is
Renee: I can't
Larry: Damn it
Renee: I still don't believe that he did this
Larry: Then explain to me why his not turning himself in and letting us help him find this mysterious third party?
Renee: Because he was framed and he doesn't trust our ability to work through it. And you know after what we put him through, can you blame him?
Larry: You're actually willing to sacrifice "everything" to protect him?
Renee: Once Jack finds the evidence, he will call us
Larry: Janis is decrypting what you sent: it's not going to take her a long time. We are going to find him, help me, I'll let the AG know you cooperated
Renee: [Shakes her head] I'm sorry

Larry: What do you want?
Raymond: Forgive my interruption, it's just been brought my attention Agent Walker is missing
Larry: Yes, it may have been the same people who abducted Matobo and his wife
Raymond: I'm sorry to hear that. I want you to know that I "appreciate" the enormous pressure you and the Bureau are under
Larry: I'm glad to hear it
Raymond: Nevertheless, the Attorney General is still "pressing" for a full account of Agent Walker's "handling" of the Tanner interrogation and at this moment Janis Gold is the only witness "available" to me
Larry: She's not "available", I already told you she can't be spared right now
Raymond: I only need a short time with her
Larry: You can't have her
Raymond: [Raises his voice] are you going to force me to get the AG on the line?
Larry: [Irritated] you've got to be kidding me. You really want to "press" this now? We're in the middle in of an international crisis
Raymond: I'm aware of that
Larry: And all you seem interested is condemning the actions of an agent that was in God knows what danger just so you can nail her to the wall
Raymond: If Agent Walker broke federal guidelines, and used illegal tactics to get information, then yes, she will be prosecuted
Larry: Then maybe you get her back first before you "throw her to the wolves"
Larry: [Sarcastically] I mean if that's ok with you?

Larry: The rules are what makes us better.
Jack: Not today.

Larry: You may have thought you got what you wanted, getting Renee to go behind my back but Ethan Kanin ordered me to let you question Burnett. I'm going to be watching you: every second you're in there. You do one thing I don't like you're finished, you understand me?
Jack: Understood, you should leave Renee out of this, she was just doing what she thought was right
Larry: Yeah well, she might lose her job over it
Jack: She's the best agent you've got
Larry: She circumvented my authority, I can't just ignore that. I've known this woman for nine years, I've never seen the kind of "things" she's done in the last nine hours

Larry: [Over the phone] it's me
Renee: I'm less than fifteen minutes away from Matobo's house: when I get there, I'll recon with the tact team
Larry: Stop a second
Renee: What?
Larry: This information about Matobo being abducted, tell me how you got it?
Renee: You know how I got it, I "questioned" Tanner
Larry: You "questioned" him?
Renee: Yeah
Larry: Tanner's lawyers are saying you locked them out of his hospital room and cut off his ventilator. They said you applied pressure onto his gunshot wound
Renee: We needed Almeida's location, Tanner was not about to cooperate
Larry: So you tortured him?
Larry: [after she doesn't respond] what the hell were you thinking?
Renee: I got the information we needed
Larry: Information that may not even be "valid." You know as well as I do, "coercive" interrogation in unreliable
Renee: No, tanner was not lying
Larry: You know that? How do you know he wasn't telling you what you wanted to hear?
Renee: I'll find out when I get to Matobo's house
Larry: No, you're not going to Matobo's, you're coming back here to the office. The Attorney General is sending somebody here and you're going to tell them everything that happened
Renee: Look, it's my fault that Bauer and Almeida are still at large but please let me "play" this out. I will deal with the consequences after we find the CIP device
Larry: No, the field team is on the way, they can handle this. Get back here now
Renee: [Before hanging up] I'm sorry, I need to make this "right"

Larry: [over the phone] where are you?
Renee: I'm on my way to where we think where Henry Taylor is being held
Larry: So you got Vossler to talk?
Renee: He gave us the only chance we have to rescue the President's husband
Larry: What's the address? I'll send a SWAT team to meet you
Renee: You know you can't do that: the Bureau's compromised, it'll jeopardize any attempt that we make. There is something else that I needed you to do
Larry: What's that?
Renee: Keep an incident, quiet just until what Jack and I are doing goes down
Larry: What incident?
Renee: Vossler's dead: Jack killed him at the hotel on 18th and Lincoln: it was self defense
Larry: Is that what he told you?
Renee: Larry...
Larry: Damn it what the hell are you doing with this guy? We're suppose to bring suspects in: not murder them
Renee: Larry please, and we know who Dubaku's source is there, you've got to handle this outside of the Bureau ok?
Larry: There's a guy in DC Metro I know I can trust, I'll have him deal with Vossler
Renee: [before hanging up] thank you

Renee: [Talking privately] I'm going to take Bauer with me
Larry: No, forget it, I'm not letting him put his hands on a suspect
Renee: I won't him put his hands on anybody: my "guess" is if his in the room, Schector will talk
Larry: You saw what he just did
Renee: I am trying to find Almeida before it's too late, Schector is our best lead
Larry: So you want to intimidate him with Bauer?
Renee: Schector knows how far Bauer might go: let's use that
Larry: Yeah, and if Schector doesn't blink, then what?
Renee: I'll keep Bauer on a short leash
Larry: We're the FBI, not CTU, we honor the law, even when it's not "convenient"
Renee: The "situation" is heating up fast, the President's into it now, she's expecting "results"
Larry: I know
Renee: It's your call and I promise you, I can handle Bauer
Larry: [after thinking it over] alright, I'm holding you responsible and I'm sending back up teams