The Best Colonel Iké Dubaku Quotes

Colonel: [Confronting her, after discovering she's working for the FBI to capture him] I trusted you, how could you do this to me?
Marika: The FBI told me who you really are: the terrible things you've done
Colonel: And you believed them? They showed you "lies" created by my enemies. You don't know me and you don't know my country, I brought peace to Sangala. When I heard what you've done, it felt like a dagger through my heart. I'm a forgiving man, I still want you to come with me. I want to give you the life I promised
Marika: I can't... go with you, I don't know who you are
Colonel: You do. If you look past your fear, you'll see that I am still the man you fell in love with. I won't leave without you
Marika: Alright

Ethan: [Hands her a folder at her desk inside the Oval Office] the latest report from the NSA, I can summarize it for you?
President: Go ahead
Ethan: They had no luck in "localizing" the firewall breach: Dubaku's attack could hit anywhere
President: What about the FBI?
Ethan: They've dedicated every available to the manhunt for Matobo, their no closer in finding him. We're at a "dead end", you need to order the pull back, and you need to order it now
Tim: [Walking towards her desk] I've just been forwarded a "scrambled" call: it's Colonel Dubaku, his demanding to speak with you
President: [after thinking it over then Tim places the phone on her desk and turns on the speaker] I'll take it
President: This is President Taylor
Colonel: Madam President, I am disappointed that you haven't taken my demands seriously. Your forces are still in position in my country
President: Colonel Dubaku, I assure you we've had very serious discussions regarding your demands
Colonel: The time for discussions is over: the deadline for your forces to withdraw has passed. Go to the window and look towards the southwest

Ryan: [Meeting privately, slides the document across the table inside an envelope] passports and travel itinerary: Hawker Siddeley 748 is fueling at Taft Airfield. Get ready to fly within a half hour, we'll get you to the Cayman Islands. You shouldn't have any trouble getting to Belize from there
Colonel: I need a car to get to the airfield, and a driver
Ryan: I assumed you had your own transportation?
Colonel: It's not for me
Ryan: I see
Ryan: [Referring to Marika] for the girl, I'm not sure I can find someone I trust on such short notice
Colonel: [Noticing one of Burnett's men] really? What about your man at the bar?
Ryan: Excuse me?
Colonel: Or one of the two men on the balcony watching us now? Or the two in the black town car waiting for me to leave? You think I'm a fool? I know you people see me as a "liability" now
Ryan: These men are here to guarantee your safety: not threaten it
Colonel: [Amused] "guarantee my safety", how nice, you say it with such "sincerity"
Colonel: [Leans forward on the table] I want you to take this message back with you: if anything should happen to me on my way out of the country, an "accident", an assassination attempt, anything, the plane you were so generous to arrange "decides" to explode, the data file with all the names, the bank transactions of all those involved will be sent to the Justice Department
Ryan: That is completely unnecessary
Colonel: Same holds true to Marika Donoso. I swear to you she knows nothing of this: she's no threat to you. Make sure your driver knows this before he bring her to me. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Colonel: [after Burnett is silent, sternly] I want you to tell me you understand what I'm saying to you so there's no "mistakes"
Ryan: I understand
Colonel: [Before leaning back in his chair] good, the one thing I have learned to be in the company of mercenaries is that ultimately they care about nothing but their own survival

President: [Over the speakerphone, as Jack, Bill, and Renee stand close by] this is President Taylor
Colonel: I'll come straight to the point madam President, I have your husband: let me demonstrate
Colonel: [to Henry as he holds the phone near his face] say something
Henry: Alison...
President: [Nervously] Henry, are you alright?
Henry: I'm fine, I'm sorry about this. For God's sake, don't let them "use" me to influence you in any way
Colonel: [after taking the phone away from Henry] my demands are as follows: you will have your forces withdraw from around my country of Sangala immediately and permanently. Also, Matobo must be delivered to my men who will be stationed at the east lot of Stanswick Power Plant. If his not there by 4 o'clock, or if anybody attempts to follow my men when they leave the plant, your husband will die a slow and sudden death
President: [Angrily] you wouldn't dare
Colonel: [to his henchmen, referring to Henry] cut off his finger

