The Best Ryan Burnett Quotes

Ryan: [Meeting privately, slides the document across the table inside an envelope] passports and travel itinerary: Hawker Siddeley 748 is fueling at Taft Airfield. Get ready to fly within a half hour, we'll get you to the Cayman Islands. You shouldn't have any trouble getting to Belize from there
Colonel: I need a car to get to the airfield, and a driver
Ryan: I assumed you had your own transportation?
Colonel: It's not for me
Ryan: I see
Ryan: [Referring to Marika] for the girl, I'm not sure I can find someone I trust on such short notice
Colonel: [Noticing one of Burnett's men] really? What about your man at the bar?
Ryan: Excuse me?
Colonel: Or one of the two men on the balcony watching us now? Or the two in the black town car waiting for me to leave? You think I'm a fool? I know you people see me as a "liability" now
Ryan: These men are here to guarantee your safety: not threaten it
Colonel: [Amused] "guarantee my safety", how nice, you say it with such "sincerity"
Colonel: [Leans forward on the table] I want you to take this message back with you: if anything should happen to me on my way out of the country, an "accident", an assassination attempt, anything, the plane you were so generous to arrange "decides" to explode, the data file with all the names, the bank transactions of all those involved will be sent to the Justice Department
Ryan: That is completely unnecessary
Colonel: Same holds true to Marika Donoso. I swear to you she knows nothing of this: she's no threat to you. Make sure your driver knows this before he bring her to me. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Colonel: [after Burnett is silent, sternly] I want you to tell me you understand what I'm saying to you so there's no "mistakes"
Ryan: I understand
Colonel: [Before leaning back in his chair] good, the one thing I have learned to be in the company of mercenaries is that ultimately they care about nothing but their own survival

Jack: [Interrogating him while Burnett is treated in the hospital as Moss watches and listens from a monitor] wake up, remember me?
Ryan: [Surprised to see him] oh my God, what the hell are you doing here?
Jack: I've just come from the White House: Juma's attack failed. His dead, so are his men. A lot of innocent people died today, good people, including a friend of mine: Bill Buchanan, you might've met him
Ryan: [Nervously] you stay the hell away from me. I want to talk to a lawyer right now. Do you hear me? I want to talk to a lawyer, somebody get me the hell out of here
Jack: You're not going anywhere, it's just you and me pal. You really think you were going to get away with it?
Ryan: Somebody please help me
Jack: You're wasting your breath, nobody's coming for you

Jack: [while torturing him with a stun gun] I can pull the trigger a hundred and twenty eight more times before this battery dies
Ryan: I'm telling you, I don't know anything about this attack
Jack: Stop lying to me
Ryan: I'm not lying
Jack: What's the target?
Ryan: I can't tell you what I don't know
Jack: You are a traitor to your country and a terrorist
Ryan: I'm not, I love my country
Jack: [after pressing the trigger of the stun gun] that was twelve hundred volts of current. Now when I eject this cartridge, I access the drive stun mode: upping the voltage forty times, directly administered, all you need to do is talk to me. It's really simple: just tell me what the target is and this will all be over
Ryan: I promise I have no idea what you're talking about
Jack: This is your last chance
Ryan: If I knew, I would tell you, I swear. What do you want me to say? Just tell me what to say, I'll say it
Jack: [after electrifying his knee] don't you even try to play that game with me. I've been doing this a long time and I can tell the difference especially when a man is under duress. If his got information I need or his just wasting my time and I promise you, I am not wasting my time. The next volt is going to be in your throat: anything above your neck runs the risk of a complete neuromuscular shutdown, which means you run the risk of being paralyzed
Ryan: [Crying] no, please
Jack: You built the entire federal case against me, you of all people should know how far I am willing to go to stop this attack from happening. So I'm going to ask you one last time...
Jack: [shouts] where is the target?

Colonel: [Over the phone] it's me, have you made the preparations?
Ryan: Almost, it's been tricky clearing a flight corridor ever since FAA still has most private and commercial aircrafts grounded
Colonel: I think you'll manage: the arrangements are two passengers
Ryan: Just as you requested, you sure you want to leave now Colonel? I can't "imagine" General will be "pleased" to learn that your abandoning your mission
Colonel: The mission is over, I've done what I can. If that is not enough for Juma, then the hell with him
Ryan: I've got your passports and itinerary already in hand: we'll meet in our usual spot in half an hour, I'll bring them
Colonel: No, we'll meet in the lobby of the Roosevelt Continental Hotel
Ryan: That's not a good idea, it'll be crowded there this time
Colonel: I know, I want to make it earlier. I'll see you in fifteen minutes
Ryan: Alright

Ryan: [Over the phone] yes?
Sean: Hey, I took care of Bauer and Walker, their "pinned down"
Ryan: Why am I being brought in on this so last minute?
Sean: Moss is running this OP on he's own: it took me some time to tap in on his phone line. His on with Metro right now
Ryan: Can you at least disable the tracking signal his using to follow the girl?
Sean: No, not from my console but judging from the frequency, their using her cell as the tracker
Ryan: Alright, good work
Sean: You told me once Dubaku served his purpose, you'd take him out: why are we still helping him?
Ryan: He said he'd expose us using the names and accounts of everyone involved
Sean: Including mine?
Ryan: [Before hanging up] I mean "everyone." We don't know where the file is, you'd better just "pray" he gets away

Jack: Mr. Burnett, you will be charged with treason: under Title 18 Section 2381 of the United States code: giving aid and comfort to the enemy and directly causing the deaths of American citizens. Do you understand?
Jack: [after he remains silent] surely you have something to say for yourself?
Ryan: I demand my right to counsel
Jack: [Moves closer towards him] you'll have your counsel Mr. Burnett but first you're going to tell me everything you know
Ryan: Not in this lifetime
Jack: [Sternly] what did you say?
Ryan: I said "Not in this lifetime"
Jack: [Before walking away from him] don't be so quick to make up your mind Mr. Burnett
Ryan: [to Burnett] in exchange for information which stops or "significantly" mitigates this attack, the President's prepared to grant you full immunity from prosecution
Ryan: [Amused] I'm sorry, I can't help you
Ryan: If you or your family is being threatened in any way, do you realize what the President is offering you?
Jack: [Walks back to Burnett] treason is a capital offense Mr. Burnett. If you don't cooperate with us right now, I will make it my personal mission to see that you pay the ultimate price for your crimes, I won't condone torture, but in your case, I will have no problem with the death penalty
Ryan: Where's my lawyer?