The Best Sean Hillinger Quotes

Sean: [while lying on the floor in the mainframe room, referring to Erika] I followed her up here: she was trying to crash the system, she shot me, I went for the weapon and it went off
Larry: Chloe, can you recover the files?
Chloe: I don't know yet
Sean: What files? What the hell is happening?
Larry: [Raises his voice] you tell me what the hell is happening Sean
Sean: You were "shutting me out", Larry, so I looked around on my own, I found out Erika was rerouting the SUB COMM channel
Larry: What the hell was she doing?
Sean: She sent out a warrant on a vehicle with two suspects, I knew something was wrong: that's not part of her job. I asked her about it and she tried to deny it, and she was acting very "strangely"
Larry: Why didn't you say anything?
Sean: I don't know what the hell it meant so I hacked into hard drive and I found schematics for the main server, bypass codes for the safety protocols. I followed her up here to see what she was up to. The second I realized she was trying to crash the system, I confronted her, she shot me, I went for the gun... Larry I didn't mean to kill her
Chloe: [after checking the computer] Larry, it's too late, Dubaku's files are gone
Larry: Are you sure? Can you recover anything?
Chloe: The server's been "wiped clean", she got everything

Sean: Looks like your "friend" from the AG is still here. What's going on?
Janis: He wants to talk to me on what Renee did to Tanner at the hospital
Sean: What Renee did to Tanner at the hospital?
Janis: I don't know but his "claiming" she tortured Tanner
Sean: Renee? I don't believe it
Janis: Maybe you shouldn't. Tanner wasn't talking: she kicked me out of the room, the next thing I know the alarm on his ventilator is going off
Sean: And Renee got the information she needed?
Janis: Uh huh
Sean: If you weren't in the room, you don't have a problem
Janis: I do actually, she asked me to stall his lawyers
Sean: And you did?
Janis: [Whispers] yes
Janis: Come on, what were you thinking?
Janis: She gave me a direct order, what was I suppose to do?
Sean: Say no. Do you realize if they prove Renee tortured him and your an accessory, Larry's not going to protect you?
Janis: I know, let's just "hope" the AG will have "moved on" to "something" else when this is all over

Sean: [after Janis threatens to go to his wife about his affair with Erika] You're a little bitch, you know that?
Janis: *You're* a little bitch.

Ryan: [Over the phone] yes?
Sean: Hey, I took care of Bauer and Walker, their "pinned down"
Ryan: Why am I being brought in on this so last minute?
Sean: Moss is running this OP on he's own: it took me some time to tap in on his phone line. His on with Metro right now
Ryan: Can you at least disable the tracking signal his using to follow the girl?
Sean: No, not from my console but judging from the frequency, their using her cell as the tracker
Ryan: Alright, good work
Sean: You told me once Dubaku served his purpose, you'd take him out: why are we still helping him?
Ryan: He said he'd expose us using the names and accounts of everyone involved
Sean: Including mine?
Ryan: [Before hanging up] I mean "everyone." We don't know where the file is, you'd better just "pray" he gets away

Erika: I need to talk to you
Sean: Is it important?
Erika: [Handling him the warrant] you tell me: did you issue a federal warrant on this vehicle?
Sean: [Looking at the warrant] what?
Erika: I found a digital footprint on server four's backup, it partitioned from your station, and I'd like to know what the hell is going on?
Sean: Keep your voice down. You want to get us caught? I sent out the warrant to "sideline" Bauer and Renee: they were closing in on Dubaku
Erika: I thought you said Dubaku is on his way out of the country?
Sean: He is but his girlfriend's talking to the FBI, they used her to track him
Erika: Oh my God
Sean: Don't worry, I took care of it. Bauer and Renee are in police custody, by the time their released, Dubaku will be long gone
Erika: Are you sure?
Sean: Positive
Erika: Why didn't you tell me this was happening?
Sean: Because I knew you'd react like this. The last thing I need right now is one of your "meltdowns." Now listen, I got you in "this" and I'm going to get you out of "it", not if you start panicking. You've got to keep it together
Erika: I'm just scared you know?
Sean: I know, I am too, I'm just a little better at hiding it than you are. We've got everything "covered", I ran a "bounce tap" into the conference room speakerphone, they'll never find and I can hear everything their saying: sit at your station and try and act "normal." Let me worry about Bauer and Renee ok?

Christina: [Over the phone] it's me
Sean: Where are you?
Christina: I'm calling from the plane
Sean: You haven't landed yet?
Christina: The pilot says we're in a "holding pattern" but we keep circling and circling. I can see other planes out the window too: eight or nine at least
Sean: Sweetheart, relax
Christina: But the woman sitting next to me said she heard "something" about a "near miss" and a problem with the air traffic control system. Do you know anything about this?
Sean: Yeah, it's true. The FAA has grounded "some" planes but it's only a "precaution"
Christina: Really?
Sean: Yeah, it's an "isolated" incident. You're going to be fine
Christina: Ok, I just... I got worried there for a minute, you know how I am
Sean: I do. Now listen, I want you to call me as soon as you land
Christina: I will
Sean: I love you
Christina: I love you too

Larry: [Holding the list of messages] is this everything you got?
Sean: No, it's not, I didn't have time to print out every single message that came through on Erika's work station: that's everything she was doing for the past three days. Look I told you what happened, I feel you owe me an explanation: what the hell is going on here?
Larry: The government's been compromised by Dubaku, FBI, Secret Service, God knows who else. That's why I "shut you out", I brought in Chloe O'Brian. We were in the middle of decrypting a file that had the names of everyone on Dubaku's payroll. Erika erased it when she "wiped" the server: that was our only lead
Sean: You should've told me about this, you should've "trusted" me
Larry: I didn't know who to "trust." You alright? How's your arm?
Sean: [Referring to his gunshot wound] it hurts like hell: its fine
Larry: When you're up for it, I'm going to need you to sign a statement
Sean: Ok
Larry: Keep your mouth shut. We don't know who else in this building is working for Dubaku