Colonel: [Over the phone] it's me, have you made the preparations?
Ryan: Almost, it's been tricky clearing a flight corridor ever since FAA still has most private and commercial aircrafts grounded
Colonel: I think you'll manage: the arrangements are two passengers
Ryan: Just as you requested, you sure you want to leave now Colonel? I can't "imagine" General will be "pleased" to learn that your abandoning your mission
Colonel: The mission is over, I've done what I can. If that is not enough for Juma, then the hell with him
Ryan: I've got your passports and itinerary already in hand: we'll meet in our usual spot in half an hour, I'll bring them
Colonel: No, we'll meet in the lobby of the Roosevelt Continental Hotel
Ryan: That's not a good idea, it'll be crowded there this time
Colonel: I know, I want to make it earlier. I'll see you in fifteen minutes
Ryan: Alright

Colonel: [Pleased to see him] do you remember the last chance we saw each other? It was a steak dinner at your residence: we shared an excellent bottle of wine. I offered my hand in "friendship" and you slapped it away
Ule: You gave me an ultimatum: to be a puppet for your military
Colonel: You could have a long and prosperous career as Prime Minister but now you're going back to Sangala as a traitor to your people
Ule: I am the Prime Minister, I was elected by the people. It's you and Juma who are the traitors
Colonel: [Walks closer to him] no, we both brought "order" to Sangala, when you are trying to destroy everything we have built. You will be taken back to Sangala, and you will give General Juma the names of all your fellow traitors
Ule: I will never do that: never
Colonel: Believe me, you will

Colonel: [Over the phone, as Jack and Renee listen in] are you alright?
Marika: Yes
Colonel: What took you so long to answer the phone?
Marika: I was in the bedroom packing: where are you?
Colonel: What's wrong? You sound strange
Marika: It was Rosa, she caught me packing and we argued
Colonel: Is she going to be a problem for us?
Marika: No, I'm sorry I had to tell her everything. It was the way... but she understands now
Colonel: Are you certain?
Marika: Yeah, she's fine now that she knows that she and I will be together in a few days
Colonel: Thank God she has an angel for a sister, are you ready to go?
Marika: Almost
Colonel: Hurry up then, I sent a car for you: it should be there shortly, go downstairs and wait for it
Marika: Where's it taking me?
Colonel: Don't worry, the driver will know. I just want the woman I love to go downstairs as quick as possible

Colonel: [Over the phone] if you're looking for Marika, she's not with me
Rosa: I'm looking for you "Samuel", or whatever your "real" name is
Colonel: What're you talking about?
Rosa: My sister maybe naïve but I'm not. I checked with someone I know at Immigration Services and no one named "Samuel Aboa" immigrated from Sangala in the last year or in the last fifteen years
Colonel: Well, obviously their making a "mistake"
Rosa: You're making a "mistake." Now I don't know who you really are and I don't care. I just want you out of my sister's life
Colonel: Does Marika know about this?
Rosa: No, not yet and I'm willing to keep it that way
Colonel: So you've not reported to me to anyone?
Rosa: No, I don't want Marika to know anything about this
Colonel: What do you want?
Rosa: [Before hanging up] break up with her and "this" stays between us: you just end it tonight and we won't have a "problem"

Marika: [Showing up at her job unannounced] what're you doing here?
Colonel: We need to talk
Marika: [after looking at her watch] I get a break in twenty minutes
Colonel: [Insistently] no, now
Marika: What is it? You're scaring me
Colonel: Something's come up, I need to leave the country
Marika: What? When?
Colonel: Right away
Marika: I don't understand: when are you coming back?
Colonel: Listen to me I haven't "entirely" honest with you, my passport and visa expired months ago and I've been in the country illegally. I'm afraid the Immigration people have caught up to me
Marika: It was my sister wasn't it? She reported you didn't she?
Colonel: That doesn't matter now, what is important is that I have to leave country tonight, I want you to come with me
Marika: Tonight?
Colonel: We've talked about this: that one day I will take you away from here and give you the life you deserve
Marika: I want that too but not tonight, not so soon
Colonel: [Angrily] I don't have time to argue with you
Colonel: [after seeing her become scared] I'm sorry
Marika: I can't leave Rosa, I'm the only one she has to take care of her, and you know that
Colonel: I know, which is why she's going to join us
Marika: Join us?
Colonel: As soon as possible, I could only arrange tickets for us tonight but I want you to promise that you'll not tell your sister of our plans: at least not yet
Marika: I have to, I can't just run off
Colonel: No, she might cause trouble for us. It'll make it impossible for us to leave. I promise you, your sister will join us in a couple days of our arrival ok?
Marika: Alright, where?
Colonel: Belize, I have shown you the photographs of my home there. Do you love me?
Marika: You know I do
Colonel: Then trust me: say you'll come
Marika: I'll get my things
Colonel: Now I still need to finalize our arrangements. I want you to go home, pack, and wait for my call
Marika: Alright