Larry: [Referring to a report his holding] this says both NSA and Homeland has no idea why the breach at the Kidron plant was stopped
Sean: Their still looking: we're working on here also. Janis is coordinating with the digital forensics team she sent over to the plant
Larry: [Irritated] this doesn't make any sense. Why would Dubaku "suddenly" stop an attack when he was minutes away from causing mass casualties?
Sean: Maybe there was a malfunction in the CIP device?
Larry: No, I don't want "maybes" alright? I want answers
Sean: We're doing everything we can sir
Larry: [Raises his voice] that's not good enough right now, is it?
Sean: I don't know what else to tell you sir, I know your upset about Renee but getting angry at me is not going to make it go any faster
Larry: [Stands up from his desk] if you think I'm yelling at you because of my history with Agent Walker, you are "mistaken", there are thousands of lives at stake here: that's what "concerns" me
Sean: [Before leaving] I'm sorry sir
Larry: And when you and Janis were over at NSA, find out where that CIP device is being used. We find the device, we find Dubaku

Jack: [Pointing to Sean's computer screen] there he is: Gabriel Schector
Larry: Who is he?
Jack: He was a supplier, Tony and I used him to buy things "off book"
Jack: [to Sean] see if his in your database
Sean: Yeah his there
Jack: Is he still in Los Angeles?
Sean: No, according to this ear mark, he came to DC nine weeks ago
Renee: [to Larry] the thefts started a week after that
Jack: [to Larry] that's your guy
Sean: His subletting an office downtown: 1208 Naylor Road, suite 630
Larry: [to Renee] put a field team together, pick him up. I'll call judge Simons to have a warrant ready
Jack: That's a mistake
Larry: Why?
Jack: You don't have time to go through the "motions" with Schector. You serve him with a warrant, he'll call his lawyer, and he'll stall as long as he needs
Larry: [to Jack] so what's the alternative? Break in and torture him like you used to do? Is that how you ended up in front of a Senate subcommittee?
Larry: [after Jack stands up] oh, is this how it starts? You get in my face, tighten your jaw, and if I say something you don't like, you slam me against a wall?
Jack: You have no idea on what I do: the last time I checked, you subpoenaed me. You want my help? You want my advice? Take it. You don't? Don't, I don't care
Renee: [Walks up to them, to Jack] you said you used to work with this man Schector, how well does he know you?
Jack: [to Renee] he "knows" me
Renee: [to Larry, implying she wants to talk to him in private] can I talk to you for a second?

Sean: [after surprising her from behind as she works in a computer room] what're you doing? What's the matter?
Janis: [Before running over to pick up the phone] just stay where you are
Sean: [Presses down on the receiver of the phone Janis grabbed] stop it: would you just talk to me?
Janis: I know you've been helping Tony Almeida
Sean: What? Are you crazy?
Janis: No, you broke into the FAA database with your server ID
Sean: Yeah, that's my server ID. You want to know why I was in there? I'll tell you, I was worried, my wife is on one of those planes up there. I had to see if her flight had been grounded yet
Janis: You expect me to believe that? Why are you sneaking around?
Sean: Because of the Level four lockdown: it cut me out of the database, I couldn't monitor her flight. Look, see for yourself
Sean: [while typing on the board] Flight 112 out of Las Vegas: Christina Hillinger
Janis: [When seeing his wife's name on the monitor, realizing he was telling the truth, irritated] you scared the hell out of me. Why the hell didn't you just tell me that?
Sean: Because what I was doing borderline illegal, I didn't want to get you in trouble. Plus it looked like you had enough on your plate
Janis: Damn it, I told Renee I found a security "leak"
Sean: Is that what what's going on around here? A security "leak?"
Janis: Don't worry about it, go back to your station, keep this to yourself, and I will clean up your mess. Go

Erika: [talking privately in the bathroom] What is it? What's wrong?
Sean: Just listen to me and try not to overreact ok? We have a situation but I think I have a way to handle it
Erika: What situation? You told me you had everything under control?
Sean: I do... but they have Dubaku's database
Erika: What? Our names are on that list: you told me you were taking care of this and now you're telling me they have our names?
Sean: No, they don't have our names yet, ok? So here's the plan...
Erika: [interrupts him] no we have to get out of here right now, I'm not going to jail, do you hear me?
Sean: No one is going to jail, I promise you
Erika: No, I'm sick of your promises, you promised me that this is all taken care of, you promised me you're leaving your wife? You make all these promises but you never...
Sean: [interrupts her] stop talking and just listen to me. Now I told you I have a way out of this but I need your help. Do you understand that? Now listen, ok? As soon as O'Brian downloads those files, we're going to crash the system: every single server on this floor
Erika: That's crazy
Erika: No, it's not crazy. We're going to go up to the mainframe room, initiate a system wide reformat, we'll wipe everything clean and they won't be able to stop it ok? We have to bypass a lot of safety protocols ok? But nobody's better dealing with those servers than you are. Isn't that true? I need your help
Sean: [seductively] I can't do this without you
Erika: Ok, we're going to have to tie the main servers together, I'll need an AVR motherboard but you're going to have to reconfigure it for a macro uplink
Sean: Ok, we have to hurry: the drive's going to be here any minute. Go up to the mainframe room and get started on it, I'm going to prep the motherboard and I'll meet you up there