President: Where's Almeida now?
Ethan: His in transit to FBI headquarters: he'll be formally interrogated there
President: I don't understand: Almeida was orchestrating these attacks. If he doesn't have the CIP device, who does?
Ethan: The FBI has learned Almeida "handed off" the device to somebody else, they don't know who
Joe: [after entering the room, to Taylor] I may have the answer to that question
President: I'm listening
Joe: Almeida's working for the Jima regime. Approximately five minutes ago, an audio message routed to the state department's subnet: it's from Colonel Iké Dubaku, his Juma's right hand man. His known as the "Butcher of Sangala", over three hundred thousand people were murdered
President: I know who he is: what did the message say?
Joe: [Before playing the message for her] I think you should hear it for yourself
Colonel: "President Taylor, this is Colonel Iké Dubaku as you have no doubt confirmed, the near collusion at JFK at international airport was "no accident." We have the CIP device, we have the capability to kill tens of thousands of Americans and we are prepared to do so. We demand the complete and immediate withdrawal of the US naval strike by this time tomorrow. In order to meet this timeline, we require satellite confirmation within three hours, don't sacrifice your fellow countrymen and madam President, allow the people of Sangala to determine their own destiny, stand your forces down"
Joe: Voice print is an eight nine percent match: it's Dubaku, there's no doubt
Ethan: Looks like your "suspicions" were correct madam President, this is about Africa
President: My God, Dubaku should've been tried for war crimes years ago. Now his giving us ultimatums, we cannot let this monster hold this country hostage. Where do we stand on the planes?
Ethan: There are still twenty five hundreds planes in the air
President: We have got to "shore up" the firewalls so the CIP device will be rendered useless
Tim: We now think we could engineer the code in six days
President: Six days? We don't have the "luxury" of six hours
Tim: I'm sorry madam President but there's no way we could rebuild the firewall in that timeframe
President: I want you to "instigate" a series of orders: keep it to first responders only. I want people to be ready in case we are attacked again but we don't want to start a panic. And gentlemen, Almeida is our only lead, make sure the FBI is aware of the demand, they need to "work" Almeida from the Africa side, and they need to know we don't have a lot of time

Marika: I was on my way to work so I thought I'd stop in to see you, I tried calling you earlier
Colonel: I'm sorry, I've been busy
Marika: Are you alright? You look exhausted
Colonel: It's just been a long day
Marika: Well, I hope you're still coming over for dinner, I'm making lasagna and my sister promises not give me anymore dirty looks. You haven't forgotten? Have you?
Colonel: No, I just have some business to attend to
Marika: Every time you come into the diner, you're always on the phone
Colonel: I have to, so one day I can finally take you away from that awful place you work
Marika: We met in that "awful" place, don't forget that

Colonel: [Over the phone] hey, I thought you'd be at work? What are you doing home?
Marika: I was, Rosa called me at the diner: she was having one of her "episodes"
Colonel: You know your sister is just manipulating you. You don't have to go to her every time she calls
Marika: I'm all she has, be kind
Colonel: Your "kind" enough for both of us
Marika: I just wanted to make sure your still coming to dinner tonight?
Colonel: Look, I'm really sorry but I can't. I'm looking at a stack of shipping manifests
Marika: Oh no, is there some way? We can do it as late as you want?
Colonel: I wish I could, I'm really sorry, I wish there was. I'll make it up to you ok?
Marika: Ok, I'll just make extra in case you change your mind
Colonel: You're too good to me
Marika: [Before hanging up] your right

Henry: [after being kidnapped] you son of a bitch: you're the one behind my son's death
Colonel: He was poking his nose where it doesn't belong
Henry: You'll never get away with this, you know that, everyone in this city will be looking for me
Colonel: You should be "concerned" with just one question: does your wife love you enough to call off the invasion of my country? For your sake, I hope the answer is "yes"